Busted Buttons

Mario 35th Anniversary - Busted Buttons Ep. 28

September 16, 2020 TGPZ Gaming
Mario 35th Anniversary - Busted Buttons Ep. 28
Busted Buttons
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Busted Buttons
Mario 35th Anniversary - Busted Buttons Ep. 28
Sep 16, 2020
TGPZ Gaming

Red and I start with a discussion on the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Microsoft recently revealed both the price and release date. What are our thoughts?

We then tackle the rumors of a Nintendo Switch Pro. What would we like to see from it? What specs are we expecting? Are we planning on buying it?

Afterwards, we dive into the Mario 35th Anniversary Direct. We were excited about this one as there were some big announcements. The big one was obviously Super Mario 3D All-Stars, but what other announcements are we excited about?

We end with a talk about the upcoming Legend of Zelda game, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Red and I start with a discussion on the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Microsoft recently revealed both the price and release date. What are our thoughts?

We then tackle the rumors of a Nintendo Switch Pro. What would we like to see from it? What specs are we expecting? Are we planning on buying it?

Afterwards, we dive into the Mario 35th Anniversary Direct. We were excited about this one as there were some big announcements. The big one was obviously Super Mario 3D All-Stars, but what other announcements are we excited about?

We end with a talk about the upcoming Legend of Zelda game, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.

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What's up gamers Welcome to Episode 28 of the Busted Buttons podcast. We've got a great episode for you like we do every single episode. Yeah, we put out but I gotta say this has been a crazy week for video game news and announcements and I cannot wait to get into we're going to talk about we finally got some great news on the Xbox series x and series s we got the price we got release date, we got details, we have more rumors about a potential switch pro coming out. So we're all about these next gen consoles. We also had the huge Nintendo announcement of the Mario 35th anniversary, and everything that Nintendo is rolling out for the anniversary. And last but certainly not least, for Zelda fans like us, we got kind of a surprise announcement that we're getting another Hyrule Warriors game called the age of calamity before the end of the year, so we got a lot to get into. I'm excited. I feel like we're finally getting some really good concrete news on these next gen consoles, upcoming Nintendo games, you've heard us bitch about those topics in the past, like we're not getting enough information, we're finally getting it now. So let's just jump right in with the Xbox series x and s and Ma. I'm just gonna say sex, that's just gonna happen. And I apologize for that my Southern accent is gonna come out. But we finally got some news on the series x and s release date, and price. And just so they're both coming out on November 10. The series S will be priced at $299 here in the States at least. And the series x will be priced at 499. So Hick, what are your thoughts on this release date, the price the two different versions just jump right into whatever you want?


Well, first of all, I don't even know the s was coming out. That was a great shock to me. I didn't hear any rumors. Now. I don't really look into rumors a lot, because I'm kind of one of those, you know, I'm not gonna waste my time with stuff unless I kind of know it's true, or a high probability of being true. So like, I wasn't looking into the rumors, when it comes out, it comes out I'll know them. But this s man First of all, this thing just looks funky. Like I don't know if that's actually a speaker on it or what that is, but as looks weird on the means that means are absolutely hilarious. Oh, I'm not really a big fan. I'm not gonna get it like for me, like for a couple hundred bucks, like 200 bucks in this situation, like you can get the real deal. The big real deal thing that's going to be powerful. So I understand that gamers, not all of them have money. And this will appeal to a lot of gamers mean Yep, don't care about the S whatsoever. I think that's kind of a bad idea at launch. Because if the PlayStation five only has one console and then you're having all these other gaming fans by your lower in console, then you're going to be behind in the number so you know maybe they know something about what PlayStation is doing maybe PlayStation five will have a cheaper model but then we're


gonna cut in you know, Playstation five has the diskless model at least with Oh, yeah. Okay, so Yeah, that's true. It's about


the same specs I believe though. Yeah, pretty sure it's the same specs. I think actually from the rumors I've seen it's gonna be like around 100 less if you go they all digital one. Yeah, but to me that's not dumbed down virgin like you said like it's just diskless all the other specs are up to par. Whereas this I mean, okay, you're only gaming at 14 for at least the rumor is at 1440 p Okay, next gen is 4k That's why I want to game it is 4k so if your Give me the system that's 1440 p Hill then a much different it's different it's better but it's not that much different than 1080 p some for me Yeah, spend a couple extra hundred bucks especially if they had this financing plan that I can let you talk about that. So for me speak of extra hundred bucks get the real deal don't go out and get this imposter you know even though I hate the name series x does sound a hell lot better than series s and so you know it's cool that we get the day in November 10 I'm excited about that. Um, pre pre pre order I might not pre order I don't know you know day one guy like I don't really want go wait in the lines and everything Yeah, but I probably will buy one not gonna buy this one but I will buy one of them most likely the first week but yeah my pre order you know I want delivered you just deliver to me I don't want to go out anywhere I don't want to do anything. I've been home since March. I want to my gym shorts maybe if I decide to wear them that day. I want you to bring wow to me but I'm overall cool that they nasty Yeah, I'm excited about one you know, right I'm really not that excited about the series x to be honest with you. But you know what? new console next gen console but yeah series so I wasn't huge fan what what was your opinion?


