Healside Podcast

Blinded by Love:Unequally Yoked - Part 2

Healside Season 1 Episode 3

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Love is on Air - in this second part a dear friend Rose joins me as we delve into lessons from the life of Samson. 

This is a follow-up from the 1st part of the podcast that had 3 lessons from the live of Samson; which were:

  1. Do not compromise on your values;
  2. Do not use your senses as the primary source of choosing your partner; and
  3. Do not linger in the wrong market and get familiar with the sights and sounds.

With Valentine here with listen to the podcast and learn the red flags to look out in avoiding getting unequally yoked.

Listen, feedback on our email healsidepodcast@gmail.com; our blog: http://healside.prettyplaces.co.ke/2020/02/14/part-2-3-blinded-by-love-unequally-yoked/ and our social media handles.

God bless,

The Spirit says come....

spk_0:   0:13
Theo. Welcome to Hillside Podcast. This is our fat podcast in today's podcast is the second part off a three part series, anti told, Blinded by love on equally yoked, we upload bi monthly, and we want to thank all of you who have taken time to listen to our podcasts. If this is your first podcast, caribou take time to catch up on all the other podcasts that have been uploaded. Kindly listened to the podcast feedback on our block or our email or any of our social media handles. Kindly remember to share with a friend. This is your host, Tina Kampala, welcoming you up here on the hillside, praying that you will step up away from your daily, chose daily commitments and take the time to step up. Andi, feel the fresh air and see the breath taking view that you may be able to experience the hand off the one who never airs. That is our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I take this time one more time to welcome you with the Book of Revelation, Chapter 22 Verse 17. And it say's and the spirit and the bride say Come and let him that here it say Come and let him. That is a fast come and whosoever will let him take the water off life freely. Really Do pray that you take off this water off life and that your life will be changed and transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. And today joining me is a dear friend enemies Rose member and she will be joining us on call. So let's start apart custody.

spk_1:   2:11
You, my friend, with me, sharing a We're going to hit the life of some form and probate with light of young people because thank

spk_0:   2:34
you very much, Rose for joining us. It's always a pleasure having you. So what are the Leterme's? Our young people can learn from the life something.

spk_1:   2:42
Well, one thing I appreciate about the way people get no on anything.

spk_0:   3:03

spk_1:   3:06
he is

spk_0:   3:11
a huge percentage who's definitely a majority.

spk_1:   3:20
He's calling something you. But, uh, you know, today a bunch of big brother who you're maybe maybe you know, something I think much about, uh I think

spk_0:   4:00
that's true. That's true. The company sent of the fact that not all young people are being brought up by parents. Some are being brought up by the grandparents, their relatives, their siblings and others are growing up on their own. Right, Rose.

spk_1:   4:16
So something is missing towards the order people. That was and

spk_0:   4:48
I agree, Rose. And I can just imagine the many times that the parents off some sun talk to him about his place in Israel, how he was the last judge and how he had this. God had this main objective over his life. And he just decides to go a totally different way. You know, ultimately, I do agree that God's will and purpose is done. But at what cost?

spk_1:   5:10
Yeah. You over over.

spk_0:   5:20

spk_1:   5:26
You know

spk_0:   5:27

spk_1:   5:27
Oh, they got a boarding on then?

spk_0:   5:31

spk_1:   5:32
you. Both of you. About it is for you to work. Yeah. Are you kidding? You won t be allowed.

spk_0:   5:49
Yes, yes, Yes.

spk_1:   5:51
York being pulled a sexual People going girls from the off. We have a good job of your people.

spk_0:   6:10

spk_1:   6:10
but you out. Do you think the women looks?

spk_0:   6:25

spk_1:   6:35
really? Over the

spk_0:   6:37

spk_1:   6:38
what duties? But you're thinking No, the other one is You know I Yes,

spk_0:   6:52

spk_1:   6:55
Bring on board the only thing that thank

spk_0:   7:17
you. So much rose also tend to think that many times, even as young people, we don't have principles and standards of behaviour. We kind of are winging it. We don't We're not deliberate about what our values are. And when you look at some sort, he must have had values given to him values off temperance, values of obedience, values off powers are judged and tough off these values or more of these values actually thrown out in the journey to the team night, woman. So I tend to think that as young people, we need to be very deliberate and get to know what our core values are and continue to do an integrity check every now and then. Are we still on track, or have we lost them?

