Stroke: Every Minute Counts
Baptist HealthTalk
Baptist HealthTalk
Stroke: Every Minute Counts
May 18, 2021
Baptist Health South Florida, Dr. Jonathan Fialkow, Dr. Felipe De Los Rios, Dr. Brian Snelling, Dr. Leo Huynh

You may think only older people need to worry about having a stroke, but it can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time.  Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the number-one cause of long-term disability.

Stroke deaths are preventable. The most important factor is time.

Stroke Prevention Awareness Month in May brought a panel of experts to the podcast, hosted by Jonathan Fialkow, M.D., chief population health office at Baptist Health South Florida. Their discussion ranged from stroke symptoms and risk factors to what to do if you see someone who is experiencing a stroke.

Panel guests were: