Busted Buttons

Super Mario Galaxy - Busted Buttons Ep. 44

March 10, 2021 TGPZ Gaming
Super Mario Galaxy - Busted Buttons Ep. 44
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Busted Buttons
Super Mario Galaxy - Busted Buttons Ep. 44
Mar 10, 2021
TGPZ Gaming

All episode long, we are talking Super Mario Galaxy. A Wii game released in 2007 and recently updated on the Nintendo Switch with Super Mario 3D All-Stars.

We start with some quick general info before diving into the gameplay. Did we like the outer space setting? How well did the Wii Remote & Nunchuk work? What were our favorite power ups?

We then go into the galaxies. What were our favorites from each dome? Which ones did we not like? What ones surprised us?

Afterwards, we discuss the music. This was the first time a Super Mario game used a symphony orchestra. How well did it work out? Is it the best music in the Mario franchise?

Later, we touch on the story. Was it better than most Mario games? Did we like the addition of Rosalina and the Lumas? How do we feel about how Bowser and Bowser Jr. were portrayed?

We end with a conversation about the legacy of the game. Is it one of the better Mario games? Is it better than its sequel? How does it rank among other video games?

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

All episode long, we are talking Super Mario Galaxy. A Wii game released in 2007 and recently updated on the Nintendo Switch with Super Mario 3D All-Stars.

We start with some quick general info before diving into the gameplay. Did we like the outer space setting? How well did the Wii Remote & Nunchuk work? What were our favorite power ups?

We then go into the galaxies. What were our favorites from each dome? Which ones did we not like? What ones surprised us?

Afterwards, we discuss the music. This was the first time a Super Mario game used a symphony orchestra. How well did it work out? Is it the best music in the Mario franchise?

Later, we touch on the story. Was it better than most Mario games? Did we like the addition of Rosalina and the Lumas? How do we feel about how Bowser and Bowser Jr. were portrayed?

We end with a conversation about the legacy of the game. Is it one of the better Mario games? Is it better than its sequel? How does it rank among other video games?

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Welcome to Episode 44 of the Busted Buttons VR game podcast. And I'm excited for every episode but I'm definitely excited for this one because we're going to talk about one of my favorite Mario games ever one my favorite video games ever. All episode long, we are talking Super Mario Galaxy, we're going to talk about some really excited stuff like the general info there right there just blows you away. Then we're gonna go into the gameplay, galaxy, galaxies, music and get confused with the name of the game and then the galaxies we're gonna go to music, then story and then finish on Reception and legacy But first of all, some general info 3d platformer, action adventure 2007 release obviously was published Well, you might not know but it came out on the we had this whole concept of you know, being in space, hemispherical us vehicles spherical. wherever the fuck your words I don't know platforms. And just overall a very cool game. The first Mario game I believe to use a symphony orchestra. We'll talk about that in the music section. Just amazing music throughout the game, a critical and commercial success. I've not met one person that doesn't love this game right here. Sales of 12 point 8 million. That's a like, you know, I'm not really sure what comes to sales figure. What like what's actually a hot figure but 12,000,012 means that is a lie. It's a damn good. Yeah. And then it came out in the Super Mario 3d All Stars collection. All that a tendo switch Oh, right there, just let's get the general info out of the way. But that's just basically kind of going behind, like, you know, the scenes and like what the game actually was, but read. The first thing that I want to talk about is gameplay, because that's really, it, we're talking about Mario games, it's not gonna be the story that sets you apart, it's going to be you know, the gameplay or the world. So this one, just the gameplay was fantastic. So conscious go into then what you'd like to all about the gameplay? Well,


I love the setting. I mean, first and foremost, haven't been set in outer space and such fun and so much creativity they could do with the galaxies and planets and the use of gravity. And to me, it really threw me off a little bit that you could run all the way around, like you mentioned those spherical, you know, the planets, the little planets that are inside each galaxy. Like you could run all the way around them and you'd be upside down sideways and so to me the use of gravity in this game that they use with that outer space setting i thought was so creative and it let them do a ton of fun things just with the camera with the controls with the levels just because being able to truly like run all the way around like yeah and then you jump from one to the next and like grab you know flip you upside down and drop you on the next one. Oh my gosh, so it to me it was such a fun concept. Yeah, just to have gravity being used as like a gameplay mechanic


and that actually made that concept work like it seems like a very difficult concept to pull off but like most Mario games in like Nintendo they made it like happen flawlessly. So I was very impressed with how the whole game worked.


Me too. And it just and it made them like be able to create some like really unique and frankly, sometimes confusing. Yeah, and disorienting galaxies where you're not 100% sure, like where you're going but you know, the game does a great job as all Mario almost all Mario games Yeah, does a great job of like pointing you in the direction you need to be going even when, like you said you can get so topsy turvy and upside down with the range of motion in this game. But the game still did an amazing job of kind of pointing you to make sure you always stayed on the right path. Or if you went off the path. Usually you found like one of the secret stars or something in the galaxy. So all in all like to me that's what stands out the most is that outer space setting. Yeah, and that use of gravity. So what about the gameplay that jumped out most


to you? It was the controls you kind of get into that but just the fact that you'd like you're running around you're going upside down sideways and stuff. Like I just said like earlier, that was a concept that seems very difficult. But yeah, they may so smooth and when you were controlling like it just worked and I don't really know how to describe that because you're going upside down sideways in every which way. But you would think Oh man, this could be an easy way to completely screw up a game. In Nintendo. They nailed the controls out of the parking. Race some things you said because they're so important to me. Yeah, the whole game taking place in our space just I've talked about how much I love any game that takes place in outer space. I don't think enough games do it but it's just kind of cool going off lane and kind of go into like, you know, just the galaxies in our space. Just with all this stars have planets in everything it just looks cool and just I think add to like you know you're on this what's it called the comet observatory? Yeah like you know spaceship it's all colorful all this and then you got this space background it just me everything can come together now that's really not gameplay so much but okay you know just I mean I know