I agree in general. I'm glad that we finally got to Concrete release date we find out our concrete price point. And to be honest, the 499 for the series x I was a little surprised I wouldn't have been shocked if both would have pushed for the 600 to the 599 on the $600 point, especially considering like the new solid state drives they're putting in there you know, just the the push in the 4k 499 for this console for the series x seems like a steal to me. And like you mentioned, I don't I got no fucking games on it. Right. But it will, it will hit it's got the game pass game. So it's already got more than Sony but that's neither here nor there. But now I'm with you in terms of I don't want the series s like it will appeal to a certain segment of gamers 1440 p you know getting upscaled to 4k isn't bad. It's nothing to sneeze at. But I'm with you. If I'm getting the new and shiny, especially like day one or week one. Give me the best of the best. Yeah, especially. I don't think 500 is that much more unreasonable than 300? Like if you're already making that jump? What's an extra couple hundred bucks? I mean, to some people, yes, that is a that can be a make or break thing. I bet that series S is going to appeal to some parents who are buying it for their Oh, yeah. So there's definitely gonna be that market for it.


But that's a really good point. Actually, I didn't think about that. But the parents they're buying the console's Yeah, necessary. This looks pretty nice


to the kid opens the box is like, What the fuck is this?


Yo, give me a Bluetooth speaker for Christmas.


But no, I'm just glad that we're finally getting like that concrete data. You know, the pre orders start later this month, I believe September 22 is the date I saw. And to be perfectly honest, I mean, I know we've kind of had this conversation the series x probably I probably will go ahead and get it day one. I've already got the game pass. So all those get most of those games are coming to it day one. Yes. They're not going to be optimized for x right off the bat. I get that. Yeah, but do things like Assassin's Creed Valhalla has now adjusted its release date to be November 10. So you know, there will be some third party games that are there available. And I'm sure it will be available on the PlayStation five as well on launch. But I am kind of excited about this whole, all access. And I don't know all the details about it. But supposedly, you can do the you can get get a monthly payment program for the next gen console, which I think and I haven't done the math and I haven't seen all the details. So I don't know how much like interest and things like that is baked into it. But if it's better than putting on a high interest credit card or something like that, yeah, it's not or dipping into savings. If you got to do that they're getting another credit card. Not that we've never done that for No, no. Not a lot. Oh, and so but just for 25 bucks a month for the series s or 35 bucks a month for the series x, it seems like you're gonna get your game pass. Plus that money goes towards the new console. So it's like it's like the way phone plans work. Now, at least again, all this is kind of from the mindset of being in the United States. I know some of our listeners are overseas, but so like with a phone plan, it just texts extra 20 bucks on your phone plan, you're not dropping 800 bucks up front for a new phone. You know, that's why people wouldn't be upgrading every two years if that was the case. But it just bakes on an extra 20 or 30 bucks to your phone plan to pay it off over time and without like I said I haven't read into all the detail Do


you have to get the subscription like to whichever Xbox game pass you have to have that to get the console like monthly payments or whatever


I think so you know like I said unless you put it on a credit card, you know you get a Best Buy card, whatever you know target card,


it would be for all you all if you're having issues buying this go get a Best Buy card, they always have crazy financing. They always have at least 12 months on like minimum 399 what you're gonna spend 399 probably games unless you get a series s if you get a series don't get a damn credit card just pay for it but you know spend like three $400 checkout Best Buy they always have crazy good financing. I believe the rest of the year they're doing like 18 months on like a I think it's 499 is the price point but


seriously, I will do that so


yeah, but like i mean Okay, first of all, if you had to get the Xbox game pass to get this payment plan on the console that is genius by Xbox to do that like oh yeah, we'll give you a monthly payment plan but you also had to get the Xbox game pass it loves you it


locks you genius system like


that one of the only things you've done right with well that's not really a name but you know what a few things that you've done right for a while, but I love that I think it's how it should be going forward. Like even though we might not struggle as much as other people you know, we're not rich at same time like I do have bills. You know, my my wife takes a lot more money I'm not gonna say she takes all my money but my wife the kids, they take a lot of my money damage so you know, it's not gonna sit here rolling in money but you know for us, we can afford a $500 hit here and there but if you give me the option to pay for a monthly I I'm going to do that because that even helps me out a lot. But I really like that. So I absolutely love this idea. I think Xbox and PlayStation should both do it, you had to make it easier to actually get access to your consoles. Not everybody has $500 they can't just go and repin that not everybody can even get a credit card, whether they're too young, or just have bad credit. So you had to give people an option. You know, zero percent interest would also be great. You know, this is like giving them an option to get the system and paid off because you are still going, I guess. I mean, I there's the whole thing about like, people can cancel credit cards or debit cards or whatever. Like you know, you do have some of that that can cause issues I can't I can't see that being an issue or somebody gets a console and you know they don't pay for the cancel their card or whatever repossessed Yeah, Microsoft go represent repossess the damn Xbox. So for a little bit cheaper makes make no money, almost


