The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

3 Essential Steps to Scale Up Your Business with Chris and Jonathan Ronzio, Trainual

Chris and Jonathan Ronzio Season 2 Episode 19

Chris Ronzio is the founder and CEO of Trainual, the host of the Process Make Perfect podcast, author of 100 Hacks to Improve Your Business, husband and father of two. Jonathan is the CMO and founding partner of Trainual, an award-winning adventure filmmaker, host of The Stokecast podcast, singer/songwriter, husband and dog dad.

If you own a business and you have employees, then you've spent your fair share of time explaining how you want things done...but what if there was an easier way? Trainual is the training manual for modern businesses. It's a simple and intuitive training and process management tool that makes it easy for growing teams to get everyone up to speed and on the same page, fast.

On this episode, Chris and Jonathan bring you their proven strategies for scaling up your business and growing your team efficiently and effectively. Do It. Document It. Delegate It.

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Dan Uyemura :

Welcome to The gymOS podcast. I'm your host Dan Uyemura, CEO of PushPress. Each episode, I bring the best and the brightest in the business world straight to your gym and we tease out actionable steps and strategies that you can implement immediately become a better business owner. Have you ever looked across the competitive landscape and notice that some people outperform others? You ever wonder how that happens? I would argue that it's not a whole lot different than training in your gym. The people who get the biggest results are the people who pay the most attention to what they're doing. And part of paying attention to what you're doing is keeping logs and keeping track of what you're doing and the type of results you get. That process is called process, recording your processes writing down what you Do why you do it, how you do it, who should do it. These are all key things that will impact your business for better or for worse. If you're like most small business owners, you probably haven't given much thought to your process, let alone documented it. Today we have on Chris and Jonathan Ronzio, they are CEO and CMO of a system called Trainual. I've had the pleasure of meeting them in my mentorship group. They've grown their business from a small scrappy startups to doing a significant amount of business in a few short years. And, to no surprise their whole business is predicated around documenting and recording process. So if you've ever looked around and wonder how someone's become super successful, and you've kind of been left in the dust, it might start start just there because everything that you do revolves around a process whether you understand that or not. So no further ado, I'd like to bring forth Jonathan and Chris Ronzio from Trainual to discuss just this the idea of process and why it's important to you and your gym Hey everybody, welcome back to The gymOS Podcast, Dan Uyemura here, CEO of PushPress. Another great episode coming right up. We've got Chris and Jonathan Ronzio from Trainual, again another pair of CEOs from this mentor group that I'm in that are doing big things that I look up to personally, and I'm really excited and happy to have them here on our podcast. Trainual is is an online software system that allows business owners to put their business processes into a repeatable playbook. I guess one by one, Chris and Jonathan, why don't you guys introduce yourselves as a brother tag team CEO and CMO duo here from Trainual.

Chris Ronzio :

Yeah, sure. So I'm Chris I'm the CEO and training will started because of my experience as an entrepreneur. As a kid, first of all, I was 14 started a video production company. And as the company grew beyond what I could do myself, I started having to train friends. And then I was finding people on Craigslist when I was in college. And then I was hiring people from around the country to go and shoot different sporting events for us. And so as we got these camera operators up to speed, we needed to send them basically the instructions for the business. So like you said, in the opening, every company really has a playbook. It's who does what in the business? What are your roles? What are your responsibilities? And then for each of those things, what are the steps or the sequence for how you do them the company way. And so through my business, and then a consulting company, I started after the idea for training was born, because it felt like there just wasn't a simple system where companies could build the instruction book, you know, then Jonathan came aboard. Once it was he, he saw that this thing was was turning into something real.

Jonathan Ronzio :

Yeah, so I mean, Chris and I had a long history of working together on a lot of different projects from every little lemonade stand growing up to you know through to that video production business and and then we had when he started consulting I pursued a different path and started down the adventure world and filmmaking and doing content creation in the outdoor space. Spend some time in the agency world as well. And then and then yeah, winter annual was was looking like it was was going to be a possible Avenue I thought, you know, might as well lend my my skills and marketing and storytelling to figure out how to tell a better story in a B2B software space.

Dan Uyemura :

That's interesting. We're huge on the whole idea of of storytelling, so I kinda want to dive into that in a second. But let me ask you guys this, since you both sound like you were cut from the same cloth. I've had this discussion with other people on this podcast about nature or nurture in entrepreneurial ism. I feel like I was born an entrepreneur like, as far back as I can remember, I was doing things, paper routes and lemonade stands, selling brownies on a busy street corner to make money don't even remember where that came from. Do you guys feel like it sounds like you're the same?

