Busted Buttons

Super Nintendo World - Busted Buttons Ep. 42

February 17, 2021 TGPZ Gaming
Super Nintendo World - Busted Buttons Ep. 42
Busted Buttons
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Busted Buttons
Super Nintendo World - Busted Buttons Ep. 42
Feb 17, 2021
TGPZ Gaming

We start off with a discussion on the new Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan. How cool do the Super Mario activities look? How fun would it be to ride the Mario Kart roller coaster?

We then talk about a concept we are starting to see more and more, both a man and woman protagonist in the same game. It's something that I'm currently experiencing in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. How exciting is it? How cool is it to see the perspective from two different individuals?

Afterwards, we dive into buying remakes and what we like to see from them. How different do we want the game to be? Does there need to be additional content? Are we going to buy Nintendo's Super Mario 3D World?

Later, we address games that are text heavy. Do we enjoy them or do we not? How much is too much? Do we like the subtitles on or off?

We then have a conversation on fast traveling in modern and futuristic games (i.e. Grand Theft Auto and Cyberpunk 2077). How much do we do it? Do we prefer to just ride around in a car? How much does the soundtrack help?

We end with a discussion on next-gen consoles (PlayStation 5 (PS5) and Xbox Series X) and voice assistant (Alexa, Google). Have we looked into it? Is it something that we would like to use?

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

We start off with a discussion on the new Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan. How cool do the Super Mario activities look? How fun would it be to ride the Mario Kart roller coaster?

We then talk about a concept we are starting to see more and more, both a man and woman protagonist in the same game. It's something that I'm currently experiencing in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. How exciting is it? How cool is it to see the perspective from two different individuals?

Afterwards, we dive into buying remakes and what we like to see from them. How different do we want the game to be? Does there need to be additional content? Are we going to buy Nintendo's Super Mario 3D World?

Later, we address games that are text heavy. Do we enjoy them or do we not? How much is too much? Do we like the subtitles on or off?

We then have a conversation on fast traveling in modern and futuristic games (i.e. Grand Theft Auto and Cyberpunk 2077). How much do we do it? Do we prefer to just ride around in a car? How much does the soundtrack help?

We end with a discussion on next-gen consoles (PlayStation 5 (PS5) and Xbox Series X) and voice assistant (Alexa, Google). Have we looked into it? Is it something that we would like to use?

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Welcome to Episode 42 of the Busted Buttons video game podcast. Take four of the intro to CS we can just not get our shit together. Alexa, just shut the fuck up. You messed me up anyway, we're gonna talk. It was I had to put that on the checklist for us. Super Nintendo World in Japan. I watched a tour of it today on YouTube. Just a very cool place. We're gonna talk about a man and a woman protagonists, something that just recently came across in a game where they actually use both very cool, we're gonna talk about binary makes like, if you already have a game. Yeah, the remake is a little bit of an upgrade. But how much do you have to get to actually purchase that remake is about games of too much text, just 70 games, this is too much text. Not everybody reads? Okay, I don't like read this. Let me get to the action. And then we talked about fast traveling a lot, but we're gonna talk about it in more modern and futuristic games. Y'all know what game we're gonna talk about right there. And then lastly, if we have time, we're gonna talk about next gen and voice assistant and I made sure to turn by Lexa this time for the intro when I mentioned the head Button Red. First off, I want to go right into Super Nintendo World. I don't think you've had too much of a chance to check this out. Like, you know, just look it up watch videos or whatever. But what are your opinions so far? Because there are some ones coming to the US.


I'm very excited for it. I mean, first of all, we've seen the success of Harry Potter World at Universal. Yeah, I've seen the success of galaxy's edge at Disney and unfortunately. Thanks COVID I have not gotten to go experience either of those and I would absolutely love to see a world built around Nintendo and like you said I have not looked into it a ton. I've read some of the articles and looked at some of the previews and the concept art and all that it excites me like I love that these companies are taking their intellectual property and trying to find another way to get fans engaged and what better way than an interactive theme park slash world that you can walk through because if they can deliver half as good as everyone talks about, like I said, the Harry Potter World and the Star Wars world like if they can come anywhere close to that then I am absolutely all for it because those two theme parks have gotten rave reviews so Nintendo can come through and you know you have so many great Nintendo first party properties you've got you've got Mario of course the big one but you get Zelda you Donkey Kong Starfox Metroid like the number of zones or whatever you want to call it within the the Nintendo World that you could eventually do is mind blowing and the one that makes me very, very excited. is you know, Mario Kart Yeah, Mario Kart world, like just because you're riding go karts in Mario Kart, of course is very fun. Driving go karts in real life is an absolute blast. Hey,


Mario Kart ride from what I've seen is actually a roller coaster. So we drove them on track, which is a very big missed opportunity. But still any room coaster is kind of cool. Here's what I love about it. Yeah, this is not all Nintendo. This is just super nintendo. Like it's very focused. And that's why I love because one it's got that retro gaming feel to it to the nostalgia so I mean, yeah, they have so many properties. They have so many different places they can go but they kept this very simple. They went Super Nintendo and then they went Mario Mario Kart and then also Yoshis island which I have not played I tried it one time I was like Baby Mario is kind of weird and so you know when I had the Super Nintendo mini classic champions limited edition version two I think but um, anyways, like


Super NES on switch online or whatever you pay for Oh


t smart as you know, I probably would have played on that because of the portable capability by literally I just love like said they have a lot of properties but it's so cool that they just focus on this these three keep it simple keep it to super


simple so far.


