Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.

Transforming Reality: The Hidden Power of Filters

October 31, 2023 Justin Wenck Season 1 Episode 151
Transforming Reality: The Hidden Power of Filters
Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.
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Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.
Transforming Reality: The Hidden Power of Filters
Oct 31, 2023 Season 1 Episode 151
Justin Wenck

Are you ready to see the world in a whole new light?

We promise that after tuning into this episode, you'll never consider your view of the world in the same way.

We venture into the captivating domain of filters, exploring how they determine our perception of the world around us. With a gripping account of witnessing a solar eclipse through special glasses - we shed light on how, by simply tweaking our filters, we can harvest the most from our experiences.

Varying our perspectives can transform challenges into opportunities, and how life’s unexpected twists could be cues to adjust our focus. Using a real-life story of a fortuitous event, we reveal how these perspective shifts can foster personal growth and success. 

Get ready to embrace a fresh perspective on filters!

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Watch the full video episode at Justin Wenck, Ph.D. YouTube Channel!

Check out my best-selling book "Engineered to Love: Going Beyond Success to Fulfillment" also available on Audiobook on all streaming platforms! Go to to learn more!

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Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, music and pics belong to the rightful owners.


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are you ready to see the world in a whole new light?

We promise that after tuning into this episode, you'll never consider your view of the world in the same way.

We venture into the captivating domain of filters, exploring how they determine our perception of the world around us. With a gripping account of witnessing a solar eclipse through special glasses - we shed light on how, by simply tweaking our filters, we can harvest the most from our experiences.

Varying our perspectives can transform challenges into opportunities, and how life’s unexpected twists could be cues to adjust our focus. Using a real-life story of a fortuitous event, we reveal how these perspective shifts can foster personal growth and success. 

Get ready to embrace a fresh perspective on filters!

Send us a Text Message.

Watch the full video episode at Justin Wenck, Ph.D. YouTube Channel!

Check out my best-selling book "Engineered to Love: Going Beyond Success to Fulfillment" also available on Audiobook on all streaming platforms! Go to to learn more!

Got a question or comment about the show? E-mail me at

Remember to subscribe so you don't miss the next episode! Connect with me:

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, music and pics belong to the rightful owners.


Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

Welcome to the show. Today I am talking about how your filters shape the world you live in. That's right. What you allow yourself to take in, what you let yourself see, actually brings out whatever you end up seeing. And it's a lot of people think, like the world is doing. The world is this way. The world is this way because that's how you choose to see it, and this became very apparent to me recently as well. Before I get into that, do want to remind you that if you're looking to maybe get some new filters for your world, to check out my ideal life accelerator, where you have an opportunity to do some one-on-one hot sea coaching with me so go to JustinWikcom slash ideal life X for acceleration, even though there's no X in accelerator. I just have a hard time spelling accelerator, so I make it easy and I just made it an X, so check that out. So back to how filters shape your world and dictate the world you actually get to enjoy, look at and see.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

We have filters going on all the time. If you could literally see anything and everything that was going on, you couldn't function. So filters are necessary. And what do I mean by a filter? Effectively? So this is a little bit where my electrical engineering background can come in, come into play, be helpful to you know. So there's filters in you know audio like, for example, there's certain filters. So most common is something called like a low-pass filter, which everything has a frequency. So this isn't whoo-whoo shit, this is like literal.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

Like sound is things are vibrating around. The visual spectrum is there's vibrations you know how our cell phones work is portions of the electromagnetic spectrum that have a different frequency, and so some things are at higher frequencies, some things are at lower frequencies, and so when we're talking like audio, for example, the human voice or what people can hear, is usually somewhere from around a few hertz up into. If you got really good hearing I think maybe someone with like the best hearing is it's no more than 20 kilohertz and, as people have, you know, go through damage hearing things like that the frequency comes down to like I don't know 14 kilohertz. So I'm sure somebody's going to let me know. Like Justin, you're way off, you're off by point, is it's? It's not, it's not up into the megahertz. You can't hear megahertz, but what does?