I pay off real quick so speaking of that comet observatory What did you think about that as a hub world I don't know we got the hub world of like peaches castle in Mario 60 do Did you like that they brought that back from Mario Galaxy actually like


I love peaches castle and Superman nice beaches castle I'm in Super Mario 64 but to me this hub world this is where it's at for a Mario game I don't really think we got that for us I believe it was actually just the Odyssey as the hub world but there is one thing there is the hub world the comet observatory is everything that is right with Super Mario Galaxy is everything that is wrong with Super Mario Galaxy two like a Super Mario Galaxy which we're going to talk about Super Mario Galaxy two on the next episode but just Yeah, I would say like you know what are your favorite things about this game and there's a lot because it's such a fun game but that hub the comet Observatory, it was so much fun it was beautiful it was just cool going out to all these areas. It wasn't very big but it was big enough and so that to me it's really a part that stands out and just my lasting memory which is what's you know stands out kinds of means you know, just there's not enough game Mario games I think that had that like we got in 64 we got galaxy but other than that we kind of hit well we did have it in Super Mario Sunshine I almost forgot about that game because why you need to remember that Mario game is beyond me. But we'll talk about that someday maybe I don't even know if it's worth our time I got to play it first but I'm just yeah you know just going around that like you know the observatory and going to all these different galaxies and then are domes their domes and then we get into domes they had all these galaxies budgin just you know it wasn't what once again we get away from gameplay a little bit maybe don't get graphics into gameplay just the way this game looked on the we like this pushed the we to its full potential like the game look there's a lot of games on the way because it wasn't HD they kind of like you know it's still using that red white and yellow cable like Who the hell like at that time is like the 360 was out I believe the PlayStation three was out and then you had this AC quarter whatever it's called RV core whatever it's called in like a lie games on the we just look kind of up but this game with Skyward Sword. Yeah, yeah. But it just took it to its full potential and they agree. Oh my God made the switch remake this game was absolutely beautiful on the switch remake. two games Super Mario 64 and sunshine. Those kinds of slipped on the remake, but I'm just I know I've been talking for a while. So I'm gonna send you to well, we are going to we are going to talk about the galaxies. Exactly gameplay but pick a spot right now and go to it.


Well, first, I will mirror what you said or echo what you said I love the comet observatory as the hub world I like you know, just like with Mario 64 where you got more stars, you unlock more paintings, more floors, you know, with the comet Observatory, it was the same concept like yeah, as you got the stars, you unlocked more domes, you unlocked more galaxies within the domes. And I really liked that they kind of upped the number of Yeah, I'm just gonna keep saying worlds because I'm used to them all being worlds, but the number of galaxies, there were 42 galaxies, I think in this game. And so when we get to galaxies, we ain't talking about all 42 No, no, no,


we're not. No, we're not.


But I love that just that concept that they borrowed, or they kept for Mario 64. Just to be like, yeah, as you collect the stars, you open up more parts of the observatory, which opens up more galaxies. So I love


it. The parts of the observatory were dark before he got to him. Like it's like, Okay, well, you can kind of see him, but they're dark and and they light up that was so beautiful. As you got along in the game.


I thought it really was too. And you know, with the 42 galaxies, you know, most of them you could like there were three, three stars that were easy to get. And then yeah, there, they would throw in some challenge stars or comet stars, or secret stars. So all in all, I think there were 120. And then once you get them all as Mario, you can also go back and get them all as Luigi if you have already burned out on the game. And at that point, you might want to say you do burn out in the game, I


can tell you that I got 120 stars, like oh, I played Luigi for a little while, which I say that in every game where you can't get Luigi and I just never do it because I like I run with him. And then he doesn't stop exactly where I want him to because of his traction. I'm like, No, I'm not messing with this shit right here. But you know, kind of like hobby stuff right here use the wi remote and nunchuck which, you know, was different for Marlin. Like we always had used button controls. And so using this whole Motion Control key you know, that's a new concept, just like Super Mario 64 being 3d was a new concept. So let's kind of like we got to mention that and not take away from the game like this game was completely different. came through the controls. And once again, they nailed it out of the park. And then, you know, we got a lot of abilities that we've had in the past like you know, long jump wall jumps somersaults, yep, nothing to really say there. So then let's K, take it to the star pointer, which I thought was a great addition to the game and use it for a couple of different things you


could call it star man and me are gonna disagree on this subject


is a mouse pointer is what it is basically, but like, you know, it's cool, I'd liked it, you can collect star bits or use them for the pole stars. And then also like the floating bubbles, but um, I one thing that I really loved about this game was the star bits throughout, because it was one of those things that it gave me stuff to do throughout the game, now you are doing platforming. So you kind of are doing something throughout the game, but you know, on the side, side above wherever they were at in space, like, you know, it gave me something to collect, and it just added color to the game. And they served a purpose. And you had to collect a lava to feed the hungry lumas throughout the game to open up new galaxy. So I mean, I think you had with the motion controls, you had to have some kind of pointer in the game. And so I think it just said like, you know, use, they could just like kind of let they're not really used it, but they use it with a purpose. And I really enjoyed that. But obviously, you don't like it that much. So can you talk about the star pointer and why you don't like it that


much. It's not just the star pointer. It's all the motion controls. And I know we've kind of bragged on Him in prayer at night. Yeah, in relation to Mario Galaxy, but