spk_1:   7:54
Yeah. Value, you know?

spk_0:   8:00

spk_1:   8:05
We have a female train. A probably the age of 15. Yes. Your parents guardian taking you through the people I am, Uh, yeah. Being told that there is anything that you know, even yourself, right? And sometimes you pay me one thing. We need a more than one. They better with trading us to be, definitely lose focus would do young people. Little teaching should be the little on the teaching of the car. Wouldn't listen. Okay.

spk_0:   9:14
Yes, yes,

spk_1:   9:34
that's what I want. Or thinking that our way. I couldn't.

spk_0:   10:14
I hear your roles and I tend to you bringing to mind the book by Joshua Harris on I Kissed Dating Goodbye. And he's talking about us giving the standards off the bringing the standards of the world into the church. When you're talking about relationships and we're talking about why we're going out there, I'm not going to go into issues off dating as we're talking about some sun right now. But even as we think about his his request to his parents, when he's saying I won't get her for me now there's the issue of immediate gratification. We want it now. Kind of generation were not willing to wait.

spk_1:   10:53
Baby has now.

spk_0:   10:56
Yes, yes, yes.

spk_1:   11:19
The you're looking kind of. You got that?

spk_0:   11:34

spk_1:   11:39
On one b, you cannot be on landing differently that period that wouldn't they?

spk_0:   11:54

spk_1:   11:56
For what you make the innovations that make the list. I got a thing going on with nobody in it.

spk_0:   12:05
Do you think that probably some sun had luggage from his family? That he he was dealing with this very young age.

spk_1:   12:13
You don't get Walker's beauty?

spk_0:   12:25

spk_1:   12:29
About Children?

spk_0:   12:32

spk_1:   12:38
All. Yeah. So much of people, Bill. The only thing is what you are getting to giving. You tell the people prey on kind of what you that are so easily conveying, you know, but back give me that. But they have. It is because you need to do another where the way we owe. But I didn't really get mother to Yeah,

spk_0:   13:53
but let's not forget don't forget that there's always the element of the great controversy are another power outside ourselves that is always trying to to stop things. And as I mentioned in the airport customer, we talked about destinies. So partners and marry their destiny. Is that ever going to be built or destroyed? Yeah. So definitely there was a destiny Kaka here who wanted to come in and, you know, destroy on stop divert that the blessings that would come the way off. Some sun had he lived in obedience to God's will and saw his inability to open in spiritual eyes to the fact that there was another war outside off the physical that he was supposed to have opened his eyes to in prayer and intelligence to God. Then he missed it and continued to go the way that was led by another hand. Other than that off God.

spk_1:   14:56
Because I think okay and personal. Probably interesting job up. Yeah,

spk_0:   15:13
I like that 32 months she had no name,

spk_1:   15:27
but can you

spk_0:   15:35
Yes, yes.

spk_1:   15:44
Give me the

spk_0:   16:01
Yes. Yes. And it takes your wild or a lifetime to come back. And finally we have this one of shopping in the wrong um, market. What do you think about that truth?

spk_1:   16:26
You people out there a little?

spk_0:   16:37

spk_1:   16:37
it is a typical different. Completely out. Oh, Weekly. No faith at all. You know, on the hockey eating. You know I'm not.

spk_0:   16:51

spk_1:   16:52
You. Yeah.

spk_0:   16:54
Yes, yeah. Yes.

spk_1:   17:00
One people out there are young people. How did you prepare for the people we see? For the rest of that, he brought in a woman. The reader that people happy now?

spk_0:   17:35
Yes. Yes,

spk_1:   17:36
yeah. If you want to become bigger and bigger, the unity between people on the label become began bigger. You become

spk_0:   17:48
well done.