Yeah, this place it just looks amazing and as you would guess it looks dead up like the Super Nintendo Mario so right Oh, no, man just like if they made it all the time. No, yes, that would be very cool. But there's so much within Nintendo that I think if you're just gonna put this park in this certain area, which I'm not seeing the Japan Universal Studios layout, but I would guess it's just like a little section of that part. Obviously it's not the whole fucking Park y'all know, section, but um, you know, you can try to do too much in a little space and they didn't try to do that. They kept it simple, and I absolutely loved that. We got one coming to Hollywood. Got one coming to Singapore. We won't be visiting that one probably, at least now for 20 kids and everything, but I'm very excited about the one that's coming up in Orlando because Orlando is a place that I can make it to. But just that's an easy


trip for us.


I mean, just I've talked a lot about how specials like Super Nintendo is to me like that is the gaming system that I grew up on. Yes, I had the Nintendo Yes, I had the Nintendo 64. But when I think about my prime gaming days as an early teen, or even before my teenage years, it was super nintendo. So going to see a place like this, like I am pumped. Maybe that's one of the first places we'll take the kids when this hopefully is COVID situations all fixed, you know, who knows what's gonna actually happen, but no, I don't think it's going to open it or land until maybe 2022. So hopefully we can get all this stuff wrapped up by the end. I hope so. Cuz people are still struggling or they it's, like, seen it, man. But um, you gotta be excited about being super nintendo and all that nostalgia.


I absolutely am because I was also uh, you know, we're not that far apart in age you know, Super Nintendo was was really what got me hooked in gaming. And yeah, you're absolutely right. Like I'm glad they're keeping it focused from the start and if you if they eventually expand into the other franchise, like you said, they're doing Super Mario Mario Kart Yoshis Island, you know, if they expand into the other properties, they're


already talking about expanding into Donkey Kong,


which would be which would be great. I mean, you get the jungle going on. Oh, that would look amazing for why not Zelda You know, that's


one of their biggest properties. Well, my


only thought is that you know, for now, they're focusing strictly on the Mario properties which Donkey Kong originally with Jumpman was kind of a Mario property, but you know it on the other hand, it gives them things that they can cycle into down the line like they can say, okay, we've had Yoshis Island world for 10 years now five years Whatever, let's let's cycle that out and site you so you don't necessarily need to expand into a bigger space. You have to give it a facelift and give it a refresh and then maybe you bring in the Zelda or you bring in like you said the Star Fox the f0 the Kirby you know all these other properties and it's just it gives you options to kind of refresh it it's no different than casinos. Yes, the way I kind of look at it because casinos every what five or seven years. Caesars will become a horseshoe and then it will become a venue that's


a very different concept from Nintendo Roman Sorry, but I would love it Super Nintendo World ahead a bar and you say mega casino but I agree with that comparison right there but here's Okay, first of all, like I just said, if they have a bar Oh my God, I'm moving in there, man. I'm just like, you know, I love my family and everything but if you put me in a Super Nintendo World with a bar Oh, I'm not leaving that place. But as I was watching this video, Nintendo themed


beers and cocktails and oh, that'd be awesome. The


video I was watching it did happen the team the tendo theme foo which is like you know, mushrooms and Yeah, awesome. Up there too. But um, one of the things that was cool is, is from the video watch was Shigeru Miyamoto, Miyamoto, whatever his name is.


Mario and Zelda champion jerk,


I just can never remember it. But um, they are focused on the experience in like, what they do in Japan is they have these power of bands that you put around your wrist, and you can hit blocks and hit all these different things, do activities. So it's not just a place that you're walking around, looking at the scenery, like you know, Ron rollercoasters, like they are making it about the experience in action activities, which I think is what a video game land should be. So I just love that they're doing that and you know, can't take it off video gaming, I think a lot about this with like, malls and stuff like we've seen malls and like GameStop for example. It's not a mall, it's a store, but the store usually inside of a mall, but I'm very much inside just aren't making the money that they used to. And I think one of the problems is, is that they're not making it about the experience, because you're gonna get beat with online shopping and delivering everything. Like you're gonna get beat by all that people can beat your prices. So you had to make it about the experience. I don't think a lot of malls are trying to do that. But here's Super Nintendo World, they are trying to do that. And I think they're nailing it out of the park. And another thing that love is right before we move on, is that this is kind of an adult play. It's a good place definitely. But also an adult themed theme park but you know, a theme area So absolutely, I just love I can't wait to come to Orlando But anyways, both men and women are going to be excited about visiting Super Nintendo Land or world you know why people say super tenderly because it's actually a fucking game actually. No, it's not game it's a land that has landed that's on the 3ds y'all get where I'm going with this but um but concept with the whole this like you know men and women thing and that is with AC baja like we seen a lot of games you got pick a man or a woman as your protagonists. ac Valhalla actually like gives you an option of those things. But then also gives you an option of choosing like 50% offices exactly 50% but they say what the time is right you will play as a female and then you also plays a male so I just thought that was a very cool concept is really given me a viewpoint of this game from different angles as both a woman and a man. I just absolutely love it in one. Is this a concept that you ever come across into? How do you feel about it?