like Spencer's gonna show up at your door and personally pick up your


while you're like in the middle of like an important fight or something like,


oh, how funny would that be if you're online, and suddenly Microsoft kicks down your door and just walks out? That would go viral so fast. But I will say like i what i do love about Microsoft, at least finally putting this information out there is that it does put the ball in Sony's court. Yeah, like it is up to Sony now, to give us the details on when's the PlayStation five coming out? What are the price points for, you know, the regular version, and then the all digital version? And I'm really curious that, you know, these two are playing that big game of chicken, like who's gonna announce it? First, I'm really curious if Sony is going to try to undercut the Xbox, not just on price, but even potentially try to get it out sooner. Like if you're gonna be the first to market that is going to be that is a huge advantage. We saw that with the Xbox 360. Generation, the 360 not only had the price advantage, but it came out a year before. Yeah, the the PlayStation three, I think was that Yeah, Playstation three was that generation. And the 360 just dominated, you know, despite the stupid name and the red ring of death issues, but it's still dominated. So I wonder, I really wonder if Sony that now that they know the price points for the series S series x, they know the release date, will they try to come out with a model or not with a model, but release it at a cheaper price point, or even try to get it out the door sooner. And I'm honestly not sure with this COVID stuff with how much stuff has been delayed supply chains have been disrupted if it's even possible to get it out sooner. I know after Halo got delayed a couple weeks back that we speculated on this very podcast, if the release of the console was gonna get pushed into that. So I'm kind of glad that Microsoft is stuck to their guns. Yes, they don't have their huge launch title. But you know, they do have that game pass advantage that will bring a bunch of titles day one. But I'm really curious now to see what Sony will do. Do you think that they will try to come in under price or even get it out the door sooner than the Xbox?


What are your thoughts? I don't think Sony cares to be honest with you. Like in most situations, I think they would care. But they're so far ahead of Xbox right now. Like the ball is in their court. Like more people from what I've experienced, especially with that Halo infinite delay. A lot more people are excited about the ps4 than they are the Xbox and I feel that people are willing to wait myself included. Maybe a month longer to get the PS five so I honestly don't think Sony is really that worried about it. I think they are going to release it close to the Xbox. I don't think they have to as far as price point. No, they're not going to get under at 499 price point. Have you seen the damn PS five is it's humongous it all the specs it's rockin I think the PS five just to guess I think it's gonna come in. Well, you got the digital version. And I think a disc version, which I believe is going to be the more expensive one. I think that one comes in at 599 that's what I'm thinking. It's not gonna bother me. Because for me right now, Playstation the balls in record. They're the one that's killing it in the video game market lead right now. Yeah, I mean, they're not really destroying Nintendo, but they're just joining Xbox. Yeah. And so they have a lot to work with. They really sit whenever they want to. Yes, you probably should release it close to the Xbox. I don't think they have to, you know, they want to wait till maybe Black Friday, you know, that's two or three weeks later. I think that's still doable. price points, man. I mean, here we go. Again, if you're talking only I think at the most Sony's only going to be over $100 and for most people you can't like unless you really struggling now $100 is not going to bother you too much if you really want the system and they have the great games. So yeah, I don't think Sony's worried at all. I think they are going to come out and say something, I don't know if you'll get a release date or a price but they're gonna come out and say something about I don't know the God will the console is what they're going to talk about. But of course,


they know some point.


I just I don't it's really it's gonna be really interesting to see how Sony plays it. Because I think Microsoft at one point somebody leaked something about the Xbox series s.


I think that always sucks. Force Microsoft and a little bit.


Yeah, yeah, they announced it. So I don't know if Microsoft is planning on like, given a given this information out this quickly it kind of just happened because you know that link or possibly they were going to do it anyways. And they moved up a couple days that could also happen, but no, in my opinion sewing, I don't think they're really worried I think they can release it, you know, as long as it's somewhat close, they can release it whenever they want to, you know, they're gonna release it around the holiday sometime. As far as price point, I think if you come in within$100, I think you're going to be absolutely fine. But anyways, speaking of next gen consoles, let's kind of get away from the xboxes can't get away from the Xbox series x and the PlayStation five. And let's kind of talk about this switch pro that we've been hearing about not necessarily a next gen console, it's more of an upgrade. But something that I'm struggling with, you know, I got two consoles I'm going to buy, do I need to buy another one, but we not heard a lot about it. But what are your opinions on the switch pro?


Well, it's one of those things where it seems like the rumors of an upgrade switch model have been going around for like almost a year or if not longer, I mean, and it keeps seeing a growing steam every few months, something else pops up and kind of what triggered this now is that a Bloomberg actually came out with a report that Nintendo is requesting third party developers to start making their games for the switch 4k ready. So of course we're


light but good for them. Right.


So when you hear that, of course, people like oh, we're getting a 4k switch model. And I'm 100% with you on this one. Like we're already talking about the PlayStation five, the Xbox series x, it's like that, to think of another console coming out at and we don't have and again, this is all rumors. And we said earlier, we don't like putting too much credence into rumors. But like, you know, depending on the release point and the price point, it's like, I'm really happy with my switch. And Nintendo has done an amazing job of like, optimizing their first party games joke stunning on it like but what about a third party? Well, and that's like, I'm, I've not heard too many complaints about how games like Doom or Skyrim or Witcher three or Wolfenstein look on the switch. And I get that those are older games, I totally 100% get that they're, you know, they're not brand new. But you know, I've heard that. Yeah, they've got to make a few graphical sacrifices. But the ability to play it mobile has always made up for that like that overcomes the sacrifices. They're making terms of pure power. So yes,


