Vital Moments In Naturopathic Medicine

Metabolism Gut Connection with Dr. John Yim

Beth Season 4 Episode 1

Ever wondered why you couldn't lose those last few pounds? Or why your body seems to be resistant to loosing weight no matter how much you exercise or cut calories?
In this recording, Dr. Yim shares his insights from over 30 years of practicing as a naturopathic physician on how the health of your gut could be the answer to those two questions!!

Dr. Yim has reproduced his portion of the Metabolism: Everything You Need to Know seminar shared with Dr. K Holewa. Together they brought a stellar event to Nanaimo to discuss a growing epidemic of metabolic issues, breaking it down into understandable and actionable steps.

Important links:

What are functional tests?

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Find out more about Dr. Yim, his areas of focus and educational background.

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