Entrepreneurial Minds

Unlimited Influence: Discussing The Concept of Impostor Syndrome with Nando Rodriguez

ChatterBoss Season 1 Episode 20

#COVID19 Special Coverage: Nando Rodriguez is a Brooklyn-based NLP certified coach who specializes in supporting female entrepreneurs. His career has seen a lot of success stemming from his YouTube content which is dynamic, fun and action-oriented. His YouTube videos are currently top ranking when it comes to the topic of impostor syndrome! His goal is to help female entrepreneurs create unlimited influence, impact, and income. On this episode Nando breaks down why women are particularly vulnerable to experiencing imposter syndrome, the coaching that coaches get, how outsourcing different parts of your business can bring you to the next level and more! 

spk_0:   0:01
welcome to entrepreneurial minds. I'm Valerie Donahue and on this podcast will travel around the world to learn everything that we can about individuals, which was too greedy. Businesses from scratch. We'll

spk_1:   0:15
dive into what drives them. What stops them and wouldn't buy or sell in order to identify are their common factors that unite us as entrepreneurs across continents. Here's your next episode on today's episode We have Nando Rodriguez, Ah, Brooklyn based NLP certified coach who specializes in supporting female entrepreneurs. His career has seen a lot of success stemming from YouTube content, which is dynamic, fun and action oriented. His YouTube videos are actually currently top ranking when it comes to the topic of imposter syndrome, and his goal is to help female entrepreneurs create unlimited influence. In fact, an income. Nando, thank you so much. And welcome.

spk_0:   1:03
Thank you for having me. I'm so excited.

spk_1:   1:07
I'm so excited. Uh, Nando to start, tell us what isn't. What is impossible. What is imposter syndrome, and how do we know if we have it?

spk_0:   1:17
Yeah. So Imposter Syndrome is the easiest way to think about it is if there is something going on inside of you that has you thinking, feeling or acting inside of four different categories. Fray. And so the 1st 1 is I'm a fraud. Like any moment now, someone's gonna figure it out that I'm not the most amazing podcaster that I'm not the best entrepreneur that I don't know what I'm doing. When it comes to managing my team, someone's gonna figure it out. Right? So there's an underlying feeling of fraud. They're gonna find me. How faintness. Um, that's category one. The second kind of glory is when you when people feel that their success is due to luck, Right. So, you know, you made your 1st 10,000 on a boot camp locked or whatever, and you're just like I just lucked out. Have no idea how that happened. Well, it happened because you're hardworking, You create great content. You're an amazing coach. You're amazing entrepreneur. But underneath all of that, there's this feeling of I just looked out. You know, uh, Category three is this feeling under not underlying doom that you avoid recognition or praise. And so it's like, really not allowing acknowledgment to set in, right? You don't even acknowledge it yourself. So it's sort of like, wow, you've been so successful in X Y Z. Give us, um, you know, tell us how you're doing that, and it goes back to like, the fraud team, right? It's like, No, no, no, no, Like, put the spotlight somewhere else. I don't deserve the spotlight. And there's all varying degrees of it, right? It's not. It doesn't always have to be at, like, the extreme 10. You know, they could be this this like, uh, uncomfortable ity accepting acknowledgment, you know, awards recognition, things like that. So you kind of avoid that you'd step. He stepped to the side about it in the open. The fourth category is actually having lack of confidence and anxiety and possibly experience of depression due to the other three categories. So, you know, you might be successful in on top of your field, but there's still this depression there because at any moment it will go away. You don't know how long it's gonna last right? And the thing is, men don't really feel like that, and it affects women a lot more. At least that's what the research shows. But what I want to tell the ladies is the only reason the research shows that because women are willing to be open and authentic and vulnerable around it, men will not. So, of course, the numbers air skewed. So there you have it.

spk_1:   4:16
So that's really interesting. And that was gonna be my next question. Like why you're targeting women and you have already, you know, So you've touched on that. But then given what you're saying, you know? So you're saying that men experience this? We wouldn't know right from research. But you think that, you know men are experiencing it. Just a CZ. Muchas women, possibly even more. We just wouldn't have the numbers to show. It s Oh, if that's the case, is there a reason that you don't target men as well? Or is that you're just trying to, like, say to to a specific niche?