some third party games like Xbox and PlayStation are Oh, this guy was saying maybe the graphics aren't that bad. Maybe people can handle it. But if you look at the numbers, for the most part, people are buying third party games on PlayStation and Xbox. Now if you get a switch pro that comes in is probably not gonna be 4k portable. It's just beyond I wouldn't think so. But let's say like the Wii U GamePad. You know, let's say they come in at 1440 P, like, yeah, having that kind of like, you know, graphical resolution for a portable, portable device. Forget the first party, they're always going to sell their first party games. And that can be huge for the third party games, because people I know, I'm not buying third party. I know some people are like, if you play like, you know, away from your house a lot or your TA, then yes, the portability aspect is like, you know, it's cool for you and you like it is but I still feel like a lot of people are gaming at home on their TV. Oh, especially during COVID. Right. Yeah, well, yeah. Especially. Yeah, exactly. So I mean, yeah, that portability is nice, but you still gotta get that third party gameplay at home. And so yeah, I think a 4k system with maybe like, let's say a 1440 P, you know, basically the same as the Xbox series x, which is next gen. So why would you buy that when you could just get the same thing as switch Pro, which will probably be 299 I think, you know, that may well. Charge like 599


right now, people will still buy the cost of getting all that into a handheld. Yeah, I know. Like every year stuff gets cheaper like the chipsets for the CPU, the GPU all that shit gets cheaper every year. I mean, it really does as they push the envelope with the higher end so like i think i think Nintendo could get there yet you know, the biggest thing I think would figure it out the battery charging the cooling if you're cramming for day, you know 4k quality, or like you said 1440 p mobile. If you're cramming all that into the system, you'd have to figure out the battery life and the in the cooling would be the biggest things otherwise your switches gonna sound like you're carrying a pocket pfanner Yep, yep. But now I'm I'm I'm not that excited about like I love my switch already. And I I'm kind of with you, we've talked about it like this hasn't been Nintendo's banner year in terms of releases for us. I mean, I know animal crossings done great the DLC for for that soon, but we've got some great stuff coming up and we will get to that but you know, this hasn't really been what I would consider a banner year for switch games to this point. But I'm I love my switch as is and like I said the games that I'm playing on it, for the most part are first party games and Nintendo makes them look stunning. Now what I like to see breath the wild in 4k? Of course I would I'm sure it would look absolutely gorgeous. But like, it already looks gorgeous is just gonna look gorgeous or Yeah. Yep, not even a word, but you know what I mean? So I, it would all come down to price and also timing like if it came out like randomly holiday season at the same time as the PlayStation five and series x. There's not a chance in hell, like I mean, I just wouldn't be able to pull that financially and like I said, we're not hurting. But China getting three consoles and a holiday season is the wife that could still buy


these two, you know, so one system Yeah, two systems like within a short amount of time. Yeah. Three new systems like within a year. That's gonna be a little bit more difficult. Might be filing for divorce. Is that gonna cost you too much money? She might as well just let me by the console's There you go. But


you know, we did mention and I'm so excited for this like we are finally getting announcements for big upcoming Nintendo games. Yeah, the first one was this awesome. Mario 35th anniversary presentation or direct that Nintendo put on and it was a fucking direct soccer fans on Twitter. So we got an awesome Mario 35th anniversary direct in the main showcase at least I think in your in my opinion. And in most gamers opinion, I would say is that we're getting Super Mario 3d All Stars later this month, September 18. And that includes Mario 64. Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy, how it's all in one price all for 60 bucks. Yeah. How fucking excited were you for that announcement


was a lot more excited today. When I thought it was releasing this week, like I knew was the 18th. I got my days confused. I kept on thinking that was releasing this weekend. Yeah. And then it kind of found out it was not so I was a little disappointed about that. But this is awesome news. And this is what we've been complaining about all year. Yes, we said it many times. We know how good Pokemon is doing. We know how good Animal Crossing is doing. We know how good the switch is selling. We understand that Nintendo is doing very good right now. For us as gamers. And we're selfish. We're not gonna sit here in LA. We want what we want and Nintendo has not given me are you anything that we wanted? And then bam, here they are. This is all wanted. I mean, give me three remake games. And I'm fucking satisfied. I was thrilled. I was honestly thrilled. I'm super excited about this. Like you said Super Mario 3d All Stars. Oh, okay. First of all, I was super excited about Super Mario all stars. And then come to find out that was the Super Nintendo game, right? Like I knew I was I knew that Super Mario All Stars was on Super Nintendo. I just didn't know what the hell was I never looked into it. I was like, some party game or something like that. And that saw that I was like, Oh, sweet. You play these games and they got a little bit a big graphics. That's awesome. And then I remember telling you how you might finally buy Nintendo Switch online thinking that would be the reason and they kind of found out this game released 30 fucking years ago. And I couldn't play it. And so you know, I was excited about that. But then it kind of ruined everything when I realized that it been out forever. But it was your bubble a little bit. Yeah, Superman 30 All Stars. I've never played Mario Sunshine. So I'm super excited. That will be the first one that I play. Super excited to get into that one. Um, I don't know if I'm going Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy next. It actually could come down to the joy con usage like so I'm guessing that Mario Galaxy they are going to use a joke judge joi cons and it is going to be motion control because that's again Hey,


