The Pharma Podcast

CADTH - Streamlined Input Processes for Patients and Clinicians

Ryan Clarke Season 2 Episode 5

Ryan Clarke is CEO and founder of Advocacy Solutions and a Senior Partner at Accelera Canada, where he is responsible for Advocacy & Stakeholder Relations.

In this episode of The Pharma Podcast Ryan discusses CADTH (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health)  and the streamlined input processes for both patients and Clinicians.

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Patient Input

  • Introduced in April 2011
  • Provided patient groups (not individual patients/caregivers initially) the opportunity to provide input into the CADTH review process of a particular drug (both in oncology/non-oncology) by filling out a template (one for oncology, a different one for non-oncology products) consisting of a series of “prompting questions”
  • Input was provided prior to commencement of the review and oncology patient groups had to register with CADTH to have their input accepted
  • Then around 2016, a couple of changes came into effect:
  • For the first time, individual patients/caregivers could provide input where no patient group existed
  • On the oncology side (pCODR), patient groups were given a second chance to provide input (actually called “feedback) after CADTH issued an initial recommendation on a drug under review

Clinician Input

  • Introduced in February 2016 – just for oncology medications and just for physicians – so no clinician input opportunity for non-oncology medications
  • Provided individual or groups of physicians (formal/informal) the opportunity to provide input into the CADTH review process of a particular cancer drug again by filling out a template consisting of a series of “prompting questions”
  • Input was provided prior to the commencement of the review and feedback was provided after the issuance of an initial recommendation (so two opportunities for comment) and all physicians providing input had to register with pCODR
  • Then in 2018, the definition of “clinician” was expanded to include oncology pharmacists and nurses

Then in September/October 2020, CADTH significantly streamlined these processes such that:

  • There is a single patient input submission template for both oncology and non-oncology reviews
  • There will be an opportunity for patient groups to provide both up front input and feedback to an initial recommendation for both oncology and non-oncology reviews.
  • Patient groups need not register anymore and individual patient/caregiver input is still allowed when there is no applicable CDN patient group.
  • On the clinician side, submissions can now be made by clinicians in the non-oncology space (this is a huge addition to the process) using a common template, but they must be done so by groups or associations of HCPs – individual clinician submissions will now only be accepted when there is no relevant group or association.
  • All clinicians will have the opportunity to provide both up front input and feedback to an initial recommendation for both oncology and non-oncology reviews.
  • And there is no longer a registration requirement for individual physicians who want to participate (or anyone else) .