just as a fan, and that was the time period, you know, really


was a fad at the time. And of course, Nintendo wants to show off its technology, its first party games, I totally get that. But, you know, the star pointer, I just wasn't a huge fan of I agree. Collecting the star bits was not a bad thing. Being able to shoot them to kind of stun enemies. Like it was also not a bad thing. But having to shake the controller to do the spin attack that was pressed. Yeah, trying to use the pointer to do the pull stars, or what are like the sticky bulbs that you kind of like slingshot yourself across like different gaps with. I struggled with that, not just with the Wi Fi but also on the switch version. Like I had a hard time even with the gyro controls. Yeah. On the pro controller like being accurate with that. And man, there were a couple of courses where they just take those motion controls to like the absolute extreme. Yeah, and not necessarily in a good way. And it became more and like, as we love this game, we both hate it. I'm not going to bash on it much. But the controls were one aspect, one of the only aspects of this game that I was so just turned off by the motion controls. And like I said, I get it in Nintendo wants to show off their technology in their first party games, completely understand that I wish they could have found a better solution on the switch remake, but that would ever involve totally, maybe rebuilding Yeah, onto the game. And you know that they're not all about that. So no. So to me like it was they weren't horribly implemented. I mean, they they were done in a way that made sense. I will absolutely say it like using it for the pole stars. And for the star pointer, you know that that made sense. It did make sense. Execution just of motion controls, in general, are just a little off, man. But at least they gave you especially on the switch and I can't remember it was the same way on the week. Like you can recenter that point anytime you want, just by hitting the R button and I did a ton on the switch not


so much with the the Wi Fi remote, you can point a little bit better. So like that didn't do too much with that one. But yeah, with the switch one. I was racing like crazy, but I don't know. I mean, I guess you can a huge fan of motion controls. But I think obviously they had to use them with the Wi Fi. And I disagree. Like I think they did really well with it. So I think he thinks he did well. You're just not a fan. I'm not huge fan, but it's like, Okay, if that's what it's going to be. I thought they did a really good job with it, but use it


in a way that made sense. Yeah, I will say that it just yeah, motion controls for me are


talking about the spin. But you know, yeah, it was used for tax and stuff. But like, I mean, there's so many other things like you worked with us sling stars and launch stars. You could climb vines, ice skating, like you know, I think you can unscrew bolts like you know,


I liked that. Turn gears things. Yeah. So


I mean, like it was cool that Yeah, it's a pain in the butt. But it served a purpose. And like you could do other things. Like I remember one thing, that really okay, this ice gain really didn't make sense. I guess like, you know, you spin this. No, it doesn't make sense. Like, yeah, you spend you start skating. No, you see figure skaters doing that. Like that's not how they start. So like that didn't make sense. But the climbing the binds, like when you're swinging around them, you don't have them. I thought shaking the remote right there made a lot of sense on the sling stars in the launch stars, whatever. On screen bolts moving the wi remote kind of made a little bit sense. But you also use it for surfing and bouncing on top of that golf ball, which I thought was an amazingly fun level. So


we'll talk about those for sure. I completely agree that like some of the surfing like the bounce, like I said the bouncing on top of the ball like things like that were where I thought were where they really did a good job with the motion controls. So there were a few areas that you know, I thought they really did add to it I completely agree with you there and the spin I've liked it they it was more than just an attack like yeah all the different things that they use the spin for and whether it was shaking the remote or using just or purse pressing why I believe on the Nintendo Switch version like either way I'm glad that they found a lot of different creative ways to do the spin attack. But yeah, you know, along with the spin attack we also got a lot of power ups Yeah, and things like that throughout the game. You know, I I might I liked how we had a variety of them because we had six or seven different power or nine I think actually, I think there were nine power Yeah. And I some of them only got used a couple of times, which I thought was a little weird, but man, I loved things like the fire flower and the Ice Flower like being able to throw fireballs or being able to walk on water or lava with the Ice Flower. Those were two of my favorite power ups what were some of the ones that jumped out the most for you.


Okay, first of all, first of all, he had the rainbow star which is basically just a star so whatever that I don't know why the hell it's a powerup that's just a freakin star. But um you know I really like to be actually like just be able to float around now the time that it can hover really piss me off but like you know, he had some platforms like I believe there's a water level or like a water I believe is like a water slag galaxy where he used that being kind of like you know, climb levels and climb levels and you could get pretty high so I really liked to be on the boom I wasn't too big on the Boo I don't remember what it did to be honest with


you certainly to a ghost


Yeah, I mean it's fucking do i do that mechanics


actually did and then you can fly and you could disappear and go through bar.


Okay, okay, go Yeah, okay, that was that it was used very sparingly, obviously because only had a couple functions. So you know that when whatever the spring love hate relationship. Like I was really cool. It was so fun to bounce in it but damn, it was so hard to control and a lot of times you couldn't get the bounce you wanted because you had to hit the button right when you lane is Hell yeah. When the spring absolutely loved it absolutely hated. like to be in the spring. Did you like either one of those any at all?


So So this spring, I completely agree with you that it was it was fun. And some of the jumps were awesome. But damn, it could be frustrating. Yeah, because, like, you never go quite the direction. Like the controls with it are a little less precise, which I think is on purpose. You know, you kind of spring the way you're facing it. I struggled with that. But it was a fun power up. And it's kind of funny, I was playing one of the galaxies. I forgot the name of it. And I was I was actually just playing it a few minutes before we started this. There's only


42 that you got to remember. Don't forget.


