Teaching Little Brains

67. Cognitive Dissonance

Season 3

If you've ever felt discomfort over a decision you've had to make, tried to justify a choice you've made, or regretted something you've done because you thought to yourself "I don't know why I did that, that's not me!" you have likely experienced cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive Dissonance Theory was presented by a social psychologist, named Leon Festinger, in 1957.

Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of mental or psychological discomfort we feel when two or more modes of thought (beliefs, values, or attitudes) contradict each other - when our modes of thought are out of Alignment.
We are averse to inconsistencies within our own mind. It’s not comfortable to be at odds, to feel resistance.  Our brain does not like  discomfort. It feels threatened by it. 

So, when we experience this dissonance, our brain goes to work to try to adjust when our thoughts, words, or behaviours seem to clash with each other.

In this episode, we learn about how exactly our brains work to restore alignment, and you'll experience this for yourself in real time as we play with it a bit.



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