7-Figure Body Blueprint

Say Goodbye to Slouching! Simple Stretches for Better Posture

January 11, 2023 Brent Kasmer
Say Goodbye to Slouching! Simple Stretches for Better Posture
7-Figure Body Blueprint
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7-Figure Body Blueprint
Say Goodbye to Slouching! Simple Stretches for Better Posture
Jan 11, 2023
Brent Kasmer

I want to teach you how to improve your posture, and open your shoulder with this upper body stretching routine. Because then the day people struggle right now, and particularly stuck behind the screens, you know, you're you're on your phone, and everything's internally rotates, your shoulders are always in inward rotation. And we want to go through a number of different dynamic stretches and static stretching.

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I want to teach you how to improve your posture, and open your shoulder with this upper body stretching routine. Because then the day people struggle right now, and particularly stuck behind the screens, you know, you're you're on your phone, and everything's internally rotates, your shoulders are always in inward rotation. And we want to go through a number of different dynamic stretches and static stretching.

Watch the Full Video Here: https://youtu.be/o2JoBSc92cQ

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and they're gonna do five repetitions in the opposite direction. Okay, turning it to your left, as far as you can, and then coming back around 20 to the right as far as you can to your roll your shoulders forwards and age people have poor posture. Well, I want to teach you how to improve your posture, and open your shoulder with this upper body stretching routine, Catherine DKP to subscribe, I don't know what you're waiting for, go ahead and hit that subscribe button, smash that notification bell, okay, and definitely share the show. Because then the day people struggle right now, and particularly stuck behind the screens, you know, you're you're on your phone, and everything's internally rotates, your shoulders are always in inward rotation. And we want to go through a number of different dynamic stretches and static stretching. So dynamic stretches help to kind of loosen the shoulders up, a static stretches helped to really get into but it's more of a sticking Hold on a muscle so that we can get deeper into that muscle helping to also open that shoulder up, fellas, you guys know, we're going through the stretches, you also have to strengthen the muscles that are loose. And the reason you have poor posture is because you have certain muscles that are tight, which is pretty much your anterior your front of your shoulders, and that your anterior deltoid, and you also have loose rhomboids on the back of your body, like your middle part of your back your loose rhomboids. So it helps kind of like pull yourself forward. So I'll show you 10 dynamic stretches, I'm gonna show you four static stretches. And then in another episode, I'll go ahead and give you those strengthening and exercises to help kind of strengthen that up as well. All right, like you have poor posture, well guess what I'm gonna give you 10 dynamic stretches and 10 static stretches that's going to improve your posture and open your shoulder with this upper body stretching routine. Okay, so we're gonna do 10 dynamic stretches, these are just mobility motions to help kind of improve your range of motion. So there were four, we could do the static stretches, which is to elongate the muscle, so that way you can get it back to relax and release the tension in certain areas. That way you can strengthen certain areas that are relaxed, okay? Because that's kind of what goes on, have poor posture. So let's get right in. So we're gonna start off, and it's gonna sound simple at first, because we're gonna start and it's gonna move into a more of a progression. It's not like this is like some crazy hard stuff. But when done right and in the right way, with the right repetition, you're going to get what you're looking for. Okay? So head circles, we're going to do five repetitions in the one direction and five repetitions, in the opposite direction. Okay, and we're going to head turn to your skin, take your head, stand nice and tall. Her interior left scars, you can come back around 20 To the right, as far as you can. Okay, same thing, five repetitions each way. This is to help kind of loosen up your tracks, okay, so where your neck ties into your shoulders. Okay, the next one we're going to do is going to be shoulder rolling. So your roll your shoulders forward. five reps, nice, big rolls, and enrolling them backwards. Thanks, five reps, try feel your chest opening up trying to open those shoulder blades up. Really getting into it by repetition. Okay, the next one we're going to do is grabbing resistance fan. I like to grab this on the end shall wrap your hand with it. Sandy on the other side, and wrap your hand with it, she feels like you could do more because we're gonna go over your head with