Midlife Madness

Midlife Madness Episode 5: The One Where They Talk About Empty Nesting

Leslie & Marie Season 1 Episode 5

We want our kids to grow up and be responsible adults, but the transitioning from being at home to being on their own can be tough on some parents. Leslie & Marie discuss what they have learned about Empty Nesting and give great tips on how to get through a difficult transition a little easier.

Tips on Empty Nesting:

  • If you still have children in your nest, make sure that you are nurturing the relationship you have with your spouse. Date them, travel with them, make that relationship your top priority. 
  • Think ahead! Join communities online, or even in the neighborhood that empty nesters are in, start rallying support for what is to come.
  • Keep in touch with your kids. Plan a call date with them weekly - or a FaceTime or Skype.
  • Make a dream/bucket list and start checking things off! What are you passionate about? Start a blog, find a way to serve your community, maybe even start a podcast (haha).
  • Avoid Big Changes (this is where I dropped the ball)
  • Go back to school!
  • If you’ve been a stay at home mom - Go back to work, even if it’s only part time.
  • Organize and de-clutter. This accomplishes two things: 1. you are more organized and that can give you a sense of relief and 2. it gives you the feeling of being in control of something.
  • Focus on your mental, physical and spiritual health. Start a bible study, take long walks or baths without kids banging the door down! Learn to give to yourself.
  • Rescue a pet! 

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May your children be close enough to watch your pets while you’re on vacation, but not so close that you don’t feel comfortable walking around the house in your birthday suit.

And don’t forget, you are enough right where you are.