Busted Buttons

Cyberpunk 2077 Issues - Busted Buttons Ep. 40

February 03, 2021 TGPZ Gaming
Cyberpunk 2077 Issues - Busted Buttons Ep. 40
Busted Buttons
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Busted Buttons
Cyberpunk 2077 Issues - Busted Buttons Ep. 40
Feb 03, 2021
TGPZ Gaming

We start off with some of the biggest news in gaming the past few months, and that is all the issues gamers are having with Cyberpunk 2077. Most of these issues are happening on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but Red and I discuss some of the issues we are having on the Xbox Series X.

It's not all bad when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, and we eventually turn the conversation to the good things about Cyberpunk 2077. How awesome is Night City? What about the colors of Night City? Are we enjoying the missions?

We then dive into GameStop and their crazy stock price increase. Is it sustainable? Will the small investors continue to win? 

Afterwards, Hick gives his first impressions on the Xbox Series X. How does he feel about the controller? Is the console bigger or smaller than what he thought it would be? Is he having any issues?

Later, we discuss Game Pass Ultimate again as it was just announced it hit 18 million subscribers. Have we played any games on the subscription service? Does it need more games optimized for next-gen consoles?

We end with a conversation on The Touryst and seeing retro games within modern games. What are Hick's thoughts on The Touryst? Did he enjoy the game? Could we see more retro games within a game vs being a stand-alone?

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We start off with some of the biggest news in gaming the past few months, and that is all the issues gamers are having with Cyberpunk 2077. Most of these issues are happening on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but Red and I discuss some of the issues we are having on the Xbox Series X.

It's not all bad when it comes to Cyberpunk 2077, and we eventually turn the conversation to the good things about Cyberpunk 2077. How awesome is Night City? What about the colors of Night City? Are we enjoying the missions?

We then dive into GameStop and their crazy stock price increase. Is it sustainable? Will the small investors continue to win? 

Afterwards, Hick gives his first impressions on the Xbox Series X. How does he feel about the controller? Is the console bigger or smaller than what he thought it would be? Is he having any issues?

Later, we discuss Game Pass Ultimate again as it was just announced it hit 18 million subscribers. Have we played any games on the subscription service? Does it need more games optimized for next-gen consoles?

We end with a conversation on The Touryst and seeing retro games within modern games. What are Hick's thoughts on The Touryst? Did he enjoy the game? Could we see more retro games within a game vs being a stand-alone?

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Welcome to Episode 40 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast and at 40 years old, we are officially over the hill. We are old men in terms of podcasts now, but I will say after taking so much time off over the holidays for a lot of reasons.


Four years old, did you mean like 40 episodes old or three episodes?




not fucking 40 years old yet, man. Okay, I got a couple more years, but let me have those years Hey, our


podcast hit 40. So I feel pretty daggone good for it. So but it's nice to actually put two together pretty quickly here after we had to take so much time off. I know we got into that a little bit last episode, but it feels good to get back into a routine. You know, we spent last episode talking ghosts of Tsushima today, we're getting back to good like gaming topics. We're gonna talk cyberpunk 2077 because this has been in the news for the last what two months since since the day it released has been all over the news. So we're gonna talk the good and bad about cyberpunk 2077 we're gonna talk about this insanity that is going on with GameStop and its stock price. And just neither of us are stock market experts, but we're gonna talk about


it like we are just not died.


Well, we're gonna fake it till we make it on stock market stuff. So we're gonna dry, you've had your Xbox series x now for a little while, and we've not had much of a chance to talk about your impressions with it. So we're definitely going to hit on that, you know, game pass ultimate fulfillment. It's, it's it's a system seller. I mean, they get a new subscriber landmark, we're going to talk on that you've been playing a little game called the tourists recently, that's going to be a good topic. And then if we have time and everything, we'll talk about the kind of retro games within other modern games a very interesting concept. So I'm excited to get to it. But let's start with cyberpunk. I mean, you and me have talked Oh, for two months now, on cyberpunk. And we both have very similar but different impressions. So I will let you jump into cyberpunk to start


Well, first of all, like you're sitting there, and you say, Oh, I don't have these bugs. I don't have these bugs. I don't even believe that because it's me as bugs as I've seen and glitches in this game. I'm like, there's no way that he is not seen any of these. But um, first of all, well, he's not been playing it for two months, because you got your Xbox so much earlier than I did. So I had about a month into it. So I'm a little behind. I've also been spending a lot of time with at Valhalla. So that's also playing time a little bit. But we've really wanted to talk about this. And then we took that, you know, six week break. And so we'll get into so we're a little behind on the news, but we're still playing it. But yeah, this game. I mean, it's upsetting to me because CD Projekt RED made Witcher three which is my favorite game, ever. So you expect like a good product from them. And then you get cyberpunk 2077 which I don't know, I can't say that necessarily. It's a good product. What I can't say is that I am enjoying playing the game. Like there's so many great qualities to the game. But at the same time, there is a lot of glitches and moreso the glitches in the bugs, although it's shut my Xbox off numerous times. It's just like, I think the game I think the reason this is happening is because the game's too ambitious. There's just simply too much in the game. There's too much going on the city is humongous, which is awesome. But yes, CD, CD Projekt RED just tried to do too much with this game. And there is a certain point where you just cannot make everything work if there's too much like it's just, you know, it's quality over quantity and right, while I am still enjoying the game, it's just there's so many these little things that like like, you know, just they should pause a little bit more. And I understand that glitches happen in every single game, especially on the world. Yeah, but this is just an extreme right here where I went there say say like, you know, it's annoying. It's not making me dislike the game at all. But you've heard what's been going on out there with other people, especially the ones that have the Xbox One and the ps4 and just their experiences. And we got we got two updates. I got one today actually we had 16 gigabyte update. And then we had a 13 gigabyte update today. I've not played yet today, but I know that I did play after that 16 gigabyte update and there are still numerous glitches back right across. So I want to say here I'm about to let you talk about promise.


