The Pharma Podcast

COVID19 Vaccine Distribution in Canada-- Industry Perspective

Sam Tarantino Season 2 Episode 1

Several COVID19 vaccine candidates are in development and launch plans are being drafted. 

Progress is unfolding at an unprecedented pace. More than 200 potential vaccines are in development and more than 40 have entered human trials.  Applications for approval have  already been submitted to Health Canada under the Interim Order. 

Canada, currently, has access to a guaranteed 174 million doses of potential COVID19 vaccines. This represents over $1 billion in advance purchase agreements  

Canada has also pledged to the World Health Organisation's Advanced Market Commitment (AMC) $220 million to purchase 15 million vaccine doses from the COVAX facility plus $220 million to purchase doses for low- and middle-income countries. 

Securing regulatory approval and supply agreements is a great first step, but how will the vaccine be rolled out safely and  equitable as possible?

To help us understand how industry in Canada is preparing for the roll out, I’ve invited  Daniel Chiasson, President and CEO, of the Canadian Association for Pharmacy Distribution Management (CAPDM).