I believe not to talk. Sorry for cutting you off. I believe I read that they said the pro controller was gonna work. Oh, so


Oh my god, that'd be awesome as you


can I mean, you can still shake the pro controller you can still do a lot with it that you could do with like the Wii mote you can't do like kind of the pointer were picking up some of the stars. I think I saw and this is all just me trying to remember something I read that if you want to do multiplayer, where like the second person could collect all the stars and shoot them in enemies. Then you need the joi cons to point but yeah, that's only if you


click the Starbucks Starbucks or whatever came remember exactly. Those if you don't have motion controls, you guys walk into my imagine right? Yeah, probably everything you got to 3d Yeah, yeah, I guess. I guess technically that was anyways, I would love to because I don't want to play with the motion controls. I don't want to play enjoy cons or to I don't have fat fingers while I'm there getting there. But um, you know, I don't want to play with the joi cons. I want to play with, you know, a controller in my hand even though technically, yes. That's what the Joye cons are, but you don't know what I'm talking about. Here. It controller it real. So I didn't really look into that. But if that is the case, I am super excited about that. I might play it next. But now this is just fantastic news. You know, finally, we've been calling for sunshine forever. Neither one of us have played it. You can't really play gang cubes on the Wii, the Wii U or the switch. So again, this is really nice. I'm not a remake. I was kind of hoping that at least for a Mario 64 remake. I can understand sunshine in Mario Galaxy not being remakes. I was kind of hoping they would do something Mario 64 but no remakes. Just you know, updated graphics a little bit a little bit more crispy. That is I guess But I would say But yeah, I'm super excited man to go back and play these games I think galaxy like you know is kind of looking old on that we are we whichever one you're playing on, so a little bit updated I think a lot people missed out on that game I think so. I'm just super excited about all three of them. I know you are too.


I'm fucking stoked, man. I gotta be honest like Mario 64 in Mario Galaxy are two of my all time favorite Mario games like and I know a lot of people prefer galaxy to over galaxy one but I you and me are on the same page on this one. Like we both thought Mario Galaxy was definitely the better game


cuz he did a stupid like world where he went between points. That was cool. And Mario three it's not cool in like 2000 whatever year was that the game. And you knew who they were on social media that were upset about it? Yep.


But I'm absolutely a huge fan of the three games that they chose to include, like Mario 64 just part of its nostalgia, of course, but I think it is the game along with ocher enough time that really helped usher us into this era of 3d Gaming. And yes, you know, sometimes the camera work wasn't the best sometimes, you know, the the graphics were a little outdated by today's standards, and a little blocky, but still, like the experience of going into Peach's Castle jumping into these paintings to take you to different worlds in Mario 64. I feel like it's still an amazing experience and getting to like, kind of relive that a little bit in Mario Odyssey. You know, spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't been Mario Odyssey when you go to Mushroom Kingdom, like that just brought back you know, you had the music look, and it just brought me back to that. So to get to replay this, and what kind of like those original Nintendo 64 graphics and I know it's like optimized if they're not remakes, they're not remaster. There's kind of optimized it seems like is the word they're using? You know,


at first, I was kind of like, you know, I want to remake but you bring up a really good point in that, like, you still have those like polygon or whether they're called shape. Yeah, yeah. So like, I wonder people I want to ask them work with established like, I see people being really upset that wasn't remake and then playing it and being like, you know what, I actually love some of these older shapes. I love the nostalgia that comes along with it.


And then like you mentioned, Mario Sunshine, neither of us have played it before. I even had a gamecube and I never played it. Like I don't know why I was I was in college, and all I did was play Mario Kart and get drunk with my roommates. Why you didn't play it? Exactly. So like so I'm excited to experience it. I know it's not really high on people's like lists of favorite Mario games in general. But you know, just to play a new Mario or new for us anyway. Yeah, a new Mario game for us. I'm excited to see it. I'm excited to see like the the whole mechanics that they have in that one just because we've never experienced it. So for me, that's a brand new game right there and of its own. So and then like I said, Mario Galaxy, I was amazing at the time, the best of the 3d, you know, Mario games, just in terms of the execution, the controls, things like that. So I'm super excited for the fact we're getting three games optimized for the switch for 60 bucks. When let's be honest, Nintendo could have milked us, they could have released each of these for fucking 60 bucks apiece, so I am stoked that we are getting this and I know some people are complaining. They're like, Oh, you know, why are they Why are the graphics better? Why weren't they total remakes? Because everyone's been doing these remakes. You've got the evil the Resident Evil remake that was like massively successful and looked gorgeous. You know you've had your games Yes. Thank you The Final Fantasy seven. I was I was totally drawing a blank. I'm glad you came in. Yeah. But like the Final Fantasy seven you know, some people are really loving these like total micros another one. Exactly. Yeah, the reignited. So for me, I'm glad to see that we're getting all three of these for one price, you know, there are at least brought up to you know, the 10 ADP switch, you know,


they are going to look better,


they will look better and hopefully things like camera and things like that had been smoothed out a little bit going back to Mario 64 so you


know, Nintendo fix that Nintendo is known for having smooth games. So there's something clunky you know, they will fix it but um, you will let's talk about galaxy. Okay, first of all talk about some that you wish were included that weren't which is basically going to be a conversation on galaxy two. You say neither one of us really cared for galaxy two. Like I said, you're wondering like ever finished it? Yeah, I didn't finish at least I did. Um, you know, first of all for collection like this. I think three games is just a good number. It is so I don't know if that's why they left off galaxy to I don't know why they left off letho galaxy to be honest with you. I think what they're going to do is drop it separately and charges 60 bucks, and David will probably pay 60 bucks for the game. So good job Nintendo. But, I mean, I don't think either one of us is mad. Galaxy two is not on there. But do you have any idea maybe just guessing why it wasn't included?


