Entrepreneurial Minds

To Pursue Your Dreams: Exploring The Landscape of Balance With Ximena Miro Quesada

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 19

On this episode we have Ximena Miro Quesada, a business consultant and health coach in Lima, Peru. As a holistic health coach, her priority is helping her clients find a balance to pursue their dreams. Ximena also uses her experience to help other entrepreneurs start their own business across multiple industries. Join us for a conversation about what the first steps of getting your business started, health/wellness, putting in the work to being happy and more!

Disclaimer: This is an in-person interview which was recorded in February 2020, prior to COVID19 shutdowns in South America. You’ll notice we preface when an episode has been recorded post the start of COVID19 in a given region. We do this because we are sensitive to the fact that the types of conversations we are having have changed. We hope you enjoy these stories.

spk_0:   0:02
welcome to entrepreneurial mines. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which was too greedy. Businesses from scratch. We'll dive into what drives them, what stops them and wouldn't spy or something in order to identify. Are there common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents? Here's your next episode. Human Amirault Gasana.

spk_1:   0:33
So good to be here with

spk_0:   0:34
you in Lima. Humanize a business consultant and a health coach here in Peru as a holistic health coach. Her priorities. Helping her clients find a balance to pursue their dreams. Human also uses her experience to help other entrepreneurs start their own businesses across multiple industries. That human allow. You must be so busy.

spk_1:   0:57
Hi. Yeah, so glad to be here. So so

spk_0:   1:01
thio you to learn more about your business and what it's like to run a business here in Lima. So just to get started before we jump into you and the logistics of your business and how you started it all, I'm really curious about the landscape for entrepreneurs here in Lima. What is that like now for business owners, coaches, consultants and start ups.

spk_1:   1:26
Well, actually, the focus off startups is something that is becoming trendy here than it used to be. People are more courageous than what they used to be, and they are fighting for their dreams, are trying to make their businesses realities more than they used to. These may be because the world is changing Charlie Mice changing toe. But since it is something new, most people have the ideas, but they're not really sure where to start. And that's how I can help them as a business coat.

spk_0:   2:08
Amazing. And so for entrepreneurs and and all of like you mentioned, the world is changing. So obviously the landscape here is changing, too. What kind of conversations are there out there? What kind of resource is are out there in terms of networks that connect entrepreneurs? How did people like? How does this spread of startups happened here?

spk_1:   2:33
Well, it started with a big corporations that were helping young entrepreneurs or new entrepreneurs with their new businesses, and now it is actually something that you see more off the networking, and the helping out is something that is just starting to configure eight. And it is something with which I had to deal with 10 years ago when I started my own business, called a PT Lima, which waas a company that did short term rental apartment. Basically, for executives, it was a B to B business and totally all there. If you wanted to rent an apartment, you had to do it online. Yeah, and the only marketing we had were the pictures of the apartment short. So I learned basically by trial and error, because it was totally new right at the time. And that helped me a lot because although I didn't study for that, when you learn by trial and error, you understand who I think Stolt work? Yeah, Why, thanks do work. Yeah, So after that experience, it was a very good business. We had lots of apartments. We worked with the main international companies in different industries here in Peru, on the main relocation companies from the United States trusted us with their executives and learning to gain that confident from your users basically online, without meeting a person face to face via, was one of the biggest challenges because they were gonna put their put their top executives in this apartment sketch and they have to trust us that what they saw on the Internet waas what they really were gonna get short. They were not just pictures. And then they're gonna get hearing it wasn't true. So learning how to be that confidence from are you, sirs, and from our clients less the main goal. And it worked really well. And that experience building that business is what I'm bringing now to my new business, which is helping others make their dreams come true on their businesses come true. Sure, especially helping them with what is called content marketing and working with social media short and the resources we have at hand, which do not necessarily have the highest price range. Sure and so So

spk_0:   5:42
that's really interesting, because again, like we mentioned right now, there's a lot more start ups, and that trend continues to grow every year. But when you started and you became an entrepreneur with that business, there was a lot less content out there. There was a lot less support there. Probably a lot lis Consultants like yourself helping people get started. What do you think about, you know, in terms of your personality and who you are, like, what made you at that time? That was much riskier. And he had to do a lot of trial and error. Take that risk and starting your own business.