Intro so I'm just drinking my beer you keep going


thank cyberpunk 2000 That's why I'm talking so much because I only have half a beer. I gotta make this last the entire part. So I just gotta keep on talking. But I want to sit here and say CD Projekt RED like in cyberpunk 2077 I think it could have been one of the best games ever but I think there's so much in this game. That broken, that they're just never going to be able to fix it. So what are your opinions? Overall? Let's, let's start off with you in the bad two.


Okay, well, so the bad Okay, I am completely honest when I say I have not had the scope and level of issues and bugs that a lot of people have reported. And yes, I am playing on a series x just like you. I cannot speak for people who are stuck playing on an Xbox One or an Xbox Xbox One X, or the ps4 or the PI's out there even playing


to be honest with you.


Right. I would hope not after the disaster that it has apparently been. I so i. So when it comes to the bad, yes, there are some bugs but most of mine have been so minor. Like my bugs and glitches have been like, okay, yeah, you kill a character and he kind of does a little break dance on the floor. Yeah, as like the physics of like, a body falling kind of screw up a little bit. Or I'll occasionally have a piece of the like the user interface, like maybe you hover over a gun, or an item you can pick up and then after you look away, it stays on the screen for a little while. Like that has been the extent of the bugs I've experienced. I've had a few Okay, I've got over 100 hours in this game. I have you had many


hours that you're not playing? I did find out the other day. Oh, yeah. 100 hours.


But I've only had less than probably like a hand like five, like, on one hand, the number of times I've actually had a hard crash. And we had to actually reboot the system and I okay, on a console game. That should never happen. Like that


could happen like here and there, but not


multiple issues I get with PCs, where every damn PC is a moving target in terms of hardware, drivers equipment, but with the console. If you have like three targets hit, you know, the Xbox series x, you got the Xbox One, you got the PlayStation five, you got the PlayStation four, that is not many targets to hit. And for a developer like CD Projekt RED who specializes in PC gaming, who knows how to scale their games, from from crap hardware to like top of the line gaming rigs, you would think that they could have found a way to make the game run just fine on either a series x or an Xbox One, a PlayStation five, or a PlayStation four. So


the best was in the game being too ambitious, like that's where I got hurt is on those systems that just couldn't handle what CD Projekt RED wanted cyberpunk 2077 to write


because it is a complex game. Yeah, there's no denying it is a complex game like the world and we'll get into the good of course in a second. But like you know, it is there's so much going on. Between the storylines the world, you know, the AI for all these non player characters, like there's a lot going on, you know, quest lines that they have to tie together. I get all that but it's I'm sad to hear what is happening to a lot of people the experiences that people have had. I'm sad to hear the bad reporting because at the end of the day, I'm having a great time Yeah, at this fucking game. And and like my bugs or my glitches have been so minor compared to what I'm reading about and what even just hearing you talking about them like I know we've talked many times in the last jump in right here what


you're talking about, it's actually kind of what I'm experiencing. It's only crashed my system, maybe three times really what I'm seeing is mostly glitches. And that's kind of what you're describing. So I think we're just kind of describing it in a different way. But I think we're experiencing the same thing. But go ahead,


and I'll be the first to admit that I'm I'm probably a little more forgiving of CD Projekt RED than most of you are people. I mean, I've been I played the Witcher game since game since the original Witcher like I've been playing them since the beginning. And that was one of the first games they put out as a company and I've seen the way they improve their games over time. Like there was a witcher and then there was a witcher Enhanced Edition. That fixed a lot of stuff. This is not the first time they put out a game that was kind of buggy as hell at release. If you go back to their original Witcher Oh man, they had to do an enhanced edition to fix so much stuff. Then of course Witcher three. As they released those expansions. They kept patching the game through that process too. I didn't play Witcher three at launch. Yeah, I don't I can't speak for whether or not it was buggy at launch. I didn't play it until at least Hearts of Stone had been released. And by then I assume they patched a lot of stuff. So I I don't think this is the first time CD Projekt RED has done this. But I think because of the success of Witcher three and the anticipation for cyberpunk it's the first time people witnessed it like live because this is one of the most anticipated games of the year. Yeah, easily. And this was the to this


extreme with the other games. Yeah, the other games have problems all games. There's always patches and stuff


with Elder Scrolls all the time.