spk_0:   4:49
Yeah, So for me, I've always been If if I look back at my history of just being a human being be being in existence in my lifetime, I've always been influenced by very powerful, strong women, and I've always been like a fan of women and starting from with my mom and starting with, you know, my last couple of Boston's have when I was in corporate America like Strong, you know, just amazing strong women. And so when I started my coaching career, I was like, Oh, I'm a coach and I'm gonna coach everyone. And as I started coaching, more and more women, the clients that were attracted to me just happened to be on to procure women, right? I would. I would coach a guy here and there, but it was women who were really attracted to, like my vibe. What I said before my marketing, my brandy, my tone, you know, and I'm not an easy voting person, right? It's like my clients know I will trigger. I will confront and I will challenge them. And the women just kept coming. And so I did my own work inside of that, and I discovered that it was entrepreneur women when I had the most success in, and I just decided to Josie just niche down and focus on them because I want them to have all the successes that they can imagine. And really, what I've discovered and what they've discovered is the only thing that's in the way his mind set. And so yeah, and that's that's where when I discovered that, that's when I like Imposter syndrome, popped open for me. It

spk_1:   6:39
was, uh

spk_0:   6:39
oh, this has been the re occurring threat. And almost all of my clients is this imposter syndrome. When I look back and myself like, yeah, let me, you know, let me coach on the stuff that I know most off. Yeah,

spk_1:   6:56
you're so good. No, no, because as I have a question, you answer it at the end. It's like it's so interesting because of what I was going to say that you've been a coach for so long and you have so much experience and I know you yourself consume a lot of content of we could touch later on. I know that you're a part of you get coaching and you're a part of coaching programs as well. So just something that's constantly in your space and you're a true professional within this field. And so so that's interesting, like, kind of how you got to it that, like, as you were meeting with with a specific subset of the population, right, like people who have something in common, you started to notice this once once, then popped open for you, and you started to realize that this is a common thread. How did you go about extracting like the princess? Like you do the coaching principles from your mind into an actual program?

spk_0:   7:55
Yeah, that's a really great question. It actually do that. He started before I honed in on, uh, sorry. Hold it. On imposter syndrome, I was already working on a couple of programmes myself. And so when when imposter syndrome opened up for me and for my clients, I was able to really like when you're cooking and you put some chicken on the fire and you add the spices and then you know, some lemon juice on That's what I did with imposter syndrome and posicion him, like, really gave my program. When I was up to do that. Spike's it gave it, like that whole flavor that women were already experiencing success from my coaching programs and having the impostor syndrome just added that new later. That just created even more depth rich, uh, learnings and discovery for them. So, um, so then I didn't really have to redo an entire program. I just got stuff in. Yeah.

spk_1:   9:02
And so, and like another thing that, like I'm so curious about people that do the kind of thing that you do, is as because I know that you have some courses and then you d'oh coaching over video as well. So you're doing it in real time. What kind of kind of what's the frame or her? Like what goes in, like what early the decision? Like, what are the different decisions that you're making as you're speaking to someone like, What are the kind of things that you're assessing or evaluating to know? You know, Does this person fall into, you know, having an imposter syndrome? Or how do you cater your How do you cater the advice and the coaching two in each session?

spk_0:   9:45
Yeah, so it really starts off with that first discovery call and where clients will reach out to me and your potential clients will reach out and say, I'm curious about what you offer, whether I should do a group coaching, whether I should do one of your vote counts or whether I should do a one on one. And so when we jump on those calls, it's really to find out where they're at when they want to go and what they see the obstacles being. And in that conversation when someone is just speaking because I've been in this for so long, I'm able to decipher. And I already see it, like in The Matrix in front of me like that. Oh, yeah, that's this, That a lot. And then, you know, I take my assessment, and I and I re presents them, too. You know, you said this. You said that It sounds like this is the This is the trajectory we would do and for your would recommend a boot camp for Young, I would recommend one on one coaching. And then from there, we just, you know, what are the three themes that you want to accomplish? And after, after you're done, you know? So my one on one coaching program, it's a six month package. So I say, Let's say your end date is April 15th. On April 16 you're standing there and you look back. What would you like to have accomplished one of those three things and a lot of them. Believe it or not, it's the same three things. They want a breakthrough in the entrepreneurship, whether it's you know, more clients, more success, more influence. They want to break through in financial abundance. And believe it or not, they want relationship help, you know, because it's sort of like it's all connected. Because if you're this entrepreneur and you're going at it full time and you you just haven't seen that success or what happens is you know, I do with three types of entrepreneurs don't ones that the first type is the ones that just they had the idea they quit their job and they're ready to go there so new. But they know enough to know that they don't know it also, they'll reach out to me and no one coaching. So help me plan my next step right then I have the ones that, um, that have been in it maybe four years, five years. But they haven't had that financial breakthrough, that financial success, and they're on the verge of giving up. I think I should go back to corporate. And so those are the people that I work with this well, and then the final ones are especially right now. They got laid off and maybe they had a hobby. I like photography. So in survival mode they were like, I'm gonna be a photographer now. But there's a video of you and I both know it's entrepreneurs. There's a difference between choosing you're entrepreneurship and then feeling like this is the only thing you can do right now. So when you jump into entrepreneurship in survival mode, it's so hard to get out of that survival mode mentality so he won't see a lot of abundance financially in, you know, with your influence, your impact or anything like that. So those in the three times of entrepreneurs that I work with is when I'm listening to them, they kind of fall in somewhere. One of the three are kind of in between, so they kind of write their own ticket toe length. How to you know what the coaching experience will be like for them?

