Fast to Faith: Weight Loss & Hormone Support for Women Over 35

#221: Why You Need Iodine to Improve Your Health!

Dr. Tabatha Season 5 Episode 221

Did you know that 96% of Americans are deficient in iodine? Today, Sara Banta joins me to discuss the importance of iodine in our lives. We discuss why most people are deficient in iodine and the impact iodine has on your health. You're going to be excited about iodine after listening to this episode!

You’re going to hear more about:

  • The correlation between iodine deficiency and depression
  • Why you need to optimize iodine for weight loss
  • (Peri)menopausal women’s best practices with iodine
  • Why the kind of iodine you use matters
  • The importance of iodine for liver detoxification, thyroid health, and overall health
  • And so much more!

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Dr. Tabatha [00:00:00]:
You're my only hope. Oh, my goodness. I feel like Obi Wan Kenobi sometimes, because patients say that to me when they finally get to meet me and have their virtual appointments. Like, you're my last hope. You're my only hope. I've tried everything. I'm just stuck. I'm struggling with my weight.

Dr. Tabatha [00:00:22]:
I don't have any energy. I'm not sleeping. I'm like. It's severely affecting my mood. I'm over it. And I feel you. Oh, my goodness. I've been there, and there's a way out.

Dr. Tabatha [00:00:35]:
I promise. So I'm glad that you found me. I'm glad that you're here with me. And I want to talk about something really important today. Iodine. So recently, I did a hair tissue mineral analysis on a patient who was struggling with severe fatigue issues. And her iodine was really low, as well as her molybdenum. And then she had elevated aluminum and some hidden copper toxicity.

Dr. Tabatha [00:01:05]:
So it was more of a complicated mineral imbalance. But one of the important things that we need to realize is that we need iodine in our lives. So when I was young, you know, starting out probably ten or eleven, I started swimming in the city pool all summer long. And it was so chlorinated that my eyes would burn. You know, you smelled it, it would, like, rot in your bathing suit. You just smell the chlorine. Because that's really the only way they knew how to keep, you know, public pools clean. So I was exposed to a lot of chlorine on a regular basis.

Dr. Tabatha [00:01:53]:
And also during when I was little, I grew up in a town that had well water. And they would give us fluoride treatments at school every week. So every Friday, the lady would come around with the little cart and give us all these fluoride swishes that we would have to do. They were terrible. But I got a lot of fluoride treatments as a child for years along with these swimming in the chlorine. And then I had a very high bromine diet. So bromine is a halogen that's added to breads, pastas, soda pop. Pretty much all the franken foods that I talk about in fast of faith.

Dr. Tabatha [00:02:38]:
I call them Franken Foods because they're made in a lab. We act like they're food, but they're not really food. They take, like, pieces of food and they manufacture it, and they, you know, change it all up chemically into franken foods. And so these foods are really high in bromine. And here's the deal. If you have ever taken chemistry class? Halogens are in a column together. Fluoride, bromine, chlorine, iodine, all the ions, they're halogens. And so, in our body, they can bind to the same receptor.

Dr. Tabatha [00:03:19]:
And so we have cells, you know, trillions of cells that have iodine receptors, and iodine helps transport things and activate things. But those other halogens can bind to the iodine receptor and get in the way and block iodine and prevent iodine from working. And so starting at a very young age, I was a setup for thyroid disease. I had so many bad halogens constantly bombarding my body that I didn't have enough iodine, and I definitely didn't eat fish or seafood or seaweed or get iodine enough. You know, we started adding iodine to table salt a century ago because we realized so many Americans were deficient, because we really don't eat ocean food, right? Like, we eat a lot of land processed foods. And so we added in iodine to table salt. That helped for a while, but so many people still struggle. And I was one of those kids, and I ended up developing Hashimoto's thyroid storm after I had my daughter at 17 years old.

Dr. Tabatha [00:04:37]:
That was very traumatic, but I didn't know that these halogens were affecting me. And I didn't even really put two and two together in undergrad, in medical school, it took me a while. When it finally clicked, everything shifted, because I realized I got to get these halogens out of my life. I need enough iodine. I need to focus on iodine. But when I saw this patient and did her hair tissue mineral analysis, and she told me, I can't tolerate iodine, I don't want to take iodine, that was a big red flag for me, because iodine is essential. It's absolutely necessary for life, for thriving physical body. And so I'm really excited to have my guest on today, Sarah, because she is going to talk all about iodine, and she has a supplement that has been a game changer for so many people who are struggling.

