Veterinary Vitals
Veterinary Vitals is a show produced by the Texas Veterinary Medical Association that examines the veterinary industry, explores the experiences of veterinary professionals and offers advice for navigating the evolving profession.
Veterinary Vitals
Preparing for Compliance Inspections with Dr. Don Ferrill
"It's never a convenient time for the board to show up, but sometimes the board shows up early in the morning when things are really rushed around a veterinary practice."
If the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME) were to come to your clinic unannounced today to perform a compliance inspection, would you be ready? In this episode, Don Ferrill, DVM, JD, outlines how veterinarians can be prepared for this likely situation. If you need legal assistance for your veterinary practice, you can contact Dr. Don Ferrill at 817-878-0579 or DFerrill@whitakerchalk.com. For quick answers to your legal questions, contact our General Counsel Elizabeth Choate, JD, at echoate@tvma.org or 512-452-4224.
One way to be prepared is to perform your own compliance inspection by downloading this form: https://www.veterinary.texas.gov/documents/enforce/2018%20Individual%20Licensee%20Inspection%20Form%20pdf.pdf
Do you have a story to tell? Email host Dena Goldstein at dgoldstein@tvma.org.