Chris Ronzio :

Yeah, I think I think there is a certain, you know, innate ability that you're born with, that just gives you the drive to want to do this. And, and, you know, maybe maybe it's creativity, or maybe it's ambition or that type a kind of personality. But, you know, really, for us, it was just a way to have fun. And our parents really supported us. So growing up, neither of our parents were entrepreneurs. So it wasn't something that we were kind of going after, it was really just the idea of making a business felt like you were playing grown up, someone's gonna pay me $5 to wash their car like that sounds cool. I can, I can do that whenever I want to. And so I think it was just the, the exposure to it. And then the the the fact that we'd walk in with an envelope of cash and our parents would, would think we did something good, and we wanted more of that. Mm hmm. That's cool.

Jonathan Ronzio :

I was just obsessed with the ability to bring ideas to life. That was kind of the magic of it for me. It wasn't about necessarily the results, but I mean, credit christianize your father growing up, he instilled this mentality in us with a mantra of do it now. And and that kind of culminated in a obsessive need to act on ideas and see what we can do.

Dan Uyemura :

That's amazing. I love that. I think that you know, thinking it through, I think that probably is the underlying thing and all entrepreneurs that drive us is it's about bringing ideas to life, the success or the money that's made and all these other things are byproducts of the fact that like, I had this idea I thought it would help people and does it or does it not, you know, did it sticker did it on? That's pretty cool. It's pretty easy to get away from that and start thinking only about the money or only about these other things. But it's really that's the underlying passion. I think all of us have is, you know, come bringing ideas to life. Jonathan, who is the better entrepreneur as a child, you think?

Jonathan Ronzio :

Chris, for sure. Because Chris is really he's the systems process, you know, organizational management guy that's that's in his DNA, and I'm a little bit more creative, more reckless in my creativity and impulsive ambitions. And and, you know, I think he always had more of the entrepreneurial vision. And I was always able to see the chaos in Division and figure out how to bring it to life. You know, it through through media and different content mediums.

Dan Uyemura :

This actually brings about an interesting topic that's totally off topic from all this, but I've always been of the belief that people should have business partners that compliment them. And it sounds like you guys complement each other very well. A lot of people in the gym space, I think they've had bad experiences with other gym owners, and I have a theory on why. And they're very anti business partner. What do you guys feel about that?

Chris Ronzio :

I think you have to have people that compliment you. You know, like when when Jonathan and I were starting this off, I was afraid to turn it off. Phone and take a video of myself. And so it was him forcing me to, you know, just just hitting record on the camera and asking me questions and prompting me and so you, I think you need that dynamic because it creates, it creates some tension that stretches you. And that's that's what moves the business ahead.

Dan Uyemura :

Growth is all about stretching, right like getting outside your comfort zone. So there's two main things I want to talk about in this podcast that I think you guys are clutch on talking about. And the first one's obvious right process, why gyms need a process, how to start defining your processes and why you want to do that. We'll dive into that first. The second one I'm going to kind of blindside you with because in this conversation just right now, it reminded me of the fact that you guys got on stage. And you showed us at one point a an ad that you made, and it has done very well for you. And there's there's certain chunks of that ad that are up. It's been done on purpose. And I want to talk through that because a lot of a lot of gym owners don't really know how to advertise or store retail, right in a way that's meaningful to their clients. And I think you guys nailed that. So we'll dive on that second. But first, a lot of gyms that a lot of gyms, a lot of small business owners that I know don't and this was me about a year ago don't really put any, they're too busy doing tactically, just step back and say like, I'm gonna document things right. And I've I've personally just learned the value of this maybe about a year ago, and we've taken the last year to document pretty much everything that we do here at push press. But for the average gym owner, who maybe doesn't understand that, what are the main values in documenting process and setting up process?