spk_1:   13:18
And I'm curious like you have all different kind of people coming and you have them in these three different segments. Has it ever happened that you have an initial conversation or you start coaching someone and again like you're coaching falls under the umbrella of coaching for entrepreneurs? But do you ever identify that someone is not actually an entrepreneur, that that for them, the best path would be to go back. You know, Thio, they would be most happy perhaps doing something else. And how do you identify who's an entrepreneur? It was not.

spk_0:   13:51
Yeah, So that's something that they get to decide, right? That's something that they had to choose. And so I never discourage someone because keep in mind that sometimes when, like, I person believed that if you've got that bug, you've got it, you've got it and you can be that entrepreneur. You just might not have that road map. You just might not have that blueprint and think back to like when you started your journey. No one handed you the blueprint either. So some of us are able to crack it on her own and and formulate it. And some of us just need that help, right? It's like weight loss. Some people just are naturally good at, you know, maintaining their weight. And some of us need freaking personal trainers, Weight watchers, you know, And so But to your question, I don't I think that if someone says I want to give us a shot or you know. I think they have it in them to do it. They just might have its toe walk him through in. I just want to be very clear. I had my coaching. I don't do like business strategy

spk_1:   14:58
story, and

spk_0:   14:59
I don't do like social Media 101 Mine is like the mindset of the entrepreneur, you know?

spk_1:   15:07

spk_0:   15:07
obstacles in your way that you're putting up that air, keeping you to get to that next level, right?

spk_1:   15:16
Shark? Yeah, totally. And it makes sense. And I think, you know, in reality when you're looking kind of like everybody in the world, right, like we're all like, Why're differently, right? And some people like like they're what? Like like, they're wired an entrepreneurial way, and then other people are wired in a different way, and there's like there's not like one, like, right or wrong way right? I think it's just like doing what is like, what what's You know what's right with your natural talents, like what is what's aligning for you and and what feels good. But I also I think that perhaps like in your in your view of the people that are coming to you that it's actually the people who saw you out that automatically. Perhaps that qualifies them like to be a certain kind of person, that is, You know, if you if you've been doing the research and then you came across somebody like yourself and then you went ahead and like you started doing all of this, then it's probably like your yourself qualified that that you're an entrepreneur in and of itself, right, because it's not it, like everyone can A should be an entrepreneur, But the people that you're seeing are because because they've already gotten to a certain part of the journey. And that would make sense.

spk_0:   16:30
Absolutely. You're absolutely right. So I know I don't work with people who want to be entrepreneurs. They already are. So they self identified and said, You know, I'm stuck, I'm stuck and I'm looking for help. Yeah,

spk_1:   16:48
yeah, absolutely. On DSO to touch a little bit on what we what we mentioned earlier in terms of your own coaching, like so So you do coaching for clients, tell me what it's like for you to receive coaching and what kind of programs and content do you consume yourself in order Thio, stay up to date and to continue creating

