Own Your Intuition

The Shaman, The Priestess + The Seeress

Episode 116

This episode is for you if you want to confidently own and embody your gifts,  stop outsourcing your decisions to others and instead learn, trust, and follow your own intuitive knowing system. Join the final round of the Own Your Intuition Course  - CLICK HERE!

There’s a reason the Own Your Intuition Course is entering it’s sixth year and I’m positive it has something to do with the #1 most frequently shared piece of feedback after completion: “OYI IS LIFE-CHANGING.” 

Kelly Rich, B.S., RYT, AHC is a Seeress,  Writer, Supporter of Women in Business, Educator, founder of The School of Intuition, host of the Own Your Intuition Podcast, and creator of many different events, retreats and courses. She’s been leading transformational experiences since 2011. https://www.thekellyrich.com/ Connect with Kelly on Instagram @TheKellyRich