Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.
Are you ready to live a life with enough time, money, and energy? Have relationships and connections that delight you? Are you ready for the extraordinary life you know you’ve been missing? If so, then this is the place for you. I'm a best selling author, coach, consultant, and speaker who’s worked in technology for over two decades. I’m a leader in transforming people and organizations from operating in fear, obligation and guilt to running off joy, ease, and love. It’s time for Engineering Emotions and Energy!
Engineering Emotions and Energy with Justin Wenck, Ph.D.
Guided I Love Myself Meditation 35
Today I share a simple yet powerful practice that with just 5 minutes a day can introduce magic into your life: The "I love myself" Meditation. This comes from Kamal Ravikant's "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It" book.
Why "Love"? It's hardwired since we all experienced at least SOME love as a baby. So the practice simply uncovers what's already there. Here's the practice:
1. Sit or lay in a comfortable meditation position.
2. Instrumental music is optional (no words).
3 On an inhale mentally say "I love myself"
4. On an exhale release anything that needs to be released.
5. Repeat for 5 or more minutes. If you notice you've wandered off, just smiles and say "I love myself" and return to the practice.
That's it! Can you commit to 30 days of this practice?
Whenever you find yourself wondering what to do, ask yourself, "If I truly loved myself, what would I do?" I know that 1 time out of 10 you'll do something different and more loving for yourself and others that you would have before doing this practice. Enjoy the magic!
Got a question or comment about the show? E-mail podcast@justinwenck.com. Remember to subscribe so you don't miss the next episode! Then connect with me at JustinWenck.com, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn!
Watch the full video episode at Justin Wenck, Ph.D. YouTube Channel!
Check out my best-selling book "Engineered to Love: Going Beyond Success to Fulfillment" also available on Audiobook on all streaming platforms! Go to https://www.engineeredtolove.com/ to learn more!
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Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, music and pics belong to the rightful owners.
Welcome to the engineering emotions and energy podcast. I'm your host, Justin Wenck. Today's show, going to be sharing one of my powerful daily practices the I love myself meditation. So this comes from this fantastic book that I got recommended from a new teacher of mine, Jim Fortin doing his transformational coaching program. And it's called the love yourself, like your life depends on it. It's by Kemal raava Khan, the spoken about this on some of my lives and the podcast before and I wanted to show what what it looks like how simple it is. And if you're listening along, you can kind of do it along with me, if you're driving. Don't close your eyes, don't do the installations, pay attention to what you're doing. yet. There's nothing wrong with while you're driving to be repeating I love myself. So what you know, you may ask, you know, of all the things I can say to myself, why? Why love? And so, in the book, he says, Why not? I like myself or I accept myself. Why Why does it have to be that fucking word love, I added fucking, he doesn't say fucking. Here's the theory. If you've ever been a baby, you've experienced the love. The mind knows it on a fundamental, even primal level. So unlike most words, love has the ability to slip past the conscious and into the subconscious, where the magic happens. What if you don't believe that you love yourself, doesn't matter. Your role is to lay down the pathways brick upon brick, reinforced the connections between the neurons, the mind already has a strong wiring for love. The body knows that as well. It knows that love nurtures that love is gentle, that love is accepting. It knows that love heals. Your job is not to do any of these, your job is purely to love yourself. Make it your single minded focus, the mind and the body will respond automatically. They don't have a choice. here's the best part. One that makes me smile, as I read this to you. As you love yourself, life loves you back. I don't think it has a choice either. I can't explain how it works. But I know it to be true. When you find yourself using the word magical to describe your life, you'll know what I'm talking about. So that's why love and I've it's one of those that's kind of like Well, what's what's the worst I can lose five minutes a day like I was pregnant waste that doing some some nonsense here on Facebook or watching something worthless anyway. So I might as well spend on something that has a promise of magic. Because who doesn't want more magic, especially at times like these one. It seems like if this was the Harry Potter World, it would seem like he who cannot he should not be named is a doing the the dark magic. So we could use a little magic of light. So what how I like to do the I love myself meditation is i. So I have this device called the core meditation trainer. It vibrates. And so you can do like guided meditations through this. And you can also do breathwork meditations and it'll guide you in timing based on a vibration pattern. So I have a audio track, I don't know if you'll be able to hear it. But I'll be saying I love myself. And so that'll be good enough, it's gonna work out fantastic. So I know my five minutes, I can close my eyes. And I know when the vibration stops, the time is up. No need for me to open my eyes up because that's something that I've often done with regular meditation timers is I'm convinced that something's going wrong with it, it's broken that it's not going to happen. So I opened my eyes and I check and invariably there's 10 seconds left. Whereas this thing has been fantastic for me because I trusted I feel the vibration and then I feel the vibration stopped so I can trust that if it's doing something it's working, and