Dr. Tabatha [00:05:41]:
So, hopefully that you find this podcast episode helpful. It does relate to hormone issues, because iodine, like I said, is in all the cells of our body, and so it helps with iodine, I'm sorry. With hormone sensitization and hearing the signals from our hormones. And she's gonna go into all the amazing things with iodine. Okay, so let me tell you about Sarabanta. In addition to being the host of the top 100 health podcast called Accelerated Health TV and radio show, she's owner and founder of the award winning supplement company Accelerated health products. She says her goal is to help clients and listeners reach their optimal state of health through quality detox supplements, cutting edge health technologies and modalities. So she has a long history of hitting rock bottom in her own health.

Dr. Tabatha [00:06:44]:
After western medicine, conventional medicine didn't give her the answers she was looking for. She went on to find the world of health and wellness kind of like I did. She suffered from Crohn's disease, PCOS, IB's heavy metal toxicity, and her nine year old son actually had leukemia. And those struggles and adversities helped her learn everything that she's going to share with us today. So I'm really excited. She's a graduate of Stanford University with degrees in economics and psychology, and she's a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and the invincible wellness system. So I'm really excited for this conversation. I know that you're going to get some golden nuggets, something that you haven't heard before, and hopefully this will take you to the next step in your health journey.

Dr. Tabatha [00:07:36]:
All right, here we go. Oh, Sarah, thank you so much for doing this podcast interview. I'm really excited about this conversation.

Sara Banta [00:07:43]:
I am, too. And I love, love, love that we are so in alignment that your faith has to be a big part of your health journey. Because mind, body, spirit, but it's actually body, mind, spirit, right? So that is a huge part of my coaching as well, and I'm super excited to get into this conversation.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:03]:
Oh, good. I love that so much. I can't stress that enough with women. Like, if we are disconnected in any way from our mind, what our mind is doing, because it's playing all kinds of tricks, or what our soul is desiring and what God is speaking to us or what our body's trying to tell us, like, we just can't get in alignment and actually move forward down the right path. Right? We just stay stuck. And that's what I keep hearing from women, is I'm stuck. No matter what I'm doing, nothing's working. So I would love to talk about a couple of reasons why we stay stuck, at least physically.

Dr. Tabatha [00:08:42]:
I know that you are, like, so well versed in iodine, and I think we just don't talk about that enough. So why are you even on this mission? I know that you found iodine to be so helpful in your health journey, right?

Sara Banta [00:08:57]:
Not only the health journey. So a short, short background when I was at my rock bottom, my mentor who scanned my body with ten, with a skill machine that scans 10,000 items in your body. He goes, Sarah, I don't know how you got into my office. You should be on the floor. You are, like, dead. Physically and mentally and spiritually. But literally, my type a personality just willed me through life and. But I had nothing going on here.

Sara Banta [00:09:27]:
Anyway, his first thing he said was, we need to build you physically, and then we'll get to the mental and spiritual part, because you can't build anything without a foundation. But when you talk about the spiritual health, guess what the number one mineral is for spiritual health is. Iodine. It is known your thyroid is the bridge from your brain to your body. Right? And iodine is the number one thing that is needed for thyroid health. Your thyroid is your master endocrine gland. It is taking care of all those hormones. It's detoxing those xenoestrogens and the heavy metals and the dirty tap water and helping with cleansing your liver.

Sara Banta [00:10:12]:
And I know you got. You gotta love your liver. Right?

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:14]:

Sara Banta [00:10:15]:
Health more than ever is so important, but that iodine is also all. You know, so many people are on antidepressants, and this world has just gotten super crazy where the stress is getting to everybody. And you think it's. Oh, it's just me. It's just me. Well, no, there's so much going on in the body that it's not really your fault. Well, iodine deficiency is the number one predictor for depression. So most people on antidepressants, once they start supplementing with iodine and getting their thyroid health on board, they get rid of their.

Sara Banta [00:10:53]:
Their antidepressants with.

Dr. Tabatha [00:10:55]:
Doctor, thank you for saying that, because I was on antidepressants for probably 15 years, and it was because my thyroid was so uncontrolled. Like, I see that correlation now. But I didn't. As a conventional doctor, I had no idea. And the sad part is, I was a physiology major. Like, I learned all this biochemistry, but then you don't put it into practice. You just focus on drugs. So, yeah, keep talking about this.

Dr. Tabatha [00:11:26]:
It's so important.

