Teaching Little Brains

50. We're Not Worthy! Why Nobody Deserves Anything

Season 2

Today we're going to get uncomfortable in the uncomfortable.  We're going to give your brain a workout. 

Has someone ever said something to you like “Oh my goodness, thank you so much, that was so helpful!” and you respond with something like “Well, I didn’t do anything!"

Or,  “Congratulations on that award! That’s so great!” and you brush it off with a “Oh my gosh! No, So-and-so should have gotten it. I didn’t do anything to deserve it”

Or even “Oh my gosh! You totally smashed your goal!” “No, that doesn’t COUNT, I didn’t earn it!”

So, what is that? What’s that about? Why do we do that? 

Why do we not feel we deserve the praise or acknowledgement people give us?  I mean, we crave it - we tie our worth to IT, but then we don’t ACCEPT it when it comes. Crazy!

When we come into the world, all naked and squirmy and giggly (or screaming), we have one frequency. One vibration.  Love. And, that has been scientifically proven by the way, like with tools and gear and gadgets and smart people. 

We emerge head first (or in some cases feet or bum first) adorable little bundles of love and wonder.

We have no doubts about our capabilities, reservations about our worth, no concerns that we didn’t DO anything to EARN the nourishment that is given to us, that we are not deserving of the love, or clothing, or bath from the people caring for us.

That is all learned. And it’s all bull$h!t!  

BOTH of these concepts (worth and deservingness) are human constructs.  Do you know what that means? It means, humans made them up. They're completely made up concepts. 

So, YES! You are you deserving of everything you want.  And..  NO! No one is deserving of anything, because being deserving is not even a real thing.!


Join me today as I share some mind-bending perspectives and ideas that will stretch the edges of your comfort zone, and possibly blow your mind wide open!


Coaching with Sarah: https://www.sarahnykoruk.com

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