Yeah, like I think with Witcher three make a good point. Like you know they did have a lot of like expectations coming into cyberpunk 2000 77 but right, like I didn't play Witcher three either or all those other games at launch, but it just feels like my guess would be is like those games while they might have had problems, they didn't have the problems to the extreme, that cyberpunk. 2077 does so, I mean, I don't know, man, it just kind of stinks because like I said, this is a game I see. I think wow, this could be one of the greatest games ever because Knight city is just going into the good now is that nice? Yes, Viking amazing, but where they did fix the Witcher three and all those other games, like I fear that they're always going to be playing catch up with you know, all these things that's going on. And, you know, one thing that really bothers me is like, you know, what the glitches, it makes the game feel kind of clunky. And where I really see that at is with the NPCs like, I thought we gotten to a point where Yeah, NPCs have always moved to a slightly awkward because we're not gonna put as much resources into them because they're not characters that we play as. And we only see them for a little bit in the game, but yeah, cyberpunk 2077 and their characters, like, just the way they move and stuff, it just doesn't feel right into me. While doesn't like Damon does damage to the experience, why doesn't like, you know, destroy the experience, it does damage the experience. And I was going to get there, but um, ya know, it's just like, Yeah, I'd get upset because I just said that. I've already said this, but it makes me upset because I'm sitting there. I'm like, man, I can see the potential of this guy. And like, it can easily be the greatest game ever. But it's just not going to be because of all this stuff that's really going on. But anyways, that's kind of all I want to talk on the bed. Did you have anything else that you want to say on the bad of cyberpunk? No, not


really. I mean, like you said, at the end of the day, like they're the behind the scenes stuff does suck people who bought this game on a PlayStation four or an Xbox One, because that's what the original target was. Yeah, was that generation it wasn't supposed to be a series x or a PlayStation five, you know, basically launch title for you know, close enough anyway. Like the fact that it's in such shitty shape for those consoles. It sucks. I think that there's no forgiving that. But like you said, there is a lot to enjoy in this game when it is yeah, clicking on all cylinders. Like I'm not gonna put it up on the pedestal of Witcher three because again, for me, the storytelling in Witcher three that characters meant so much more to me just because I've read the novels I've read the short stories I played Witcher one and two. So the emotional payoff of Witcher three was so much stronger for me but as a standalone game cyberpunk when it's working is a freaking amazing gap like Night City like just to drive around in Night City with just the especially at nighttime oh my god just getting the neon yeah all through the city is just such a beautiful sight to see.


And the colors of the city are amazing too.


Oh absolutely. You got a you got that like the pinks and the yellows the blue like it just the neon colors just in the neon lights everywhere in the city is so gorgeous. And one of my true joys of cyberpunk is just like not fast traveling to locations and there's plenty of options to fast travel if you want but it's just getting behind the wheels of a car that can rip it 200 kilometers miles per hour whatever it is, yeah, kilometers or miles I'm not sure which one is in cyberpunk but and just ripping through the city streets and just watching the city fly by so to me like one of the biggest positives and this should be a big positive every open world is the world itself yes and I absolutely love how beautiful night city is did you have that same experience driving around Night City


definitely and you also got to look at the futuristic aspect of it in LA that is driving around because you're driving around in these cars that while the outside some of the outside like look at the car from the outside some of those look futuristic but most of them just really look like regular cars but then when you get on the inside you're like oh damn this this is awesome right here eventually get out of that camera view because is impossible to drive in this game and the first one thing what issue that do you have with the game well above all the other ones I've mentioned is that is first person and I just I don't like that an open world game I like to be able to see my character I understand for shooting games but open more likely to see my character and when you're running around First of all, the camera wouldn't have the camera I feel shorter than everybody else in the game so that's bothered me a lot right there because I just feel like I'm talking up to everybody so but thank God in the car they gave me a third person view but goodness like the cars are just I mean they're so cool looking. Like I said not so much on the outside. But the inside is just completely awesome. And then you get some of them that have I guess like a privacy or something over the windows and card like that goes away. Oh,


it goes transparent like that. Yeah, cool effect. I


completely agree. Am I crazy? Like just the city? It's amazing like we played other games that have, you know, amazing cities. You know, even though it's open Grand Theft Auto five up there, it's got couple different cities Novi Grad in Nova grande where we call it in the Witcher three while it's like, you know, an older time era city, like it still is pretty awesome. But I don't think I've ever played a game like this, like, like this, where the city is just so huge, and there's just so much going on is so cool, cuz like you said, like, hey, can sit there and play missions and everything. But you can also just sit there and drive around. And really, you can find something to do. One of our favorite things is like all the bars in the city and just kind of taking pictures. And you kind of been describing them more than I have,


hey, reds, nice city bar crawl, Twitter


posts on social media. So just like that go into all these burger places or food places. Yep. And that's another thing that makes this game great. And you're seeing more open world games do this is where you can actually go inside to places like back in the day, like for example, now it's an old gang, but Grand Theft Auto three, like there's all these places that you could not go into


doors everywhere get


to a point where you're able to go into more and more places. But I've not seen to the extreme, that cyberpunk 2077 does it? And just goes I mean, I understand why they're having like set the gates to ambitious. And when you go around the city, and you see how much there is to do you understand why all those glitches are there even though for sure, I would say it's not excusable. excusable, but you know, whatever, but any more polish on that the one thing I guess I don't like is I wish there was more outskirts like in Grenada, like, you know, you have a big city, but then you also have a big countryside and we get a little bit then cyberpunk 2077 but I wish that it was more but I thought you write here like just the whole sunset motel and the windmill, desert area or whatever. Oh, those are such cool places to go to on the outskirts. Well, the


good news for you is you soon be able to play an upgraded version of GTA five unlike its 14th console, I won't be doing that. So if you like the outskirts, you're gonna get the chance to check them out and Grand Theft Auto five again, I shouldn't say things I'm a huge Skyrim fan and I feel like they've done the same thing but yeah, anyway, no, I do love like to say when you get out of the city even and you get out with like the nomads out in the middle of nowhere. And just like Like you said, He's getting that desert and the vehicles just handled a little differently on those dirt roads. You have like the the windmills you mentioned, then the big areas of like the solar panels, just because you're the desert, you might as well use some solar energy. So like Yeah, I do love when you get in those outskirts areas. And it's just, it is a beautiful game all in all and one thing though, that I do love that doesn't really have to do with the looks of the city like the way they structure their their missions, to me really is impressive. Like Of course you have your main quests, you know, the civil war that your character is going through those are the big really involved missions. Then you have what they call, you know, the side quests, which is like I feel like those are where you really get to know like the other characters you know, you have pan-am you have you have rogue characters like that.


