7-Figure Body Blueprint

Day 13 | 10 Minute Workout Fitness Challenge at Home

January 06, 2023 Brent Kasmer
Day 13 | 10 Minute Workout Fitness Challenge at Home
7-Figure Body Blueprint
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7-Figure Body Blueprint
Day 13 | 10 Minute Workout Fitness Challenge at Home
Jan 06, 2023
Brent Kasmer

You guys are ready for a great lower body workout using some dumbbells?

If you're looking to work your quadriceps, your hamstrings, and your glutes and getting those legs nice and strong, and you're stuck at home with only some dumbbells, guess what? We're gonna rock it out!

Full Video: https://youtu.be/bz6HT0BGN8o

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You guys are ready for a great lower body workout using some dumbbells?

If you're looking to work your quadriceps, your hamstrings, and your glutes and getting those legs nice and strong, and you're stuck at home with only some dumbbells, guess what? We're gonna rock it out!

Full Video: https://youtu.be/bz6HT0BGN8o

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Oh what's up, Brent Kasmer here with BKPT! If you are looking for a 10 minute workout fitness challenge, at home, you're in the right spot. That's what we are on day 13 Holy smoke, we're just flying through these. So hopefully you guys are ready for a great lower body workout using some dumbbells. If you're looking to work your quadriceps, your hamstrings, and your glutes and getting those legs nice and strong, and you're stuck at home with only some dumbbells, guess what? We're gonna rock it out. But before I show you the five exercises that we're gonna do today, I want you guys to subscribe and come on and hit that subscribe button, mash the notification bell, so you're notified as all our new content is dropped. And also, share the video don't want you guys, I always do this to just challenge yourself to post on your Facebook post on your Instagram, posted somewhere so that way other people can join you in this program as well. I mean, you guys can hold each other accountable, rockin it out doing a whole 30 Day Program. I don't want you guys to see the results that you can get in 30 days. All right. All right, so we have the overhead squat. We're using dumbbells here. So we're gonna hold one dumbbell up over your head, keep the bicep nice and tighter is what sounds the other dumbbell between your legs, and then switch it. Okay, we're gonna do one each arm. Second exercise is going to be a sissy squat. So you want to make sure you're backing up to where your heels are underneath the bench. You want to make sure that the bench is right behind your knee. So that way, you can sit back into that squat and drive up, you're holding dumbbells in front of you. Drive it up to your hips. Okay, sit way back drive up through your hips. So that bench has to hit behind your knees, or else it's not going to work. So you can also use a power rack with a barbell, set at the correct height or find something at your house that's the same height or not going to move and it's also right behind your knees. Alright, the third exercise is going to be a Bulgarian split squat or a split squat. All right, so one foot could be up elevated on the bench. So back behind you. You can do this one of a couple of ways, right? One way being where your toes are tucked up underneath, head up, shoulders back, you're dropping straight down. Or the other way is where your foot is kind of angled and flat behind you. And it's drop it straight down. Okay, that's gonna be your bulkhead, split squat. Make sure you're out far enough where your knee stays behind your heel. But at the same time, go straight down with that back leg, relaxing that back leg keeping no tension on it. And then that way, primarily just using your front leg. All right. All right before the exercise is a good morning drop squat. All right, we're gonna hold the dumbbells up high, you're gonna hinge forward to pushing that back because you're good morning, and then right into a drop squat and then shooting up. Okay, good morning, drop squat. Alright, and the fifth exercise is going to be a lying hamstring curl. Alright, so we're gonna be lying on the bench. You're gonna lay with your knees, kind of on the end here, you're gonna grab the feet, or grab a seat, grab the dumbbell, with your feet up in the arch your feet. laying flat, curl is up. Good extension down. Rolling up. Good extension down. Alright, couple quick tricks is if you do this and you go too far, you don't want to drop the dumbbell on your butt. And then also, just make sure you have good control of squeezing that dumbbell in between your teeth. Tom, let's get this party started. We're gonna start the 10 minute clock right now. But this is the best lower body workout the best leg workout you're gonna get of the week, right? Because this is pretty daggone brutal. So this is at home, in the apartment on the road wherever you're at. We're gonna get this party started. About 10 minutes, so we're gonna do cumulative repetition for five exercises. Let's go. overhead squat. Oh this is your Bulgarian split squat working on the ballot. Alright, we're gonna go to that good more. And then last but not least, the leg it's harder for this first round because it only gets one baby go to overhead squat almost like a football squat what good morning stretch on those hamstrings Oh yeah? You All right, we're gonna go overhead squats, like I showed you the beginning, the one dumbbell up overhead, one can't hold that overhead injury, what I want you to do is we're trying to do a goblet squat this morning here in front of you, you can do a goblet squat, just like this getting down nice and low. All right. So with the squat for doing it improperly, let's get on your heels. That's why I like having a bench or a box behind me. That way, it helps you to sit back, okay, that's the biggest thing with this is improper squat could cause the pain you want to cause knee pains doing squats, alright. So focus on your form on these. That way you hit your quads, you know, the right the right way. quads, hamstrings, and glutes, alright, it's gonna get the most out of it, you don't hurt yourself. So goblet squat like this, you feel like it's still too much on your knees, or you feel your knees crashing in, go ahead and put your toes out a little bit, turn into a little bit of a pulley a squat. So pa squats are obviously way out here like this. You can do a clear squat. But if you want to, and you feel like your knees are crashing in, go ahead and just add those toes out there a little bit. And that way it helps with them. You know, obviously staying out, keep your head up you back straight. And we were doing a proper technique, proper form on those squats as well. All right. So you got the goblet squat. If you don't use a weight go you they wait. Alright, so don't feel bad about you. You're fresher and do great. So, you know, go ahead, rock it out. All right, another exercise that you do instead of the overhead squat when you split them up doing one arm at a time is putting it in front of you. And you can do a ballistic To jump squat, or squat jump, alright, so that's another one you could add in there as well. If you want to, you need to do a whole nother side you can do on right here as well, and also your dumbbell squats like that, to keep your head up back straight and hold dumbbells side up, make sure you keep those shoulders back. All right, here we go substitution for the squat. So if you don't have a chair, you don't have a chair to put behind your leg. Alright, and you can't do the city squat. Another thing that you can do is one is a pistol squat is helping you to push your butt back when doing this. Also, this is more of a glute hamstring. Obviously, you're working your quads as well, but falling back like that to do the pistol squat help. Another one you can do is put your leg up here to do a squat as well. So those are the figures for squat. So you're gonna do either the pistol squat figure four squat, for the substitution for that he needs something obviously, without any weight. Don't use your soldier in the in the previous one for the overhead squat. All right, that's my favorite Bulgarian split squat. But if you can't do it, no big deal with the ball like I told you before you got your one foot up elevated, dropping straight down, head up back straight. So if you're wanting to do just a reverse launch, sort of stepping backwards, then kneel down like the safest launch you could do. So that way, you can obviously still participate. So head up, back straight, step back doing reverse lunge, or step back lunge to also if you need to, you can do a dumbbell, you know, just walking lunge. So going forward, if you want to do a walking one, just make sure when you're doing it, you want to do the same leg as we get into the workout itself. So do the same way for watch. Ever exercise we're doing. Another one you could do if you wanted to step it up a notch is the ballistic with, you know the alternating lunge. If you wanted to do two at the same leg is do to like that, or static ones and just kind of pulsing it out. So those are all the different variations for the Bulgarian split squat or split squat.