Healside Podcast

The 38 Year Wait

January 16, 2020 Host Tina Kampala with her daughter Alice Atieno Season 1 Episode 1

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A Christian Podcast - John 5:1 - 8
We take a journey into the life of the man who had been lame 38 years at the pool of Bethesda. We look at his experience through his eyes and learn six lessons:

  1. Position Yourself;
  2. Keep the Determination Alive;
  3. Wait, Patiently;
  4. Hold no Grudges;
  5. Be Specific in Your Requests;
  6. Anticipate Your Miracle.

The Spirit says come....

spk_0:   0:16
Welcome to Hillside podcast. This is our very first podcast. We just launching it. We're excited. We're happy to be here with you. I am your host, Tina Kampala. And here with my daughter. Hi, My name is Alice Atieno. So he had the hillside. What do we do? You know, many of the times when we talk about a hillside. We're talking about an area that is far removed from everyone. It's high on a slope with a beautiful view where there is fresh air where there is rejuvenation where there is restoration. And many times we always think about the good things that happened in the hillside. But sometimes things are not very easy in the hillside. The hillside does have quite a few disadvantages as well, because when there is a landslide, it kind of comes down with everything else that's standing and is not well rooted and well grounded. So there's need for well, for good grounding on the hillside. But I guess also some people don't like moving away from all the hustle and the bustle. And they want to stay where they have close to many of the amenities. And on the hillside. There is in many of those amenities. But when I look at it from the spiritual perspective from the healing side of it, you're talking about people who are stepping out from the flat ground into, ah, higher ground. Ah, higher spiritual experience. And remember, Ah, higher ground is always a place off exchange, So we will be taking you through the different exchanges that will happen on this hillside, and we pray that you will be with us, that not only will you take up the fresh air and no be pulled away from the normal hustle and the bustle of daily life, but you will also experience in exchange. And just as the podcast suggests, we're looking for healing. Most of the time in our lives we go through things and we don't deal with them when they had us or affect us negatively and we hide them under the rug. And years later we find out that these are the things that are causing us distress and depression, and so you're looking toe, find healing from these things that were going to be able to open up and discuss these things and truly heal. And that's true and So we extend to you the welcome from this podcast in the Book of Revelation 22 Verse 17 on the Spirit and the bride. See, Come and let him that Here it say Come and let him That is a fast come and whosoever will let him take off the water off life freely. Indeed, as we talk about the hillside experience, we're talking about people who are stepping up, stepping out, stepping into a new experience. Their extraordinary experiences experiences off people who people who are moving out, um, from the ordinary, out from the crowds and moving up to higher ground. And even as they move up into higher ground, it's never easy to go up here against all odds. Against all obstacles. They move out, and not only do they move out, they reach up the reach up the hands about their savior. Who is Jesus Christ, the reach up to the great physician looking up to him for healing not only off the physical but off the mental, off the emotional and off the spiritually. If you look through the Bible, you can truly see that there so many people with ah hillside experience and one person specifically attacking comes to mind is the man who sat at the pool of Bethesda, don't you think? Wow, Alice. Indeed, he is one of the people who waas Ah ha! The hillside experience 38 years. But where does the story begin? Every time I think about a hillside experience, I'm thinking about a power that draws many. Because I know there are many who are yearning there, many who are reaching out, many who are hoping that there would be just this one miracle that will change things for them. And so this day comes and Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem. And as he goes to Jerusalem, he comes to the ship kit, a pool which is called Bethesda. This is in John, Chapter five, you know, and it was a pool that had five porches and on thes five approaches, there were multitudes off people, important people, blind, lame. You know, all types off illnesses, people with all types of illnesses that are attracted to these five coaches. Alice, you can imagine how many people waited anxiously on this wife purchase. I definitely can relate it to when things are on sale in a certain shop. Maybe it would be Mr Price or it's a black Friday sale. I'm telling you, people are just waiting to get in and fight for their right to get what they want. It can be so interesting to look at. I agree. But what were they waiting for? It is said that an angel at a certain time in a certain season, you know, he came down to the pool and start the water, and whoever was fast to step in was cured off war, terror, disease he had That is what drew the clock, the crops. I can't imagine the kind of people that are that they live the blind, those who had leprosy, those who had those us there, so many see penises. I can