The Homeschool Project Podcast
The Homeschool Project Podcast
Bonus Episode: Homeschooling from A to Z / A Step By Step Process In Getting Started
Hello and welcome back to the campfire! Today's episode is a replay. In this episode I recommend the steps to take in getting started in homeschooling. With the new school year approaching, we felt now would be a good time to help those needing guidance on where to begin. If you would like me to email you these steps along with a list of commonly used school supplies, then just send us an email. We hope this helps and remember we are here to answer any questions you have or guidance you need. Stay tuned as we continue our Home Education Series with many amazing guests joining us to speak on all things Home Ed. Hope you enjoy!
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As always, let's Light A Fire They Can't Put Out
Thank you for listening!
Show Notes
Our other episodes to check out:
Figuring out your 'why'- #23 & #24
Homeschool Methods- #29, 30, & 31
Encouragement- #32
HSLDA: https://hslda.org/
Time4Learning: https://www.time4learning.com/homeschooling/by-state.html
Ohio Homeschooling Parents: https://ohiohomeschoolingparents.com/
Cathy Duffy's book: 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum - https://amzn.to/3zienVg
Ongoing Community Support:
Wild Learning Curriculum - https://discoverwildlearning.com/?ref=927
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