spk_0:   17:11
absolutely so. Just last night I was on two different coaching calls, my own right, because I was eight years. I love and I and I love that. This is the when, when people talk about me, they always say this somewhere in the language. You don't just talk the talk, you walk the walk. And that's absolutely true, because when I get stuck, I reach out to my I have five coaches. Wow. And so I have my own breakthrough coach. I have a business coach. I have, ah, expansion coach. I have a YouTube coach, right? Um, until, like, it's it's It's also have four coaches and and it's and it takes a village to keep me up and running, right, and especially now, inside of the time frame, You know what we're going through. It's like for me to sit here and think that I'm that I've got all the answers always. Well, that's just setting myself up for not too much success, right? And so, with my clients, one of the very first things that we tackle is this lone wolf mentality. You know, um and and It's like of all the tasks that you're out there doing it. And if everything that you're out to dio how many of these tasks they are, you are yours versus harmony. Are have you delegated to someone else on your team. And when I get a lot of it's like I don't have a team and then that's the juiciest partner because it's like, Oh, let's get you a team. Well, I can't afford a team I've never said you could Before the team I said, Let's create a team for you, right? And it's like, once they see it in action, Um, then they get addicted to it right toe, like I'm all about creating teams are about, You know, you're not the lone wolf anymore inside your business. And because all of this creates burn out, all of this creates like you get discouraged. You boost motivation and inspiration, especially when it comes to creating content, right? No, I for myself, I'm a coach but also create my own content. Those air YouTube videos I script. Um I record them. You know, I no longer edit them. I have a team now that edits them, but I posted my promote down all of that. And then you want me now to do instagram and you want me not to do instagram stories today alone I was on to cause and people like you have a podcast. I'm like, No, don't talk to me about podcast. I'm not doing a podcast, you know, Because, like, what I find is as entrepreneurs, we wanted to get everything on. Yeah, and what I find what I found in my two years is because you're one. I took everything on a podcast. I have YouTube video. I had everything. And it's learning what to power ties inside of, like, what's fun for you and my videos? Air fun. So I I invested in You know what? If I'm gonna invest my time doing YouTube, let me get you to Bryant. So I need you to coach. Right? So that's what that looks like. And so me walking the walk I love when people say, Oh, you have four coaches. Yeah, I have four coaches because I want to be successful. If I want my client to hire me as a coach, who have I hired as a coach? If I want my clients to create a team worth my team. Like everything that I present to my clients, I've done, I do. And it's just like it creates such a beautiful place to coach from First, do what I say, not as I do. You know what I'm saying?

spk_1:   21:00
Yeah, for sure. And one thing that you're saying, like in terms of like that, US as entrepreneurs like it's really natural for us to just, like, kind of do like I have this idea. And unlike you, I think a lot of us are quick starts like So we run with it and then it's like, hard to identify. What is it that you know, like we end up having, or or I at least used to like When I was younger, I used to have a lot of different projects on my plate, and none of them were completed. None of them were completed, and but, you know, and like none of them were done well. But I But it is easy for me to generate ideas on. It took a really long time for me to to learn patience, patient like so that was very natural for me. What wasn't natural was like having the patients to see something until the end. And then it almost ended. I ended up on the opposite side of the spectrum. I wouldn't take anything else new on because I thought that I'm still practicing like the patient's piece of it. But really, it was okay. I had already learned that lesson. And now, um, you know, I had gotten to the point where I could say, OK, I'm allowed. I allow myself to take on one project. But it's like something that I now really approach, like with gratitude. Like, if I allow myself to do this new thing, then you know, Then again, like whatever extra piece it is, like, I'm gonna bring it to completion. Um and so, you know, I think it's interesting, like it's a unique challenge to like this segment on it some. And I love that you said because I thought you were gonna say, Well, choose your projects based on how much money it's gonna make, like if it's benefiting your business. What you said is choose your projects based on how much fun you're gonna have doing them. And I had come to the same exact conclusion. Eyes that it has to at the end of the date has to fuel me because for me, as an entrepreneur, to keep going to stay motivated, I have to be enjoying it. If I'm not enjoying it, the whole business dies. And so yeah, like prioritizing the fun is actually like such a big component of it. Somebody said it,