think off annually sent. They came from far and near, you know, driven by the need to get healed. And as they waited in the poach, our attention is drawn from that multitude toe. One man who had been there 30 80 as Alice, 38. I can't I can't begin to understand how someone can wait for 30 years. I'm not even 38 myself. I know. 38 years is a lifetime. Indeed. This is the kind of experience that we would like to share here at the hillside. It's extraordinary. It is not every day you wait for 38 years for your healing. This man waited for 38 years. I can imagine when he first arrived and in he came a night. I know that he didn't come by himself because of it is his inability to move. He was brought in by friends or by family. And on the first year, I can imagine the excitement and expectation, the anticipation for this healing us. He waited and no one came. And here to his family was there. His friends were waiting. They could hardly wait to go home with him healed. But after a few years, the Bible tells us that he was alone. How many times do people walk out when you're still anticipating your miracle? And there so many times in my life, where I felt that I needed friends to walk with me there, Johnny and they didn't really go that journey with me because I'm in a point in my life when I feel friends are the most important people that I need in my life, and that may not necessarily be the case, because in many instances I have gone through tough, a tough time and they have not been there. But one thing I really realized is that Jesus Christ is always there. If we reach out for him, he'll always be ready and willing to walk the journey with us. That brings to mind a quote from my favorite author, Ellen White, in her book Part It's and Profits Page 1 98 she say's how ground less is all trust in human power, that we need to put our promises, a trust, the promises that God has given us and the sooner might heaven and at pass than that one would feel. And it was this that should sustain us through all our fearful conflict. But really, it's easier said than done. I can't imagine what he went through looking at it from his eyes that as you went in and everyone left and you are left alone. And each time you watched the angels star the water, someone else stepped in. Someone else received the healing someone else received the miracle someone else went home But year after year, he stayed there. He went through a lot off bitterness for those people who had left him. There he was. He went one forgiveness, probably for the friends who said they would return and nobody ever came back. He must have hated himself, hated the circumstances, got in tired off his environment. And he must have Bean feeling very gloomy, very dark, very despondent as he's lay there each and every day. I can imagine in those five poaches that even with a shed for the sick people just to make them comfortable as they waited for the miracle. But how dark the days off that man wah that every single day he lost his hope. He lost the hope that he would walk, that you would walk home like everybody else, that you would receive his miracle. And every single year he probably laid there and waited for the day when he would close his eyes in debt. But I can imagine the heartache a country imagine that he was not only physically sick, he was spiritually sick, emotionally sick because it even the environment where he waas was filled with sickness filled with the stench off people who are a the whole place or hopeful to get into the water. But when we look at him and we see his situation is an ability to move, made it even more difficult for him to get to the pool. I feel if I was in his situation out of Bean, I'd have left that poor probably a year later. US are a year or two later. But one other thing that I can point out from the stories that this month has Bean picking up a lot of anger from the people who have left him in that the pool alone from not being able to throw himself into the pool and get his healing. He must have carried all that pent up anger for so many years. For one year for two years, three years to 30 80 years, he had must have carried so much pain, so much anger, so many grudges towards his family, towards his friends and even then towards himself. He probably looked at himself and said what was the value of his life. But as he lay there and said a man who cannot even move himself, he must have blamed himself several times as well. Because he went himself, he couldn't move. He couldn't push himself forward that times in life when you must walk the journey alone when you must leave your friends, you must leave your family. You must leave all your intimate traditions and you must face the giant alone. And this brings to mind our song one over on my favorite songs. It stays on the Jericho Road, these room for just two. No more, no less. Just Jesus and you each. Beilin, Hilbert. It's sort of hill share. There's never a care for Jesus, is there. And so as you walk the Johnny alone, you're not entirely on your own. Yes, other people are not physically with you, but Jesus is closer than ever. It is time for you to look inward. It is time to you for you to look outward. It is time for you to look at your environment and understand who you are in this environment. And always remember that your strongest at your most vulnerable point that the legalese only grow in the valley. They had thought there times in your life that you will only grow when you're going through