Sara Banta [00:11:28]:
And you think about thyroid health. There's actually a thyro stress where you're. You've got hypothyroidism, you're retaining water. You can't lose weight. I was just talking to a poor lady who, honestly, she's been heavy all over her life. She just thinks it's. That's the way it is. And she's eating about 800 calories a day.

Sara Banta [00:11:49]:
I'm like, you're not eating enough food. How do you even have energy to go do what you want to do. And she's, she's taking my cognoblast, my brain supplement, because she thinks it's all about mental health and not feeling good mentally. And I'm sitting there going, yes, that's going to help your mental mood, but you need to address your thyroid health. Oh, but my doctor says my thyroid is fine because the doctor is testing TSH. And there's this fear about iodine because there was one study that showed a transient hypothyroidism from taking too much iodine, which was completely debunked by tons of other studies, including Doctor Brownstein's study, and he was on my show. So for anyone who is like, I don't trust you yet, Sarah, go back and listen to that. And there's, there's articles all over my website about iodine.

Sara Banta [00:12:44]:
Can you overdose on iodine? Can you? Well, yes, you can overdose on water, you can overdose on magnesium, you can overdose on food, but it is really hard to. And it's also dependent on the kind of iodine you use. And my iodine is the only monoatomic, scalar enhanced iodine. And what does that mean? Monoatomic? One molecule of iodine that is looking to find a place to attach to versus a diatomic iodine attached to another molecule where your weak body that is so depressed and low thyroid doesn't have the energy to break apart those molecules to use that iodine. And then most iodines are coming from toxic sources. We're in a world now with radiation everywhere, with Fukushima and Chernobyl, and a lot of iodines are coming from the Asias, where ours is coming from, South America. But before we get into all of that, and that is the acceleradyne iodine, we talk about menopause, perimenopause. I'm 48, I'm in perimenopause.

Sara Banta [00:13:52]:
I had hypothyroidism. This is my baby. Because literally all of these things in our world, we've got iodine deficiency number 196 percent of the United States is deficient in iodine because everyone's afraid to take it and it's not in our soils anymore. And Doctor Brownstein talks about that, especially in your area in Michigan. But then you've got the iodine disruptors. You've got that is hindering the absorption and the utilization of iodine, and that is fluoride, bromide, chlorine. I laugh because my son was playing water polo up until the age of 14. And he would come home smelling.

Sara Banta [00:14:36]:
His pores, were smelling of chlorine. Thank God I knew a little bit about iodine back then, but I was so happy when he quit water polo and started rowing. I'm like, let's get out in the sun and stay above the water instead of underneath. But we've got bromide and chlorine and fluoride. Fluoride toothpaste, fluoride in the water. Our waters are full of birth control. Even for the men in your lives, they're on birth control because they're drinking that tap water, and it's dirty. Right.

Sara Banta [00:15:06]:
So what iodine does is it is helping with your thyroid, right? It's helping with the t four and t three and t two, which stands for tyrosine, and four three and two molecules of iodine. So how do you have thyroid hormones without iodine? That's number one. That's basic. But your cells, all 100 trillion cells in the body, have a cell membrane that has iodolipid value. Iodolipid means iodine and fat saturated or unsaturated. Right. So if you don't have enough iodine for that cell membrane, you can't get the nutrients you're eating to get into the cell, and you can't get the toxins out. And we need to detox this radiation, the heavy metals, the endocrine disruptors, the iodine disruptors, the pfas, everything that the gmo's, all of the stuff that we're eating in our non food called processed food, that isn't real food, we got to get that out of the cells.

Sara Banta [00:16:11]:
But if the cell membrane is not healthy, then nothing's going to get in and nothing's going to get out. Short story is that the reason I started my business is that son that was playing water polo, he's now 21 years old. He was nine years old and diagnosed with leukemia. When I first saw his cells underneath the microscope in live cell test, his cells were all clumped together. They look like donut holes because there was no nutrition in the cells, but there were a whole bunch of cancer cells with these little spikes all over it. And within one year of just cleaning up his diet a little bit, because I didn't really know anything, and using our accelerated silver, which helps devitalize foreign pathogens and all of that, we cleaned up the cells, and they looked better and dark and plump, and all the cancer was gone. This was before I even knew about iodine. But this was also before all of these threats were so heavy on our body.

