Aligned Agent Podcast

Your Gifts Aren't Really your Gifts, Unless You're Sharing Them

Michelle Risi Season 4 Episode 91

If you’re feeling frustration or resistance in your business, there’s a good chance you might have energy blocks. In this episode, I share with you what energy blocks are, how to identify them and the key to clearing them so that you can unlock your potential and create the life and business you've always wanted!

I want you to understand that your gifts are not really gifts unless you’re sharing them. 

Every one of us has unique gifts, talents and strengths. We are supposed to be intentional and purposeful with how we use and bring them to the world. 

And when we don’t, we create what’s known as energy blocks. 

When you have energy blocks in your business, you feel resistance and struggle and everything just feels harder than it should. 

So today I want to ask you these questions

1: How did you love to spend your time as a child?

2: What do you find most people come to you for?

3: what are the things that are important to you?

It’s so important that we answer and recognize these things because it allows us to re-align. All it takes is one shift in perspective to clear your energy blocks and re-align your business.