Denny Talks with Lauren Denny

Mindset Around Money: The Power of Living for Abundance

Lauren Denny Episode 11

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Delving into the power of adopting an abundance mindset, drawing inspiration from Ben's (Lauren's husband) around his resilient outlook on wealth despite past financial struggles. Revealing how your mindset, positivity, and entrepreneurial spirit can have  an impact on the way to approach money, and turning setbacks into opportunities for growth.

Listeners are encouraged to shift their perspective on wealth, embracing gratitude and a growth mindset when it comes to investing. With practical tips and personal anecdotes, Lauren invites audiences to cultivate abundance in their own lives and build a fulfilling financial future.

As the episode concludes, listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own money mindset and the choices they make in their financial journey.

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Lauren Denny--

Speaker 1:

Today's conversation makes me a little bit uncomfortable because we're talking about money, but I think it's an important conversation and it's worth having. I wish that I had recorded the conversation that I had with my husband about this topic and that's where the idea came from. So here's the inside scoop about what we kind of talked about. Welcome to Denny Talks, a guiding conversation to living life to the fullest. Join us for inspiring discussions on entrepreneurship, small business tips and seizing the fullest. Join us for inspiring discussions on entrepreneurship, small business tips and seizing the opportunities. Subscribe now for concise, motivating episodes that encourage you to chase your dreams, where we believe that life, dreams and opportunities collide. Welcome to today's episode about the mindset around money.

Speaker 1:

My name is Lauren Denny and today you're on Denny Talkss, where we are discovering how to live our best lives and giving you the skills and strategies and having just everyday conversations about people who are doing their best and hopefully giving you some tools and tips and tricks in order for you to be able to live the life that you've always wanted to live. So today on our podcast, we are going to be exploring the intersection of money investing and the abundance mindset. I'm your host and, as today, we are diving deep into the power of adopting the positive outlook of wealth and financial abundance. I want to talk with you that this is a conversation that Ben and I were having, my husband and in marriage it's almost inevitable that I feel like you have one person that's one way and the other person is complete opposite. Right, ben is the free spirit and I like the structure and security. Growing up my parents, for instance, like they drove cars until they didn't drive anymore like, and Ben's view of cars is well one, he one, he just loves cars in general, but he's like his is quite different. He views them as more of like a company depreciation, um, aka tax write-offs, um, so trading in vehicles like every couple of years was like, so normal for him as a business owner, um, for a long time, like I just couldn't wrap my head around it, um, until I became a business owner myself and so, anyways, okay, so now I understand that life does not does not revolve around money.

Speaker 1:

But, as you can see why this conversation kind of like makes me give, gives me a little bit of like the ick, because it's one of those topics that people don't really like to talk about. Right, it can come with like a lot of judgment and how people spend their money, how much you have, et cetera, et cetera. Like, for instance, in the cattle world there's like an unwritten rule that you don't ask how many acres or how many head of cattle you have, because then people who are in that cattle world, they can do the numbers and understand what your finances are usually. But so let's just agree that money does help in life and it keeps us, it keeps a lot of us less stressed when we have some in our bank accounts for necessities, right, so we can all kind of agree on that. So anyways, back on topic, one person usually or in our case Ben and I's case one person embodies this abundance mindset and that's my husband Ben spend a nice case.

Speaker 1:

One person embodies this abundance mindset and that's my husband Ben. Growing up he he did not have a pocket full of cash. In fact, he often shares with me all the time that he shares stories about eating meals that are rice with spaghetti sauce or Captain Crunch Christmas edition, but it's from the previous year or just like not having meals that week to eat like at all. And so, despite all of that, like Ben's outlook of money is truly inspiring for me, just because he does have that abundance mindset, like it's gonna come and go he had. He views it as being like an ebb and flow type of thing. He has learned that money does know have a lot of beauty in it and being able to do things in your life, and gives you the financial freedom to be able to live the life that you want to live. But he doesn't kind of get caught up in the everyday like penny pinching type of thing, which is it's not bad, okay. So this is what I'm saying. Like it's a hard conversation for me to like I don't, I don't want to cast judgment on anybody. So this is coming just from my perspective of how I view Ben and it's not intended to have a casting judgment. Feel vibe going on um towards anybody, right, but so, uh, let's go back, okay.

Speaker 1:

So he believes that, like once you have the skills and the dedication, that it's okay that like money like comes and goes, like I can, he can go and buy kind of what he wants to go and buy. Well, obviously, within reason, um, because he just believes that like it's okay, like I have the skills and the dedication to like go make more if I need to or want to, and then he just kind of believes that like there's nothing that you can't accomplish and you can always achieve more, more wealth, more money, more opportunity, happiness, et cetera, et cetera, like he just believes in that, like having that mindset, and so I just I really appreciate that, that he brings that into our relationship all the time. So Ben is truly like an entrepreneur through and through. He has a passion for like building businesses from like concept to execution all the way through, and while some ventures have been successful and others we have closed down because they just they didn't work, they've been learning lessons, but Ben's mindset kind of still remains resilient and he sees like every challenge as an opportunity for growth and believes that there can always be more and it's okay, it's a learning lesson and we'll move on and adapt, and so he kind of takes that within every stride of life, which I, which I think is also awesome. So what sets Ben apart is that he is unwavering positivity and his abundance mindset that even in the face of like financial setbacks, his outlooks usually remain pretty optimistic.

