Episode #20 The Burmese Cowboy

J.B./The Burmese Cowboy Episode 20

A man at sea who wasn't paid his wages for 4 months stands up for himself and his shipmates. A man who stood up to a brutal military dictatorship. A man who was placed on a list and not allowed to go home. He sits down to tell his story to the world, the toughest man I know, The Burmese Cowboy. What is it like when the Chief Engineer is paid to silence you at gunpoint? What is it like to be stranded in a strange land where you don't speak the language? What is it like to be onboard a ship that sinks in a South American river? The Burmese Cowboy answers these questions and more. 

There was a documentary made about him. You can watch it here

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Thank you for listening. Smooth sailing.

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