Scarcity Complex

Step By Step

J. Wurster Episode 18

#018 - Recovering who we really are can often be a metaphor for the journey of the soul. Faith traditions might call it enlightenment, self realization or salvation. Psychologists might call it the work of individuation or integration. No matter the language or words we use to describe it, it is ultimately about a series of small steps. We so often fail to realize the courage it takes for us to keep moving forward even when we are faced with insurmountable obstacles or paralyzed by our own fear. 

On today's podcast, we'll be speaking with my good friend Monique. She is a wellbeing coach from Northern California, working with clients to recover their true nature, access greater self-awareness, and live their best possible life. On this episode, Monique shares about her journey of recovery which involves the 12-steps in combination with yoga, meditation, and lots of time in nature. 

Our discussion just scratches the surface, but will hopefully encourage any listener curious about having more ease in their life to take the best next step.