Own Your Intuition

The Path of The Priestess with Visionary Author Sarah Drew

Topics discussed:

  • The Path of a Priestess & the meaning of the sacred number of 13
  • What exactly is the Gaia Codex
  • Who are the priestesses of Astera?
  • How internal work is earth work
  • The great gift of being able to share lineage lines that come through you
  • Being in symbiotic relationship with the earth and each other
  • Advice for writing your own book and/or birthing your creations
  • From CEO to homeless, Sarah shares a sacred personal initiation
  • Sarah's process of writing her beautiful books
  • Sarah’s new book releasing in 2024!!

The book Sarah shares at the end of the episode (SYNCHRONICITY! Kami Speer shared the same book with us in the last episode!): Hilma af Klint: A Biography


Kelly Rich, B.S., RYT, AHC is a Seeress,  Soul Reader, Intuitive, Educator, Writer, the host of the Own Your Intuition Podcast, and creator of many different events, retreats and courses. She’s been leading transformational experiences since 2011. https://www.thekellyrich.com/ Connect with Kelly on Instagram @TheKellyRich

As the visionary author of the eco-feminist novel, GAIA CODEX, Sarah Drew catalyzes powerful blueprints for the future deeply rooted in the gnosis of the past. Sarah has been a featured speaker at the graduate level and at organizations such as Google, ABC Deepak Homebase, The Assemblage and Bioneers, and she is currently a popular teacher and mentor for women worldwide on topics such as Feminine Wisdom, Evolutionary Culture. and Regenerative Technologies.  Explore more:  www.SarahDrew.net and www.GaiaCodex.com