I've heard rumors that it came down to a licensing issue, but it's the first time but I have not heard anything concrete. It might just be that hey, these were the three they wanted to go with Maybe they'll do it later as DLC. I mean, who knows? I'm not sure I'd be excited for that. But plus you you kind of hit it like three is enough. Like, because you're talking between these three games, if you're not doing speed runs, you've probably got 60 hours of content out of these three games alone. I mean, maybe maybe not 60. But you've got a lot of content. So for the 60 bucks, we're paying three separate games, one of which we've never played before. I think it's absolutely perfect. You know, galaxy two would have been nice, you know, if we're doing 3d, the only other ones I could think of would be 3d world, but that's getting its own separate really, yeah. And you know, it wouldn't have been cool to see these remade in like the Odyssey engine, which we've both raved about since they came out. Yeah, that would have been cool. But it also probably would have been at that point, it would have been 60 bucks per game.


I mean, pissed off and they remake a Super Mario Galaxy two in the IC engine, right? It's just gonna be furious, but you can mention the Super Mario 3d world. Um, you know, I was kind of, okay, neither one of us is huge on dead game either. Like, I was so upset that the cameras certain spots would not go all the way around. Like it won't go on angles and stuff. I was like, wasn't your 3d mapping? Yeah, what the hell are you doing there? Nintendo. So hopefully, yeah, fix that freakin part of it. But um, you know, I know what this is gonna be read. This is gonna be a drunk purchase, man. And it's gonna come off come out last Thursday cuz Damn,


you didn't bought it day one. Yeah, right. Yeah, that's


man. Hey, good. Hey, good day last last Thursday. You know it's like damn talking about


you. You're off work so fun.


Yeah, but um, you know, this you know? Okay, there's balzers fury which is I guess you know add on content DLC, whatever you want to call it? Um, you know, I'm probably going to buy it like I said it'll probably be a good buzz or drunk dead but I do buy I think it's just one of those things man is a it's a Mario game. It's a 3d platformer on Nintendo Switch yet against art came out yet again. That really didn't care for that even played, you know, somewhat recently on the Wii U but the fact that you know that we can't play on the switch. I've been looking for games to play on a switch. I think I'm going to get this. What about you?


I'm probably gonna pass to be completely honest. Like it's, it was it was a fun game. It's a 3d Mario game, like you said, but it didn't really. It's not something I'm rushing to go up. Like, that's something I'm firing up the the we Yeah, I still have to play it. You know, the big innovation was like the cat outfit, where you can climb walls and like, and I know the trailer really focused on the multiplayer, like having four Mario's running around, or, you know, the four different characters running around. And I'm cool with that. But I don't play a lot of multiplayer. Like, that's just not Yeah, where I am at in my life. You know, me and the girlfriend have been playing a lot of like, you know, Streets of Rage Mario Kart, like that kind of thing. But to me, if I do pull the trigger on this, it'll be for that reason like to play Co Op with the girlfriend, something like that. So I do see that but just to me, it's not a game that I look back like a galaxy or 64 Yeah. And I'm like, I love that game so much. I need to buy it again. Let's see kind of like this valdres fury. If there's some really good added content and it gets really good reviews. Maybe I'll think about it a little more. Like you said maybe I'll get a little drunk and pull the trigger


you know, they take my money so I'm going to buy the game there you go. But you


know, so I'm with you. It's one of those it's a big maybe for me like I still haven't even pulled the trigger on the was the New Super Mario Brothers we you Deluxe, whatever. championship edition. Yeah, whatever the hell it was. And so I still haven't pulled the trigger on that. And I love the 2d political games. Yeah, and I love that on the way up so so we'll see but a few other announcements that really came out of this 35th anniversary the next one was kind of like the Super Mario Brothers 35 and it's like a Mario take on Battle Royale where you're kind of running through the levels and enemies you kill kind of gets sent to other characters screens that they have to face and you can get power ups and stuff. I'm again the multiplayer is not really my thing. But you know, the whole Tetris 99 seemed like to be a very big success where Yeah, basically trying to be the last person playing Yeah, I could see this being kind of a sneaky hit. Yep. Nintendo What are your thoughts on Mario Brothers 35


not really a lot thoughts on it's something that I'm not going to play but I do agree with you. Like people seem to love these you know, there's a lot of competitors at the beginning and then you try to be the last one remaining so I think this is a game it's not gonna have a huge market but I don't know if I would necessarily say it's going to be a hit but I think it is going to do good um, custom other announcements Super Mario all started to carry talked about but yet something I didn't know about. So that is kind of cool. It's never played Super Mario Brothers to me. Anyways, but Super Mario Brothers two brothers Super Mario Brothers two I never played so you know, kind of want to go back and play that game a little bit. I'm


online right now.