these difficult situations or experiences. Take it. Take heart all don't to your faith on the promises that Christ has given you. That has, sure. But he will never leave you. He will never forsake you that wherever you go, he will be there with you. So hold on to those promises and walk the journey with him. Amen. And I can truly say that that is a lesson that I had of land just recently when I realized that I for the longest time when I was younger, I only thought that I saw good as the god of my mother, the good of my grandmother. They got off my pastor the good of my church. He wasn't true to me as an individual. He was someone that I thought was just for other people and not for me until I went through an experience that I had to go through alone is when I realized that God had to be true to me that had to go to this journey and realize that this is the person that I can truly testify has been true to me. Truly send many times. God does remove the people to us, it would seem that they're leaving us, but God allows them to go. He allows them to step away that you made begin to see yourself in the light off God and start to build your faith and to build. You know you're trusting God and to build your relationship with him. And so when he lets, he lets them go. He's trying to create an arena or a platform for you to draw closer to him, to grow more intimate, you know, to learn more human toe, begin toe, create a stronger relationship and understand his will and his purpose for your life. But many times we don't see it like that. Many times we focus more like the Munn at the pull of the things, their own, the heart and the pain and the loneliness off those around us living. And we failed to see or to understand that it is ultimately for our good. But there is good news at the hillside. Isn't Italian? Yes, definitely. There is healing indeed, because Jesus made this journey for him. Jesus makes this journey for him and comes to this pool and waas for six days. When Jesus saw him lie Many of the times Jesus that see us like he does know our source. He does understand our stories. He saw him like and knew that he had been there a long time. Alice, Jesus knows your circumstances. I think that's very beautiful. And that's what something that gives me hope every day. This has knows so many things that we may think he doesn't understand. He knows the number of hairs on my head. He knows something that I struggled with us in that I keep struggling with and keep taking to him. He knows. Yes. Um, he knows how long you have had it. He knows how deeply it hurts you. He knows how many doctors you have seen over and over. How many times you've taken medication, how many times you have gone in for chemo. How many times you have hoped for A better answer. How many times you have waited for a donor, how many times you have waited for finances, how many times you have waited for a specialist or the opportunity to get that attention, medical attention or the times when you have look for for the strength to get better their strength to overcome the weaknesses that you have. He knows it as he saw they at the man lying there. He's sympathized with him. He empathized with his 38 year Johnny. He felt his P. That is why he came just for him. And in that same way, deserve can come for us today, don't you think? I feel that if we are willing, if we are willing to get our healing and ask truly to go and see, please. This is what I really do need here. He is very big, will be very willing to give this to us. Certainly. And it doesn't matter how long it is their those who way we see going on the first year, first month they get their healing. But for some of us, it takes longer. For some of us, the Danny's harder for some of us, the Danny's most training us, and indeed I will stay in the waiting room is long longer than most. But even as you seat in that waiting room as you so keen, the yes, the duration of the long duration it takes to just wait for your turn toe come de many things that go on in your life, that many things that you experience in the waiting room. You have been in a waiting room, Ali's many times what goes on in that waiting room. I think I can relate this to times when I've been in the hospital and I'm waiting for a certain result because I've gone in and I've bean out sick for a while and I need to know what's really going on at that time. You're so anxious you don't know what's what. The doctor is going to tell you what is wrong. You don't know if it can be a terminal in Esso. It's something that's going to be short time. You're very scared. You don't know what to expect In the waiting room for this month, he came in to the waiting room with friends on. After waiting and waiting and waiting, his friends left to return. Some never came back, and for many years he was left waiting all by himself. Doctors came and doctors went. Results came and results went. He couldn't get his healing. He must have watched the faces off the doctors who came in for the names that were called every other time Tito here whether his name was the one that was being called so that he could receive his healing. He could receive his miracle and leave. But for 38 years, nothing. And so, as he laid there, Jesus walks up to him and asks him, Do you want to be made whole? What do you think? This month's answer was Alice. I think he should have said yes, Yes, off course. Exactly. Yes, that's what I want. If that's not the first thought in my mind, I wouldn't be