spk_1:   6:21
Well, it wa ce basically what I had attend. I had an apartment, okay? And I wanted to rent it. Yes, and with less trendy at that moment, Waas staying in apartments can not staying in hotels. I had just gotten married. I had small kids. So at that moment, I wanted to do something I could from home and be my own boss. Sure. So that makes it a little bit harder. Because you are the one that has to put your goals. Yeah, and do what you have to do. There's no one behind you pushing your shop thunder and help push yourself. Yeah, and I guess that's what I see is the main obstacle between entrepreneurs that actually start their business is short on the many people that have a good ideas, but never put them into action. It's How are you gonna Matti make yourself okay to get things done? Because being an entrepreneur is hard and it's much riskier. Maybe then knowing that you're gonna get a paycheck at the end of the month.

spk_0:   7:44
And so what do you use to keep yourself motivated? How? How do you get past that?

spk_1:   7:52
Well, now that I've started this new big snakes, Yeah, I have set goals, which I really hope that can make come true. For example, one of my goals is that I would like to be able to do certain things in my life to give my kids certain opportunities. And I guess that's something that it would be really nice is to be a good example for my kids, so that when they grow up, they know that with hard work, you can get things done and make your dreams come true. Yeah, make anything come true? Yeah, absolutely. One of the things that

spk_0:   8:38
you were saying, you know, something like this in terms of setting goals. You know, we hear that a lot like when you and the tie into your family said that you have the Y, and then you also have goals that you're setting for yourself that you're looking to achieve. How often do you set goals for yourself? But I think this is top of lying because it's, you know, it's the start of the New Year. And of course, we all have, like, okay, January 1st, like that's, you know, like I think, like matches his business interests against humans, you know, like we use that as like a big day for gold setting. But I do know that a lot of successful entrepreneurs they check in with themselves with their business with their business partners more frequently than that, in order, Thio be able to succeed. So just curious in the world of gold setting

spk_1:   9:32
well, in the world of setting, I can tell you that I said my New Year's goals in October. Okay, so I start before New Year. I the kind of person that likes to get things ready And when the moment, Cox said, they have to really be sure that my goal is gonna be met. Yeah, everything's ready for that, because in order to be successful and in orderto reach your goals, it's a lot of hard work. I see a lot of people or hear a lot of people that say, Oh, but I can't believe it. Do you have so many plans? A. You did it was so sudden. But nothing said ensure you have to really work for that. So that means a lot of sacrifice, huh? It means that you have to make time for your goals on. You have to put your priorities straight. So in terms of gold making, I would say I have my long term goals. I have my mid term goals and my short term goals. And if I would have to get more specific, I could tell you that every day I set my goals for the day and I let the night before I like. Okay, what am I gonna get down tomorrow? And that's what I do. I focus on that and get it done. Uh

spk_0:   11:05
huh. I that's so impressive. And, you know, that's obviously, like, so consistent. Do you use any particular like system for that, or is that just like, Do you write it down? Is it just something that you think through?

spk_1:   11:19
Well, yeah. I have a habit about writing down in my notes. Okay. In my cell phone. What I have to do the next day and the three main things I have to get done are the things I get then because the main problem is when you don't know what you have to get done. You feel your day up with things that are not important.

spk_0:   11:46
Just keep moving, just to give you

spk_1:   11:48
just keep doing something. So I do that every night, nothing. Know what I have to get done. And then regarding the longer term goals I let every month when it's January 30th when February's ending, I'm like, Okay, what I'm I going toe next month? What are my goals? And something I've noticed is that when you know what your goals are, you do everything you can to reach your goals. Yeah, but if you don't know, what do you want, then you're just all over the place, sure, doing things that are not necessarily helping you be where you want to be.

spk_0:   12:34
Sure, absolutely. And I think that's so important in terms of having the goals and then staying on top of them consistently again. It's top of mind because it's the beginning of the year and we see okay, the gym's air full of people and even for us as a virtual assistant service like December 31st January 1st. It's such an uptick of people getting started. And then by March April, I just you know, it goes down because it it seems to be a priority. You know all of these things, making more time, becoming more organized, working out, eating well. And I'm sure, you know, in health Smith's, that's probably, you know, obviously it's the same, but that it's it might be. The fact of not revisiting those goals frequently is what causes the drop off for most of us when it comes later down in the year.