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

What does happen is sometimes there ends up being, you know, high frequency noise can get into things. And so if you can hear those higher frequencies, but like the human voice I don't know what the peak of actual human voice is, but it's not up into those, you know, tens of kilohertz necessarily so it's like, all right, well, we'll just, you know, cut off everything that's at a higher frequency. So then, if there's any high frequency, high pitch noise you know Should be really annoying You'll just, we'll just cut that out, just cut that out, no big deal, be super easy. And so you use a low pass Filter so that you can ignore all that stuff that you know there's, no, there's nothing useful there to you, or you believe so, and we do this all the all the time. But you know, with another good example, for some reason I guess I'm podcasting is so it's. I'm just going naturally audio. Like you're in a crowded restaurant and you know you're sitting across from somebody, but then there's someone to your left and your right and they're talking to each other, but you want to talk to the person across from you. Now Both Conversations are technically being able to be heard, but you're filtering out the conversations happening to your left and to your right and focusing solely on the one Coming from the person directly across from you. So you are filtering out based off of the content and the context, this other conversation. So there's multiple ways that we can filter things, and I got to see a really cool example of Filtering with the most recent solar eclipse.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

This eclipse happened on Friday Nope, sorry, saturday October 14th, and so it peaked around 9 20 am, started around 8, 30, something like that, and it'd been a while since I'd seen a, seen a solar eclipse I don't, I can't really remember how long and one of the things they tell you is don't look directly at the Sun because damage It'll damage your eyes. The Sun is very powerful, so don't look directly the Sun it's very powerful can damage your eyes. So that goes well. Then how the fuck do you see the solar eclipse? Well, there are special glasses you can get that have a proper filter that filters out enough of those harmful rays so that you can see Some of it, yet you're not getting too much that it's gonna blast you out. This also filters out just about all the other visual light and you can't see anything just about other than the Sun. And it was one of these when I first got the glasses. I'm you know, if you watch, got a chance to watch the video Somewhere or whatever.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

So here I am. I've got my solar eclipse glasses on and these are filtering out anything but the brightest of sunlight so effectively. I see absolutely nothing now, so I'm sure I look awesome. I even found like a sticker that I put on so I can't reference this side or the other side, but it's a sticker from when I was a kid that says just, and I put on sex. I'm like these are my, these are my fucking sun-staring glasses, and so I could stare at the brightest lamp in my room. I can't see anything, I just see darkness. Now I just, I just see the glasses. Yep, when I stare at the Sun, I see what is a relatively comfortable, beautiful golden sphere, and when the eclipse is on, I see a little Little chunk taken out of that sphere by the moon passing over. A little fun fact I learned is that apparently there ends up being a solar eclipse somewhere on this planet Once a year. Yet you have to be at a particular place on the planet to be able to see this. So, depending on where you live, your frequency of seeing a solar eclipse is gonna vary dramatically.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And it was just so wild and it was fun because I met up with a friend. I was like, hey, you want to go check out this? I've got some extra glasses. And you know we walk along and some people like, oh, what's going on? It's like it's an eclipse, do you want to see? And just about everybody like, yeah, I'll check it out and pass them these, these fun looking glasses, and they put them on and they look like, oh, my gosh, wow, that is incredible.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

I had no idea that was going, because without the glasses, while the eclipse is going on, you look up and about all you Just see is just blinding, whatever. It's just, it's just too much. It's just too much. You can't handle it. And so sometimes are I'm gonna take these off now, as cool as they are. You Sometimes that's what is happening in our life, or sometimes we can't see, sometimes maybe something we need to see or want to see because it's too we're maybe too open, we're allowing too much in and maybe we need to close off a little bit so then we can focus in on something a little bit more, because what these glasses effectively are doing is allowing us to block off everything else and just focus on something that is like, oh my god, yeah, I want to be able to see this and concentrate on this and understand what's going on. And we can do that with other parts of our lives and you know, an example is anything that you really want to focus on can be good to put the filter on and just go like anything extraneous is going away. And I'm about to do that. Right now, actually, I'm getting ready to have a focus on.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

I've already started writing another book and I'm going to do a week long book writing intensive. This will actually be my third one. So I did two in preparation for the bestselling engineered to love, going beyond success fulfillment using practical tools to relax, recharge and reconnect. So Amazon bestseller you can get on Amazon the audiobooks also available, highly recommended. Engineered to lovecom, so that I wrote over. Well, there was lots of other times, but the majority was written in one week during a book writing intensive. And a lot of people hear this and they go like, how the fuck can you do that? That sounds ridiculous. It's got to be, you know, but it's really well done and it's all about the filters and the focus, because in that one week, just about everything that has does not support the writing of a book gets set aside. It's not important, and the most important thing is writing the book. And I'm about to do that again because I'm started writing a book.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

