Mosaic Church Mableton
To REACH people where they are, how they are, regardless of who they are, with the life-giving message of Jesus.To share the Good News of Jesus with everyone through practical Biblical TEACHING and life application that they might become fully devoted followers of Christ.To SERVE the hurting, those that feel hopeless or helpless, the disconnected and the next generation.To LOVE all people regardless of race, sex, socio-economics, culture, or religious background.
Mosaic Church Mableton
Masquerade Part I
Pastor, Broderick Santiago
Pastor Broderick Santiago | MOSAIC CHURCH
Daily Live Prayer: @MosaicMableton Facebook Page
Get Connected or Learn More: bit.ly/mosaicconnection
Live Generously: https://wearemosaicchurch.org/give/
Sundays 10am
Wednesdays 7pm
Daily Online Prayer 7am (M-F)
Social Media/ YouTube: @mosaicmableton
bit.ly/mosaicprayerMosaic Church
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