Love Wild

S4:E11 Introducing our What Your Mama Didn't Teach You Summer Series

Katie May Season 4 Episode 11

I am so excited to be kicking off our Summer Series:  What Your Mama Didn't Teach You.  Here over the next several weeks (through mid-September) we will be diving into to an adventure together.  This is one of reclamation, where we get to go back and give ourselves what we may have never of gotten or experience teachings with fresh eyes.  We will be touching on anything from sensuality to betrayal, sexuality to infidelity, grief and pregnancy loss, nourishing yourself to soul care and everything in between.  If you have a topic that sparks in you and you'd be open to coming on and having a conversation to share, please reach out.  This is a community event!

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Welcome beautiful soul! I am so glad you are here.

Connection and community are my jam, so if you would love to connect more deeply, check out my offerings to help you weave the sacred back into every day life. I offer coaching, courses, and two amazing collaborative membership communites, The Sacred Year Project where we learn how to come back to the sacredness of life through cyclical and seasonal living, and Sacred Mother Sanctuary, a haven for moms to remember their own sacred wisdom and be held in sisterhood to remember who they are and what they deeply desire.

Let's stay in touch!
Follow me on IG @embraceyourselfwhole or join us over @lovewildcollective

Let's have a badass conversation!
Schedule an Individual Interview HERE