It is actually a concept I've seen even actually within the Assassin's Creed series because in Assassin's Creed Syndicate, you got to play as the twin brother and sister and I've totally forgotten their names, but I thought like depending on the various quests or side quests or missions you played as the male You play as the brother and in some you played as the sister so it doesn't shock me that Assassin's Creed would be one of the series series is is


it's okay, I can't I can't say your me moto. Well, we


can't say anything I know. But no so like it doesn't shock me that Assassin's Creed would be one of the series to really push this forward because like I said, syndicate really was a showcase for you play part of the game as a female you play part of the game is the male and then they got away from it there for a while. Yeah, in in origins, you the main character was a male, but occasionally you played his his wife, and then an odyssey you could select at the very beginning of the game, like you mentioned, yeah. 100% through as a male or as a female. Gaming. Right, right. You've seen we've seen that in gaming for a long time, like going back to like, even Mass Effect when you had FEM Shep and MailChimp was the whole big argument. You know, your Commander Shepard, yes, you can pick a male or a female. And you know, and some people preferred one voice actor and some people prefer the other voice actor. And so I love the idea where a game either has multiple protagonists that you switch between, or gives you options to play like, Okay, in this stage, you're going to play as a man in this set, you know, if you want to play as a woman over here, you can play as a woman. And, and to me, it's just, I feel like it is that next step. But I will say I think the only thing that is kind of lost, where you get the flexibility to pick is that you can't tell a uniquely male or a uniquely female story. If the it's it's basically the same dialogue. Yeah, different skin, on the character. And, and I know like, there's so many different experiences for men and women in the world. I am not any kind of like social expert, but like video games told from a woman's point of view, or from a woman's perspective, versus a men's perspective are very different. So I liked and I know I'm kind of going a little off the rails here. But I kind of like where syndicate said, we have side missions setup that you play as a female, and you get a female's perspective. And then you also have side missions, you play as a male, and you have a male's perspective, the games where you choose up front, it literally is the exact same dialogue, the exact same experience, just with a different body cyberpunk that we'd both just played through, yes, there's a little differences. But at the same time, it's still basically the same game, whether you play as a male or a female. So I'm curious how Valhalla handles that? Because I haven't played it yet. Can you speak any more to that


those differences are big right now, I think as a male and a female going through the game differently. But I think as we get into the future, I think they're going to start bringing those together, which I think is a really cool concept. You know, it's kind of like, you know, the whole women are equal, and they can do same thing as men without being a father of three daughters. I absolutely love that. I don't think we go to the future. Yeah, those differences are there. But you know, like, having three daughters, I hope that we do kind of bring those together, like, you know, and those do become more similar stuff. So, I don't know, just the whole concept really just excites me. And, like, you gotta be careful to stories, like, you know, in a story structure, like cost center, sometimes it is hard to tell, like, you know, the same story as like, you know, using a man or a woman. So this is why like AC Baja, because it uses them, like it has two different stories, but it's bringing them together. And I really think that games going forward, if you're going to use a male and a female protagonist, I think you kind of gotta have two different stories that you bring together. Like, I think he's I don't know, I've never developed a game but one thing is very rare to have the same story and put like your male and one female on the other and kind of figure that out. Maybe it's not, but I feel like it would be but I mean, this kind of gives us an opportunity I think like I think some people get be in their brain like oh, here's this particular story and I want to be a male in like I would like to see more females in games as protagonists like we got some so far and we're getting more now I would also like to see men like you know, it really depends on on the franchise like in Zelda right? I was so fucking sick and tired of everybody want a female like it's not and don't be owner six is blah blah blah no have three fucking daughters ain't sexist. guy didn't quit using a lazy fucking argument. That's a lazy fucking argument. No, just I like I'm a traditionalist. Yes, I like mills in my Zelda games, and As a protagonist, but guess what? In Tomb Raider, or in Horizon Zero Dawn, I like it to be female because that's what I played. So it just depends on the franchise in what you want. So don't use that lazy as argument, but just,


I'm very excited. That's going that's one thing I really liked Where? Literally, origins? Yeah, like you only got to play as a female for a little bit. But if they took that concept, and expand it a little bit, were for part of it. You're the dude part of it. You're the girl and like, but their stories intertwined? Yeah, they did bring. Yes, it was very much a male dominated story. But you did have the sections you played as, as the female and the stories did intertwine. They did come together if they could take that onto a broader level. Like I think that'd be really good. And you know, some games do lend themselves better, to a male story. Some games Yeah, absolutely lend themselves better to a female story. And I think if more franchises, especially more open world ones, where there's so much to do so much to so many stories, you can tell within an open world game, that gives you more flexibility to play around with that gender a little bit. Whereas I get if you're telling a very cinematic straight line, you know, you know, kind of rail driven story, yes, you probably want to focus on one or the other, whichever story you're trying to tell, like Cinderella worked great as a female driven story. Gears of War works great as a male driven story, although years five has Kate the female as one of the main characters. So it, I just think it all depends on the type of game, the type of story you're trying to tell. And, you know, marrying the two concepts together, I think does work best in an open world game where there's so many stories and so much space to explore both sides, whereas in a more on the rails straight line game, you're probably you know, you're talking like an eight to 10 hour game, yeah, probably only going to tell it from a male's perspective, or from a female perspective. So it's just,