Speaker 1:

I'll never forget the time that I found these two precious fluffy, beautiful fluffy cows, scottish Highlands on Facebook. Now, looking back, my rule of thumb is now if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is, so yeah, I. I put down a deposit on these beautiful, precious fluffy cows and it turns out that it was a scammer. I lost a solid five hundred dollars. While I was like stressing over the loss, I was like, oh gosh, it's like so much money, and it is, it is. And he acknowledged that like yep, that sucked. Ben's response was like that's okay, I'm sure that we're going to recoup it somehow. Like it's a learning lesson. Like, okay, it's a learning experience. We're going to move on and adapt. We can always make more Okay, that's fine, sell a cow and we can recoup that same money. Or we can do this, this and this. You know, we can cut back expenses in a certain way, and so he's kind of just always has like that different type of outlook, which I think is great anyways. Um, so how about another time? Let's just talk about mall of Lauren's little failures.

Speaker 1:

I was bidding on an animal at an auction that I thought that the auctioneer was saying one number and in fact the number was not that number, it was much higher, it was different, and the entire crowd stopped and looked at me. It was dead silent, like you just spent what on how much of an animal. And when we went back to like go, look at this like little animal that I had purchased, it was a lamb. You guys, a lamb, it's a baby sheep. I I don't even think that bottle lamb was going to make it. I thought for sure it was going to fall over and die before we had even gotten home. Like I, the fact that I chose the most sickly animal, oh man. And. But Ben's response was well, this will make a great story and she will be the most expensive animal on the farm. Let's name her Fancy. So he flips the script right and he's like Fancy, don't let me down. You know Reba's song. For all of those who are wondering, fancy did live. Yes, she is still the most expensive animal on the ranch. I'm also not allowed to hold the ballot card at all anymore. Ben has revoked that, so he's not unsmart with money in the sense that, like he's not going to continue to give me the ballot card to make these decisions on my own.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, that is the essence of the abundance mindset, about reframing the setbacks more as opportunities and viewing wealth as being abundant and limitless and trusting your ability to be able to create and attract that prosperity in your life. So how can we create this abundance mindset in our lives? It starts with shifting our perspective on money and wealth. Instead of dwelling on the scarcity and the lack of abundance that surrounds us, practice gratitude for what you do have and believe that there's more is always possible. Um, practice visualization. Um.

Speaker 1:

We have a few investment items in the work, in the works, and Ben often is always asking me like okay, so when I'm a millionaire, I'm going to do this, this, this and this, or he'll invite me to like, play along and be like. So what, what's going to be the first thing that you do? Or what do you think it's going to feel like he's practicing those visualization skills, like he's already visualizing, like what it's going to be like in order to achieve that goal and have that wealth. Like coming in and being ready to receive that as a gift. Right, and I know that he's practicing the inevitable, that it will happen, it will pay off, even though in the midst of like setbacks and stuff, like it's always going to work out in the end.

Speaker 1:

Additionally, like embracing a growth mindset when it comes to investing, like every see everything as an investment, whether it's going to be successful or not. You're investing in your time or you're in your education like, oh man, that did not work out the way I thought it was like we have lost so much money. When it comes to like certain businesses, oh man, like they're not funny at the time but and but now they're like that's an investment in my education. So that sucked in the minds in the in the middle of things. But like hey, we came out on top later on, much later on, um, as an opportunity to like learn and grow and remember that wealth it really is not all about money. So like this really isn't just like in a podcast, just like all about mindset of money, um, try to rephrase it, just like living a rich life, a fulfilled life, um, filled with meaning, of meaningful experiences and relationships.

Speaker 1:

So, as we wrap up today's episode, I just encourage you to reflect on your own mindset towards money and wealth. Are you approaching it with like a scarcity mindset of mine, or are you embracing it with abundance? Remember that the choice is yours and you can make the difference in your journey. So that's all for today's episode of just that mindset around money. So thank you so much for joining me on this and be sure to subscribe for more conversations of Denny Talks Until next time. May you continue to build a life that you truly love. Please don't forget to subscribe if you want to be a part of these conversations, if you want to be a podcast guest, if you are suggesting anybody in particular that you would like to see um co-host us with me. I would love to hear what you have to say. You can find us at simply lauren denny on any of our social media platforms, find us on an email at simplylaurendenny at gmailcom, or find me online at laurendennycom, and I so appreciate you guys being here. Have a fabulous day.