Sara Banta [00:17:11]:
But the point is, when the cell membrane is healthy, that the cells are going to look dark and plump and there's going to be nutrition inside of them, and you, even a layman, will be able to tell sick cell or healthy cell, that's number one. But number two is once the iodine is in the cell that is increasing ATP by 18 times, okay. And increasing your mitochondrial health. I don't care if you are a vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, paleo, whatever you are, the goal is to increase energy, not just your physical energy and your mental energy, but this cellular energy, because that's where it's coming from. Your energy is not coming from coffee. It is coming from that cellular energy and that mitochondrial health. And we should all be on the mitochondrial diet. And that iodine is the number one, quickest way to increase that mitochondrial health.

Sara Banta [00:18:14]:
And we now, in 2024, we've got the endocrine disruptors, the heavy metals, the radiation, the stress. All of that is degrading our ATP. It's killing our mitochondria. Just by being on this computer, on the zoom, without eating a calorie, we are lowering our ATP, which is going to tell the body I'm under a certain level of threat. Let's store fat. Why do we need to store fat? It doesn't know that I'm on a zoom or on a podcast right now. It might think, oh, you're going to be chased by a tiger or you're going to face a famine. We need to store fat, and we need to protect our really expensive organs, like our liver, our kidneys and everything here.

Sara Banta [00:19:02]:
That's the visceral, dangerous fat. And then you add in the processed foods that are causing fatty liver disease. I know you talk about that where 45% of adults have fatty liver. Now 25% of our children have fatty liver. This used to be a disease only for alcoholics, and now 25% of our children have it. It's horrific. And when your body's under stress, it's going to lower ATP because we've got to lower our energy, we've got to lower our thyroid health, turn that t four into reverse t three instead of free t three, because we don't know if we're facing a famine. So we've got to store fat and slow down the metabolism for survival.

Sara Banta [00:19:51]:
Our bodies are super smart. So go back to my client, who is on 800 calories a day. She can't lose weight, and her mindset is also telling her she's fat and her destiny is fat. And she can't lose weight and things aren't working. And I even have a family member who I won't call him out, but his mental mindset doesn't think his diet or his supplements work. So do you think they're going to work? No, because your mind is super strong and that's where faith comes in as well. What are you seeing is going to happen? But if that person is on 800 calories a day and can't lose weight, her body's in survival mode. Hey, she's only going to give me 800 calories.

Sara Banta [00:20:39]:
I better slow down my metabolism and savor every single one. Another example of this is my son who had leukemia at the age of nine. We got passed through that and he is a rock star for it, by the way. He's 21 years old, super healthy, runs bikes, skis, all in one day if he wants to. But during his high school years and rowing, he was working out three to 4 hours a day, and he wasn't supplementing like he should have been. His heart was stopping and his heart was stopping, and he literally would have to pound on his heart to get it going again. But what we found out, and this is God working through this situation, was that his. He was not supplementing with electrolytes enough.

Sara Banta [00:21:29]:
And his body then we were told he needs to stop having salt. I should be in jail because of this. Right? So we tried it for a little bit, but what was so interesting is, on his blood test, did his sodium go up or down? When we stopped the salt, it didn't change because his body's smart. Oh, he's not giving me any sodium. I'm going to hold on to as much sodium as I can. I'm not going to let any go. So then we started incorporating salt back into his diet, and his blood levels didn't change because his body then said, oh, I'm getting it, I don't need to let it go. So with that, your body going to have to trust you to release weight to help with your thyroid.

Sara Banta [00:22:23]:
Where do we go from here? Number one, I also wanted to talk about the fact that with these toxins in our body, our body uses fat cells for survival, so it encapsulates these toxins to get them out of the bloodstream. Right. So the more toxins you have, the body's going to say, oh, I just got to put it over here in a fat cell and store it away. So until you start detoxing, then your body is going to hold onto those fat cells. What is the quickest, easiest way to start detoxing, that is the iodine. Iodine helps cleanse the liver. It helps cleanse the blood. I take people through liver cleanses.

Sara Banta [00:23:05]:
I take people through radiation cleanses, just overall making that shift where they get their thyroid up and fat burning and releasing that fat. And I use it through not a keto or low carb diet, but just very specific foods. And we can talk about those healthy, unhealthy foods that people are eating and not getting results. But the quickest way is to increase your. Your thyroid health with iodine and also detox every cell with that iodine as well. And it cleanses the liver as well. We are in this new world today with the spike protein. Doesn't matter who you are.

Sara Banta [00:23:47]:
Doesn't matter if you got the jab or if you didn't. It isn't everybody. And for anyone who follows me, they've listened to me talk about the fact that in the last two months, I was having blurred vision. That has been for over a year, but I finally realized what it was. The spike protein has increased or activated viral activity, including the varicella virus. The varicella virus is chickenpox. It's in the same family as herpes, shingles, and it is causing, in a lot of people, inflammation in the optic nerve. It's also causing a lot of other issues.