And man in the spring heavily played into it for one of the first times in the game and I'm like, man, I can't hit anything. But but it was a fun concept. And the be I'm with you. I liked the way they use the honeycombs that you could climb with me and then of course, being able to hover I completely agree I wish you could hover a little bit longer but all in all I you know, I thought it was a fun idea. Again, not one we got to use all that much throughout the game but you know kind of going along with with the power ups and we also get the regular stuff we get in the Mario games. You got the life mushroom, which gives you a whole new like circle of life. You know, three more hits, you get the one ups of course that have been in every game since the original.


I want to say something in this game, you could get a lot of lives, which I'm absolutely a huge fan of the more I hate and start over now I'm not sure in Gatsby how it kind of worked. We ran out of lies, which wasn't really a big problem because they'll starve it's like you get 50 coins which are awesome. I don't know why they didn't make it 100 but 50 coins, or 50 star beds gave you an extra life so you can rack up on that now we'll say something if you all don't know if you're playing the switch remake and you go from like Super Mario Galaxy to Super Mario 64 you will lose all the lives that you fucking built up that entire time that is boosted it to know how the hell you I looked at the nine allies? How the hell you gonna take away 94 lives just because I want to go check out actually, I think I played a game I think I went and checked out a soundtrack. So just at all playing Super Mario 3d all stars on this switch. Do not switch between games, because you may lose your life Nintendo, you really impressed me a lot of times, but you did not impress me there.


Right. And it's like, anytime you close out of that game, it resets your lives back to what four or five, whatever it is. And that is frustrating. Because if you have 3040, or in your case, like 99 lives and I get a lot of people if you're only playing one game, we'll just put the game on standby. You won't even you won't even close the game out. You'll just put it on standby. And it's not a big deal. But if like you said, If you flip over to check out a different game, or you flip over to check out a soundtrack boom, there goes 990 that was an annoyance but man we're 20 minutes in and we haven't even touched the galaxies themselves. I think that's where we should go next. As we mentioned, well I guess I should say Is there anything else on the gameplay or controls that you want?


I just want to say I don't care if that health system like where's three hits. I don't remember if that was introduced in golf. You're not but just the whole health system and like diving under water, how you got the bubbles like you need to improve your air meter, I believe it was called. But you said like the whole thing. And then how easy was to get lies. I just liked how they did the whole health concept and everything to that. So I was just a big fan. But now we can go on to the galaxies, and we related talk behind the scenes. How are we gonna go about this, but I can tell you right now that we're not going to talk about every single gag zoo in this game. So even though right I know you were talking just a second ago, I don't really have know where I want to start off at all. So let's go ahead and go through like I guess the domes. Let's go to the domes and let's not mention every single galaxy. Let's kind of highlight the ones like you know that we'd like or maybe that stood out a little bit more to us. So go ahead and start off with a terrorist. What galaxies in that dome impressed you.


So the one that jumped out to me the most and we mentioned like the motion controls being used for surfing the loop de loop galaxy where you get to surf on a manta ray or Sting Ray. That one is absolutely the galaxy that jumped out to me from the terrorists the terrorists is the first dome you get to so the galaxies were a little you know, kind of generic they were very much introductory, making sure you understand the concepts and the controls and everything like that. But the loop de loop galaxy and this is going to be a trend all throughout this I love the water galaxies. Yes, like I love the water worlds and Mario 64 and Mario Odyssey you know, I love the water level. So the loop de loop galaxy is the one from the terrorists that really jumped out to me and the boss fight was kind of fun it browser's Jr's robot reactor, just because you got to like climb all the way to the top of the ball. So those were the two elements of the terrorist that really jumped out to me So what about you know, a


lot of behind the scenes I was trying to bring it to the bosses First of all, just in case, I need to mention them. And that was also 130 I'm gonna try look at the gases because I need some pictures just to remind me but I didn't get to like by Tommy through to me. I didn't have my pictures up. So I'm gonna try to remember off the top of my head. Yeah, the loop de loop. I did like the flip switches one just I was like, one star galaxy. So whatever. Yeah, um, the honey have I can't like picture exactly in my head. Oh, yeah. I talked about water a lot in games, and just how a game all games. I feel like water is the one area where each game looks different on how they do their water effects. And like when you get to honey have that I believe is the first place where you see water like right before that hill. And oh my god, man. It just looks absolutely gorgeous. And like that. Yes, it does. It might seem like a small thing to some people. But it stands out to me a lot. So right off the bat like that, I think I believe that was the second one. So I really liked that one right there but almost kind of go ahead and take it to the fountain dome. And first of all, that fountain dome, that place looks absolutely beautiful. Just fountain kind of going around it the little circle pool and then you got the fountain come in. So that's home right there. Probably second dome, my favorite looking dome. Even though you don't spend a lot of time we spent a lot of time to get to the galaxies in them. But just overall it looked very, very beautiful. But um, yep, kind of rolling through. Okay, the rope is only a one star galaxy. But the rolling green. We've talked about this where you jump on top of that ball and you roll around you just go through the whole area and try to actually avoid the holes, which is what you would think you would actually I believe you actually do any damage. You tried to dodge things as you're going along. But right there just a good use of the motion controls even though we may not have been a big fan of it. But I really liked rolling green, the fountain and its galaxies. Did you have any that stood out for you or that you liked?