I don't want to say too much. I've done a little teaser on my social media. So, justin Wink, phd, on your finer platforms of misinformation, if you want to call them. So I did a little teaser about if I was going to write another book. That's a novel. What should it be? Should it be an action, an adventure or a porno? And that makes me laugh because that was a line out of a movie called Orgasmo, which, if you know, south Park and Trey Parker and Matt Stone they did a movie around the time South Park started getting going called Orgasmo, which was where someone ends up making a action adventure, porno. And so we'll see what I end up writing. I'll say more once.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

More is written, and I'm getting ready to write a significant amount of it over the course of the next week. So I'm putting, basically, effectively, solar glasses on so that I will. You know, with these glasses that are for looking at the sun, for an eclipse, I can only see the sun and what is happening there, and I'm about to do that with only seeing what supports the writing of the book, and sometimes it's all about the getting stuff out. But then sometimes we need to shift our filter so that we can see something different or maybe expand out, see something more. And a recent case of this has to do with parking and street sweeping. So you know many, many of you.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

Maybe this isn't a thing where you live, because if you're somewhere rural or suburban there's just plenty of parking. Maybe you don't even drive, yet I drive and I go into San Francisco and other parts. A big thing is they'll have street sweeping. Usually once a week. They put signs up that say no parking because street sweeping happens. This has not been an issue for me for over a year. It's usually been no big deal where I just like I go somewhere and they park, and no big deal.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

Yet recently on Thursday, and you're going to want to stick with this because there's a point and the point is going to really make it easy for you to understand, like maybe, why things happen and you're frustrated, and it can help you be not so frustrated when we start to see that sometimes things are happening to help us shift our filters when we're not really paying attention and need to pay attention, and so I was going to go get some. I had to go get some medical lab work done. So I drive to the lab and there's this great parking spot right in front. I'm like this is fantastic, this is so good. Yes, what a lucky day.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And I get out and this gentleman's working on his car I don't know, he could be a horrible person for all I know. I don't know why I call them a gentleman, I don't know. A human goes hey, it's a camp part there right now and he points behind me and I look back, see the street sweeping sign that says, basically, from 9 to 11 on Thursdays, no parking here. And it's, and it's fuck, it's that time. I can't park there. So I go. All right, thank you, thank you, appreciate it. Thanks for the help Making sure I don't get a ticket. See, people are generally nice and helpful and I go. I parked my car somewhere else and then I walked to go, walk to the lab, get in and the lab is closed for their lunch hour, which is before noon. Is there like an 11, 11, 15 or something? And like, okay, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks. So go, go.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

I go to Target and you need to get some. I need to get some other sunglasses, not the solar kind, but some real sunglasses. Cause when I was on my way to Vegas my pair of sunglasses broke and I had another pair, but I don't really like them so I needed I needed some new ones. So it kind of worked out, cause otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone to the Target to get the glasses If that hadn't happened I didn't like. Well, I don't want to go home, I'll just wait it out. Go get what I need to get done at Target. Although I don't recommend Target, I just they have stuff and I needed stuff, so I don't endorse that. If you don't like Target, I don't care, I just I don't. They had stuff, I needed stuff, so I went to the place with stuff, but I'm not endorsing Target. So if you hate Target, great. If you love Target, great. I don't care about Target, I just needed the stuff.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And sometimes things don't have to be more complicated than that. Sometimes you just got to get something taken care of so you can then take care of more important things like writing a book, right, or doing a podcast or being kind to people. Just sometimes there's more important things in life. So I got that done. Then I got my lab work done. So, cool, right, no big deal. And you're like okay, justin, where is this going? Stick with me, you're going to see, it's going to be phenomenal, it's going to be great, it's going to pay off. It's going to be a payoff.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

So the next day a friend of mine he's been, you know, he lives on like the outskirts of San Francisco, but he's been working in the downtown at a WeWork. He's like hey, you want to come join me at the WeWork. Again, I don't endorse WeWork, I don't care about WeWork. I think they went bankrupt. I think I got to see why. I mean the amount of real estate they're invested in. How do you afford this? Apparently, they couldn't Anyway.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

