She's Intimidating
She's baaaack!! And surprisingly better than ever? Oh, and she rebranded her podcast for the third time... Welcome to She's Intimidating. You know that word that people use to describe independent women to make them feel small? We either know her or we are her, either way we have something to learn and I can't wait to teach you through my own indiscretions. Follow along every week as Jess navigates through life one podcast episode at a time. Oh, and teaches you to become intimidating/how to handle it. xoxo, Jess Instagram/TikTok: @shesintimidating @jesss.arielle
She's Intimidating
Events In My Life Where I Learned the Most
Jessica Ogilvie
Episode 39
IF IT AIN'T THE GIRL WHO LASTED 7 DAYS AT HER JOB. Lmao may she Rest In Peace. In this weeks episode we talk about events in my life where I learned the most. Things that also shaped me into the person that I am today. Like the loss of my brother at a young age, and having my heart ripped from my chest by multiple relationship. Here is the thing... I wouldn't have it any other way. I can confidently say that I would not be the girl I am today without the things I have gone through. Whatever you are going through I promise that you WILL SURVIVE. And you will become stronger because of it. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Literally.
xoxo Jess
@shesintimidating @jesss.arielle