Grief Unfiltered

How to Handle a Lifetime of Grief

Season 1 Episode 31

Ep 31: This episode features Jeanna, from Houston; who lost her mom when she was 1 year old. Jeanna opens up about growing up with grief and without a mom, how religion has played a role in her grief journey and what she has learned from a lifetime of grief.

Resources from this episode;

  • Connect with Jeanna on Instagram @MightlilMouse & @HoustonHypopressives
  • Theophostic Prayer;

In the intro I recap the Meghan and Harry interview and how his mom's death played a role in the interview.  I also give some pregnancy updates, including details on maternity leave starting in April; I will be updating our Instagram & Facebook page during my leave! 

Please follow @GriefUnfiltered on Instagram to connect with us; please DM or email me if you are interested in being interviewed!

*Don't forget to subscribe, rate & review; new episodes premier every other Wednesday*