Baptist HealthTalk
Heart health. Coronavirus Concerns. Nutrition and fitness. The Baptist HealthTalk podcast brings you health and wellness information directly from the experts at Baptist Health South Florida. Join host Dr. Jonathan Fialkow and his guests each week for lively informative discussions on topics important to you and your family. From the common cold to the latest cancer breakthrough, get the facts you're looking for right here on Baptist HealthTalk.
Baptist HealthTalk
Perimenopause and Menopause: What's Happening to Me?
The words “hormones” and “hot flashes” have been synonymous with menopause for decades. Now, more and more women have been speaking up and bringing this unique phase in a woman’s life to the spotlight. And the medical community is paying attention.
Johanna Gomez
Alejandra Angel, M.D., OB/GYN at Baptist Health Baptist Hospital
John P. Diaz, M.D., Chief of Gynecologic Oncology at Baptist Health Miami Cancer Institute