I was so excited when I got to bang her man, because I was like I don't get to banger in this game. That would be the biggest glitch in the game.


I play as a female so I got a Judy the the hackers Yeah. Okay, this is gonna sound terrible if I'm playing a game where and I know this is first person, third person, I'm gonna play as a female if I've just stared a character for 100 hours. I'm sorry, I'm making a female character. Yeah, that's me all you want. That's that's how I am. So


you know, because it's first


we don't get to because it's first person. I know I could have made a dude, it would have been just fine. But ever since Okay, and I'm going way off on a tangent here. Ever since the female version of Commander Shepard in Mass effect was vastly superior in my opinion to the male version in terms of the voice acting the character like just the the the voice acting mostly, like Jennifer Hale nailed that character Ever since then, I feel like if there is a voiced character and have a choice between a male or a female, I'm picking a female. So that's a throwback to Mass Effect right there that has stuck with me for a long long time. But But anyway, so like for me just like the way they structured the missions, you got your main missions, your side quests or like where you really get to know your companions or the other important side characters. Then you just have the gigs all around the city, you've got like your, your standard, open world. Here's a question mark. There's usually a gig there. Yeah, maybe it's an assassination, maybe it's thieving. Maybe it's stealing something maybe you know, rescuing somebody, whatever it is. And then you have just your little little encounters, where I think they call them like police reports on the map and just little encounters where like, someone's getting assaulted, go break it up, and the police will reward you. So having like a four tiered mission structure to me, it's like, no matter what you're in the mood to do in this game, maybe you just want to burn through the plot real quick. Maybe you want at least do the side this quote unquote. missions and get to know those characters. Or maybe you just want to drive around the city and just do these little gigs or the or like little police reports like there is something for anytime you're in the mood to pick up this game and I absolutely loved that mission structure. And that's something I hope see Yeah, hope to see get continued in open world games.


I feel like a lot of games are already doing that, to be honest. Like, there's usually a three or four tier structure for missions that kind of got just different. There's always your main in your side, there's always kind of know something, whether it's a gig or I don't know, a job or whatever. There's always something different. So I do feel like most games are doing that. Anyways, we cannot make this a Syrah pump. Blah, blah, blah, I cyberpunk episode. So we can move on


and make this a cyberpunk.


So we start off with the bad and then we went to the good, so let's keep it good. Let's keep it positive. And let's talk positively about someone that we usually bash and that is GameStop. And what's going on right now with GameStop? Oh, my Lord, absolutely crazy. Basically, like I said in the beginning, or what like Red said, We don't really know a lot about the stock market. Basically, happiness, these big shot, investors said that, hey, the stock price is going to go down. So some small investors got a little butthurt. They said, hey, let's take on the big dog. And so they got a bunch of small investors to all buy stock and GameStop or GameStop. And this shit, that's gonna be confusing. Yeah, this actually worked. And the stock price of GameStop has just skyrocketed lately in First of all, I don't think this is sustainable at all. Because you can't do anything I spy because yes, the motivation is there. But the passion is not there. And eventually that motivation does go away. So I think this is something temporary that's going to happen. But it is affecting these big investors because was run into is they might sell off, you know a little bit other winners to help cover the cost of these losses that they've had. So it's just crazy that these small investors said hey, we're going to bind to GameStop. Apparently, they got listened to this podcast for the past year, because we've been telling you what everything that is wrong with GameStop. That's how you go there. And you try to buy goddamn PS five, and they gotta sell you a fucking bundle. I'm not talking about a bundle. That's maybe just an extra controller or an extra headset. No, you gotta buy the PS five. You gotta buy two fucking games. You gotta buy two fucking controllers. You gotta buy the headset, you gotta buy a year of the PlayStation Plus, and then next thing you know, it's like$700 now here's


what happened to the positive we were gonna be


a GameStop dude, there's two things that no matter how hard I try, I cannot talk positively about GameStop or freakin Google stadium and they get to me but i'll go ahead though to you what's your whole opinion on this thing?


First of all, I think it's hilarious and we are not experts but it cracks me up that you know GameStop is a stock that has been circling the toilet for years yeah, streaming and downloading digital distribution has become more and more prominent shit we have a diskless PlayStation five out there now GameStop is fucked long term that is not changed. Yeah, that is not changed. But the fact you know all these investors are like that stocks only going to go down so they shorted and a bunch of frickin millennials on Reddit said hey, you know what? Let's make money off this Let's buy this shit up.


Toys R Us going through this you fucking millennials right? Toys R Us back.


