Midlife Madness

Midlife Madness Episode 8: The One About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Leslie & Marie Season 1 Episode 8

Leslie & Marie talk about the Coronavirus (COVID 19) with Dr. Buck Parker, MD, a Board Certified Surgeon in Salt Lake City, UT and one of the Physicians for the US Olympic Ski Team, about the Coronavirus, how it's spread, what it's symptoms are and if we should be worried, if we should panic or if we should run out and buy up all the toilet paper! Yes, you will laugh (I mean, it's Midlife Madness, right?) but there is also a ton of great info for you.

Episode 9 - The One About the Corona Virus (COVID19)

Resources for today’s show:

Links to the Center for Disease Control:

CDC - COVID19 - Risk Assessment

CDC - COVID19 - Symptoms

CDC - COVID19 - Travel Advisory

CDC - COVID19 - Stop the Spread

Songs to sing while you wash your hands (20 seconds or more)

  • Happy Birthday
  • ABC’s
  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
  • Recite The Lord’s Prayer

Good Morning America - COVID19 Scammers

BBC - The Psychology of Panic Buying

We would like to thank Dr. Buck Parker for joining us today so that we could bring some professional advice during this crazy time. You can learn more about Dr. Parker at his website https://www.drbuckparker.com.  You can also find him on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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May your home be disinfected so your family can be protected.