Scarcity Complex

Friday Night Live

J. Wurster Episode 21

#021 - All of us have this inner playfulness or creativity that we often hesitate sharing with the world out of fear that it won't be good enough or that we're the only ones that love being goofy and fun when no one is watching.

What if that gift is something you are destined to share with the world? We often have this fear of being seen for the very things that bring us the most joy. We hide our light deep in our shadow because someone or something along the way told us that is what we are supposed to do, when we in reality we all know that isn't true.

On this week's episode, I'm branching out into creating a second channel for my "Inner J." That's a word I like to use to give myself permission to be both reflective and playful all at the same time. Whatever phrase you use for yourself, you have that in you, too, and it's time to let it shine!

These artificial divides we've created both in our internal and external worlds are what is perpetuating this idea of suffering. Life may not be easy and may be filled with a lot of different waves, but we ultimately have a purpose on this planet whether we believe it or not.

I invite you deeper into my own journey and my hope is that it inspires you to do the same.