thinking about anything else that I know. Especially we've been waiting for 38 years. I mean, that is what you came for. Yes, but that was not his answer. You know, he said, You know, sir, every time I want to get into the water, another man goes in because there's no one to help me get into the water. He missed the question, and most of the time we don't answer this question just like this man. We are focusing on different things. This man is focusing on his frustration of not being able to get into the pool and get his healing. He's focusing on all the people that had left him and all the frustration has had for 38 years and standing right there before he, Molly's is the savior of the world, the creator of the universe, who in his hand is everything this month have desired. But because he's focused, as you have said, has been on his circumstance, all these obstacles rather than on that which brought him there. He missed the question. And how many times do we miss the question? We came for healing. We came for restoration. We came for renewal. But our experiences in that waiting room have shifted our focus from that which we came to do so that which is pulling us back or holding us back from experiencing the healing. And so, as he sought there on the savior of the universe, has asked him, Wilt thou be made whole. The Savior looked a team and not only at his physical body, but looked at his spiritual. The spiritual money looked at the motion. No man and the mental money new that this month's journey for 38 years was really to receive his healing, and many times the savior does new us. He does know where we are. He doesn't know what we really want. He knows sometimes we get destructed by the obstacles around us. He also knows that sometimes our eyes are no longer on the things that brought us there in the first place. And so he does sympathize with us and gives us that which we came to seek Even when we don't know. If you don't say it in that month really did get his healing DNT and deserve told him rise, take up your bed and walk. He did. How so, People, That is all the spirit month I had to hear for him to get up and walk, you know, interestingly, the man at the pull of a test that had no name the bubble calls him the important month. Just it really comes to mind how many of us are going through very difficult situations. And we're quoting court nameless. We're not people of renowned. We're not wealthy. We're not, you know, well educated. We are not holding the coffee Cesar driving because of living in big swarms or were not people who stand out in society readjusts, almost nameless But the most beautiful thing in all this is that as nameless as we are when we are branded by our circumstances, when we are branded by our situations and our experiences because you know, his name was not definitely the important month and it was attached to him based on his well, he's out of his physical appearance or what was ailing him at that time. They could not have remember this name because but they remembered his circumstance. Jesus did see him. Jesus did come there just for this month. It was his day. Jesus made an appointment. A deliberate effort, a plan toe come and heal this month. That's how much he cares. That's how much No, he honored this month that irrespective of the fact that he was not unknown, man, he was not a man off renowned. Jesus knew him. So it doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter your circumstances. It doesn't matter what you have or whether you're known or not known. The most important thing is Jesus does know you. And remember, the Bible tells us he has your name written in the palm of his hand. Then therefore each and every time he looks at his palm. You're right there. That is indeed very touching. I can attest that We really do want people to know us. We really like the fact that yes, you know my name? Yes. You know this I'm doing this I'm struggling with this isn't this and this is happening. But most of the times, you know, in the world that we live in people brand us different things. They give us different names, the brand us according to the abilities we have. And we feel less human than you, actually A But in God's saving a scripture that he knows us that he loves us, that he died on the cross for us, just for me And you? Yes, indeed. And we are the apple of his eye. So should you have just been feeling really low, you know, looking at yourself in saying Who are my really? But nobody cares. There's a savior. Who cares? He loved you so much that he died on the cross for you. I think that just makes my day rise. And so today we also saying rice, come up to the hill side, come up and get the hillside experience come up that you too may meet the Silvia and receive your healing. Amen. Indeed. I have had a he said experience. Have you? Yes, I have. And I just want to point out that out of this we had six lessons. If indeed you are listening throughout the podcasts, you may have picked them. Maybe not in the same order. But these other jewels that were He didn't in the message today. Number one. Position yourself. How did the man position himself A list? I think that's quite simple. He took observed to the pool where he thought he would be able to find healing. He didn't take himself. He was helped. They had friends who took in there. Sometimes you go yourself, but he must have been a resolve to be able to go to the pool of Bethesda number to keep the determination alive. How many times