So you literally have this frickin thread on Reddit called just Wall Street bets w SB and they just all decide to jump on first it was a GameStop then it was AMC the movie theaters which which had been taking a beating especially since what HBO max came out and said we're gonna release our Warner Brothers


the patriotic gospel hit done pretty


well. Yeah, pandemic definitely fucking movie theaters. But like so Wall Street, or I'm sorry, Wall Street bets on Reddit was like, okay, all these people are shorting these stocks. Fuck it. Let's buy them up and drive up that stock price and it again I'm not an expert all my money's at home. I let my employer handled all that. Yeah. I'll be happy if I reach retirement before I die or the world goes into the toilet one of the Yeah. But so it cracks me up though that a bunch of people on a message board. Yeah managed to turn at least for these couple of stocks GameStop and AMC and turn it into this massive windfall for them. People were literally getting 400% 500% 600% return in just days and you're absolutely right. It is not sustainable, like GameStop is still fucked. At the end of the day. They will go by the wayside. But even like GameStop has come out and said, Hey, we we made enough money in the last, you know, last week, whatever, to stay in business longer.


It just they might have said they will not die in your center saying that, hey GameStop is going to go under someday. Who knows, because we got that like a year ago, and they keep on just like, you know, crawling along the ground survive and somehow So, you know, who knows? 10 years from now GameStop will still be there and be like now that's a business model that everyone needs to follow because they figured it out. Right? They're gonna be


the cockroach of stocks.


Yeah, but just crazy is the market value has increased from like two to 24 billion and just amazing day, like, that's absolutely unheard of. And you got Elon Musk or Ilan, or whoever's name is the guy. He's like, sitting there egging him on on Twitter. It's like 1% so I don't know why he's egging them on but I guess he's worried about losing that little bit. Yeah, but she's really just crazy. It's a cool story. It is about GameStop is like Hailes I wanted to but you know,


I guess a story this one story


I do dislike GameStop because of the some of the things they do have done, but same time I do remember going to malls and GameStop being there so it's a little bit nostalgia to so why do you bash on them? I can't say and say that necessarily. Even though I've said it about 100 times I really don't want to see them go under because of the nostalgia around seeing them in malls like even though I don't go to physical game stores. I still like seeing him while I drive around So anyways, it's a good thing I didn't buy the damn Xbox at gamestop because they've had hardly anything unless like I just went on a rant about a little while ago all they have is fucking bundles but thank goodness for Walmart who I have bashed it also because I dicking Xbox through them so hell yeah I'm doing the transition when I'm actually going to talk about my first impressions is beyond me. But you know


I'm just gonna let you keep on I will


go ahead and give you my impression so far on the Xbox series x guys for


you do I will say Walmart is how I got mine too. So I am not normally a Walmart fan. Yeah, I hate going in there. I hate the people that are in there. I will say they came through for both of us yet on the Xbox series x is now go


like I want to sit there I can I have bash Walmart when this whole launch happened. But now that I've been going through all these other places try and get PS five I'm it's I'm sorry to say but Walmart has had the best structure so far. But Xbox series x like some of you have heard us say like we took that six week break. I believe before we took that break. I had not gotten my Xbox series x by that time. So it is something that is newer. Definitely wanted.


Last episode, you turn into a next gen snob.


Next Gen like I'm not in like I'm refusing to play the ps4 Pro. Like the only reason I will turn on


my Xbox.


I'm just prepared for podcasts. That's the only reason I will boot up an old video game system and then like Hyrule Warriors aged calamity, like what's something that's hindle switch that's like last slash Okay, so that Oh, but the graphics and all the processing power. We kind of hit that. But anyways, this Xbox First of all, I was surprised by how small was I was just yeah, expecting it to be bigger than a lotta is just seeing the PS five, and how big that thing is. So I got I was like, oh, wow, I think it's actually smaller than the Xbox One. And so I don't know, it's kind of a different shape. So you know, who really knows, but, I mean, pulling it out. Like it was just a really simple piece of hardware. And yeah, I really see it's a struggle. Like one thing I like about the Xbox is how simple it is. But I also like the PlayStation five because of how like, you know, advanced and futuristic and how, you know, like, it's not really simple, like,


the zabol not complicated is definitely not simple. So, um, you know, since they first showed that I'm on the opposite side,


so you know, but like, you know, pulling the thing out just how simple it is a nice black, I mean, just a very simple machine. Very easy to hook up. So really, I enjoyed all that is in the controller. I'm a huge fan of the controller. Yes, first of all the little bumps on the back of the controller just gives you such a better grip, they add the share button on there, and I've heard people say that Oh, the Xbox button was fine before No, Xbox been suck, and it is better on this controller, but it's still a pain in the ass to like I want to double tap a little squishy. Yeah, like I just want to tap a button. I don't want to double tap a button to take a screenshot. So I love that dition right there. The directional buttons or button wherever you want to call it. That's the D pad. The D pad would be the correct name. Actually the directional pad would be the correct name but I do like that better than the O controller and then like I already said I do like the Xbox button better. So overall fan this simple design fan of the just like basically simplistic black color like there's nothing really to it. Control. I'm a big fan of and then obviously the games the games are playing spectacular as those are, they're gonna be comparable to the PlayStation five. So it's just a blast playing the games, the user interface is the same as the Xbox One. So I've already seen it, you know, it's very similar to Windows so you know, I'm okay with that. I'm really the only Oh, game pass all we're gonna talk about the handle, we'll get there a little bit, but um, some of the issues that I have with the system is these damn controllers on sinky man, like I've had such a huge issue with that it happens to me all the time. And I sat there like I tried to first connect the controller back to the console and it never works. And I've had to unplug my Xbox series x numerous times just to get to work Now the cool thing is is that there is a quick fix to it. But same time again down there again Oh, I'm getting fat to get it down there Yeah, it's cut it's close to the floor like a turn it all the way round ticket the power cord like it's hard for fat Oh person Okay, so well the solution there's lose some weight there. Well, okay. Okay, I'll do that with three kids. I got all this time to work out everything but


I'm chasing three kids around don't digress.