there's room for all the above, I think, maybe realize that it more games are structured this way, we could have a male and a female in each game. And he wouldn't have to make a choice, I think not having to make a choice. And get both of them. I think it's just a very cool concept. I just, I really like it. Like, I would like to see more females in games out. But you know, I also have my games where I do once emails and so like, it's about helping the world. Like I just, I think it's a great way to just kind of bring it all together and allow both genders and to me, it's just very, very, very exciting. We want to say we're not trying to offend anybody by that conversation, because I'm actually pro woman and pro women being in games because third time father of three daughters, so but just kind of want to talk about that's very cool. And I think it's in a game from both gender viewpoints. I just thought that was really fun. But anyways, one place you won't usually see a gender protagonists update isn't a remake because the games are been made before. Yeah. Which brings me to an exciting remake. That is that just came out recently. And that is Super Mario 3d world, and I don't think you're going to buy it. But here's how I want though to pay these remakes like this, where you're basically it's a port is what we're that's what it is. These games like, Okay, what what makes you buy them? What makes you want them?


It's tough to say because it is different for every remake, like, okay, let's say for example, the one we're talking about the Super Mario 3d world just released, I have no intention of buying it. I played it on the Wii U. I thought it was just fine. I didn't think it was a you know, the Second Coming up Mario, whatever, I was just fine. It was a solid Mario game, but nothing exceptional. And this port does not seem to be anything that will blow me out of the water. Like I've read a little bit of the previews of the bouncers fury, the the add on that comes with it. And even that just sounds I'm still like, you know, whatever. You know. So to me, what makes me want to go out and buy a port or a remake is it either has to offer something a totally different experience like Yeah, perfect example. Link's Awakening. Obviously I you know, we talked about this in our last episode, love Link's Awakening such nostalgia, you know, powerful feelings for me. But they, one there hasn't been a new version since the Gameboy Color. But then just the upgraded graphics, the upgraded music, you know, getting it onto a modern console was fantastic. Whereas something like Mario 3d world just came out last generation. Yeah, I've still got my Wii U sitting right here. I might be the only one. But I don't have my original Gameboy sitting here. I can't pick up and play Link's Awakening right now. I mean, yes, I could dig my way out. But even then you're talking to generations. So for me a big part of it. is you know, accessibility. Can I already play this game somewhere else that easily enhance Yeah, and be like we said, does it offer something totally new New and to me Mario 3d world does not fit either of those categories but what do you think are you going to be buying it


on this ship man no I have not bought yet but I do plan on buying soon you know I'm sitting there looking at aged claim as I guess my wife might be listening to this I spent 10 hours on sale but haven't gotten around to it yet but um, no makers for me, but he can't talk about like, you know how like, what's your accessibility like my weaves that sent out anymore? Like Why the hell would my week like you know, I'm almost at PS five there's a spot for the PS five right now there's just not one they're empty and depressing. I got a PS five Xbox series x which I do have that one and then on top two ps4 Pro, which I don't know if they'll stay there and then my Nintendo Switch that's all I have right now. Could I put Well, I want to say could I put more no because the damn new next gen is so big The only space but um I don't have my wheel hooked up you know? I don't know I'm talking about that because it doesn't fucking matter. All right, I'm buying this game because God damn it it's a Mario game on not new Mario game on a new system and you cannot be right Mario games out. Suffer sancia game it's a bad game. Anyways, like Super Mario 3d world like it's not that great of a game but it's still a very fun and Mario game No, I don't put at the top but I really enjoy playing that game and you've been a cat person. I thought you would enjoyed it more but


enjoyed it. It was fine though. It was just fine. Like I stack that like that came right after galaxy one. Yes. That was the that was the bar it was weighed against and to me it did not even come close to clearing that bar but go ahead Well


yeah, the camera to like that camera wasn't fully 3d like it would take rise and stuff like how many Mario games have you made Nintendo Why are you making a new Mark because you rush it that's why because the Wii U was selling like shit you need a Mario game you rush it and you put some points with only certain angles so just getting more of a dog person so that was me I was against it. It was okay but no to me It all comes back to it's a still even though I think it's bad even though I would rank it low in Mario games. It's still a great Mario game and overall is still a great game so you give me that game you enhance the graphics a little bit and then you give me like you know able to play it portable which you know, and I'm always looking for games to pull out my Nintendo Switch as we talked about high rewards I'm not really that excited about that's why it's been out for a while I play one level now a lot of that has to do with Xbox series x but anyway I continue on but no I mean and then you add in browsers fury I remember I was watching a review it was something like a trailer or something on bounders fury I was like you know what? That's enough for me to buy it now like I said I don't think this is a super purchase I think this is a drone purchase