spk_1:   13:31
Yeah, right. For example, as a health coach, I noticed that lots of people and they come to talk to me, my clients, they can start exercising. I'm gonna start doing this and then they come back for the next meeting and they're like, I'm sorry like I didn't start. I didn't do it. So one of the things I thought would be interesting in Peru. It's summer in January. No, it's the other way on the States. So I started a program called Summer Bikes Okay, and I started it for two months since October 15 to December 15? And the idea waas. Why wait for New Year's lend your resolution and what we did last week, I walked with a group of women three times a week. We walked seven kilometers up, and then we did Gratitude Journal. E had meditated for 15 minutes each day. Yeah, and it was sort of an experiment to see if maybe we could change something in their habits. And it really worked, because when they reached nuclear, they were already happier than what they were. And I guess now thinking about it that I'm telling you about it, that when you start something, it's nice to already have some credit on your side. Yes, I guess that's what helps mean Start thinks Yeah, because when I start officially, I already started. Yeah. I don't know if that makes Yes, but it worked for these people. I was walking with Andi. They had lots of fun. I had lots of fun, and it was a nice way off getting them to exercise.

spk_0:   15:35
Yes, I think that's brilliant. And, um, it's such a nice way to set up your clients for success because again, that that arbitrary. But this You know that the time of the year where we you know where It's kind of like, Well, it's a nice thing the New Year because way agree in the whole world that this is This is Day One, and that's amazing. And I think that that's really helpful on. And then, you know, I think that working with someone like yourself is that's for, you know, for clients that maybe have been struggling with their wellness journey like, yeah, January 1. We're all motivated because it's an agreement between everybody that it's day one. But when you have a coach into something and that you've been struggling with, they can remind him it's day one again, like it's day one, like every day's end your day like you can, you know, keep resetting those goals. And I think the accountability of a coach is something that's that's really interesting. Do you find that there are certain kind of people that take to coaching better than others, like in terms of personality

spk_1:   16:47
type? Well, they're people that are more motivated than others. Yeah, that it's true. But I guess the most important thing when working with a client is to understand what makes them be happy, what their dreams are trying to understand what is motivating them to do something? Do something on Dhe as a health coach, although business coaching you would think it's totally different because it is business. And in Central Preneurs, actually, as a health coach, we try to help people find balance. Showing their lives and balance is not attained on Lee with nutrition with eating carbs or eating brought ends. No balance is achieved with many things and one of the main concerns my clients had, where their finances, where they were professionally and their education. Sure so working that out, it's actually held coaching, too, because if you're happy and you're reaching your goals and you have made your ideas come true, then you're gonna make better choices because a person who's feeling full field will take care of herself or himself better than someone who is sad or depressed or frustrated with other things in their life. It's like when you were stressed out or you don't like your work, you will probably get home and eat a lot of ice cream or sugary stuff, or maybe stuff that just doesn't the good to you. Yeah, but if you're happy and you feel that you've had a very fulfilling day on that. You've achieved many things and you've been congratulated. Then you're gonna make a better choice because you're feeling different. So that's how I think. A late sure, being a health coach with being a business coach. Because actually, both things are helping people feel better with themselves and be in balance in their lifes to make better

spk_0:   19:14
choices. And how do you think you know, for someone who you know, the reason I ask about like the personality types is because, at least for me, I feel like I'm very coachable. I enjoy coat like I enjoy being coached. I enjoy having a team of people on my side of the way that I look at. It is there are certain goals that I definitely know. I could reach myself right, like, I know that if I set my mind to it, I will get it done. But with certain professionals on my side, I just know it's gonna get done faster. I know that when I have that accountability, it is going to get done. It just going to happen, especially with and for me. It's always been important to find the right professionals because especially right now they're such an abundance off coaches and programs. And you have to really take care of who you entrust with your goals. Goodbye is very important.

spk_1:   20:18
Do you have

spk_0:   20:18
any advice? You know, in terms of people who are looking Thio to pick a wellness coach for themselves or business coach for themselves, how did they go about finding the right person that's gonna work for them?

spk_1:   20:35
Well, I guess that the main thing is that if you choose a coach, for whatever reason, electrical health coach, business girls, the main thing it said you have to know that you were gonna have to do the work. So the main problem, I think, come dirt. He said people feel that if they have a coach, things were gonna magically work out, huh? And that it's not true. That doesn't happen. If you wanna be fit, you have to work out. You have to do your exercising to sleep Well, we have to bid. Well, it's your job. Your coach is not gonna be next to you all day long. Sure. And if you want to make your business grow, you're gonna have to work on it. There's no miracles and there's no magic pill that is gonna get things done. So the main obstacle I find or the main personality type I find that he's hard to work with. Are those people there that come on, They're like, Oh, please tell me what I have to do to you. Lt's £5 or I want to have 10,000 followers on Instagram. Just do it. No, there's no work behind this, and once you understand everything you do means you have to work for it. Then you could get things done. In my perspective, being happy is also work. Yeah, you have to work every day towards being happy. Happy is not a continue sure, and you're just not happy to be happy. You have to be grateful, for example, for the things you have. You have to notice what is important. You have to learn how to appreciate good moments, and you have to learn how to give love and how to receive left. So everything in life it's work. I guess that's the wing obstacle I find with me. Coach. He's sure and so something that