Yep, I know. Already a little bit. Super Mario Brothers Game and Watch. You know, I don't really care about Mario Brothers doubles a clock, you know, whatever. That's the details. I guess we're giving you because we don't have anything else to really fuckin say about there's not much on it. Here's what the left thing that you want to dress is something that I'm not going to get. But I absolutely did love. And that's the Mario Kart live home circuit. I thought this shit was so cool, man, I was gonna do it. Because with three frickin young kids like that, that shit is gonna get destroyed, it's going to get destroyed. But that is something that, you know, I would absolutely love to get I think it looked very cool will work that good, you know, and you know, the team is good at making their games work, but they know it's going to look like dead but I thought that was a very cool concept. What about you,


I'm kind of with you like just the idea of building your own courses, you surround your house using these like gates that come with it. And then you actually control the remote control carts with your switch. Like that seems like such a simple common sense concept. And as far as I know, it really been done like this before and then on the switch, like the game will add like obstacles and environments and shit like that. So I'm curious to see it in action. I'm with you. I don't think I'll get it. First of all, my cats would have a phone. Those cards wouldn't make it a quarter of a lap. Yeah, one of them has been destroyed by a cat. So I probably won't pull the trigger on it. But it's something I can see people with some like you know, elementary school age kids having a really good time with Oreos, a couple of things. It's a lot of fun, you know, whatever. So I hope it does. Well. It comes out in October. I want to see some of the videos that come out of it tracks that people design around their houses. Kind of getting you sticking with Nintendo but moving on to their other big franchise Mario wasn't the only franchise that got some love this week. We got some news on a new upcoming Legend of Zelda game and you know us us we started as two guys playing Zelda we are diehard Zelda fans, so we just got announced that we're getting a second Hyrule Warriors game called the age of calamity it's set 100 years prior to Breath of the Wild when you know Calamity Ganon was happening. You got the champions all that stuff. I know you are not necessarily a huge fan of the original Hyrule Warriors. But what are your thoughts on the announcement of Hyrule Warriors age of calamity coming in November? yeah


same as the first game I mean, I thought the announcement was cool. I thought the game looked cool. Like you said I was like I didn't hate Hyrule Warriors but just kind of like an okay game like you know there was for me like I used to love like running up and like you know going crazy guns blazing I have changed my strategy now I am more of a stealthy and more of a strategy kind of player it just seems to work out better for me but even when I did just like attack with no regard and just went chaotic like I like doing that against like you know four or five enemies in Hyrule Warriors like it was just too much it was just you know obviously it's a hack and slash game but there's just too many enemies and stuff and for me like I think some people like that all that caught like combat constantly going on like a really like general chaos. Yeah, but for me, like it got kind of bland because it was just you know, yeah, they're different moods you're doing things a little bit differently. But the whole concept just kind of was at their little walk you just smashing bunch of doing the same thing. You're hitting people maybe in different ways, but you're still hitting people and so for me like you know, yeah, it's cool. I'm a little bit excited. But here's the thing for me. Is this Kanan or is it not? Like I don't think Nintendo has came out and said whether or not it's canon we they have said that hydro wars is not canon. So you How can you have a high road warriors game that's not Canon and didn't have another one that is Canaan? I guess technically, you could do that if you want to. me this is you mix it up as they go. We know


that we see now fuckin timeline Nintendo makes up the rules as they go. Exactly.


That is very true. But if it's not Canaan, if they don't say that it's canon. For me, it's like this story. It matters but it doesn't matter. Because you don't know if it's the real story. Like, see here. I love when Nintendo tells the story for their games, especially Legend of Zelda. So somebody else is telling this story. I know Nintendo's over it. And you know, they're overseeing everything going on, but I want Nintendo to tell the story or say that hey, this other company making this game this is Kanan. This is the real story actually tells me that if I'm going into the game not knowing was a real story or not like that just ruins it all for me. So you know, and yeah, I'll get it. You know? I will most likely get the game actually. Yeah, I will get the game. But um, for me I wasn't that excited. What about you?


I'm I enjoyed Hyrule Warriors. I like the kind of hack and slash action games like the Bayonetta series is one of my all time favorites. You know Devil May Cry is absolute good time. I had a blast with the first Hyrule Warriors at least going through the story mode. I didn't do all that adventure mode shit because there were just too many like circumstances or encounters that I just didn't enjoy. It kind of became a grind. But the story mode was fun and I like kind of the big scale battles like i think it's it's this is a great format to show Some of those bigger scale battles for the Zelda series, they don't always get in the regular single player game. So no, I'm excited for it because I also, even though it's not going to be like the open world like Breath of the Wild, like it's still going to show that high rule before it's totally destroyed. So I am excited to see that I'm excited to shoot the Breath of the Wild, right? No, I can. We've talked about that before treat it like Link to the Past you got a first half second half but yeah, I could fucking go off on that tangent.


Castletown its glory that's where I want to see.