Yeah, it's a workout but it's not a weight losing workout. It's more like you know hardcore for a shorter period of time more than a sustainable model that is the kids that's going constantly it's more like running a fucking marathon when you're dealing with the kids which that would also get you in shape but anyway the one another issue like even though I have said I carry said this but even though I have said that I liked the simplistic design, it doesn't look next gen to me and that's one thing that do you like about the PlayStation five more I know you hate to design but one thing that do love is that the controller of the PlayStation five and also the console like that looks next gen where the Xbox series x literally looks just like a bug so you know that don't really stress on that too much because it's fun as hell playing games but anyway right kind of continuing on with the Xbox and Microsoft.


I can jump to the next one. I will jump in real quick here so we've talked about how much we love like the look of some PC towers. Yeah in the past so pardon me really appreciate that.


It's not PC tower. It does have neon lights in it.


Oh, you got that neon green on the top. You don't blow smoke into it. People learn that realer.


Is that neon green? That's not neon. Well, that's a color but it's not like a light.


It's right. You're right. It's Xbox green, but I will say I'm glad you mentioned the the sinking issue with the controllers. When I first got mine night one it would work for like 1520 minutes and then it would just say controller disconnected. And I would have to jump through hoops just like you talked about. I ordered another one off Amazon that night. Just because I was I was like I need I need a functional and like thankfully, you know we both had the Xbox Ones before the Xbox One controller works just fine with the series


not using the Xbox One controller. I don't


know it feels weird to go back to it now my girlfriend in here you might not ever do


that. That's no that's not how it's like playing PC games and using the not using the keyboard.


Yeah, no, I agree completely. But it is it is an issue and Xbox is at least like they they honored the warranty. I got mine replaced and the new one works just fine. But it is a pain in the ass and I don't think it's gonna be like quite the money loss that like the red ring of death. Yes. Back on the Xbox 360 you're talking whole consoles that Yeah. But it's still it is an annoyance. And like I was googling it that first night trying to see if people were reporting and of course it was night one. Not that many people had one. You know now that there's more of them in the wild. It is an issue. Like I love my series x. I'm glad I've got one. I've been having a blast with it. Night one. I was pissed about that controller. So I'm 100% with you.


I'm also actually having a blurry issue like every once in a while, like I'll just start my games and they'll just be like, blurry, like the colors will kind of be blurry and get a mix and everything. Now something that just restarted the Xbox, it fixes it. But I'm kind of like yeah, I wonder what that is. Because at first I thought that was just cyberpunk because of what we said in this turn on another game and it had like it like you know, it just the whole screen was blurry. Now can be my TV could be many different contacts. Yeah, yeah. But like I, you know, like, just restarting it fixes it. So it's not that big of a deal. But anyways, now continuing on with




Let's talk about something both you and I have. And that's game pass ultimate loving it. But recently, they announced numbers for a game pass, and it just hit 18 million subscribers. And we've talked about game pass a lot. But I think this kind of like, you know, shows that hey, this is the future. This is the way of gaming. I'm so happy that you hit 18 million because I think it's a great service. What are your opinions on the whole news?


I'm I'm a massive fan of game pass ultimate and it's one of those that once I finally signed up for it, I'm like, Why the hell would I do this? A year ago,


you're cheap. $15 a month. You can pay a lot in that last three years, which


But no, it is. I think it's a great landmark and I don't even know What to compare it to like, you can't compare it to something like Netflix or Amazon Prime or anything like that. I guess your next nearest comparison would be the PlayStation live or whatever it is at which I've never even dabbled. I would compare it to Netflix. It's just different. Like, you know,


movies versus video games. This is similar concept. There's different kind of media.


I mean, we've talked about the the backlog of video games. Yeah, we both have. I'm like getting game pass does not help that situation at all, but I love it. And like,


you should only be able to download three game pass games, and you can't download another one. Until you beat that one.


If they keep making games 200 gigs of fucking pop your own email download three anyway. But yes, but no, I absolutely love it. And like, I remember because we've talked before, like there is some value in physically owning a game, whether it's a disk, whatever, or a console or a cartridge for the switch. But man, the convenience of game pass and just be able to fire it up. And just even just looking at like their most popular page. Like I've got like near Automator and Bart and Batman Arkham Asylum or Arkham. Knight, one of the Batman games, like downloaded and read, I've got gears five downloaded and ready to go. And it's just like, an all I'm paying for all these is that 15 bucks a month or you know, whatever, I converted my Xbox Live Gold to game pass.


And everybody's doing that if you're doing it because it's included with it. So right.


So I'm a massive fan of it. And I hope it continues to be like that wave of the future. Yes, for that there is still some value in owning games. And yes, I know Microsoft can pull any title off game pass that they want anytime and you won't get to play it. I get that. But I'm also not paying for these games up front. So I care a hell of a lot less than the game, like halfway


through a game and they decide to pull it


right well, then you lose the game and you can't finish it. Okay, if


you buy the game, do you still get your state progress? Or do you just lose it period?