do re let go off that determination beat? Due to the obstacles we experience or the long waiting time, we must keep the determination alive for me. One thing that of big dot here is waiting. I know from my own experience that I am not a patient person. I don't like waiting for things, because in our lives, who did we get things in the touch of a button? If I press this, I can't get food. If I press this, I can get whatever I desire and whatever I need. So getting something after almost for that money site ET as getting after such a long time can be so difficult for me because I don't have not experienced waiting for something for Solo, and that takes us to point number three. Wait patiently like you've said. Many of us wait, but we don't wait patiently where we have a Plan E. And just in case plan, it doesn't work. We have a B, A, C, A, D and E and so many things around it. And yet we are called in tow, waiting into that quiet period into that quiet time where we just seat steel and wait for a savior to come through for us on never being about not waiting patiently is that when we don't weight recently, we try to do this thing for us, every CIA's. If God is taking too much time, let's do this. Let's help him to do this thing for us, and then maybe he can catch it up from there. And that's true. And I think the most difficult thing for any human being to do is to sit still in the darkness and waiting patiently does call us to sit still to see the still in the darkness of our waiting, waiting for that light to break through. And it is a lesson that each one of us needs to learn that we may get to that place where we experience the miracle. The fourth lesson is hold. No grudges. This one came out very clearly, Elise. Yes. This man had Bean struggling with the fact that people had left him that the pool, and we're not being able to see his here. I think I also experienced this a lot. I like to hold grudges. I don't like to hashed things out of people to say this is what happened. And I don't like what you did this. No, just sit and hold it in and see this person is going to feel what I'm feeling when in a sense, that person knows nothing of what I am experiencing. They don't even know why I'm hot. And that's true. Having talked about putting no value in human effort, letting go of grudges should be one of the things we do easily that we may expedite our play our pace to getting along. Miracle lesson number five was be specific in your request. I know you had talked about a lady who had asked for husband. Yes, yes, those are pastor who was telling a story about a woman who was praying to God for husband and she in this prayer. She was asking good that he needed a month, was able to take good care finances, that he would be able to deal with money well and that she would also be able to open the doors for her. And she prayed and honestly prayed, and eventually she got her answer. But it was not in the way that she wanted. She could conductor, and she was not. She was not exactly thrilled about that. About the conductor can indeed open the door lead, ask out money so it teaches us to be very specific in our requests. Ask for what you really want now. Finally, the less another lesson in the last lesson is, anticipate your miracle. You know that when the savior comes toe ask you, Do you want to be made? Who? You would say yes. So in our anticipation, we don't lose sight off that which we came to get. I know there's a lot off times that I've been going through a difficult time, and when I feel this has gone on too long, I know that there's something good that's going to come out off this, that something is going to be impacted me so positively. And so I know that God is going to answer this prayer that God is going to come through for me. So I I believe that's our way of anticipating. Then he knows to keep your faith alive. You do keep hoping. Never let go of that string. You know that holds onto the promises that God will come through for you. So just wrapping up. We talked about six lessons. Number one, position yourself number to keep the determination. Life number three wait patiently. Number four hold no grudges. Five. Be specific in your request. And finally six. Anticipate your miracle. When we started the podcast, we said, Come up with us. Come, come. The invitation say's to the hillside that you may receive the renewal, the restoration and the healing. We do anticipate that throughout this podcast you have experienced you know, the joy that comes from encounter in Jesus Christ and more so, having gone through, you know, the story of the man who waited for 38 years suddenly an extraordinary testimony. It is an every day you meet a man who has been waiting for 38 years and indeed up a happy ending. It is. He does receive his healing. What praise? What glory? You know what on earth this man give to the savior who came through for him. I know and there so many lessons that you get from out of this. And I feel that I have been renewed and have been restored that I have learned that things I'm still dealing with, but I can still grow and learn toe get better to them. That's great. And so even as we wind up off the reef passport cast, as we mentioned in the beginning, we do hope that you have experienced, you know, the breeze that we have experienced up here And in this he decide, you know, the fresh air, the beautiful scenery under great experience. Thank you for being with us. And God bless you. Have a wonderful week. Thank you.