The Hit The Lights Podcast

Chilling Tales of Infamous Serial Killers and the Dark Consequences of False Confessions


What if we told you we're revealing the chilling stories of some of history's most heinous serial killers in this gripping episode? Join us as we take a spine-tingling journey through the macabre realm of infamous criminals like the Gainesville Ripper, Danny Rowling, who inspired the 1996 slasher movie Scream, and the sinister couple behind the Morehouse Murders, Catherine and David Burnie. We also unravel the dark tale of Donald Nielsen, the Black Panther, a terrifying man responsible for over 400 house burglaries and the tragic kidnapping of 17-year-old Leslie Whittle.

But it doesn't end there. We also dive into the unsettling case of Lucas, a serial killer convicted of murdering three people, including his own mother, and discuss the disturbing consequences of false confessions. What does it mean for the victims' families, the police, and the terrifying possibility that the real killers might still roam free? Don't miss out on this bone-chilling episode, and always remember to stay safe. Catch us in the next episode for another thrilling exploration of the darkest corners of the criminal world.

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Speaker 1:

It's hard for most people to understand how one human being can kill another, but even harder to grasp is when the same person kills multiple times. In this list we'll be taking a look at some of the most heinous serial killers of all time, some who are not so well known, but all who were not content or affected by murdering once and continue to kill over days, months and years. All of the murderers in this list have monikers that fitted the horrendous crimes and were motivated by reasons they considered to be important that the rest of us find abhorrent. As with these longer lists, we only outline the crimes. So if you want us to go into more depth, then we'll be posting a poll over on Patreon for our Patreon members to select which one of these five serial killers we will cover in an in-depth documentary. Head on over to Patreon at the end of this video to take part in the poll. For just $2, you'll not only be supporting our channel, you'll also get access to our backlog of murderous minds and minds of madness documentaries. There are hours and hours of exclusive content over on Patreon. So if you enjoy our videos, want to support us and want access to uncensored and non-watered down serial killer videos. Then head on over to Patreon.

Speaker 1:

The Gainesville Ripper. Most people have heard of the 1996 slasher movie Scream, but few will have heard of Daniel Rowling, the real-life serial killer and inspiration behind the film. Rowling was born in Louisiana on May 26th 1954. His father was a police officer, never wanted children and Danny's childhood was not a happy one. As a teenager, rowling was arrested a few times for robbery and spying on women, and as he got older he had trouble holding down a job. He later progressed from robbery to murder.

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In the early hours of August 24th 1990, rowling broke into the apartment of 17-year-old university students Sonja Larsen and Christina Powell. He killed both students in a brutal and terrifying attack. The next day, he broke into the apartment of 18-year-old student Krista Hoyt and waited for her to return home. He mercilessly killed Krista in a similar way to Sonja and Christina, later returning to cut off Christine's head and place it on a shelf facing her corpse. Two days later, on August 27th, rowling broke into the apartment of 23-year-old Tracy Pauls and her roommate Manny Tapoida, also 23. Rowling killed Manny after a struggle and then killed Tracy after she came to investigate the commotion. He then posed her body similarly to his other victims, but he left Manny the only male he killed as he was. All the women he killed bore a striking resemblance to his mother. Despite huge media coverage, danny Rowling was only caught after he was arrested for an unrelated burglary charge. During his police interview he confessed to the most horrific student murders in Florida's history and was unmasked as the Gainesville Ripper. On November 1991, rowling was charged with five counts of murder and sentenced to death. He was executed by lethal injection on October 25th 2006.

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The Morehouse Murders. One of the most gut-wrenching crime sprees in Australian history was the Morehouse Murders committed by Catherine and David Burnie. The couple claimed their first victim on October 6th 1986, when they persuaded 22-year-old Mary Nielsen to go to their house on 3 Morehouse Street in Perth to purchase some cheap tires. When Mary arrived, she was held at Knife Point and subjected to horrific abuse by David, watched by Catherine, before being taken to Glen Eagle's National Park where again she was tortured before being strangled and stabbed in the heart. The Bernese then buried Mary in a shallow grave and parked her car near police headquarters. This was the start of a brutal killing spree where, over the course of five weeks, they murdered and tortured three more young women, holding them captive before slaughtering them and forcing them to call or write letters to friends and family saying they were fine and giving false accounts of their whereabouts. However, their final victim, 17-year-old Kate Moore, managed to escape their clutches and alerted the authorities. Following her escape, the Bernese were arrested and convicted of their crimes. David Bernese confessed to the four murders and pleaded guilty at trial, and Catherine was also found guilty and sentenced to four life terms. Although the pair were only tried for these murders, it's been rumoured that they were responsible for the deaths of Barbara Weston and Cheryl Renwick, who also disappeared in Perth in 1986. After nearly 20 years in prison, david Bernese hanged himself in 2005. Catherine Bernese remains incarcerated to this day, becoming only the third woman in the history of Australia to be marked never to be released, the Black Panther.

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From an early age, donald Nappy was in trouble with the law and had an unhappy childhood after the death of his mother when he was 10. When he married and had a child of his own in 1960, donald changed the family surname from Nappy to Nielsen so that the little girl would not suffer the bullying and abuse he had endured because of it. Before his killing spree, nielsen committed over 400 house burglaries without detection by adopting a different modus operandi every few weeks before moving on to more lucrative post office raids. He committed his first three murders in 1974, when he shot dead two sub postmasters and the husband of a sub postmistress. Nielsen was later dubbed the Black Panther, after one of his victims' wives mentioned. He was quick like a panther and dressed in black.