Well, I agree on the rolling green galaxy it felt like a game of mini golf even had the giant windmill there at the end of it. Yeah, like I was a fan of the rolling green galaxy on the hurry. scurry galaxy I like because as the platform's disappear it gave you a feeling of your it's a very intense level, like you've got some pressure on you to get to the end. So but there is something I want to hit on real quick because you've mentioned it a couple of times and you almost say it like it's a bad thing like the one star galaxies, you always kind of Yeah, it's just a one star galaxy. To me, I thought those had some of the most unique challenges, because each of those galaxies was built around one specific gameplay like element. So I actually was a huge fan of the one star galaxies in general because everyone I feel like threw something at you that maybe wasn't really anywhere else in the game. And so I you'll hear me probably be a little more enthusiastic about the one star galaxies than you But no, but getting back to just the fountain legs. It was a beautiful area. You know, the rolling green galaxy was a ton of fun. browser star reactor, you know, our first browser level. Yep, I love and we can probably hit on this in the music section. But I loved how they brought back the browser level theme for Mario 64. And while your adventure and like while you're trying to get to browsers, I love that they brought that theme back as for the rest of it, you know, and even the browser fights themselves not that great. So jumping onto the browser fights man


I'm not gonna lie. Okay, here's the first of all you that first browser stage. I absolutely love this. The Super Mario super, super mario 64 theme they brought Oh into Gatsby. So, that was awesome. And then also the platforming. It felt a lot like the Super Mario 64 levels. I think I'm talking about the first two here because yet the final browser stage I believe had a different it does. I played through it today. Yes, a different theme and then also the platforming just feels a little different. But just the whole backdrop the platforming and in the theme, those first two browser levels, which is like actually the second and fourth gout dome, second for dome. I really did enjoy those a lot right there. But I'm kinda I think you were going to the kitchen, weren't you? Yep, yep. Okay, first of all, the beechboro galaxy, I'm not one my favorite galaxies, but just the way that thing looked at me. Okay, you're going into a galaxy and it's just like overflowing with water. So right off the bat, which is not my favorite, but you can savor it but yeah, it's gorgeous. And we can go back to that whole water concept. Like we just love like, you know, like going around water. Water scenery is beautiful. So when you add that in, like it just looks amazing. I'm kind of going through looking through them right here. ghostly galaxy, I never a big fan of the ghost levels in Mario games. And this one kind of goes along that same path. Like really there was nothing wrong with it but just right didn't really stand out for me, but the bio base or whatever it's called galaxy, booy. booy Come on You know, I got college education, but it obviously was not an English you all so every once in a while, I'm just gonna get a word wrong. And that was one of them. I mean, it kind of it does look like boo. If you look at I guess I've actually never seen that word spelled out in my life. But anyways, that's not important whatsoever, but just okay, you kind of go back with a buoy bass galaxy. It looks a lot like the beach bowl, but the platforming and going up like you know that tall platform and delivering the verticality like that right there. That was a very fun galaxy, um, overall in the web UI on the kitchen. Galaxies Did you like well,


I thought the kitchen overall was one of the strongest domes like yeah, there's I have strong feelings and one of them is not a good strong feeling. But about all the levels in the kitchen like are galaxies, like you said the beachball galaxy just absolutely beautiful. You're on the beach, you've got the ocean you get to go underwater you also get to platform above it a little bit using the shells to swim i thought was such a fun gameplay element that we didn't really touch on the ghostly galaxy. I'm kind of a little different from you and then I normally enjoy the haunted or the ghosts levels, especially the music. I feel like they always have a music was good. Yeah, so for me like I've always enjoyed the ghost levels going back to like Mario three, and you know, and then I thought booze mansion in Mario 64 was great and I thought ghostly galaxy just kind of continued that trend. They just feel so different from every other galaxy in the game. The buoy base galaxy I'm really glad you touched on that because I thought it was some of the best platforming yes in the game just getting to the top of that tower not only getting to the top of it, but also trying to find like get to find five of the Blue Star bits or gold star bits one or the other. While you're climbing it's I love the buoy base galaxy. The bubble breeze galaxy though I completely hated I hated using the motion controls to like you Mario gets in a bubble and you have to move them above this mob. I hated using the motion controls to blow that bubble like to me, that was one of the bad uses of the OSHA controls, and then bows are juniors airship Armada, I've always been a big fan of those airships in Mario game. So to me All in all, I thought the kitchen was one of the strongest of the domes, then you get to the bedroom. And I felt like we regressed just a little bit but yeah, I jump into it all at you hop in what did you love about the galaxies in the bedroom?


I was really a big fan of the gusty garden galaxy like, like, these are those garden ones. I'm kind of like Yeah, whatever. Like I don't really care for those levels too much. But you add those like those flowers a lot cooler. And then you add like, you know, it's kind of open, you know, it's an outer space. So it's kind of open space, but just using those like flower petals or wherever to fly to the different areas. Yeah, I thought like, you know, wasn't a huge fan of that galaxy. But it looked very beautiful. And like flying around on flowers. You know, that was definitely a unique concept. So




it was fun. The freeze flame galaxy like just a really cool concept how you kind of combine Ice and Fire into one galaxy. Now, it doesn't make a lot of sense. But at the same time we're in outer space, the physics and science and everything. It's a little bit different. So I mean, I guess in some galaxy or universe maybe that could possibly work. I don't know exactly. I can't really give it a good example that so I can know that one. Like, you know, not my favorite, but like you know, I did enjoy but the dusty Dune galaxy like there is one right there that I really, really enjoyed. We're always a huge fan of desert places, whether it's Zelda or Mario but you lay in there you see all the sand around you. Boom, that theme hit you rub the bed. It's a beautiful theme. And then I'm going to mention something that we never talked about the verticality of that galaxy like common net humongous platform I remember was playing the switch version I took a picture looking all the way down and that thing is high so in a dusty Dune galaxy like that was probably my favorite what what are your favorites and what did you not like or what did you not? What did you like and what did you not like I will get there we'll get there no