spk_0:   22:54
you said furry was interesting in terms of, you know, being happy that takes work on. And I agree with you on that. I'm always curious about people who are in coaching positions where they're helping others maintained that work on their happiness or people who are therapists kind of in that kind of a rule with clients. What happens on your off days, Like, you know, if you're having a bad day, like if you're not, you know, they're that optimal happiness level. How do you continue to translate that for your clients?

spk_1:   23:31
Well, what I do know, I studied health coaching in the Institute for Integrity Penetration and when I was studying that waas actually going through a hard time. So I was learning all the theory behind being balance than being happy and feeling wholesome. And I am hurting. They're having a hard time. I was so little bit sad difficulties in my personal life. So I started implementing the things I was learning. Sure, because it's not enough knowing and you have to do it. Knowing something isn't half the job. Half the job is starting to do it on. Then the rest of the job is that that thing that you're learning becomes a habit. Yeah. So I started doing that. I even started meditating. I hadn't had an experience meditating on. Now I meditate every day. I started gratitude, journaling. I started eating the friendly, so I ruined my eating habits, and I noticed that things started changing from because once you change, everything around, you changes. Yeah, that your energy pulls a difference. Any energy towards you? Yeah. So what I do is I try to walk. Talk? Yeah, whatever I say or whatever I tell my clients high also do. And when they're having a hard time, I am very open to tell them my own experiences with my hard times. Yeah, and how I struggled or how difficult it was for me and the things I really do. Yeah. To be in balance. And that is what works. I don't know what it would be like to be a coach and not actually be leaving. What am I don't know if the words preaching about what I'm telling others that they should do so I really believe in the things I am saying. And I guess that for me is the most important thing. And that's why I can help others.

spk_0:   26:02
Yes. So do you have any, maybe, like, tips or tricks? Like if you're truly you know, I think we've all been there. If you're having, like, a really just bad day, like you're having, you know, some kind of a mood or you're you know, you're sad or something is happening. And again, in your particular position, you still have to come in and you have to coach a client. Is there anything special that you do just to reset in that moment so that you're able to provide for the client what they need from you?

spk_1:   26:36
Yes, of course. There Times that I've been having a hard time on then communities later I have with a coach E and when they have a really short time, I just started breathing. Yeah, it's amazing. And it sounds like something so obvious we breathe all day. But when you are conscious of how your breathing and then you realize that your stress or the difficulties that think that are overwhelming our actually outside and okay and you're healthy and you have a client thinks your days still going on, you start to ground yourself. Yeah, and when you ground yourself, then your stress level can go down. You can keep on working and you can't achieve things. And once you achieve them, once you're out of your client or once you've finished your meeting on that certification that you feel about being able to like, I don't know, don't let obstacles and stop you. Yeah, it's so big. Yeah. Then, actually, you you don't look back clipped. Overwhelming moment. Yeah, you just think about it. Okay, That's something that happened a few hours or a few minutes ago. But now I'm okay, and I'm still advancing. I'm still walking on still achieve things. And that is maybe now that we're talking something that pushes me to reach my goals Yeah, because it's like if you achieve things, you're good with yourself, and that is gratifying.