I think I assume if you buy it, you still have to save


to the cloud, it would train writer so


unlike the Nintendo Switch, which


will pay for the $20 Don't get me


Mario Odyssey But hey, give me an experience to play or give me excuse to play that game again. Anyway, no, I'm a massive fan of it. I think hitting any kind of milestone, like I said 18 million, you know, that is their future. That is what they're invested in. They've preached this entire rollout that they just want people to be able to play games, the way that works best for them. And I know so much that so much of that is corporate speak of Yeah, whatever. But on the other hand, like it's working like I mean, you get, you can get games that are like optimized for series x or s, which


are the only ones that I'm getting right now. Like I just told you, man, I'm a next gen snap. I can't optimize for the Xbox series x. I'm like, No, screw that crap. But what I love is like, you're seeing a pretty good influx of games like right, there's almost every week now I'm not really paying attention to what's coming out weekly. But almost every week, I'm seeing something new here and there. So you know, like you said, they're put a lot of focus into it. You know, they're serious about it. This is going to be huge. You see this the way this plays out over the whole next I think cycle and I really think this is the future. I think we all know it is the future. But it seems like Xbox is taking it more seriously than the PlayStation is it seems like it Yeah. And they're also focused like on getting all these studios, so they can bolster the content. Like, you know, I forgot the media company was called but like, Far Cry. Oh, whatever. The


Elder Scrolls. Yep, all


that. So they're very serious about this. But um, one game that did come from game pass, and that, you know, was optimized for the Xbox series x, because that's the only games that I will play right now on the game pass is called the tourists kind of lost my spot there for a little while. And I actually had the chance to play the tours recently because man I was playing. I'm playing Assassin's Creed Belle Hall right now. And I'm playing cyberpunk. Now. I usually don't like to open world games at the same time. But it is easy if they are different types of games, right? I'm playing these like complex games. I was like, man, I need something simple. And so a comment on game pass. I saw the tourist I heard about it. I encourage everybody to go out and get this one because it's a six hour game. It's a six hour action adventure game action adventure game. It's less than one gigabyte. So it's not going to take any space on your system. And it's going to download quickly. And as I said, probably numerous times already it is optimized for the Xbox series x. Or if you feel like wasting your money and you have the series s you know it's also on there too. But I really want to talk about this game just kind of really fast. Um, like I said, took six hours to beat so it's not that long of a game at all, but it's a very good like sometimes when I'm playing these complex games, I just need a game that's simple. And that was this game. Like, very shortly, you're basically just going from island Island. you're solving puzzles. You're doing some quests here and there, but just something that when I sit there when you play open world games, like I mean, they take 100 hours or more, usually more to be like, nice.


It goes to Tsushima last up. Yeah, yeah,


it's just nice sometimes to have a game that you can just bam, bust down in a weekend or something. And the tourist is that game so I like to call like a poor man's Zelda. So if you like Zelda, if you like action adventure, if you like puzzle solving, and quests within I'm definitely not gonna call it open world but you know, exploring, I guess it'd be a good way to put just exploring these small islands like this really is a game that you should check out not gonna take up any space on your system, like I said, but just something that I know you haven't played it or I don't think you have or even checked it out. I would recommend you check it out, too. Dude, I'm


still I'm still working like I did. I pissed away all my money on that Microsoft New Year sale. I bought Immortals phoenix rising in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I'm not going to touch a non open world game for three months.


Well, this is definitely Yeah, this is. Like I said, it's not open world. It's like a poor man's Zelda, but very contained. I mean, it takes six hours you cannot call a game open world if it takes six hours. I


will say the original Legend of Zelda is an open world game. I don't know if I disagree with that, either.


Yeah, and it does take less than six hours to think but it's kinda like this. The tourist cast like this Minecraft artstyle basically blocks. Um, the one thing that did bother me was the background kind of goes blurry, and it kind of just focuses on what's in front of you. Um, that didn't bother me. But I know that has bothered other gamers. But um, yeah, so


that motion blur in the back. Yeah,


I just really want to take time just to say, Hey, I recommend this game song game pass. So it's, it's not free, but it feels like it's free. Which is another thing that I love about game pass, even though you're paying for it. It does feel like a kind of game free games. But it's better than paying 60 bucks a pop? Yes, yes, yes, but go check this game out. And the ending definitely hits at a sequel. So I'm pretty fun about that are pretty excited, pretty fun with the free quality front. That's pretty excited about that. But one of the last thing was, this game had a lot of cool mini games. Like there's a pull up mini game, we had do pull ups like an assert, like so many pull ups and a certain amount of time. There's also a soccer game, where you just put what sounds like he's kicked a soccer ball into target. And the last thing was, I want those of you here because you can talk about this. They had this micro arcade in the game, where you sit down at these arcades, and you play these retro games. Now I don't know if they were actually retro games that had been made, or if the studio made them for just this game. But it was so cool seeing that. And we seen this a little bit in Super Mario Odyssey where like, you know, they kind of had some of these retro sections. But I kind of want to go that route. I want to talk about could we see retro games in more modern games in give us a good retro fix that we need to kind of? What's your whole feeling on that in your opinion? And what do you want to see?


Oh, I'm glad we're seeing it more and more often, especially because let's be honest, the people who played those retro games as kids or youngsters, whatever, are now grown ups like that. You mentioned obviously, the Mario Odyssey that had the sidescrolling sections and like the new dog city festival was amazing throwback, but then even you get into games like the 2016 doom remake. Had a few sections where it went back to the old original Doom graphics and just little sections. It was nothing huge.


