Nid's Nidra

Yoga Nidra: Being in Your Steady Flow (Loving Tummy update)

Nid Ra Season 3

This is the 2024 channelled version of the Loving Tummy Yoga Nidra originally channelled in 2017. 

Drop into your space of deep rest in this practice to reconnect to your natural flow, so you can digest life with greater ease, and wake up ready to flow with your day, in your way!

Benefits of this practice include:

  • Ease your digestive issues  
  • Release gut health challenges
  • Embrace a love for your belly!
  • Flowing into sleep more easily
  • Connecting to your natural rhythms and bodily needs
  • Awareness of your own rhythm and where you are in a cycle of digesting life
  • Improved energy and vibrancy in mind, body and mood as your gut clears
  • Clearing blocked energies in your gut field 
  • Allowing your Divine Will to flow through you into courageous action

This practice includes:

  • Breath awareness at the navel
  • Opposites of stuck and flow
  • Visualisation of a water journey

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Please be aware that some practices can bring up deep fears and you may need to seek professional support. You can reach out to me if you need guidance.

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Much love and light,

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