spk_0:   23:09
Yeah, and one of the things that I learned early on is that even if it's, let's say you start out on a Monday with this idea Passionate, excited, enthusiastic, motivated, inspired by Wednesday because of all the crap you have to deal with as an entrepreneur, you may be at a level two, but again it it's it's so being excited about it. Having fun is one component of it. The other opponent is what do you committed to? Right? And so that's one of the I think that's one of the things that separates me from a lot of, uh, coaches inside of entrepreneurship or inside of business. Coaching is, coaches will tell you, or people will tell you marketers to neech down, right, and I take it I take it a couple of steps further inside of the Nietzschean down. Why? Why them like you were asking me right and why women and I really didn't get it like, Yes, I'm inspired by women or what have you, but still. But why still? Well, I discovered that inside the landscape, the entrepreneur landscape women on Lee make up 30% of entrepreneurship. That's what I'm out to disrupt as a coach at the business and as an individual contributing to the conversation of wire women. Only 30% entrepreneurs, right men are 70% holding 70% of the wealthy opportunities and taking the risks. So I wanted to disrupt that conversation, and I wanted to have that conversation and end as I'm speaking to women and I'm doing more research, there's a lot of factors. Why, that's 30%. So did my coach. In practice, I'm taking on one of them, which is imposter syndrome. So So when I wake up in the morning and I'm I'm no longer inspired or I'm no longer being, I go back to wait a minute. Your conversation that you're having is 30% of women on Lee, 30% are entrepreneurs and I get reenergized all over again. You know, until I help entrepreneurs find that for them that whether they're no longer inspired, motivated, they connect back to that, whatever that is. And it just just like that and instantly night stomach get

spk_1:   25:38
Yeah, I think that's super important, you know, having that because again, like in, you know, in the day today of an entrepreneurial journey. So many things happen and, you know, hopefully if you know, to the to your point earlier having a team and learning to delegate that such a huge that's such a huge thing, right? And that's, you know, with my company, that's that's what we're focused on. Writing is giving people the teams that they need, and a lot of them are soul open yours or they have a very small team and having having someone else on the team that you can trust and like learning to delegate like in all of that, it really adds so much power, right, because then it's you're not alone like your. You have other people that are able to do things for you, and then you're able to look at the big picture because it's it's almost a little bit like self sabotage, right? If you're only if you've created a business and then you're in the weeds of your business looking on Lee at the small details, then you're not actually running the ship like you're not, like course correcting to where you need to go. So then it's like you're in the mine. Ooh, Sha. It's almost like you're back. Like if you come from a corporate background, you're back there. You just you single handedly build this thing and then put yourself back there. So it's the teens are huge component.

spk_0:   26:59
Yeah, and and one of the things that I find with entrepreneurs that, of course, all in the beginning that are working by themselves is they have a hard time distinguishing not on Lee what to delegate. But when it really is time to hire out because there will come a time. That and I'm not talking about you're making in the millions, you know? But there will come a time, even as a small business entrepreneurship that you will want to hire out because you want to hire out that expertise Now, example, right? I'm a coach. I'm not a copywriter. I'm so flat on that. I'm so flat. But for the last two years, I've been doing my own copy, right? And so it's like I had to take a step back again. Guys, if you're gonna hide, you know, hire me as a coach, hire me as your business coach. I'm asking my people to to invest in themselves. I take a look back and think, OK, where am I investing in myself? Okay, I'm not a coach or not. There's got that. And there was an opportunity just literally within the last two weeks. But like, Nando, you hire copywriter, you need like there's an opportunity here. And so I posted Arlington and I posted on Facebook, and I got so many talented copywriters like I I'm overwhelmed. I'm so getting responses right now. So I just jumped on calls with them and started having these conversations. And inside the conversations with, um, I discovered, you know, so many more opportunities that I've been leaving on the table because I've been writing my own copy. So now I'm excited toe work with I I hired someone and she's actually delivering today, and I'm super excited that it's gonna be the start of a beautiful relationship and who knows where this is gonna go, Right? So, copy writer, I have a design team. I have a video editing team, like all the I don't do these things for me. But in the beginning, I didn't hire out for these things like I was either doing them or I have people who wanted to learn how to do video editing that we're doing the video editing for me. But as my brand grew, you know, I needed to, like, step up the editing a little bit more, right? And then as my brand is growing now because of you two because my videos are ranking top more eyes on my website. Let me get copy. That actually is gonna come for and all over that, right? When you're when you're first starting now, you don't know what that means. Hey, is your copy converting? Is your website convert e? You know what? Your conversion rate? What? How many of your sales calls? You know, that you're just like I don't know. I just want to be a coach. And that's when you know that you're not You're not growing like you said because you're so busy either trying tow, you know, get a client or deal with your client that you're not learning beings like conversion rates. Copy that. Converts. You know, things like that.