spk_0:   28:35
Yeah, that's such a motivation. It's like that thing. Like, if you're having a really bad day like you really like, you're just having a very bad day. You don't know how to get yourself out of it. Like the recommendation. Okay. In the coffee line, just buy coffee for another person behind you, and it's like, that's like, quick thing that you could do something for somebody else. And it's like, you know, very high likelihood that is gonna get you into, uh, a better food. And just to feel like I've been a utility to someone. So that sounds like something that you're describing that you know, going into the session, you have something like the breath work and then but definitely going into it. And I'm completing it and coming out of it feeling like, OK, I've been support to someone. I you know, I I've provided value. That kind of keeps you going. The thing about the breath work, it's like something as you're saying, Like of course, I know about Bradford, but I've even taken courses on breath work. So, like I know the magic of breath work and it's it's so funny because, like, well, we do a lot of recruiting and we d'oh interview people and from time to time, like we'll ask you, How do you handle stress? Like if you're in a stressful situation, how do you handle it? And it's overwhelming the amount of people that say like I breathe like I will take a risk, and I think that if someone was to ask me like, How do you handle stress? Probably. Okay, I will also say I breathe. But in fact, until you said it just now and kind of outlined it in this way, I forgot, Like the beauty of breathing like I maybe I think I say that I that I breathe during stressful times. But in fact, like I don't think I do like I've completely forgotten about how every being really grounds, you know, It's really I mean, of course, right. Like we're just doing it all day long. But it's the thoughtfulness off off, taking a deep breath before, like if you're anxious or if you're nervous, are whatever it is, it's like

spk_1:   30:42
right, and then breathing is also love the basics off meditating. So when you start maybe dating, which is like a breathing exercise, but for longer, sure. Then you are able to have your day work in a different way, too. I especially like the meditations about loving kindness because I think that when you were in a loving kindness yeah, time of feeling our way, then you're actually extending left to yourself. Mother is on the whole world. And that helps you be more compassionate. And when you're more compassionate, you can actually tolerate more things and cope with more difficult things than when you were in another state of mind.

spk_0:   31:40
Yeah, sure, I've heard people say, like with the intention of being loving. If you're cooking while you're feeling loving and you have, like, the intention of just, you know, your peaceful, the food tastes better versus if you are sad that you making the same thing. You're following the same recipe,

spk_1:   31:59
right? There's a book called Like Water for Chocolate. Okay, uh, and it talks about the hell these this person that wants to cook. And when she was mad, she made leg the whole wedding. I think they were on the wedding cry on. When she was happy, she made everyone happy. It's hope she was putting her feelings show what she was cooking. It's magical, really, Cem. How, But it's it's really nice. I think you could find it. That's not really interesting. One thing that you

spk_0:   32:45
mentioned earlier from the very beginning of our conversation that kind of stuck with me is that you mentioned that sometimes it was we were discussing the goal setting and you said, you know, sometimes people, you know, like from the outside like they look in and they say, Well, like you just got this like boom, like magically were lucky or whatever it is is just kind of like happening for you, And it seems like for the person looking from the outside from the outside in, But it's maybe like it's feeling for them, like something unattainable, the kind of life, you know, You're kind of balancing everything. And, you know, I'm not gonna like you're happy. You have the business, You have a family kind of running all of that. And it's like there's something to say about like

spk_1:   33:25
we never know

spk_0:   33:27
you know about other people's lives really coming out from looking from the outside. Just no way to know like your families get relationships like your business is. It's just, you know, it is so totally different. And you mentioned you have kids. How do you you know, in terms of being a an entrepreneur and a mom, how do you How do you balance all of that? It's such a big topic now for for women.

spk_1:   33:52
Well, actually, I think that being a Mom. That's not mean. You can't be a businesswoman. I think that years ago it was looked down on when women wanted to work because they were leaving their house and they were leaving their kids alone. And there were maybe they were gonna have a trauma or something. Now, I can really tell you, my kids, they're so proud of me. They help me, for example, for my course. My goodness. Marketing course. My nine year old daughter told me, Mom, I'm gonna help you make a boat. I don't know. You know what? Your booties. It's like a game, Okay? That all your students how other iPhones They connect to this tribute kind of game. Okay. And they have to answer questions and they have lots of fun. And she made the goat for me. How are there like mom? You have to get into a tic tac. No one's using Instagram anymore. Look, and they actually help me. My things on they. I guess they feel really proud because they're friends. Talk to them about it. And they helped me out. They kill me, Take pictures. Are they? I guess the best way you can do it I'm not saying I'm an expert or everything in my leg is perfect because I guess no one can say that. But what I have done is my kids are part off everything in my life. So I share with them the things I achieve. I also tell them about things that didn't work out, because I think that teaches them to be resilient, huh? And to learn that not everything works well the first time and they participate in everything with me. I think I would say that's a key to making it work out, or I take them to one of my classes so they know where I am because it's different to think, Oh, I don't know where my mommy's. Hey, I'm going to go for I just met someone and I'm gonna get interviewed for parkas and they're like, all that's great. Do one issue something podcast with me and they hear We also now we can imagine where I am now on. Then they tell him about it. So I guess communications with important

spk_0:   36:37
Well, that's something that's just sweet. That's just we'd approach to it, you know, in terms of having your family integrated in this way. And then, of course, you learn from them and they learned from you and your Europe in this way, you're also giving them a gift as well, right? Because they're they're watching you in through Possible says. You know, it's they're taking away the lessons that you're learning through your business, and obviously the world is changing. And when they become entrepreneurs, if they choose to become entrepreneurs or whatever they're doing, they're in their lives and their careers. You know, they're they're learning in this particular way. Said so interesting.