Sara Banta [00:24:24]:
Why do I say that? I say that because it could be causing unexplained weight gain in you. It causes water retention. It causes insulin dysregulation. And what does that mean? That means when you ate an apple five years ago versus eating an apple now, you might have more of a spike of insulin. Well, what is insulin? It's a fat storing hormone. And then also it's increasing cortisol in the body. It is depleting the adrenals. So when your adrenals are depleted, you need more cortisol to try to just get out of bed.

Sara Banta [00:25:00]:
And with that, that's a fat storing hormone. It's also increasing the antidiuretic hormone, so you're retaining more water. It's increasing oxidative stress. It's depressing the thyroid function. So more people than ever are walking around with hypothyroidism, and they don't know why they put on 510, 20 pounds out of nowhere. They're, hey, sarah, you know, I'm eating the same thing I've been eating, and the weight is just coming on. I don't know why. Well, it's disrupting the liver.

Sara Banta [00:25:31]:
That ace two enzyme receptor in the liver. And so that's why cleansing your liver is so important on a, on every other month basis, however many, I used to say like you did or do three every three months or so, I even say now, every two months if you really want to be on top of it. And that's even for someone like me who doesn't drink alcohol. And I try to my very best to eat as much organic food as I can. But the spike protein is also causing hormonal imbalance in our young people and our perimenopausal and menopausal women. So just in my house, I've got two daughters and their periods and their menstrual cycles are very different. My one daughter gets back pain and she's okay, but the other daughter, it was like, I really don't want to go to school. But her pain was like a four, didn't need Advil, but she would go to school uncomfortable in the last two years because of this new environment.

Sara Banta [00:26:33]:
Her period pain was a twelve. She would be on the ground and she would like be sweating and throwing up and yelling at me, saying, mom, will you please hit me so I can pass out. I cannot deal with this pain. I'm never having children.

Dr. Tabatha [00:26:50]:
And I'm hearing that in my practice all the time. These girls are miserable. I know my daughter's has gotten worse in the past year and a half as well.

Sara Banta [00:27:00]:
Yeah. And I've, I've come up, thank goodness, with a protocol, some chinese herbal supplements. The iodine is essential. It is essential, and it's also very important to be very specific with your diet, because some of those healthy foods could be backing up the liver. And I talk about oxalates, which used to maybe not be a problem for people, but now because of the spike protein, spike protein actually creates oxalates in the body and creates what are called these amyloid proteins. I'll talk about those in a minute. But so the burden is heavier on the body, inflaming the body and causing more issues. The iodine is so key.

Sara Banta [00:27:41]:
The iodine has been shown to reverse the damage done by the spike protein. And it is known to be antiviral, antibacterial, antihistamine, anti everything essentially. And then you've got that extra layer with the acceleradyne iodine where the scalar frequencies, and I don't know if we'll have time to get into what that means, but these healing frequencies are in there to help detox the cells of radiation and heavy metals on top of any other what any other iodine supplement can do. But these. So these oxalate foods, soy beans, grains, spinach, almonds, these are all the healthy foods that you think you're eating, and you don't know why you're gaining weight, but they could be triggering a backed up liver. They could be causing the depression. They could be causing your utis or bladder infections, gout, kidney stones. Then these sulfur foods.

Sara Banta [00:28:40]:
Sulfur was, these foods were my very favorite foods that I would eat and serve to my family every single day. Cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower. These are all the low carb, great vegetables, right? Well, the problem is, is because of glyphosate and gmO's, these foods, our body doesn't have the sulfur detox pathways opened up. So when you eat these foods, they actually back up your liver even more, causing a slow metabolism and weight gain. So with that, there's these new threats that no one's looking at in our new environment. So that's where that unexplained weight king comes in. And that increased estrogen dominance in men and women. You know, testosterone levels in young men are horrible.

Sara Banta [00:29:29]:
They're what, 20% of what they used to be. And, you know, even in our older, in our men that are in their forties and fifties, they're getting man boobs, and they can't develop that muscle tone that they used to. And it's these estrone. It's the bad estrogens. There's the good estrogen and the bad estrogen. Us women, we need testosterone. We actually have more testosterone than estrogen, but we just think of testosterone as the male hormone. Testosterone feels good.