I actually generally agree on all of these like the gusty garden galaxy I mean we've talked about in our Zelda videos in the past how much we kind of love the wind concept things like the wind palace we're done yeah, you know, the house of gales things like that. And this kind of took a little bit of that concept where like you said you're riding like a pedal of a flower and you get these wind gusts and and I thought it was really well done other than that, I do agree it's kind of a bland level it's just like it's just a garden whatever Yeah, but like that concept is something that the we've talked about enjoying and maybe not being used enough going all the way back to our to our Zelda day so I'm with you on gustie Garden galaxy the freeze flame and I always want to say freeze frame but freeze yelling galaxy I thought it just looked beautiful because of the contrast of the Fire and Ice like it just it popped to me and again I'm going back to Zelda but I remember the ice ruins in a link Link Between Worlds where you're in the ice but you're looking down and you can see the lava at the bottom


yeah I love


that to me is always popped when you get that blue and red beside each other. So I love the freeze flame galaxy and I thought that like some of the ice and fire mechanics were well done. I mentioned back in the gameplay section that I liked the Ice Flower and fire flower and this is really where they got to shine. So I was a big fan of freeze flame dusty Doom galaxy. I mean you hit it First of all, it's a great throwback to the dry dry desert from Mario 64. And that first star like you said, just platforming to the top of that tower was so much fun like you're writing like these little mini like sand tornadoes. And then you're doing like a bunch of wall jumps and things like that. So to me that platforming that verticality like you said was really well done so those three absolutely stood out to me again browsers Dark Matter plants similar to the the the star reactor, you got the great theme you got the great platforming leading up to a solid browser fight again nothing that really jumps out but again that theme really stuck out for me so the bedroom I thought really knocked out of the park there were some great ones in the bedroom but what do you think


a little while ago that you thought the bedroom You know what? I didn't say I thought


it regressed a little bit and then I'm like well after going through this I'm like they're all pretty awesome. Nevermind


let's go ahead and move on that let's go ahead and move to the engine room and right off the bat the Golden LEAF galaxy probably the most beautiful looking galaxy in the game. Always a huge fan of the fall foilage you didn't really get it in this galaxy much but it definitely had that fall filled with the orange Leah the orange tree and everything so that was like I talked about the water earlier in what was it the honey hi galaxy or whatever. Like the goalie galaxy is very similar in that it has a hill and then water at the bottom but just for some reason like the water being in all that orange color it just made that water really stand out and look beautiful so Yoli galaxy don't really remember playing through that much even though I play galaxy not too long ago but I do know that it looks absolutely beautiful yes see slag galaxy dead just once again, water scenery is beautiful but that's just really cool. And you actually didn't ride the ray on this when you kind of went around a lot as the be believed but just like you know very very simple like he knows just water going around basically that you can swim like galaxy had


the races Yeah,


and there was also some high platforming that you had to do you know that was very very cool, right they're both in galaxy now I'm gonna waste my time with that one. Boy Tom galaxy that was so cool man like you go into this galaxy that's in a bedroom and there's a bunch of toys and you can just go around you know get obviously collecting the stars but there's just one of those really unique concepts like you know, a lot of it had been like outdoor scenery and stuff like you know, oceans fours, whatever. And then you get to this like bedroom and all these toys and I was a really big fan of that when What about you?


So I'm completely with you on goldleaf galaxy? I absolutely it was just a beautiful level. I mean, it wasn't the best level in terms of the actual you know, platforming and adventuring but it was an absolutely stunning level like you said with the fall colors the trees every the water running through it. I absolutely agree. 100% on the seaside galaxy. I just love the races. Like you you the first star you had to follow like you had to stay behind what they called the Guppy and get the six ratings and then you actually did the penguin race. And I just loved the water races like you basically grab a shell and just try to beat them along this big loop. So I love the sea slide galaxy, similar to the Manta surfing earlier in the game, but yeah, like I said you're you're just grabbing onto a shell and racing them under Water and then like you said you throw in a little bit of the platforming once you actually get out of the water so all it all seems like galaxy was a great one


toy time galaxy I'm a little I like to ask you about toy time galaxy and then you went to go like


we were talking about all of them here and


I guess it could be interpreted differently I just didn't think you're paying attention to me at all but


I was paying attention I thought you meant the engine room and Jackie said I could see that so the toys I'm galaxy I'm a little more hit or miss on the new like isn't really good platform but man some of the like the gravity shifts and things like that kind of threw me off on that one. But I do love how I think I feel like that was kind of an inspiration for ribbon road in Mario Kart eight yes yeah because it's all toy base so the for me I like and I ribbon road was one of my favorite tracks in Mario Kart eight so because of that always appreciate you know toy time galaxy bone Finn galaxy actually kind of enjoyed it was a challenge trying to kill that bone Finn but man red shells definitely helped. Yeah, um, so all in all I thought the engine room also was very solid, you know, just all of them had something going and it was cool


going up to in the hub also, it's like you're kind of on that main level the entire time and the comment is arbitrary and you can't go up higher so just that right there is very cool, but I'm kind of going yeah, can't go into what's the next one the garden the garden was not prepared. Okay, first of all, dread not like that is so cool looking. But I remember struggling on that galaxy. So I guess I was a faint overall that galaxy just something that like you know, okay, yeah, is a Mario game that takes place in our space. So as I kind of mentioned a little while ago, like you're getting you're saying like landscape scenery, your water like you know, your outdoors, you know, things like that your desert, but then you get to Dreadnought. And it's like this completely different galaxy console. So I really liked that went on the deep dark gags now. I was not fan of that. I believe it had to ship at the bottom. I can't remember underground ghost ship. Yeah. I don't know exactly what deep dark was trying to be. It kind of feels like it was trying to be one of those ghost levels and just kind of struck out for me. So I wasn't a fan of that one. But the molti I was at the melty Moulton galaxy like that one. Oh my god, first of all, that was absolutely beautiful. And I know you're probably a fan, because you love the fire levels a lot because that color, it kind of stands out a lot. And then you put that color against like, you know, a black outer space. Like it just looked gorgeous. And it was a ton of fun. And I remember like when you would go to his launch stars, like it was okay, the first of all, here's one reason why the launch stars are so cool, is how he sent us through space flyer. And the animations that came along with that, in the melty Moulton galaxy has some of those fantastic animations. I can remember one where you were like flying like six feet above the lava the entire way there you get shot up inside volcano, you're dropping down a volcano, you get shot this way. So that right there. It was just a very fun galaxy overall. What galaxies Did you like? What's your opinions of the garden dome?