Chris Ronzio :

Well, I guess take a step back and say that you don't need to document anything or have any sort of processes. It just depends on what your ambitions for the business are. So if if you want to be the trainer and be flow trainer and just do that forever, then documenting would be a waste of time. So if you're listening to this and you're not really interested in building And infrastructure around you, then don't worry about it don't don't waste the time. There's there's a sequence of a process I came up with around process, of course, and it's really three parts, you do it, then you document it, then you delegate it. And so in a business, when you start by doing everything, and you are the business, and you want to grow to where you're not the business, and you have other people doing the things, the company, those are the steps is you first learn how to do something and you get good at it, and you develop the process. Because you're iterating, you're experimenting, you're trying to see what works. And then once something works, and it's consistent, and you want to hand it off to someone else, you can't hand things off unless you have clear instructions. So documentation is just a step in between it's your your reason to write things down. So you can empower other people to do it if you want the business to be bigger than you. But not every business is built to scale. And I say not every entrepreneur is it wants to scale. And so that's a personal decision, right?

Dan Uyemura :

I mean, I would still argue and again, this is company Coming from looking at my old self, it's better to document your processes beforehand, cuz it'll force you to think through exactly what you want to do. And you might realize there are some flaws as opposed to like getting midway through a process. Let's say it's a new client coming in, if you if you haven't sat through, whiteboard it out the process, you might get a client halfway in your first client, your most important client and then screw something up because you haven't thought about something. Right? So even if it's you only and even if you don't care about hiring other people to do this work for you, I still think it's important to somewhat think through it and write down the documented steps and process because it will help you figure out pitfalls before you hit them. Right.

Jonathan Ronzio :

It's always interesting to memorialize what you do so you can look back on it. I think it's like, what's the biggest lesson that we can learn right now from the Michael Jordan docu series, The Last Dance right and like the tiger King virality around the world, but what they both share is that they were documented moments in time, right. It was the 9798 season of the bowl. It was like this moment in time of this random zoo in Cincinnati or wherever it was. And now we are able to look back and dramatize and see an entertaining story. Because it was documented. And and that's I think, you know, from a from a marketing standpoint, but also from an entrepreneurial operational standpoint, like the reason to document is so you can look back on it and improve upon it. Or or maybe just watching it's, it's entertaining years later.

Dan Uyemura :

Right? Yeah, there's a running joke around push press about the book that we're going to write when we're done with it. And as now that I'm a seven years into this business, I'm kind of like I wish we would have wrote down a lot of these ideas when we were joking about writing a book because I'm, they're fading from from my memory now.

Chris Ronzio :

So but you're like the point, you know, is to document before you do it, which is, you know, to an extent Yeah, you should whiteboard out here thing I'm about to sell. Let me figure out how the heck I'm gonna do it before I go sell it because otherwise You end up, you know, however many training sessions into something and you're upside down because you didn't realize how much work it was going to be and, and so there is a reason to write down or map out a process before you sell the thing before you have client number one. But that's the you know, you're not writing that down in a book to give her an anyone because that it's gonna change, you know, right and pence because that's gonna change a lot. You know, like the documentation we focus on is things down. Once you're, you're doing them consistently because you've got a reason you want to create your playbook for the business, right?

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah. So there's a very clear differentiation there between thinking through what you're going to do and cementing what you're going to do, I guess, is what you're saying. Exactly. Yeah. So if a gym owner now is thinking through, like okay, I guess I guess one of the key things to take a step back is like, it's really easy to overlook all the processes you have right? It's the simple ones are like okay, you open that you open the gym in the morning and this is what I got to do and you close The gym at nine this weekend dude you onboard a new client is gonna do but there's a lot of processes in between all those things that get lost in the cracks. And I think once you start thinking through them, everything you do is a process even waking up in the morning and driving to work is there's a process to it right? Do you think if a gym owner out there hasn't really gotten into the weeds of documenting process yet they should think through all the processes or just start with the like, how do you pick which ones to to work on.

Chris Ronzio :

You start with the ones that are the most relevant, the ones that you do the most are the ones that you've got to train the most. Again, the reason I write something down is to either refine it for yourself or as to give it to someone else. And so you're not going to document every single thing in your business. But you should document the things that are most prone to error. So the things you're doing all the time are the things you're making the most mistakes on are the things you're trying to train other people to do, and they're not doing as well as you think they could. So that's why you write something down. Before you do any sort of process documentation though if you've never done anything If you've never written down anything for your business, it's really a level that it's it's thinking through the roles and responsibilities in your company. Like, what are all the hats you're wearing? You know who who checks people out at the front? who sells the membership? who talks to people on the phone? Who does the training sessions? Who makes the phone calls? You know, there's things in your business that maybe you're doing all of them. But if you had to parse out what are those roles, start there, write down what are the roles and then think through all the different sort of responsibility that each of those roles does. And it's really just a list that you're starting out with, but then that becomes your outline to create documentation for. And so then as you look at that outline, you say, Okay, this is the thing, this is the next position I'm gonna hire. So I've got a document all that stuff, or this is the thing that most people are messing up so why don't I start there?