spk_1:   30:12
Yeah. And I love the one thing that you said about working with your new copywriter. And you said, You know, this is, you know that you're hoping that this is a start of, ah, a great relationship and to use the word relationship. And I think that's so important when we're talking about outsourcing or we're talking about bringing on people to our team part time or full time, but especially, it seems like there's a divide in, like, our mental space when we think Okay, we're having somebody like you write like you're doing a part of my business and then someone else is doing, you know, they're contributing a part of that. Every person that you bring on, it's still a relationship and the way that you communicate and it is more difficult for those people because they're coming in not full time sitting next to you in person. But they're they're they're they're learning the bits of you that you're sharing with them. So have you had, you know, from, like, successful outsourcing relationships and also maybe times where you haven't had success. And what did you learn about how, like, what is the communication with these people That is effective.

spk_0:   31:23
So what I discovered immediately waas over communicating is way better than under communicating because someone can always deal with too much information. But if you don't give them enough than it creates gaps in whatever it is that they're out to do so. For example, when I when I brought on my editing team, right, we had a phone conversation and and and it was a video, it was a video conference call, and they just took it from there, right? They took it from there. And the first round of that, it's I was just like, Okay, can you switch this? Can you move that? This is not what I asked for here. That is not that enough. And so it's being patient that, you know, you're just working the kinks out, you know, and then literally by video, three video for I Listen, I'll be honest with you. My editing team, now, like how it works, is like I scraped up my videos, right? And then that's what I used to, you know, do my stuff. And then and then I give them the script with props and I'll say, You know, uh, I'll highlight it and I'll say it Make this a full text on the screen, you know, make this a sidebar. And we created this language together. They know myself so much now I don't have to add any of that. Now start, I asked him, Is it is it more trouble me not adding it or under like it it's actually more trouble, like having to, like, go from editing to. Then go and look at what you wanted to dio because like we got you now so we'll just add your stuff because we know your brand so well. And I'm like, Okay, I won't touch it. So, like, that's when you know that you've got, like, really fun. Um, people that have dedicated to really learn your brand. And then a lot of the times all surprising me with little nuggets can throw some extra stuff out there, and I'm like, Well, that's new, you know, and it is just like so cool, because they know my style, and it's so that's that. That's a That's a circumstance where over communicating obviously helped out. This is the relationship with the copywriter. It's so brand new, like we just jumped on a call earlier this week. So we'll, we'll see. You know, we'll see what becomes of it. But I say over, communicate in the beginning here and then it's always easier to take away.

spk_1:   33:53
Yeah, and I would say, Actually, I think that it's a testament to you the fact that that your team is coming back pack with things that you weren't prescriptive about and they're coming back with, like theirs. They're doing thinking for you it means that they they're invested in your business. And I think that the truth of it is is that it's not like that with every client, right? You're not over invested in every, you know, in every single client, naturally, right? And so it sounds like the way that you are the way that you're managing the teams. May they know that if they add something extra that it would be either a appreciated or be, they would get feedback from you, right? But it's like you're you're creating an environment where they can do the thinking for you. And I think that once you get to that point where you have people that aren't full time people, they don't have a percentage of your company, they're just working with you and they have a relationship. You and they wanted to like you and they want to think on your behalf. I think that's when really, that's when really your business starts to grow because there is, you know, all their brains out there that are solving problems. And it's not just you.

spk_0:   35:09
Yeah, how I liketo So, for example, this last video that they just did, they added, like a couple of bone and stuff to it. And how I see it is that they're just enjoying what they're doing. They change. Not only are they enjoying what they're doing, they're enjoying what they're doing with me. Eso there have there being creative and and I'm like, go for it like, you know, it's only gonna enhance my stuff. Yeah, yeah, you know,

spk_1:   35:35
Yeah, I think that's cool, right? Because it could go the other way, right? That it's like, um and I think that we see this this often Write that, like, if it's probably like the way that like that it is like with Children. Like when you're raising kids. But, you know, like because they know that you're receptive, like you're getting this. But if you, um you know, if you were responding into some kind of a different way, right? Like, I just bet that you start getting less of those nuggets, and then at some point, they would just be like, Okay, I'm just do as I say, you know, like or I'll do as you say. And that's, you know, that ends up being the lowest level of delegation. Right? Which is, like, you could have done it yourself, like all you're doing is saving time. But really, what you want to be doing is like saving time and also getting bits of creativity from outside sources.