the band towards your butt up and over towards your front. So I take one more loop. Put your hand five each way. The next we're gonna do is gonna be kind of fun. This is around the World Series, taking your right hand up over and around your head still holding on to that resistance band and then chasing it with your left hand. You're gonna do five in that direction. They're gonna come back around, not your left hand is first one over your head and behind it and shaking with a right eye with that one. The next we're gonna do I'm gonna loop one more time on my hands. We're gonna do a check expanders to just opening your chest up, driving those hands straight out to the side and back and squeezing your rhomboids. Also, as you're stretching your chest and squeezing your rhomboids, same thing, five repetitions. So we're gonna put the band resistance band, Thera band, wherever you want to call it down. For Class your hands in front of you, you're gonna roll your shoulder and head forward and down, stretching your back and shoulders forward, and then pull them back and open them out and pull your almost like you're trying to pull your hand from unclasp to one another. And it's once you feel like you're just separating your shoulders straight out, okay, roll backs, pulling your hands over those shoulder stretching straight out, and then rolling them back forward. And then open them up, stretching them out, pull your hands apart, same thing, five repetitions of this as well. All right, I do have a bar here right behind me. So I'm going to turn around, put my hands on the bar feeder directly underneath my shoulders, and to lean back, let my shoulder stretch forward, and then almost like I'm pushing in, and let my shoulders push back and down. And then relax and pull forward, leaning back. And then push him back down. Same thing, five repetitions each direction. The next one I do, don't be going against the wall here. You want your feet out from the wall about six, eight inches. You put your hands up over your head. Just drag your knuckles down the wall. Taking your elbows, turning your upper body into a w. So just kind of driving those elbows down, trying to keep your knuckles up on the wall, going straight back over your head down squeezing your lats and rhomboids trying to keep your back up against the wall, keeping your knuckles on the wall. Same thing, five repetitions, okay. And the last one you got to do for the dynamic stretches as you're just slap your hands in front and behind five each way is trying to get her shoulder opened up. Okay. So those were our 10 dynamic stretches. Now we're gonna go into our static stretches. Okay, so now they're loosened up, you can go through that once or even twice more, I really wouldn't do more than three times. But you can do it multiple times through the day as well. All right, now it's time for our static stretching, static stretching is trying to elongate the muscles. Now we don't our dynamic stretches, who can loosen them up, got the mobility going. Now it's time to elongate them. Alright, so we're gonna run through 10 of these as well. All right, starting off super simple, we're gonna start off standing where he started off also just holding, like clasping the back of your fingers, taking it onto the back of your head. Oh, just sticking in holding that typically about a second, okay, so eight seconds, and I'm gonna do the same thing. You can do one of two ways, taking your forehead pushing it back, or I go underneath my jaw and just pushing your head upward. Second one's gonna be taking your head hand on top of your head over top, actually and looping out the other side. So my right arm is going to grab almost overtop and towards the left side of my head, and you're trying to drop your left shoulder down at the same time as pulling your head towards your right shoulder. A second and then switching just like I said, the dynamic stretches is to help relax your traps get your shoulders moving and stretch so that we can get the mobility and then also your posture correctly. All right, the next one, pretty much three and one is going to be a chest anterior deltoid stretch. Your take your hand also known as like your doorway stretch, okay. So your hands on doorway or post or pole or whatever you have wall here take your right foot So your right hands on a doorway, your right foot forward and you're not grasping it, you're just kind of like relaxing your arm so this gets your bicep stretched out, as well as your front of your shoulder and your anterior deltoids. And all into your pec major clavicle pectoral. So just twisting away from your body. Not eight seconds, or comeback. Now we go down lower. So and now we'll drop towards your hip or thigh, saying legs forward. Just a different angle on that shoulder, trying to open that up and then the last one is gonna be above your shoulder. Okay, your arms up nice and high. Same thing right foot forward. So working that right arm and you'll feel the different angles you'll feel different muscles getting