Dan Uyemura :

Right, that's a really good point. So a lot of fitness studio owners that I talk to you on a daily basis. There's a resonating, resonating feeling They're overworked, they're doing too much stuff, they can't concentrate on the things that they love. And so the easiest way to handle that is to like like Chris said, document all the roles and the things that are happening. Let's say you don't love cleaning toilets, well document that, the janitorial process, and then find somebody who can do that for you. And that kind of goes in line with this topic that I profess, and my mentor professors and probably every mentor in the world professors, and that's like you want to buy back your time by hiring people to do the stuff that you're not good at, or you don't like to do, right. And that all starts with documentation documenting your process, okay?

Chris Ronzio :

So or at least at least your roles you know, if you if you decide you don't want to do the toilets anymore, and you hire a professional janitorial company, you don't need to document that process because you're hiring someone that knows how to do it better than you do. But if you're hiring an in house employee to run the the membership website and the book, all the appointments and that's something you previously did. Then the gap between you doing that and someone else doing it successfully is the instructions that you create for them. Right? And so that's, that's when you build a process.

Dan Uyemura :

Okay, so that's a very good definit a good a good point to make because you might be hiring or having one of your members trade their membership for doing your bathrooms and stuff, so then you got to document it. But if you're hiring a janitorial service, who is a professional janitorial service you do you let them do their thing? Right? Okay, so if a gym owner right now is is interested in in documenting and they've kind of like they're gonna pick out the roles they want to document or the or the important processes like your intake process, your sales process or whatever. How do they start? is Google Doc, is it a spreadsheet?

Chris Ronzio :

Yeah, I mean, you can start with a Google doc or Word doc and a blank Evernote. We tell people to go you know, go to train Yule comm slash checklist and there's a checklist there that has close to 200 different areas of your business. It's free, just download it, even if you're not using our platform. The biggest thing when you're getting started is you don't know what you don't know, like, you don't know what areas to document, it's kind of hard to sit down with a blank slate, but at least this will help to jog your mind and start thinking of the different areas of your business. So use that as a starting point. And then whether you start on Google or you start in a platform like ours, you just start to build out those roles, and build out those responsibilities. And then build out the step by step processes.

Dan Uyemura :

Right on, and as your platform actually let you define roles and attach like processes to roles and stuff like that.

Chris Ronzio :

Yeah, exactly. So unlike, you know, Google docs are great when you're just getting started, because it's it's a blank canvas. But if your problem is his training, you know, if you're trying to assign things to people and know that they've actually seen them, and know that they've seen the latest version, and you want to use videos or things that you can't just like slap in a document. That's when you need a platform. And so you get one like ours that has apps and the website and it's just kind of like the next level.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, yeah. I mean I'm it this is almost to the same degree of like, when you start wanting to document process, you start by doing it and then you then you start building the process. I'm, I'm personally a huge fan that I pay for every SaaS platform or software platform I can to help me become more efficient. Because like, I'm looking at yours right now. And I think yours is probably about 100 bucks a month, I'm looking at the annual plan 100 bucks a month for the beginner platform. And, and I'm like, What's $100 in my time, like that, I could save hardly and I could save barely any time and it's worth $100 to me to do this and looking at all the features that you guys have, I can see where you know, hundred dollars a steal for this, but the first time you start documenting process, you don't want to drop 100 bucks a month on that. Once you start seeing the benefits of it, it becomes a no brainer. And for gym owners specifically I would say like your time if you can spend it focusing on your gym and your business is it pays back, you know, tenfold over the cost that you spend for software. So always be looking to leverage your time versus, versus your energy.

Chris Ronzio :

And we came up when we came up with the name training tool, it was training manual, you know, and so and so like, if you're just starting, if you're just writing the manual, you might just write it down somewhere. But if you care about training, because you want to actually assign this to people and know that they're, they're seeing it, they're up to speed, that's when you invest in a platform.

Dan Uyemura :

Cool. So let's actually switch gears now and talk about marketing and telling your story because I feel like this is a very inspirational and to give Jonathan a chance to shine here. I think gym owners kind of struggle at telling their story. And when I saw your ad, and you went up on stage at the seminar I went to and you explained your ad, I was like, Damn, like every second of this video had a point and a purpose. And I've never really thought of things that way. It was a moment for me a light bulb moment for me. Who's behind that video, was it you or Jonathan, Chris?