then when it stops, my time is up so so you might be able to hear the music. It's just a weird repeating loop thing. I do five minutes of this. So I pick up pick up my trainer, and it'll start vibrating and I'm gonna close my eyes and we can all kind of, you know, just take some deep breaths. So the practice is on an inhale, say I love myself. then on an exhale, just let go whatever needs to be let go. And then on inhale, I love myself Exhale, let go whatever and then if you want to picture light coming in you can picture light coming in but not necessary and if at any time sort of drift away like it happens thoughts come up I have got a fence install starting tomorrow so that might come up did I did I get everything done for that and I'll just kind of smile and go Oh, I love myself. I love myself. So we're gonna get started now practice for five minutes. So pop on, pop off. How wherever your minds at just come back and join in with all of myself. I'm gonna close my eyes. So and we'll get started here 321 I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I lost my son I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. I love myself. So my core meditation trainer has stopped vibrating, the time is up. So it was five minutes. And I noticed, usually I silently say I love myself. And so effectively I was verbally to me every other breath cycle, because I really wanted to feel a full inhale and a full exhale. And if you if you're watching me probably Tanja could visually see emotions coming, coming up on my face and through my body. I just allow those to be and put my focus on the breath. And the repetition of I love myself. And I could also feel the vibration still going, which is also very helpful and grounding. So now I'm gonna stop that music if you're able to still hear it. So it's very simple, the love myself meditation. And I enjoyed doing it. Usually, whenever I wake up immediately, it is a must, for me now been doing it for over 30 days. I, David, and yesterday, went to an early yoga class. And there was, I don't know, at least five minutes before the class started. So I was able to just lie back and do this practice. So the simplicity and the ease, you can literally do it anywhere, any place, you got five minutes, and put some sunglasses on. So you can do it. And people don't even need to know that you've got your eyes closed and that you're in another state. And if you do get emotional, I've definitely noticed that it's a way more common thing. I was out Friday afternoon, paddleboarding. And there was a young woman at the side of the river. And I was paddling and she looked kind of like upset a little bit. I was also upset, just kind of Breathe deep. And she said, Hi, how's it going? And we had like a nice little conversation while I was strolling by and just kind of acknowledging that we're out there doing something that helps us feel better about the state of ourselves state of the world. So even if someone does catch you, it might be one of the most positive connecting things that you could experience if someone catches you being weird, doing weird meditation saying I love myself, I love myself. So very curious how, how you find it? How you might make it your own. I commit to 30 days, five minutes a day, that's when the magic starts to happen. Because I'm pretty sure the way I'm feeling today, if I hadn't been doing this practice, I would have just, I'd still be I would still be on the on the couch watching some TV feeling mopey in this, well, maybe tomorrow I'll be a better day. But one of the practices or one of the things he points out is that you know, when you're at a crossroads of what to do, what are the best next step ask if I truly loved myself, what would I do? And so with that, the baseline of I love myself, I love myself, basically rinsing away all the bullshit that's covered up, because as he says, The feeling of love is ingrained from when we were babies. Because we felt that that motherly love in one way or another. Someone fed us someone protected. Someone did so many acts of love to get us to where wherever we are, no matter how good or how bad, how horrible. We know that feeling of love, at least at some level, even for the smallest amount because someone else, something else got us here. And this practice really helps wash away what's been hidden. So there's this really is not about creating something new. It's about uncovering something that perhaps has been lost or forgotten or covered up. And when you just start to get a glimpse of that, and then you can just ask yourself, I truly loved myself, what what would I do? Chances are, you're gonna, you're gonna, I'm not gonna say nine times out of 10, I'm gonna say one time out of 10, you're gonna do something fucking different. You're gonna do something that is actually loving and caring and beneficial for yourself. Like me, doing this Facebook Live and podcast and sharing this practice, way more positive than just being on TV. Possibly eating something that's gonna poison myself and made me feel even worse in watching stuff that's not going to help me and isn't going to have any option of helping you. So I've already begun preparing a nice bath for myself to do sort of a further sort of cleanse an Epsom salt bath with some baking soda. And what is it? hydrogen peroxide is prescribed by an energy healer I saw a couple years ago. And he's like, you're gonna want to do like five of these after our session because he's gonna help continue with the clearing. And somebody I do periodically now and it's just it's so amazing. So I'm looking forward to it. So I'm gonna go do that. How are you guys gonna take care of yourselves today? Or you can try out the I love myself meditation. It's okay to be silly. I'm allowing it. You don't need my permission, but I'm giving it to you. If you if for some reason you need it, but you don't. I'm here just to help you do whatever it is you want to do. So I love myself and I love you and find me on Facebook. Find me at emotions engineering, calm and we'll be in touch. Take care.