Equipped - Grand Parkway Women

The Table - January 31, 2021

Marcie McClendon

The All-Encompassing Everythingness of Following Jesus

Luke 14:25-35

Introductory words:

“Great crowds accompanied Jesus” - v 25

“Accompanying” Jesus is not the same as "coming after” Jesus


Disciple = anyone who so aligns their beliefs and their lifestyle to the teachings of another person that they become identified with them.

5 Defining Words of a Disciple of Jesus

HATE - v26

“If anyone comes to me and does not HATE his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”


A figure of speech

Means to love LESS THAN in comparison to

CANNOT be my disciple=

Not possible, not strong enough, no capacity for


“Whoever does not BEAR his own cross AND come after me CANNOT be my disciple.” 

BEAR = A call to an obedience so comprehensive that it is best compared to DEATH 

COME AFTER = Going beyond listening to and believing in Jesus to living as He lived in practical obedience to the Word of God


“So therefore, any of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.”

Renounce = to formally declare one’s abandonment of a claim, a right, or a possession; to forsake

“Use the car, use a coat, use a computer in such a way that people around you assume that is not your treasure.” John Piper

Some ways to live as disciples now?

1. How to “hate”

Find out what pleases the Lord (Ephesians 5:10)

Be a student of His Word

Be in Community with accountability

2. How to “bear the cross” and “come after Jesus”

Literally and practically obey Jesus

Repent of picking and choosing which of God’s words to obey

Be in Community with accountability

3. How to “renounce all that we have”

Take inventory of everyone and everything in your life


Be in Community with accountability