Chris Ronzio :


Jonathan Ronzio :

That was me.

Dan Uyemura :

Awesome. So it was pretty cool, so for again, for a lot of a lot of gym owners, their SMBs are small, they're small, medium business owners, and they haven't really taken marketing courses and they don't come from a marketing background, how can a lot of them start to get their message across in a way, like a real simple way to get their message across in a way that their customers can relate to it?

Jonathan Ronzio :

Talk to your customers, right? Like understand what they want. That's the that's the first thing like in defining your story, you need to know you know, what your what your people want from your story. Unfortunately, with training, you're like, well, I knew from the very beginning that like, Chris was my avatar of a persona. He he was the ideal buyer of training. And so I just had to understand like what why did Chris want to create this? Like what what does he value about this? And you're right, it's it's about buying back your time. And so we like double clicked into that messaging around around like, what are the what are the reasons that you want to document what you do and so that you can build a business that's not reliant on you and your time so that it can run without you. And so the more we like, like lead into that messaging and that pain point we were able to identify with and speak to through the pain of other small business owners other, you know, managers and leaders that are out there that are feeling inundated and like their time is not scalable. And, and really speak to that messaging so so I think the first thing is just understanding emotionally why why people are buying not the features and benefits of your tool and whether it's, you know, a trade this or that or the other thing, but like understanding that, you know, this, this is actually a branding lesson that goes back to my days working in the agency world where it's like a pool cleaner, right? If if you're buying one of those little robotic vacuums for your pool, it's, you're not gonna buy it because of the like microns that it filters you're gonna buy it because of the image of the like kids in the backyard with a really clean, pristine blue pool and the hot dogs that are eating and the experience that you want to have at the end of the day. And the product is the thing that gets you to the experience. So the feeling and that's what we had to communicate through our ad.

Dan Uyemura :

Yeah, yeah, that's such a huge differentiator right there. And thinking is like a lot of gym owners think very granularly like I'm here to make someone healthier, I'm going to, you know, I'm going to, they don't think through to the emotional end of it of like, I get to live longer to play with my kids, I get to get off of these diabetes medicines or I get to get off get off of these these certain health conditions that I'm at risk for. And that's more the emotional place. So I want to take a step back because it's actually something I talked about two podcasts ago with with with another guest is that the simplest way to start changing your business is to talk to your customers and I think it's the like the number one thing gym owners overlook, because they think that because they're like a lot of the gym owners in our community, they hang out with their clients all day long. Because they work out with them. They're coaching them, they're they're on the floor with them, but they never sit down and say like, how can I help you in the next 90 days? What Can I Do you know what, what have I done well for you or what haven't I done well for you in the last 90 days. Things like that. So if you're listening this podcast right now again go back listen to that listen to season two episode one where we actually talk about that are you have any tips and tricks to actually poll your, like are there any key questions that you think that they should ask their customers?

Jonathan Ronzio :

It's just why why are you here right if it's a gym owner it's just like having candid conversations like Why do you come here there's there's a lot of gyms out there like what what do you come here for right that because then you start to like figure out the differentiator between you over another and it's not necessarily always price it's not that there's better machines. There's there's intangible feelings that you can uncover through those conversations. And I think too often people don't allow their reviews and testimonials and customer stories to be more than just those right they live as reviews or testimonials or case studies in this like little sub bucket and a sub nav in the website. And it's like bring that front and center right what your what your customers are saying in those testimonials in those stories like that's your marketing. You don't need to get too clever. about it. The ad the the video that you were talking about that you saw us explaining at that conference was like, it's primarily a montage of our customers talking about using travel, because that's what people want to see. They trust other people who are using it and the results they're getting.

Dan Uyemura :

Right. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. I mean, it's such a, there's so many facets of business that are so simple and they just are under executed on, you know what I mean? Alright, cool. So, in terms of actually collecting user feedback and testimonials, do you have any, any type of advice for that? Again, it's another area that gym owners massively fail at.