spk_0:   36:24
Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah.

spk_1:   36:27
Sonando to leave us. Is there something for our for our entrepreneur listeners for a female entrepreneur? Listeners, what are some? What are some actionable things that that you think that, um, that we can be doing during this time? Especially of everything that's going on? What? You know If we're bunkering down for the next month or two months, what would be the best way Thio set up our mind sets. What can we to be doing?

spk_0:   36:56
Yeah, so I would say two things. One. And this is what I got from my own coach. Right? If you're not selling, you don't have a business, right? So, It'sjust facing that reality as entrepreneurs, we don't have the luxury of, you know, my You know, my company has decided to pay us two months in advance or whatever. When you're you're entrepreneur, you know, if if you're not bringing in the business, then there's no bacon for the weekend, right? So just really consider that, you know, right now, they're certain businesses that are thriving and not to allow the whole threat of what's happening with corporate to impact your business as much as possible. Now, of course, if you're in any event planner, if you are, you know, a photographer, either business has been impacted. Your business is at a halt. Your husband's business is at a halt. He's a photographer. But for those of us that offer education on my education is actually taking an increase and So for the you know, what there is to do is figure out. Is there an opportunity to pivot? All right, you're so you're a photographer, right? Maybe you can start doing online photography courses. You know, you're an event planner. Maybe you could start doing educating clients on how to do their own planning. One of the 1st 5 things that you do when you're finding a wedding or would have you. And then after all this is over, then you take it over, right? So if you're not selling, you don't have a business number one and number two, it's an opportunity to actually pivot and be inside of what's actually happening. Be inside of the what's so right now instead of, like, be resistant to it, lean into it and see how your business can Can actually, um, you know, wave. You know what, what? Whether the store, I would say. And I'll give you a bonus on the 3rd 1 is talk to as many entrepreneurs on a daily or weekly basis as you can, and don't feel alone, talk to them and talk to the ones that are actually with a positive mindset. So they inspire you. They motivate you to keep going. Have brainstorms at least once a week with a couple of entrepreneurs and just, you know, how can I help you? This is how I think you can help me. But be in communication with other entrepreneurs. I would say that's what's gonna keep you. You know that that's what's gonna keep you weathering this particular store.

spk_1:   39:30
I love it. Um, none of that such good advice. Eso appreciate having this conversation. I think that there are so many takeaways on. Thank you so much.

spk_0:   39:40
Thank you. And for all your listeners, you know, have half, you know, Don't be. It's try not to be so, you know, involved with, like, consuming so much media and pull back and just give yourself what you need at this time. You know, if it's time to relax, then you relax. If it's timeto go all in and you go all in if you're an entrepreneur, so you're super smart. You're super savvy. You know what to do, you know, take care of yourself.

spk_1:   40:10
Yeah, 100%. And it's actually like you're saying that I had this thought the other day, but, um and I think it goes a lot into into your work in terms of like having things on autopilot is that it feels like this is the time that because we're making so many new decisions, it's like the autopilot got broken on DSO. Now. Now it's It's almost like a window that was created for us to create new patterns to create your routines, just to create anything for ourselves. And then, you know, feels like to me I would love your opinion. It feels like to me, like, you know, in a week or in two weeks, this might become the normal for us once again, right? Hopefully not a permanent normal, right? Like a temporary normal, But still that window will close and will be kind of like back on autopilot. So this is like actually, um, he feels like a time where, like the new advice, like the new things like the new routines feel like they have an opportunity to stick, have a higher likelihood of singing because we're in this kind of a new space,

spk_0:   41:22
absolutely angry with you. It's like a reset and just, you know, reset and it's like what you want to do What? Just like I tell my clients. You know, once this is over and done with what, you want to look back and say these are the things I accomplished something with this once. This is over. What do you want to have said that you accomplished invite this time inside your business? Inside your entrepreneurship. Inside your leadership? Yeah,

spk_1:   41:46
yeah, 100%. Well, thank you so much, Sando.

spk_0:   41:49
Thank you. Thank you for listening to this episode of Entrepreneurial Minds by chatterbox. Our dedicated and on demand virtual executive assistant team specializes in supporting entrepreneurs and business owners with pretty much any admin task. Go to chatter, boss dot com toe, learn more.