All it's all a completely agree. I thought the Dreadnought galaxy just looked awesome. It was a great concept like and again, it's another one that was looked great. Maybe some of the action wasn't my favorite, but the concept was absolutely gorgeous. And you're right melting, melting molten galaxy, the fire and the lava man, they're always great spots. For me, you get the volcano again, kind of like the sand when we talked about earlier, it was a great throwback to lethal lava land from 64. Which, which, you know, so to me, that one always really stood out. I'm kind of with you deep dark galaxy matter splatter galaxy and just kind of there for me. So kind of go into the the comet observatory galaxies, these are the ones where you mentioned we had to feed the lumas all those star bits, I will be perfectly honest, only one of them really jumped out to me is one that I loved. And that was the big mouth galaxy and why I loved it is it just it looked like a large mouth bass. It just the whole galaxy looked like a giant statue of a large mouth bass. And the whole idea was just to get a gold shell and bring it all the way back to the beginning of the level. And so of the comet observatory galaxies, that's the only one that really stuck in my mind. What about you?


Well, considering the fact I don't mention them, or know them. And once again, I was like, cuz i think i thought that we talked about some of them or folks, what's going on here is I have an outline. And now I'm on a website that's completely different from which ones are which, and I guess I'm looking through them. I don't really, I mean, they don't stand out that much to me, I guess want to say cuz if they did, I would remember them. So um, I really don't have much to say because I just I'm not getting the images you would think not playing like the game that long ago that these will stick in your head. But once again, there's 42 galaxies so they really don't but um, so


that's why I said only one I'm really sad for me. They weren't they weren't so yeah,


they're not really they're not really clicking for me right there. But um, I won't go to the trials because there's a couple things I want to say on the trogg axes because I do have those pulled up and I know what they are First of all the rolling Gizmo galaxy down right there just it can't wait along with the rolling green. Just like you know, roll on the ball kind of going through that whole, you know obstacle. I really love that one and in the loop de swib galaxy, which I came do we talk about that? No, we didn't. Okay, the loop de SWU galaxy, which, you know, is a research on the ray. Like that was very cool. Obviously, what I love about cat goes to the name, there's a watered loop in it that Yeah, freakin awesome. Right there. So those are two of the trials that stood out for me. I believe the trials like where the green stars, we had to I believe had to find Luigi in a level and then you got greenstar and that's what city to the trial. Galaxy is not really positive on that right there. But um, is there anything that you want to say on those?


Uh, not really, I know, like you said, you had to find special green challenge stars to unlock the child galaxies. I never really did them. So I can't really say anything about him. But it's funny because you said loopty swooped in, we are talking about it. There's a loop de loop gal. Yeah.


Okay. Okay, that's confused.


But if I, I think I read that the only way to get the grand finale galaxy is to get all 120 stars with Mario, and then get 120 stars with Luigi. So I don't know if I'll ever see that.


I wanted I can't do an apologize to everybody. Like I usually try hit prepared a little bit more now common observatory galaxies. I was hoping that you wouldn't throw it to me. But just outline is different from the websites I'm looking at. I just cannot get those images right now. So we're just over that. But um, anyways, that was a galaxies. I'm gonna touch on the ones that we didn't touch on at all, when we weren't going to have the time to do that. But touched on a lot of them. Obviously,


the podcast if we touched on all of Yeah, the


world is what makes the worlds is what really makes it Mario game along with the gameplay. But we want to talk about music very, very quickly, because it's something like yeah, it's okay in Mario games. But this was the first game that used a orchestra Symphony or Symphony Orchestra, whichever ways. But I just thought the music in this game, to me stands out so much more than other Mario games. And that's because an orchestra or Symphony Orchestra Symphony got now confusing myself, because he's like, you can use them separately. But like, it's also used together. So it's kind of like you know which way you want to do it. But I just I really made this game stand out from other Mario games. And I went, I didn't know if an orchestra would work for a Mario game, but you kind of put it in that space concept. And I don't know it just works in like, a lot of times I'll go back on YouTube. And just like I put it in, like galaxy relaxing music. Yeah, just the game. The theme and the soundtrack is really worked well for this game. What's your opinions on the music?