Jonathan Ronzio :

I mean, we've just sent emails out right, Chris? I mean, you can chime in to like we literally just blast an email to through our user base and and you know, lately we've, of course you want you want the good stories as well as the bad but you know, identify who you're asking first, like, what have they been, and they've been a member of your gym for three years, but only come in three times. They'll not be the best person to highlight on your site, but you might still want to talk to them and figure out why they're still paying but not coming in. I think everybody's worth having conversation with if you can carve out some time in your schedule for a couple days just to like start calling people start emailing people and just, like collect the stories.

Dan Uyemura :

100% I totally agree. Yeah. A lot of times people think that talking to talking your customers are is only for the good, the good stories, and it's important to know that they will give you bad feedback to which we can help you improve your business, right, which is just as important as getting the good ones. All right, guys. Um, so we'll kind of wrap this up here. I'm gonna hit I'm gonna respect your time but one thing I do like asking every every guest is podcasts or books that each of you guys are super into that you think could help the average gym owner out there small, small business owner.

Chris Ronzio :

I listened to a ton of podcasts. So one of my favorites is called Masters of Scale. That's that's been his it's kind of a storytelling project. Asked about entrepreneurs brands that you'd know and it's a it's I always have that one going on my runs and then the other one is exponential wisdom, which talks a lot about future technologies and and how they're starting to be used in business today. So you can just be open minded to different trends.

Dan Uyemura :


Jonathan Ronzio :

My to go twos right now are the Gary Vee podcasts or basically anything in Gary Vee's world I follow this stuff pretty religiously because I think that he's got his finger on the pulse of the consumer attention graph better than most right now. And then also The A-List by Dave Gerhardt. He is the CMO of Privy formerly Drift and The A-List is his Patreon community podcast which is chock full of gold for you know, learning to reframe the b2b, traditional b2b marketing story and in a more consumer centric way.

Dan Uyemura :

Awesome. All right, guys, thank you so much for joining us here today. If you tuned into this and you kind of want to understand a little bit more about how process can affect and help help your business you should check out train Yule, they have a lot of resources out there available, they actually have a resource tab on their website for you to check out. You guys actually run a podcast? See you guys want to plug that?

Chris Ronzio :

Yeah, sure. It's called a Process Makes Perfect. You can check it out. I interview a lot of top authors and entrepreneurs and all about process and scaling your right.

Dan Uyemura :

And I see here that you've actually, have you written the book Chris?

Chris Ronzio :

I wrote a kind of a mini book hundred hacks to improve your business. So that's on Amazon or available free on our website, and new book coming actually, so stay tuned.

Dan Uyemura :

Nice. Well, if any of you guys have been listening, this podcast, you know, I love hacks to improve your business. So I might actually go check that book out myself. See if there's any gems I can get from that. Alright guys, thank you so much for joining us out. Yes.

Jonathan Ronzio :

No, it's good. It's got a whole like 100 episode YouTube series on that too.

Dan Uyemura :

Oh, nice. I'm gonna I'm definitely gonna get into that.

Jonathan Ronzio :

Solid content for scaling your business from Chris here.

Dan Uyemura :

So awesome. All right, guys, thank you so much for joining us I'm sure there's been a few tidbits here that the my gym owners can take away and run with. I appreciate your time so much and I'll catch you guys later.

Chris Ronzio :

All right, thanks a lot.

Jonathan Ronzio :


Dan Uyemura :

Thanks, guys. Bam, what do you guys think? Again, bringing some of the brightest minds in business to you just help translate some of that into your fitness business. I hope maybe you guys can understand the concepts of process why it needs to be written down, and kind of some beginning baby steps how to do it. If you guys are turned on by this idea of actually documenting all your processes and getting that information on paper so other people can understand how to do your job for you. As you step farther and farther away from tactically doing jobs to more doing strategic work in your business, I would encourage you to check out training You'll there at train Yule comm they might have some either resources or even their software that can help you guys get get over that hurdle. Starting to record process is a pain it is something that is hard if you haven't done it before, but once you start doing it, it will become second nature and you will start to realize you'll start to wonder how did I even do business without tracking and recording process before? So hopefully this episode brought some good information to you opened your eyes to the importance of process. And we've actually discussed some storytelling concepts in there because Jonathan cmo, big on storytelling, and they've done a kick ass job in that as well. If you found something valuable in this episode, I really would appreciate it if you could like, or give a thumbs up to our podcast wherever you happen to be listened to it. Make sure you subscribe. We're always delivering episodes early to our subscribers. You don't want to miss out on any of these episodes because we're dropping all kinds of hot information on you that will help turn you into a better business owner one episode at a time.