Own Your Intuition

A Guided Practice for Owning Your Intuition and Uncovering Your Purpose

Hear a channeled vision Kelly saw for this episode that includes a practice to uncover why you are here, what you are meant to do and to own your intuition. Owning Your Intuition is a consistent practice that never ends, the spiritual medicine of this episode may accumulate over time which is why Kelly recommends showing up to this episode every day for the next month. 

Kelly Rich, B.S., RYT, AHC is a Seeress,  Soul Reader, Intuitive, Educator, Writer, the host of the Own Your Intuition Podcast, and creator of many different events, retreats and courses. She’s been leading transformational experiences since 2011. https://www.thekellyrich.com/ Connect with Kelly on Instagram @TheKellyRich