video game purchases at this point in our life are


encouraged but I will buy because a fantastic 3d Mario game on the switch like him he says we every time we talk about the switch I get disappointed like you know yeah, it's inferior obviously to next gen but the have the portability aspect of a switch like there is still something there but they're just


the Nintendo first party lineup is amazing. But yeah, last year was a little bit of this a little off topic but last year was a little bit of a letdown in terms of Nintendo Switch game I'm hoping I'm hoping this this year really delivers but I mean it's funny because we we talked about we have bought a lot of remakes yeah our life I mean we've talked rock Yeah, mostly drunk. But I mean like when we got the Wii U we bought Twilight Princess HD when he when we got our 3ds is what do we buy? ochrony and time Majoris max. Yeah, and let's be honest, we both fucking bought Mario Kart for the Wii U and the Nintendo Switch. Well, it's it's Mario Kart Of course. Yeah,


that was the exact same game to man. We did a really good job Nintendo


plus we probably paid for the DLC on the Wii U then still pay for the same damn thing.


No ain't no it came with the switch version I believe that was the one yet


but not like it it really is hit or miss like some games obviously occurring and time to get on the 3ds before before the switch was out. You know that was great to have that portable and then a majority mask I thought some of the quality of life improvements alone made it worth the purchase even though the boss change is fucking sucked in my opinion. Yeah, but then you know Twilight Princess HD and WinWaker HD you know again, two generations removed from from the GameCube version of those games. I know a lot of people probably played Twilight Princess on the Wii. But hey, league is always left handed to me not that right handed mirror bullshit. Yeah, we but so And plus, we're Zelda fans. Like I feel like we are horse for Zelda we will buy games multiple times as we have on virtual console and 3ds and every other thing available. So it really is a case by case instance if it's a game I feel is worth going out and seeing Spending 40 5060 bucks on the remake? Like I said, Link's Awakening was definitely one because the new art style or even instances where the game is a direct port, but I didn't play the original. Yes on the Wii U i. There's been on the switch. I'm sorry, I bought tropical Donkey Kong Country Tropical free Yes. And toad treasure tracker, because I've never played them on the Wii U. So for me that was worth my money. Yeah, and they look amazing on the switch, but just I don't know. blabbered I will shut up. I


mean, here's my thing about me. I bought new Super Mario Brothers use switch champion a exclusive gold silver edition Deluxe. Like I bought that game. So if I bought a game was almost like, why would you not buy a 3d Mario game? But anyways, one concept that we went like getting added in a remake is more text. Don't ever add more text to a game that's already been made. And that kind of brought me to this like, you know, topic of I'm playing cyberpunk right now. There's a lot of text, I kind of want to go. I know you're enjoying cyberpunk. I know you actually like reading more text than I do. But I want to ask you, when is like too much text become an issue? Dude, you're


asking the wrong person about text and video games. Because, you know, I like to read a ton just in like in real life outside of video games. I love reading novels, books, stories, magazines, whatever.


But you read a book to read a book, like you're playing a game to play a game. And when you're reading text, I don't think you're necessarily playing the game. But go ahead.


Okay, you're also talking to the guy who's probably read every single book in The Elder Scrolls three Morrowind. And yes, a lot of fucking books. That is, to me, it's like, I love when text adds to the lore of a game. And it makes sense, like, the way I look at it. Games recently, or in the last, maybe 10 or 15 years have taken two very different approaches to fill out their world. And these are the only two approaches but these are the first two that I think of, I think of Bioshock. The first person shooter from you know, I think was to K Games back in the day that like you found all these audio recordings, audio recordings all throughout the world. So you got to listen to what happened. You got to listen to the character's thoughts. Or you go The Elder Scrolls route. And the way a lot of RPGs have gone. I mean, going back to the days when that's all they could do was walls and walls of text. Yeah. And I feel like both methods are absolutely acceptable. I love though, when it's done to fill out the lore of the world, like I think and I know cyberpunk is kind of what's really driving this, and we'll get to that in a second. But I really think games, like the Elder Scrolls that use books and notes and everything else to like, fill out the lore and the story of the world. And like the mythology and the history, like that fascinates me. I love getting into the history of game worlds like that. And it's just so to me, I am like, there's keep though in text i plus the biggest advantage and this is totally unrelated. I can sit there and drink my beer. Yeah, really? Yes. So but you know, kind of a cyberpunk, like you said, the, the text didn't really fill out the world in terms of lore. But it told you like all these little encounters you had, like you mentioned all the shards, all the shards, and yes, some of them are lore and history, or even fiction. But a lot of them were filling out the story of like, what happens when you got to a police dispatch or a gig. And one of the things is pick up the piece of evidence and it's almost always a shard that tells you what is going on there. So I really like the way some games handle it. And just growing up from playing RPGs and things like that, where that's all you had was walls of text because you didn't have voice acting. You didn't have full motion videos like yeah, I'm just used to it. And like I said, it lets me drink beer while I'm reading but I do understand not everyone's a big reader so I throw it to you to tackle that side of the aisle. I


disagree with everything you just said Okay, first of all the text messages in cyberpunk I don't like text messages that long in my real life. So I would definitely not like them in the game but to me Yeah, I'm not a big reader. I am different from you on that like viewpoint right? I had told you behind the scenes that as I play more and more games I am starting to read more and more to get that lower but like I think what I'm talking about here is not how many times you had to read it's how much you have to read like I don't mind having that read a lot but let's you know shore it up you can paraphrase this shit you know I'm saying like there's a lot you don't need a five paragraph fucking text message Okay, I don't need that my fucking real life so why you need a game is beyond me. And then all the shards which I haven't read, but for some reason I'm collecting them while you go around collecting something that cuz it could be an achievement. You know,