But then like, you know, getting to play as the champions that we you know, Nintendo makes such a big deal of champions but then actually breath the wild didn't give us much Yeah, any of them. You had a few cutscenes in the little moment when you freed them whatever, but like to actually get to go back and play as them hopefully get their stories a little more fleshed out. I am excited for but it doesn't


matter if it's not their true story. True, but that's


what I have read that like Nintendo is working closely with Cody techmo to develop the story, so I do think Nintendo's got their hands in it a little more probably than they did the first Hyrule Warriors. Yeah, especially because they are hitting on something that actually happened in the storyline like the calamity happened. Like Yeah, well talks about it so whereas whatever the fuck happened in Hyrule Warriors I couldn't tell you the story of that game. Yeah point. It was not something that's ever been mentioned the other Zelda game but the calamity happened. Yeah, I'm thinking that they're gonna call this king cannon put it on the timeline all that good shit, but outside of like link Zelda You know? And then the four champions you got me for volley? duric and her Bossa Are there any other like Breath of the Wild characters that you would be interested in seeing like playable in this game?


Yes. Darby game dark beast game because I would actually have a fucking attack and actually hit somebody with it. So yeah, what am I playing him? Um, other than that, I think not the champions but who were the ones like the 400 of them wherever they're called like teba um oh yeah redo or whatever what were they called?


Yeah, then sign on like everyone kind of call him like


yes, I definitely want to fucking play side on man. Like you got to put him in there. But no, I would like to play as those four whatever their name were a champion juniors or whatever. Oh, that's a good name. Is it right there? Yeah, Darby skating because hey, like, you know, let me actually text somebody and get hit on somebody who can maybe say at five five was good or you know, I don't write you know, probably doesn't make a lot of sense but demise. I would love to play as demise it won't happen because I don't think demise really fits into this game, but I'm just really any guardian. It'd be awesome to place a guardian


laser attack fuck


anybody that had a big point like Impa you know be cool plays info or I agree there. Yeah. Pyro Pyro ever name was Robbie.


Robbie. Yeah, yeah, I mean, yes. would be cast would be a fun one. Oh, cast


be a great I don't even think about him like accordion around, and they'll people with it. So he might have played a big role in the game, I would like to be able to play as that character because in the original Hyrule Warriors, I believe that you could play as a lot of characters now. They don't have their roots on Yeah, original. They don't have to do that for this one. But I'm just saying they have the capabilities to do it. So I mean, those are some of the ones that you know, that would be interested in playing. I think it's kind of cool that the art style is kind of more towards Breath of the Wild. Like, you know, Hyrule Warriors was kind of like its own art style. Yeah, this kind of doesn't look exactly like Breath of the Wild in my opinion. But,


you know, it's sort of Breath of the Wild in the original hierro wars, but I will say I'm, I don't think we're gonna get anything like sia, in this game that was about as risque as Nintendo ever when


we did this game, I was


not complaining about that. A little I am a little sad that we're gonna lose that art style. But you know, the so that's, you know, it's been a massive massive, week and a half or so here for for video game announcements between the series X series s stuff, Zelda, Mario, but unfortunately, as always, we've kind of run out of time here. All the links to what we're going to talk about will be in the description here for the podcast, you can support us on Patreon or PayPal, Patreon is kind of a recurring thing. PayPal is more of a one time thing. But if you can't support us financially, go in there, give us that five star rating, you know, we do a great job. Even if you hate us, we don't care if you lie, we'll take those guys. Just lie about it. We've also got a couple of websites out there we've got two guys playing zelda.com and tgp z gaming.com. Both of those have a lot of gaming merchandise, not only Zelda, but all gaming merchandise over on the tgp z site. Those are affiliate websites. So if it works correctly, we may get a cut of that but you know, go check him out if you're looking for some Zelda gear


now elaborate on that, um, but it was actually both websites. I have gotten some more affiliate networks and also got more merchants. So we're gonna be putting some more products on there and we'll update them a little bit more. Just kind of know Put some good stuff out there that people will like so we got some more merchants I am going to put more time into it's gonna look a lot better a lot more of the products you want so go check that out you'll find something you love I guarantee it. Facebook groups I guess I'll cope with the rest Yeah, your gaming room and Zelda ram you know obviously gaming realm we talked about everything gaming Zelda around talk about Zelda, and we got YouTube channels for both tg PC gaming. And two guys playing Zelda two guys, plains. Those are big one over 10,000 subscribers ranking series. That's really cool. That's where we got started. Go check that out. Oh, yeah, we have a Discord server. Blast, just an absolute blast. You go check that out. And then also, we're on social media. We're everywhere. Social media, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. We got some Facebook pages. So you can find us out there. We're almost everywhere. I mean, hell even got websites, like we said, so if you can't find us, then there's nowhere else. We can really go. I don't know Snapchat what everybody was, oh man took a week off. It was a blast to get back to talking video gaming. Yeah. You know what? I know that we've done a Mario game recently. But I'm feeling like with the Mario games, they're coming out. I feel like we got dressed Mario 64 or Mario Galaxy. So I'm gonna go to you. Next episode, which one you want to talk about? Let's do


64 I'm very much it's one of my all time favorites. I think we could tackle that pretty easily next week. So our next episode, so let's tackle Mario 64 next time.


Alright, so we'll see you all on the next episode.

Xbox Series X/Xbox Series S
Nintendo Switch Pro
Mario 35th Anniversary Direct
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Wrap Up