Halo Master Chief Collection does that too.


Exactly. And then even what was it Uncharted four? I think headwear you could fire up like a knockoff of like Banjo Kazooie No, it


wasn't Banjo Kazooie is it? God dang it. What


was I? Shoot You're right,


is the main character and like all the games and why we think of it.


Yeah, you sit there and you play like with your wife in the game. And it's like, I liked it. More games can do this. Because let's be honest, putting in those games takes so little resources now compared compared to the resources it takes for video games now. Like you can put those sections in and it takes it doesn't. It doesn't take anything in terms of development or resources on your system to literally run a game within a game because those games were so simplistic back then, but I do love that we are getting to see that and it's Crash Bandicoot Is


that what it was? Yes. I was actually looking up on my computer as you were talking.


As I was talking I'm like I'm gonna get there eventually. So but yeah, in uncharted four, you actually get to play a little Crash Bandicoot game. And just I like seeing it because for one like you said we grew up with those kind of games. So for us, it is a nice nostalgic touch and for for people who might be young now and playing these games for the first time whether it's like I said the tourist Mario Odyssey, Uncharted or Doom, and you get to see what it was like 20 years ago, 30 years ago in dooms case. I mean, it's just, I really love it as a concept. I hope we see more and more of it. Can you think of any other like examples? I know he's rattle off four or five right there. Yeah, I mean,


I can't think of any more examples, but I will say that was in this micro arcade in the tourists. Like it had those retro sounds too. So like, I mean, this retro game, but also had the sounds to go along with it. And I think this is really what I would like to see. And this is one thing that actually makes me mad about cyberpunk is there's all these arcade machines, and you can't play them or at least not that I know of. And so this is what we're talking about right there. Like in cyberpunk, if they wouldn't make those arcades playable, like it would have been so cool to do, and this is something else that there would have been a bug or a glitch and broken off. I'm sure I'm sure there would have been but like I said, I think we're gonna start seeing this more and more in games tendo would knock this out of the park. I don't know exactly how they would do it, but don't By the way, I have no concept because when it comes to retro gaming, I don't have the timer up so I have no idea how long


we're past our 24 hours


24 minutes rarely do 45 minute parts member


ignore where you went to a second


we add the parts really good so you're not gonna know when we stop it. Eventually we had to get a halftime beer. Okay, but it's something that I definitely cuz the retro gaming like you get your fix. Like it's very quick. Like you're like, Oh, I want to play a retro game at least for us. It's like 10 minutes and then you're like, Oh, I'm good. So I'm kind of hoping to see this retro gaming within modern gaming more often. But anyways, it is that time we talked long enough in red when I put it out. Four minutes 45 minutes Yeah, I didn't realize how much I was gonna be talking this podcast until there's no God. There's a point on the tours where I was getting winded man I was like man I really want to read but he didn't blog about it myself on this album. But anyways, the wrap up all links will be in the description you can support us on Patreon or PayPal. If you can't support financially leave a review or a rating and you can also check out our websites to guys playing Zelda calm and also tg PC gaming comm that's the big one right there we don't do too much on two guys playing Zelda more PC gaming comm we are constantly adding products to our website and it is an affiliate shop so we may earn a commission on purchases through our links read talk about some of the other stuff we got going on.


Well we'll say about two guys playing zelda.com go check out the very prestigious fourth annual tgnc Awards go check those out spam oh man shout out to you for putting those together. Anyway we are on YouTube we've got tg or sorry we've got yeah tgp z gaming and two guys play Zelda both great channels


you guys playing Zelda Come on man.


I can't wear a T two guys play Zelda is Twitter two guys playing Zelda is YouTube sorry. But anyway, we're also all over Discord. That's where we really are now we talk Nintendo Sony PlayStation or Sony PlayStation Jeez, I'm drunk. Apparently, Microsoft you know, we talk TV shows booze, discord, great video game conversation grip, general conversation, check this out there. And we are on Twitter, and Instagram Busted Buttons pc and you can also check us out, you know, TGPZ Media and red TGPZ Media. Anyway,


it's yours in there like that. Hey, Ray, Gallo, something for you. And I got to look at the guy's name on this. So I'm going to go ahead and apologize. But one of our Patreon Patreon Patrons actually recommended that we talk about a game like I said, I meant to look him up before we started this podcast. I can't remember exactly who it is. So I do apologize. But here's the thing. If you're on Patreon and you support us, you might be able to recommend us talk about a game if we have a player. But anyways, in red, I think you're gonna have a really big problem with this. But he recommended that we talk some Link's Awakening on a podcast so I wanted to know if I could do it. Yeah, you are down to talk some Link's Awakening.


Hey, you wanna do that next week? Or? Next? Well,


don't say next week. The next episode, we will talk some Link's Awakening and we're not gonna get complicated with it. We're gonna throw the original version, the DX version and the remake. We'll throw all in there because it's really just one game. There's it's all in there. We're not gonna do two different episodes for different remakes. But no. Anyways, next episode, we're going to do what a patron of one of our sports cannot say. Well, my supporters recommended we're going to talk Link's Awakening and we will see you all on that next episode.

Cyberpunk 2077 (Bad)
Cyberpunk 2077 (Good)
GameStop Stock
Hick's Xbox Series X First Impressions
Game Pass Ultimate
The Touryst
Retro Games Within Modern Games
Wrap Up