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On January 14th 1975, nielsen broke into the home of the Whittle family in Highly Shropshire and kidnapped their 17 year old daughter, leslie. He left a ransom note in the house demanding £50,000 for Leslie's safe return. However, a series of police bungles and other circumstances resulted in Whittle's brother, ronald, being unable to deliver the ransom money to the place and at the time demanded by Nielsen. Sadly, leslie Whittle's body was found on March 7th 1975, hanging from a wire at the bottom of the drainage shaft where Nielsen had tethered her in Bathpool Park in Staffordshire. Nielsen did not physically cause her death. She died of heart failure after falling off the ledge. Nielsen kept her on. It is thought initially Nielsen was feeding Leslie, but it seemed a few days before her death he abandoned her. Nielsen was finally caught after he attempted and nearly succeeded in kidnapping two police officers who stopped to question him. In July 1976, nielsen was convicted of the kidnapping and murder of Leslie Whittle, two postmasters and the husband of a postmistress. In total, nielsen received five life sentences. He died in prison on December 17th 2011 from breathing difficulties.

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The Tea Cup Poisoner, graeme Young, was born in North London in 1947. His mother died when he was a baby, and the upheaval of first living with his aunt and then with his father and his new family deeply affected Young Graeme. He became very introverted and developed solo hobbies that included a particular fascination with chemistry and toxicology. He also enjoyed reading books about notorious murderers. His father, frank, encouraged his son's interest in science by buying him a chemistry set and, rather than playing with his school friends, graham spent hours doing experiments, so much so the pupils at his school named him the mad professor.

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As a teenager, young managed to acquire large quantities of poisonous chemicals and soon his test subjects progressed to humans. He started serving his deadly concoctions to his family and schoolmates, laced in tea, to see what effect it had. In 1961, members of his family and a classmate developed severe stomach cramps. Nobody suspected that Young had anything to do with the mysterious illnesses. They assumed it was some kind of contagious stomach bug, but when one of his sisters was taken to hospital, doctors discovered Belladonna, the ancient extract of deadly nightshade, in his system. She recovered, but Graham's stepmother, molly, was not so lucky, and on April 21st 1962, molly Young died in excruciating pain. It was found out later that Young had been slowly poisoning his stepmother's tea with Antony, to which she developed a tolerance. The night before her death he switched to thallium to quicken the process. However, young's Ant, the one he had lived with as a young child, knew about his fascination with poison and became suspicious. She had him sent to a psychiatrist, who recommended calling the police.

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On May 23rd 1962, graham Young was arrested. He confessed to the murder of his stepmother as well as the poisoning of his other family members, but due to Molly's cremation, there was no evidence to charge him. So instead he was placed in Broadmoor Maximum Security Hospital in the UK, an incredibly notorious hospital that we should probably do a video on. At age 14, young became Broadmoor's youngest inmate and was released eight years later. Once released, young got a job in a laboratory and willingly offered to make coffee and tea for his co-workers. Before long, sickness swept through the lab, resulting in the death of Bob Egl in 1971. A second death followed and nearly 70 employees experienced similar symptoms. Ultimately, young threw suspicion on himself when he asked the staff doctor why thallium poisoning wasn't being considered a cause, since it was used on site. The doctor reported the comment and the police were alerted. After an investigation, they found Young's diary in which he described how he poisoned his co-workers. Young was sentenced to life in prison in June 1972 and died of a heart attack in 1990. No-transcript.

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Drawn together by shared childhood trauma, henry Lee Lucas and Otis Tool became lovers, then serial killers who terrorized America in the 1970s. When they were both arrested for separate crimes. They claimed to have murdered hundreds of people and became known as the confession killers. Both Lucas and Tool had been raised by abusive mothers who had forced their sons to dress like girls. Both had suffered sexual trauma before the age of 10 and by the time they met both had already murdered, with Lucas killing his own mother in 1960, a crime he only served 10 years for. In the 1970s, lucas and Tool travelled extensively across 26 states, but their once close relationship fell apart when Lucas started a relationship with Otis Tool's teenage niece, becky Powell. Tool was so upset that he allegedly killed 9 people after the breakup. But Lucas and Becky didn't last long and after an argument, lucas killed her, dismembered her body and scattered her remains in a field in Texas. He also killed the woman who owned the ranch they were living in at the time and stuffed her body into a drainage pipe.

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In 1983, lucas was arrested for possession of a deadly weapon and once in custody, he began to confess to hundreds of unsolved murders. Around the same time, tool had been arrested and jailed in Florida for burning a 64 year old man alive. At last the killer couple were behind bars. But it was just the start of a bizarre mystery that remains unsolved to this day. Lucas claimed that he and Tool killed everywhere they went. They prayed upon anyone they encountered and shared a mutual love of murder, torture, rape and cannibalism.

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At first Tool was reluctant to talk about his crimes, but when he learned that Lucas was taking police on guided tours of their murder sites and enjoying certain privileges, he confessed that together they murdered 108 people, including the high profile unsolved murder of 6 year old Adam Walsh, the son of future America's most wanted host, john Walsh. Tool claimed he decapitated the boy with a machete and drove around with his head in his car for months before tossing it into a canal. Meanwhile, lucas readily confessed to more than 600 murders, offering grisly detail of the crimes and drawing pictures of them. For a long time, police believed both men, but slowly, with improvements in forensics, their confessions began to unravel, although there were some investigators that still believed they were telling the truth. Eventually, tool was convicted of 6 murders and died in prison in 1996 of cirrhosis, age 49.

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Lucas was convicted of 2 murders in addition to his mother, and he died, age 64, of heart failure in 2001, taking the truth about their murder count with them. It's worth noting that false confessions have terrible consequences for both the victims' families and the reputation of the police, and could mean the real killers behind these fake confessions could still be out there. So that's it for this video. That was 5 truly heinous serial killers that you probably regret learning about. Thanks for watching. Stay safe, everyone, and we'll see you in the next video.