I kept hoping to be an achievement to I'm exactly.


achievements and trophies. I mean, yeah, I do like them, but I don't really care about them a lot. But no, I'm just like, I like to get to the game I like to play the game in, right? Like, you know, yes, I do agree with you, it does give you some lore and I do actually liked it. But like that when it's in audio form now you can talk about those audio recordings. Now. Fuck that shit, man. I don't like that shit either. Audio is not reading, like, I like the, the lore to be within the game within this sector. Not not the fucking subtitles. But like the Lord to be like no within the cutscenes, which is a bad example, because most cutscenes have subtitles. And in the game, I choose the option subtype. So just like shooting myself in the feet over here about the argument that I'm trying to make. Okay, I don't like text, but I end up using it. And then I had the option to use it or not use it once. Like I just said, I'm repeating myself, because that happens. Sometimes I use it. So well. Let's be


honest, you probably use the subtitles on videos. Like we've said earlier in this podcast. You've got three kids and a wife running around who are probably making a lot of racket. Yeah, it's hard to hear what sir not blaming your wife for making a lot of racket. Kids who make a lot of racket, she's gonna come be my ass now. But like, so it makes having the subtitles turned on. Very valuable when you have distractions going on, in your household, in your apartment, whatever interesting really quickly.


The reason that keep the subtitles on is because I don't want to miss anything actually, like, yeah, there are some distractions and stuff like that. But the main reason is, I don't want to miss anything. If I listen to somebody talk, you know, I might not be paying as much attention or whatever. I like that in there. And also if I get there's a word I don't know how to spell, like let's say a character or a place, I can see that text and know where to look for on the ramp. So the fear of missing out FOMO is why I use subtitles. But go ahead. So I


will say you mentioned you'd rather get the law or sometimes from from the videos, the cutscene. So we have two extremes. You're talking about something like cyberpunk where you have an absolute shit ton of shards or the Elder Scrolls, we have all the books. How about something like Metal Gear Solid, where you have an hour long cutscenes in these games? I mean, obviously these are two very extreme examples on the opposite sides of the spectrum. But would you rather have novels and novels and novels of books or an hour long? cutscene? I mean, neither


can we find a good medium here. We have our cutscenes because Death Stranding which is a game I really liked it low only gave me like a six. But that's because of like other issues in the game. They did have very long cutscenes in I did like them. But there is that point where it's like, Okay, come on. I'm playing a game, and I want to get back to the game. So for me, it's kind of like that middle point, like, you know, yeah, I do like some text. I do like some more, but lore, but um, we can't get to that middle point right there where it's like, you know, okay, for people that like to read, there's something there. But for people that don't like to read, there's not too much they're,


like, fear of missing out. Yep.


And there's like the same way cutscenes like, yeah, give us a cussing. That gives us a cutscene that gives us a lot of information. But at the same time, don't make it too long. We're gamers like me are like Okay, come on, let's move on. Because then you stop paying attention and then you're just like, I don't care about that scene anymore.


That's when I get drunk. Playing video games if I'm watching a 30 minute cutscene I'm probably drinking three


don't play desk training then because you will get super drunk during that game. ever played Metal Gear saw game? I think I play one for like a little while but not too long. So I really don't know about those but the same guy made that trainee so I can only imagine how bad those games are but uh, anyways, stay I don't know if I'm on the right transit. I am not on the right transition. So I'm I'm staying with cyberpunk


staying with cyberpunk. Yeah, good. Yeah.


Thank you read Forgive me there we go was like Oh fuck, where's the transition? I was going to but um, we talked about fast traveling before but when we did that, we talked mostly about horseback riding at SeaWorld. renea back I want to bring it up in more modern or futuristic games like you know cyberpunk your grant that Otto's how do you go about fast traveling in those games? Oh, I


don't. Oh my god in modern world or futuristic games. I will drive everywhere because it is a ton of fun to rip through most of these video games cities in a car especially like cyberpunk. You're going 200 kilometers per hour. Yeah, like in these beautiful few and yeah, we've kind of talked about this you know, kind of futuristic on the inside classic on the outside cars. Like it is absolutely beautiful driving through these cities and plus to me, the more you and this applies not just to the modern and futuristic but like the more you fast travel. I feel like the less you really get the game world and that's especially true when you're in a city where so much of it looks very similar but I'm just fast traveling around from every location. Like I get so disoriented in a city, because you're just like, I have no spatial awareness for where the hell I am. But mostly just driving around a beautiful city like cyberpunks nice city, like you get the neon, you get the beautiful colors or even something like Grand Theft Auto, where you get to transition from slums to downtown to outside the city suburbs like cyberpunk has that too, of course, like so for me, if I'm playing a more modern or futuristic game, I'm driving everywhere. Okay, it's a hell of a lot faster than riding on a horse. So


yes, definitely, definitely.