Now? I completely agree. I think the music pops so well in this. Yeah, a big part of it is they took a lot of like samples from former Mario games, like you will hear a lot of pieces of former Mario game themes. And then like you said, they apply what was it something like a 50 person orchestra to perform it. And you know, for most of the levels, it's like kind of background music. But man, when you get some of the boss fights, and that orcas you're really ramped up especially like the final browser fight. The music is just It feels really epic. And we always talk about that with boss fights is how much better they are when you have Muse like music that really hits home, like the gravity of the fight, you know? So for me, I agree the music is one of the strongest elements of this game, some of the strongest music in any Mario, I'm almost like Zelda there. And so for me, I absolutely agree. I love the music. I loved how they reused some themes from prior games, but also gave them their own new spin especially with that Symphony. So I'm with you their story very much to talk about story. It's it's Yeah, but


it's a better story than the other Mario games. In my opinion, like First of all, I like usually in Mario games, you just get like an animation like a cutscene. And then like, you just go right to the game. I love how this game dropped you like at the star festival and you kind of get to walk through that. Like you know, Star festivals like you know thing where they watch a comet in the Mushroom Kingdom. But you know, um, I believe, like pinches Mario's going there because Princess Peach discovers a Luma and she invites him to see him so that's why everything's happening. And then you get there and of course browser shows up these guys ships he takes the castle white so yeah, this story is not that strong. But overall I do feel like is a better story than most Mario games. But I'm kind of like you know, y'all know story boat so we weren't really harsh on too much but basically go and meet Rosalina and and lumas you kind of put everything together get the commas or observatory work in you go to center the universe if I browser ban the ending, so you're not really lot to but I don't know, just


cuz you're like, I will say I liked how we got Rosaleen his backstory. Oh,


yes. Yes. Yeah. Like


you get like they have like these storybooks that she reads and you unlock chapters as you go. So you do get to learn a little bit of the history of Luke.


It was okay.


Like the lumas, of Rosalina and of the comet observatories. I thought you know, we didn't get a nice little backstory to that. Well, I'm a fan of Rosalina his character I do I hope we get her in more stuff than other than Mario Kart and the sports games it seems like is the only other games that she's appeared in. So I liked her character. I hope we get to see her a little bit more. But you know, like, more substance because


you had peach Yeah, browser yet browser Junior yet rosellini had the lumas in place. Yeah. All taking place in outer space old story, but I thought was a very good story. But um, is there anything else you want to say?


No, other than just to move on, man. What an amazing game. It was. Yeah. You see it with the reception that this game got? I mean, I think it's sitting at what a 97 Yes, on Metacritic critic and your note says it's the sixth highest rated game on there. And that is insane. I don't know Metacritic doesn't have every single game ever made. But damn, they have a lot of impressive. They do have a lot and that is impressive. You know, the visuals. You know, we're all praise, you know that. Like we talked about the gravity mechanics? Yes. Soundtrack just you know, and it's sold so well. Early on, and he likes to 12 million in sales today, you know, plus I don't even know if that counts the 3d all stars or not, but


that just came out so probably doesn't count a lot of that but does count. Right.


Right. So all in all, man, I think it's deserving of all the accolades you know, Game of the Year back in Oh, seven from a lot of publications. Do you think yes, deserving of all that


acclaim? Oh, definitely. Because he's like, you know, it's a Mario game, which is always great. But yeah, the whole outer Steve talked about most of this we talked about Moses period in the episode but just he had the whole outer space was cool. The music that came along with it, the gravity mechanics, like in the I thought the bosses were okay. And then the galaxies like, like, you know, the visuals of the galaxies, and just how they were presented and everything like it was just a very fun game. It's my second favorite Mario game behind Odyssey so I mean, that says a lot about the game right there. It also received a sequel Super Mario Galaxy two, which I can't go on. We will talk about that in the next episode. But just I don't think there's a lot Mario games that did get a sequel so for this game to get a sequel even though a sequel was you know, like I think that says a lot about the game but I can say that when I was going back and playing on the switch in the last couple of months, like I really really enjoyed it and it kind of gets back to that whole you know, all video games are fun, but then you hit those games like they're just a ton of fun and you cannot put them down and while I was going back and playing Mario Galaxy before had next gen systems because now I don't have the time for the Nintendo Switch. But before the head examine next gen snob like I said, but I mean like Okay, first of all the switch remake like the the graphics look absolutely beautiful system but Yep, actually I kind of just I know I'm repeating this but it was just such a fun game they can goes back to what Mario is in heaven sunshine before this game, which to me sunshine is one of the worst 30 Mario games ever. Actually, it probably is the worst Mario 3d game ever. And then kind of come back to this and I know we're both not fans of the motion controls but right the fact that I had to use them and I think they implement them very well.


Just Oh, they made chess


is a game was just so strong, but I'm gonna go ahead and kind of wrap up as we said, we will talk about Super Mario Galaxy to the next episode, we'd like to talk about the games back to back if there are sequels in the franchise. We really don't want to talk about it. We don't know we're going to go well I guess are we used to play because it's not available. So we got to figure out how even are going to play it if we are going to play it at all. We're gonna watch YouTube videos. I don't know. We'll figure it out. We have both played it before we will talk about it But anyways, read let's go to the wrap up. All the links for this stuff will be in the description but you can support us on Patreon or PayPal. If you can't support us financially, please leave a review or rating that helps us out with rankings when people search for certain terms. And please go check out our tg PC gaming website. We have some good blogs on there. And then we also we got our potluck no that's not important because our podcasts other places. We also have video gaming products. That is an affiliate shop so we may earn a commission on purchases through our links, but we're kind of going and talk about some of the other stuff we got going on.


We're on YouTube at TGPZ Media and two guys playing Zelda check out our videos their discord is really where our conversations love our Discord server our discord channels, you know, we talk Nintendo Xbox, PlayStation sports, alcohol, just TV shows we talk everything on discord we've got a great group there. We have a ton of fun. So check us out there on social media. We are on Twitter and on Instagram at Busted Buttons PC, as you said next episode is going to be Mario Galaxy two.


Yeah, I'm not really excited for it either,


man. This was a blast talking about mario galaxy, the original which is one of our favorite games, not just in the Mario franchise, but just favorite games in general, an amazing platformer that got a second life on the switch. I had a blast talking about it with you today. And we'll be back next episode with Mario Galaxy two

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Reception & Legacy
Wrap Up