stretched in the front of your shoulder, chest. Especially depending on what part of your body is tight. We're gonna do the same thing with the other arm. The left foot forward starting off with shoulder height trying to open that body up and down low we're gonna go into our last stretch first. So standing is the law grant, take your arm up over your head, reach your hand down your spine, here, keep reaching down your spine, you're gonna stand about three to six inches away from the post or wall or whatever you're gonna be leaning into. And the farther you stand, the deeper this stretch it will make sure your heads pushing that arm back. And then also that the post or wall pushing it to stretch it is leaning in that to that to add that extra resistance or weight to get that deeper stretch. Okay, and then into the other side. Arms over the wall, using your head to push it back. Try and keep your body nice and straight, reaching down your spine and just leaning into it Okay, those are brutal already. Okay. So, there we go. We're gonna go to the floor. And we're gonna go into our post delt stretch. Okay, so you're gonna lay down and your hands gonna be across your chest or hands, your arms across your chest, you're gonna lay flat on top of it. So my right arm going across my chest, up underneath my body laying on my stomach. And right left arm is gonna be straight over your head and just trying to relax and stretching the right post, though three good long breaths. Come out of it. Or take that same right arm straight out to the opposite sides. And as we go straight out, away from your body, your left hand is going to be bent and buyer shoulder, hands on the floor, and then you're going to hook your left leg around. Stretching the front of that shoulder out on that right arm. Using your left arm to kind of push your body to add that resistance Come out of everything nice and slow. All right, go right into that left arm now. So left, I'm gonna go across your chest, like flat on it is your right arm going straight up over your head just relaxing, stretching the back or post out of that left shoulder coming out of it, taking it all the way out to the away from your body now, right next to your shoulder on the floor. Look in that right leg over top and across, rolling over that shoulder. And using my right arm now to push stretch all right. Let's all feel fantastic so far. Right. All right. So the next one we're gonna do so now that we're off the ground. So those were two down there. Now we're gonna go into a Hey. So to help with, you know, pulling your shoulders upward. So holding that bar nice and tight. And then just trying to relax your hips and let your body kind of hang down, pulling your shoulders up. If you feel like you can't hang from a pull up bar, and you have your feet on the ground, I strongly suggest keep your feet on the ground. The thing I want to do this singular arm was kind of like relax your legs, and just let that shoulder stretch. Out also stretching that lat out. Same thing these are all our static stretches. Okay, the next one. And the last one is almost like a farmer carry so you're doing a dead hang also, lets the opposite way. So the biggest thing you could do this standing, I like to do it seated. So I feel like you get a little bit better of a stretch in it. So you're gonna grab some dumbbells. Like I said, you can do standing, seated. You're sitting nice and tall, shoulders back. And then just let the weight of the dumbbells. Pull those shoulders down. Let them relax. As you take the breasts of your few home stretch a little further, further further. Away from awesome, it's dropping those weights. All right. So hopefully, you guys have enjoyed the 10 dynamic stretches and 10 static stretches to help loosen that body up, loosen the shoulders up, help open those shoulders, and also improve your posture. Don't forget, like I said, you're going to also need to do strengthening exercises. Okay, so strengthening exercises now that you have, you know, warmed up your shoulders, loosen up your shoulders, elongated those muscles, corrected any imbalances. Now you want to make sure you're strengthening the opposite muscles which are tight. So typically, when your posture is bad, the front of your shoulders, chest is super tight. And that's why we worked on, you know, loosening all that up. Now you want to strengthen your rhomboids to the upper part of your back and you want to help open those shoulders. So working like your double use your why's your rose, face pools, all those types of motions to help with your posture. Okay, so hopefully you guys enjoyed all 10 of those. And those extra added bonus pro tip there at the end. So if you haven't yet subscribed, please subscribe. Also share this video. So please share the video as well. There's tons of people out there that need work on their posture. These are simple tests you can do at home, at your office wherever you're going to get sweaty, dirty, nothing so go ahead and implement these and I will see you in the next video.