But then just you get to see the sights you and even though Yes, in most of these cities, you can't go into 95% of these buildings. It's still beautiful to see the world they put together. Yeah, if you're walking on a horse, you know, it might take you an hour to get somewhere if you're driving 200 miles an hour or 200 kilometers per hour and one of these awesome cars I can get from one end of cyberpunks map to the other in maybe 10 minutes. And I


run that cyberpunk does really great and making their game compact. Yeah, nice. It looks absolutely huge. But like you just said you can get from one side of the map to the other. I don't know the exact timing of it. But if you have a good car, you can get there very fast. Now GTA five, that was a little bit different story different story. One time I circled all the way around GTA five it took me 20 minutes. But you know, that was circling around. It wasn't going from point A to point B so it technically would take around 10 minutes, but I'm just Yeah, the process of night the night said we're the Night City. And also props to cyberpunk for making a game that was compact, but there was still so much in it. And they really, you know, we've heard bash on cyberpunk by a woman I've gotten into the game a lot lately. And even with issues it's a very fun game as we're talking about right now. You really don't have to fast travel that much because you can get from point A to point B on opposite sides of the map and you can do it very quickly. And also why the fuck would you want to fast travel in that game? We got stopped by these little fucking stations to like get you got stopped by station. You gotta gather car you got hit but just a fast travel somewhere cyberpunk when CD Projekt RED, why can't I just fast travel? Why do I have to go a certain point to fast travel? That's bullshit. And even though I'm not fast traveling in the game, I don't like it at all. But you know, well, yeah, actually. What are your opinions on those stations? Have you used one? Yeah, I think it's against.


Again, I only use them. And we've mentioned this, not just today, but in prior episodes. Like I've tweeted about it maybe fast traveled using those stations like three times the entire game.


I didn't want to try it. That's the only reason,


right because there's just no reason when you can like Like you said, cyberpunk makes the world look huge. And once you get out in the Badlands, it is it does actually open up Yes, but it is still like you can get from point A to point B because you have amazingly fast cars. They have interstates where you don't have to worry about stoplights and intersections like it is a very well because you worry about stoplights when you're playing cyberpunk. not usually not usually but I try not to run over too many civilians and get through


I was a gamer that stopped at stoplight every single stop like they get rid of cyberpunk I want to see that game.


I will say the one thing we haven't even mentioned that we get in the modern or futuristic worlds that you don't get in like fantasy or historical settings. The soundtracks the car radio, oh my God ever since was a Grand Theft Auto three and Vice City yet started licensing real music, especially by city and you got that 80s like 80s pop that was Yes. Set that world so well. And cyberpunk gives you 1012 radio channels as well. And not all of it's my kind of music. It's a lot of that trancey house music stuff that hey, yeah, if you love it great for you. It fits the setting, not necessarily my genre, but you get a rock channel, you get a hip hop channel, like there are other varieties in there. So to me, getting the music in the car really helps break up those drives, even when they are a little bit, you know, seven minutes instead of four minutes, you know, you get to listen. And then you get like the radio hosts and the news guys that pop in every now and like tell you a little bit about what's going on. So to me having that car radio is a really cool touch that you get in the modern and futuristic games that we don't have in the historical games unless it's dandelion. The Bard plane is loot.


I gotta get


the soundtrack stuff.


Oh, in cyberpunk, definitely man that's about was ready to go. Like they absolutely know the soundtrack. Like they had a lot of good radio stations, the radio stations, they sometimes fit the city. Like I love Pacific dreams. It's not like the technical, the techno music you're talking about. It's kind of more like a synth wave music, which I really like. But here's like one thing that I love about their soundtrack is they're not playing pop, like really, really popular songs. Like they're playing more like you know, I wanna see underground necessarily, but a lot of songs are from people cuz I've looked this up different people on there even heard of. So a rough day like, you know, like there's a lot of great songs that are still like, you know, not mainstream. And I love that they went and found those games or those songs, because that shows you how much time they put into the game because you can't just go out and find a song, you gotta find a song that fits your game. And yeah, there is access to more music out there. But at the same time, it's saturated. And it's hard to shuffle through all of the music. So for them to go through to find these soundtracks that to me just absolutely nailed Night City, for them not to be popular artists that might become popular artists, because their song is on cyberpunk, just an overall very big fan that and like just people get that


soundtrack. And they see those artists and I will say, if you watch the Indian credit, and you actually sit through all the Indian credits, they give the credits for every single song on every single credit the credits last every bit of 30 minutes, probably, but they give the credit shout out to everyone. So I was scanning those a looking for artists that I knew and recognized and there are a few on there. But just seeing like, three or four artists did a ton of tracks sport, and it makes me want to go out and look into a little bit of music. But you know, kind of stick in there. We're talking cyberpunk, we're talking futuristic games and everything you're saying with that futuristic concept. And this is something you brought up to me Just recently, you know, is this voice assistant with our next gen consoles because you texted me and said, You managed to get your Alexa hooked up to where you could get your Xbox to play whatever you want with voice commands. First of all mind fucking blown. That's awesome. I do not know that was a thing. Tell me a little bit about that.