Sara Banta [00:30:00]:
It's what gets you out of bed and builds up muscle, burns, fat, helps with your drive. Right? So we want that testosterone, well, accelerated. Iodine, or iodine in general, helps detox those, those xenoestrogens, the excess estrogens out of the body. And you don't necessarily want to use that dim supplement, that is sulfur foods that are concentrated. You can use something like calcium d glucarate as another way to hold, grab onto those excess estrogens, but accelerate. Iodine is the number one supplement to do that because it's detoxing the cells from the heavy metals, the toxins, the radiation in the fluoride, chlorine, bromide. We were talking about the fact that I live in southern California, and here we've got earthquakes and fires. When they have a fire, they put that fire retardant all in our air, right? And I'm breathing it.

Sara Banta [00:30:59]:
What is it? It's bromide. Bromide is illegal in Europe for a reason. It's one of the twelve top deadliest chemicals and they are just putting it in our food are sodas, and it definitely is part of hypothyroidism and unexplained weight gain. And then you've also, when you use high doses of iodine, and I talked to Doctor Brownstein about this as well, his dosage recommendation has increased to 25 milligrams a day, which is 25,000 micrograms. And I believe the RDA is at 150 micrograms. That's a big difference. But the reason is, is when you have sufficient iodine, not just for your thyroid, but in all cells of the body, they're going to kick out that fluoride in the bromide. There's no place for those toxins to fit into those same receptor sites.

Sara Banta [00:31:57]:
And part of the problem is on that periodic table, let's go back to chemistry in high school. You've got iodine, fluoride, bromide and chlorine all in that same column. They all fit in that same receptor site. So if you don't have enough iodine there, all of those other ones fit into those cells. And what Doctor Brownstein mentioned is that t four on a blood test could be actually representative of tyrosine and four molecules of bromide. Not even iodine. You could be thinking that your t four is normal and it's not even iodine that it's testing. So with that, the iodine is number one.

Sara Banta [00:32:40]:
And this is also why I've come up with the accelerated thyroid that complements the iodine. And it's the most comprehensive natural thyroid supplement. It has the glandular in it. But an ayurvedic herb that I've been on for years and years, called consonara, that is known to help with water retention, support the thyroid, detox the thyroid, help with nodules, and then we add in tyrosine and then also the scalar frequencies. And the scalar frequencies are designed to clear emotional and physical shock from the body. Just kind of take us down and boost our mood. Help with restoring thyroid health, detoxifying the halogens, the heavy metals, radiation, and then balancing the thyroid and the parathyroid gland. So it takes it to a whole other level.

Sara Banta [00:33:33]:
Between the accelerated iodine and the accelerated thyroid, so many people are getting off their thyroid medications with the guidance of their doctors, of course, but it's also helping with fatty liver. It's increasing that ATP in the mitochondrial health, it's improving your immune system. People think, oh, my thyroid health is all about just weight gain or weight loss. There's so much more. It is your immune system, wound healing, it's your bone health. It's elevated mood. I had a teenager, she started taking the iodine and the accelerated thyroid, and she doesn't like supplements at all. But she's like, Sarah, I'm so happy all of the time.

Sara Banta [00:34:13]:
Why am I so happy? And by the way, my PM's was nothing this month. And by the way, my daughter, who is a pain level of twelve, is now back at the pain level of three where she's like, I just started my period, I'm going to school, bye. And that's it. And this is also not just with the young people, but that spike protein and all of these toxins are causing infertility and they're also causing menopausal symptoms to be worse. So everything's exaggerated regardless of what stage you're in and what age you're in. So it is really important to address that thyroid health for everything else, whether it's your mind, your body and your spirit, and increasing that ATP and that mitochondrial health. So I just went on for a long time.

Dr. Tabatha [00:35:06]:
Well, no, that was all amazing information. I want to reiterate a couple things. Like, our body does have incredible innate intelligence. When we are angry at our body for gaining weight or doing something like that, we have to think, why is this happening? And you pointed out something really important that I want you to hear, if you're listening. We're putting toxins in our fat cells. It's protecting our deeper, more important organs, like our kidneys and our liver and our brain and our heart. So those fat cells are doing an important job. If you're living a toxic life or if you're being exposed to toxins unknowingly, that fat is protecting you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:35:51]:
And it feels terrible trying to. To get that fat to be burned and to. To tap into those fat cells because those toxins will get dumped into your bloodstream, right? So it feels terrible and you can't lose weight.