So I was going to meet him at his place and then we were going to take public transit Then to the city, because that's what you do in a city you take public transit. You don't drive all the time. I still like to drive a lot and anyway. So I go, I go to my buddy's place and I go to park and I'm noticing the street sweeping signs, because my filter has been adjusted to notice street sweeping signs and Right in front of a street it says this is, this is street sweeping time. Just my luck. Just my luck. From the time I get there for the next two hours can be street sweeping.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And so I'm driving around looking for spots and Now I'm gonna be five or ten minutes late and I'm like, hey, I'm, it's street sweeping time. I'm having a hard time and find a parking. He's like, oh shit, I gotta let my girlfriend know her car is parked. So so he lets her know and so she's. She gets up, he comes out, hopps in and we find a spot and he helps me park because I find just like the most challenging spot to get into. And Once we park, we start walking to the bus stop and we see the meter maid there to give tickets to people she'd just given, or he. I didn't check, but you know, meter maid, anyway They'd just given. We'll use they a a singular they are. They had just given a parking ticket to Someone and they were just about to drive up to where my buddy's girlfriend's car was and she just she just pulls away and the, the meter maid goes past and it's just one of those things where you know, I had been annoyed that I'd run across the parking you know no parking thing before, but it was kind of at that moment I was like, oh, interesting, my filter had been adjusted so that then I would notice it so I wouldn't get a ticket, and then also I could get the information so that then this other person wouldn't get a ticket, and how cool is that.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And so when things maybe aren't going your way, it might just be a message to pay attention to something you haven't been paying attention to, that Maybe there's something up with your filter, it's filtering something out that is actually very important for you to start paying attention to. So, instead of getting upset and frustrated Of like why is this happening to me, shift it and go like, how is this happening for me? What am I now noticing that I wasn't noticing before? Because really, a lot of our world, a lot of our life, is just these Degrees of what do we need to pay attention to, and then what do we need to discard? Because when we're in alignment, when we're taking in what is useful and we're ignoring what is not useful, that's when the magic can happen, that's when we can do amazing things in so little time, and that's when we can enjoy and take in the magic, the beauty of of this world, of what's possible, and allow to come out Whatever is meant to come out. It's gonna most light us up and bring joy to those around us.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And so if you're like other things seem to be too much, maybe it's time to put the, put some more filters up and like block some more stuff out. And Maybe, you know, because if I, the thing is, these glasses are fantastic, if I want to see a solar eclipse, yet If I want to do anything else, if I want to drive my car, if I want to walk around, I'm gonna hit and stuff and it's gonna be painful. And I could be like, why does the world just keep doing this to me? Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. Or I could take it as a signal that hey, maybe it's time to take the glasses off and see something more and work with what's actually going on.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

And Whatever is going on is often based off of what you're choosing to focus on, what you're placing your attention in. So this is just another dimension of when you can place your attention, because the last episode was all about how your attention is the most valuable thing that you have in your possession in this episode really is about. You know, where can you be placing that attention, starting to get a little bit more subtle, a little bit more sophisticated With your attention. So with that, how is this landing? What's something in your life that maybe you need to do some filtering out, or maybe what's something where you need to Open up to some more information? Let me know.

Justin Wenck Ph.D.:

Podcast at Justin wink calm or on social medias Justin wink PhD. Twitter. No, not Twitter, I don't do that. I guess it's called X now. Tiktok, instagram, linkedin, facebook and you can also check out YouTube and also would encourage you To check out the ideal life accelerator, justin wink comm slash ideal life some free one-on-one hot seat coaching till the end of 2023. So Check that out. It's good stuff. So, if you never experienced what's like to be coached, and Especially if you haven't been coached by me because I am phenomenal Nobody does it the way I do it, just my ability to quickly get to the heart and bring a new perspective it's basically shifting your filters. If you really actually want to experience really highly, suggest you get one of these coveted hot seats. So with that, justin wink comm slash ideal life X for accelerator. All right, with that, I'm gonna end this episode. Take care and a good day. I.

How Your Filters Shape Your World
Parking Challenges and Perspective Shifts