2B Bolder Podcast : Career Insights for the Next Generation of Women in Business & Tech

Career Podcast Featuring Dr. Nancy Salisbury, a Global Renowned Doctor Who has Dedicated her Life to Serving Women

Dr. Nancy Salisbury, Board Certified Gynecologist and Surgeon, known around the world as the Vagina Expert Season 1 Episode 5
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00:00 | 33:43

On episode #5 of the 2B Bolder podcast, guest Dr. Nancy Salisbury opens up about why she became a doctor and started a successful practice that focuses on helping women with their health and wellness, providing comprehensive gynecology services that include state of the art vaginal rejuvenation. Dr. N shares the challenges she's faced in her career and talks about words of encouragement she's received and provides insights and advice to others thinking of becoming a doctor. 

The 2B Bolder Podcast provides you first-hand access to some amazing women. Guests will include women from leading enterprise companies to startups, women execs, to coders, account execs, engineers, surgeons, doctors, and innovators.

To be inspired visit https://www.2bbolder.com/podcasts

Learn more about Dr. N at www.drngyn.com

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