Sara Banta [00:36:06]:
Right. You know, I go back to when I was first on my health journey. I was totally loaded in heavy metals, and I did a chelation process. We did a urine test before I started the chelation process, one halfway in the between and then one at the end. And my levels of lead, mercury and aluminum were off the charts in the beginning, but they were even higher halfway through. Why? Because all of those toxins were being pulled into my bloodstream. To get out of my body. And the blood test was showing what was in my blood.

Sara Banta [00:36:40]:
So you're exactly right. My cleanses are designed to make you feel good. Day one. Have that energy while you're detoxing over here and your body's trusting you. That's the whole. The whole idea. And being, you know, it's not about being on a low carb diet. It's not about being on a carnivore diet.

Sara Banta [00:37:01]:
A lot of people are using ketogenic diets, low carb and. And carnivore diets to lose weight. Those can work. What they're doing is they're taking the foot off the gas pedal with insulin resistance. Everyone thinks it's all about the sugar you're eating for insulin resistance. Yes, sugar can cause insulin resistance, but that's not the only thing. What else does? Remember, we can, just by being in front of our computer, we're raising our blood sugar, we're raising our stress hormones, we're raising our insulin resistance. Fatty liver is insulin, is diabetes at the level of the liver and insulin resistance at the level of the liver.

Sara Banta [00:37:44]:
Heart disease is insulin resistance at the level of the heart. PCOS, the number one cause of infertility, is insulin resistance at the ovaries. But it's not just about sugar. It is about the processed foods that are lowering ATP. Now, think about this, and I have to talk to my kids about this, who think they're athletes and they're going to grab some processed food snack for energy. Well, there's this. This gap between food and energy. Remember, energy is ATP.

Sara Banta [00:38:14]:
You think that just by eating food, you're going to get energy, but there's this gap here. We've got to make sure that there's a translation from that, food to energy. And processed food does not convert. Processed food literally steals ATP from the body. So then what's going to happen is you're going to have lower energy and you're going to just keep eating more, thinking that you're getting more energy. But when you focus on the foods, and I have an accelerated Food guide that lays these out, and it lays out the sulfur foods in the oxalates and the amyloid proteins, and I'll talk about that in a second. And even the histamine foods, because the spike protein has increased histamine response in everybody. And what's that going to look like? Pain, exhaustion, weight gain, inflammation.

Sara Banta [00:39:03]:
Right. I've never had allergies in my life, never thought I had histamine issues, and now I have to take a histamine supplement with my foods just because of the response that I'm getting from this new. This new threat that we have. So the other food that you want to be careful with are these amyloid proteins. Amyloids are misfolded proteins, and they are in our chicken, our conventionally raised beef, our plants, pork, our turkey, even. It's not the chicken's fault. I used to eat chicken, no problem. But what's the problem is these crowded environments are causing these proteins to be stressed and misfolded.

Sara Banta [00:39:44]:
So when you eat them, our liver's job is to break protein apart into amino acids, then to put them back together and make our muscles and our hair and everything else. But these misfolded proteins cannot get broken down, and they then get deposited in our brain, causing Alzheimer's or dementia. They trigger gut pathogens. So even if you don't really have E. Coli. Coli, you might get E. Coli. And then the spike protein is building up more amyloids in our body away from eating them.

Sara Banta [00:40:15]:
So you're just compounding that burden on the body. So these are just things that not necessarily everybody needs to think about. But if you are on a plateau or your symptoms are not going away, these are foods that you want to eliminate and see how you feel, and then you can reintroduce them and say, how does my body like it? And your body's going to say, no, thank you, or, yeah, I can deal with that. I eat some oxalates, I eat some sulfur. I will never eat chicken because I just feel so great without it. And I never really liked it anyways. I focus on bison, lamb, deer, elk, wild fish. Those foods are so readily available in our markets now.

Sara Banta [00:41:01]:
It's not a big deal. You cook them like you cook beef, and I do eat grass fed, grass finished beef. And that is going to help with your ATP, help with your mitochondrial health, help with your blood sugar, and reduce the inflammation in the body. But then you can eat the fruits and the less processed foods that are carby to help support your mood and your brain and your energy without stressing it. And I do intermittent fast, and I know you're big in that, but I also. You don't want to do it too long forever, right?

Dr. Tabatha [00:41:41]:

Sara Banta [00:41:43]:

Dr. Tabatha [00:41:43]:
I think it's really important to mix things up. Give your body diversity. Always keep it second guessing, because as soon as you do the same thing every single day, your body's really smart, and it finds the homeostasis point. And it's like, oh, here's our new set point. And so I see that women plateauing with fasting. They're continually doing this. 16, eight. They're eating, like you said, 800 or a thousand calories every day.