Well, first of all, it doesn't do everything. Sadly, I can't tell you that it will not be caught. You know, I've tried many times. Recently, like I was watching one of those YouTube videos where it's like seven tips and tips, tips and tricks, like yeah, series x. I was like, Okay, I'll check this out. See what they have in the first two. guy was the first I can't remember the first one. But the second one was the set up voice assistant. And I was like, Okay, I got definitely check this out. So like, you know, I got lots of devices over the house as I know now because we had to scratch some of our intros because I said Alexa, and it turned on which you all know, now that shits been unplugged. That's why it's not coming on. Lesson learned. It's just something like I have a lot. Like I said, I have a lot of little Alexa devices. So it's definitely something I want to check out and see what it can do. It's all hooked it up recently. I was like, okay, Xbox launched this game and just doing it hands free, man like not that it's so much. It's a little bit faster. But it's not a ton faster. But just to say Xbox do this and do that was very cool. And I was actually playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla as an Xbox open up cyberpunk. And bam, it switched right to the game. So if you have not checked this out, I'm guessing I don't have a PlayStation five. But I'm guessing the PlayStation five also has Alexa and Google Assistant. Those seem to be the two major ones right there. But um, yeah, if you not check this out, look into it. Most of these devices, you all have Alexa and Google. And if you don't have them, they're very, very cheap. You can get an Alexa dot, it's usually goes for 50 you can usually get on sale for like 30 or 40. You might


even appreciate Alexa, like since two houses ago.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's awesome. So if y'all have an Alexa device or a Google device, look into this. It's very cool. You can search a list of commands and just hands free makes everything so much easier and so much smoother. I think with next gen that's what we're trying to really get to is making everything smooth and stuff. You


know, Microsoft was ahead of the curve with the Kinect, they just couldn't Yes, it did very well.


Yeah, they say like you know if you don't have to connect to us, Alexa or Google, so I don't know if this was on last gen the Xbox One ps4, not it might have been or there might have been, there might have been an upgrade where he got this but I'm just wanted to make a quick plug. If y'all haven't yet. Go check that out. It's very cool. And I don't know how much I'll use it because, well, here's what one do my TV. I'm getting confused with my TV, because I can't control with Alexa devices. But then there's also Alexa on the TV. I think it's clashing Somehow, I used to be able to turn my TV on using my Alexa Echo, but it's not working anymore. So I want to get to the point where I can say Alexa turn on Xbox. It turns on the Xbox, it turns on the TV. I know I can get there. I'm just not there yet. Now. The Xbox YouTube is your friend. I will figure it out sometime but a red that's kind of you know, kind of guess you want to say anything else on that. Now.


I'd like to experiment around with some time but I haven't had the chance to I never had my


device yet Google or Alexa


now probably to Google Home or Google wherever.


This is where you pissed me off. They're not that expensive. Okay. Why don't you come To 20 2021 and buy you a voice assistant device, and I don't even


have a universal


1970s if you want to.


Anyway, I think we're, we're just about done with this episode for once we might end close to on time but so we're gonna go ahead and wrap up here all actually first episode we got talking about yes episode. We don't want to keep doing this where we alternate from game to topics to game to topics. So we don't want to have a pattern. Right, right, because that just gets too predictable and we don't like to be that. So next week, we're gonna keep talking about the industry and keep going. Keep talking about what's going on. You're good with that. Yep, definitely. Alright, so we'll go and wrap this up, then all the links we're going to talk about are down in the description, you can support us on Patreon or PayPal, you don't have to and if you don't want to pay to support us we absolutely understand. But definitely leave us a five star rating on whatever platform you listen to us on. leave us a review. Even if you don't think we're worth five stars give us five stars. Anyway, we've got two websites out there where we sell a lot of awesome gaming merchandise. We got t gpz gaming.com and two guys playing zelda.com. Obviously one's gaming oriented, one Zelda oriented. Those are affiliate shops, so we may earn a little bit of a commission on any sales there. But definitely check them out. Now Hick How about you tell them about where we are on social media and YouTube?


We got two YouTube channels, two guys playing Zelda. That's how we started almost 11,000 subscribers do too much with it nowadays. But we have a ton of videos on there ton of rankings walkthroughs commentary, so definitely check that out. We also have a YouTube channel for tg PC gaming, mostly just put our podcasts on there and some other videos without commentary, but it's mostly just podcasts. not as big but you can also check that out. We have a Discord server, so definitely go hit the link in that. We have a ton of fun there we talk everything. Yeah, the tendo, PlayStation, Xbox PC. And then we also talk about some other stuff. It's just a ton of fun and you want to talk to us. You want to interact with us. Yeah, you can hit us up on social media, but definitely go join our Discord server and then talking about social media. You can catch us on Twitter, you can catch us on Instagram at Busted Buttons PC, but man, just another fun episode. Like we both had kind of a rough week in different ways. Like I've been doing some remodeling and working. You've been doing a lot of working so as always, it's so nice to get away. You talk a little gamey. But anyways, we will see you all on a next episode.

Super Nintendo World
Man & Woman Protagonist
Buying Remakes
Text Heavy Games
Fast Traveling in Modern/Futuristic Games
Next-Gen & Voice Assistant
Wrap Up