spk_1:   37:18
Yes, And there's a business coach. One of the things that I always still my coaches or the people that worked with is that when you see someone being successful at something, it doesn't mean that that which you are seeing is the first thing they did. Huh? Maybe have had 10 failures? Sure, and this is their success short. But what makes the difference is something Keep trying. Or maybe they learn from something that they didn't work out. I tried another way, Yeah, so that it's one of the messages. I tried to get through it. Try it out. If it doesn't work out try something else. Get to know your audience. Get to know your own kind. You know what they want, what they need to get into their heads, to understand what they are looking for. So that message. But he goes to people I work with. I also tried to tell my kids because that helps you not feel frustrated. Sure, when something doesn't work out,

spk_0:   38:27
Yeah, and it's and it's just an important reminder. In the world of social media work, we constantly see information about other people's lives, whether it's people that we know, where there's people don't know, there's people we aspire to on DSO having that reminder that that it's, you know, it's you don't have all the information, so it's important to focus on your own self. And I think you're competing with your own self, right? So I think that that's something that you can control that if you're starting something, you're working, you know within your within your round, and then your your aspirations to get better and better. But having yourself as as the competition is a framing, that's that's really useful.

spk_1:   39:13
Yes, something that helps out with that, it's to celebrate every legal success. Yeah. Yeah. Everything is celebrated. Double sure. Your first interview, your first new group program, shall break your first picture. I don't know, celebrate everything because everything you're doing is something new. Something you're learning. Yeah, even still afraid when people don't like something. You're doing social media because people always have an opinion. Sure, and usually 50% agree with you and 50% don't. But as long as you're okay and you know what you're doing, then it doesn't matter. And you take things differently instead of feeling I don't know, criticized, disappointed it. You use that so that next time you could do it better or grow or taking into their separation something you hadn't thought about. Short what

spk_0:   40:22
you said about celebrating, you know, even when celebrating the ball went where, like someone disagrees with you. I think that maybe something that said a lot, but it's actually like it's so that's also so valuable in a sense off, especially in the business realm. Off celebrate. If you let's say you pitch to someone, your service is and they chose to go with someone else because the reality that choice that someone is me if you are representing your business in a way that's like, true to how you're going to operate it on and in your introduction or in your pitch, someone says. I went with a different coach, for example. That's amazing that that that's really a celebrated moment because they were able to identify for themselves who is a better like you're not everyone's cup of tea. They were able to identify that because that means that you possibly avoided a negative experience with someone, so they actually someone had the self awareness to go somewhere else is that there's also something I think, that I only the last in the last recent time is when I started to realize when someone says, You know out like your service is not right for us, I don't take it negatively. I take it as I truly like this, like well, how cool that person knew that they were looking for something else, and we didn't have to have any kind of tension

spk_1:   41:51
right in the course off. I always still my students something I learned that I am what she's Every time you talk about your survey says or your products, you have to talk about it passionately. But you have to have this. What they say. Passionate detachment, huh? You have to be passionate about what you're talking about. About what you're telling them. But you have to be touched from the final result yet he because that shows you can tell. Yeah, And why should you be detached about your final result? Because you're actually just sharing what you're passionate about. So if someone decides to work or not work with you, that shouldn't be important. Sure, you should just take a message when someone says So. What are you doing now? It's a great opportunity. You get to talk about what you love. Yeah, that's how you should see it.

spk_0:   42:52
Yeah, I love that. You're gonna thank you so much. This was such a pleasure. I've got so much a positive energy from this conversation and the biggest thing that I'm walking away from with out of this conversation's to remember to

spk_1:   43:06
breathe. That's great. It's really nice to meet you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.

spk_0:   43:13
I'm looking forward to seeing all of the next thing you'll be doing, and we'll definitely keep an eye on you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of Entrepreneurial Minds by chatterbox. Our dedicated and on demand virtual executive assistant team specializes in supporting entrepreneurs and business owners with pretty much any admin task. Go to chatter boss dot com to learn more.