Dr. Tabatha [00:42:10]:
Why am I not losing weight? Because your body thinks this is all that it's getting and it's going to hold on so tight. And then, especially if you have toxins, it's going to hold on even tighter. So I love that you connected all these dots for my ladies listening, because this is really important to understand that we're not going through our grandma's menopause. Like, what is happening now in this day and age is completely different. I'm seeing perimenopausal symptoms in ways that I never saw in med school or residency or even my early years as an attending. Like, things have shifted dramatically, and we have to get more aggressive, more proactive, and be our health advocate. Do functional testing, stop relying on conventional medicine like they're failing women. And I know because I was part of it, you know? So thank you for spreading all of this really important information and getting the word out that you can thrive.

Dr. Tabatha [00:43:16]:
Right in the second half, you can feel amazing, like, you look amazing, and we can do all the things, but we have to, to give our body what it needs and remove what's actually deterring us. So hardcore, right?

Sara Banta [00:43:30]:
Yeah. It's not an option anymore. That whole detox, fad, or trend, that's not just an option for January 1. That is something that is mandatory. And your symptoms might be back pain or hair falling out, and your friend might be the weight gain or blurred vision or breaking out in your skin. I mean, it doesn't have to be gut issues, right? I mean, leaky gut is a big part of all of what we have been talking about. And you might not be bloated. I have a friend who has a six pack, and she does not have any bloat.

Sara Banta [00:44:08]:
Nothing. Right. But she's having other symptoms, pain, hair issues. So your symptoms might be different from mine, even though they're coming from the same source. And it is something being, you have to be proactive. You can't just sit back about your health anymore.

Dr. Tabatha [00:44:28]:
Yeah, I'm so glad you said that. That's really important. You don't have to have gut symptoms to have leaky gut and the long term effects of that. And we have to think about cellular health. We have to support our mitochondria to get healthy, especially during these hormonal transition years when we're all just trying to get through and feel amazing. So I really appreciate this. Been super helpful. I'm excited to try your iodine.

Dr. Tabatha [00:44:55]:
I think I will benefit from it. I take iodine, but I want to try this new form. So stay tuned because I'll give everybody an update. I think that'll be good. But thank you, Sarah, this has been an awesome conversation.

Sara Banta [00:45:09]:
Amazing. Thank you for having me. And I'm super excited to have you on my show as well. Accelerated health tv and radio show, awesome.

Dr. Tabatha [00:45:16]:
So good. Oh, my goodness. I hope you got something good out of that episode. Here's the deal. I need to know, have you done the basic foundational things? Have you downloaded my free guide how to balance hormones naturally? That is step one. Like, you want to read that. It's a short little PDF document, but it's really powerful and you want to make sure that you've touched on all five of those areas. If you've done that and you're still struggling and you're confused and you feel like, I don't even know, is it my thyroid, is it my cellular health? Is it my hormones? Consider working with me and my team at her higher health.

Dr. Tabatha [00:46:03]:
We can do comprehensive functional testing and figure all of this out. You don't have to struggle. You don't have to question and guess and just try this and see what happens and try that. Like, we can do testing and see exactly what is going on. What are your root cause issues? Once we address those and take care of them, then you can feel amazing and thrive. So we are here for you. If you are ready and you want to talk to somebody about working with us, just book a discovery call. My team is there to figure out, are we a good fit? Can we help you? Is this the right direction for you at this time so that you're not wasting your time, efforts and energy? And if you decide that you want to invest in your health and move forward and work with us, like you are a priority, you have a team working to take care of you and get you better and help you feel amazing.

Dr. Tabatha [00:47:08]:
So you don't have to go this alone. You don't have to be confused and scared and frustrated and feel deprived and all the things like, that's not okay with me. So if you're at that point, do it. And if you've already worked with us, you know how the process goes. There are foundational things you have to put into place before you start shifting and healing. You got to do a lot of killing off and healing and restoration. And then, then you get into this thriving space and maintenance and progression. So definitely, we are here for you.

Dr. Tabatha [00:47:45]:
Reach out if you need any help. And please take 30 seconds. Leave me a five star review. Let the world hear your voice. Let the world know this is important to you. Support another sister that's going through this. They can't find out about us if we don't shout loud about it, right? So thank you so much. All right.

Dr. Tabatha [00:48:09]:
Have an amazing week. God has made you well. Go out and live that way.