spk_1:   17:51
You Do you? We're meeting people he doesn't like. Okay, maybe you could be. Even the people will remember that you give people you know It is very out of control. He booked people.

spk_0:   18:18
Okay, So So Rose here. BSO the young man or the young woman has gone out, has gone to the wrong market, has compromised their values. They have used their senses and they've got this partner now they're heart broken now They've been betrayed. What would you like to say to the young people who are in that situation right now

spk_1:   18:39
you get people telling you what we chose a bed laying people off into that matter. Plan out. What?

spk_0:   19:01

spk_1:   19:14
Come out of you. Please use delivery people. You end up with you. It was a friend of your

spk_0:   19:36
You know

spk_1:   19:38
you're being way. I already feel Ingrid. I didn't say I do that taking out people.

spk_0:   20:04
And that is true. And as we say daily about the unequally yoked, there's no progress you make because as one is moving up, the other one is moving. Slow out. The one is told. I wonder shorter. There's no progress. Very little or no progress at all. And so we really need to check out for the red flags. And unfortunately, a lot of the times as young people. We're just not that king with our eyes are not open to know our spiritual eyes are not open to see beyond what our feelings, you know, our feelings are beyond No, Whatever it is we're going through at the time when we think we have met this right, man, Yes.

spk_1:   20:45
You get it for me?

spk_0:   20:49

spk_1:   20:50
I get already considering. Okay, one Tokyo grand. Tell me. You know.

spk_0:   21:07
You know,

spk_1:   21:11
I actually wouldn't.

spk_0:   21:13
It should have, Yes.

spk_1:   21:14
He didn't get him once. Told me about the little people. Little more now

spk_0:   21:32
and over. Interestingly, even when he he's told about the answer, he says, I know he knew that she was the one who had, you know, betrayed him. But I think the worst part now comes to the point when the father gives the wife to his companion or to his friend. Yeah.

spk_1:   21:50
You know, I really, really like you.

spk_0:   21:56

spk_1:   21:57
you like a month or two months reading them in here. Love the best Mom video.

spk_0:   22:21

spk_1:   22:30
She thought that something no tryto uh, making one.

spk_0:   22:42

spk_1:   22:43
Yeah, That's what they think of the order. People able to make your initialization. Yeah,

spk_0:   23:16

spk_1:   23:32
I want somebody. You could come from that area from you that people have you Nothing that actually no cheating on our own. We need what I forbid.

spk_0:   24:04
I think there's a lot off marrying off the old with the new Not that when your parents are going to look our check out the background means that they're coming to say no. They just providing for you lots more information so that when you're making your decision, you're making it from a more informed position so that as you're looking a teacher looking at it holistically and when you say yes, you're willing to take the good and the bad as opposed to just going in and not knowing exactly what you're getting into

spk_1:   24:33
the way Well, way

spk_0:   24:49

spk_1:   25:11
the company you broke it, nobody take.

spk_0:   25:23
And I will agree with the Rose. I will agree with you because I know there many instances when we have walked ourselves into marriages without having dealt with so much, so many things. But the assumption is that as we're coming in, we've all dealt with our luggage and we're starting from from zero

spk_1:   25:43
a little they mobile? American?

spk_0:   25:57
Yes. Yes, yes, Yes, he did.

spk_1:   26:33
You know you.

spk_0:   26:40
But I also agree that there's a lot of things the ladies coming out quite a disadvantage position. Because you remember, the girl has now been given to the friend. I don't think she had a choice. I am sure the same person who was being pushed again by the Philistines to know to betray her husband. And she seems to be being moved from left to right. And nobody seems to be taking into consideration that she's also a human being. And after all these, she's killed, you know, because of the scenes of what they call her husband, you know? So I think we've been quite disadvantaged

spk_1:   27:21
because that's what we wanted.

spk_0:   27:25

spk_1:   27:26
Yes. People being come on the border.

spk_0:   27:31
Yes. Yeah, yes. For young people. I love you. Work. Yeah. 40 if you're going your way. Okay. I'm flattered. I 30 but I want Is it that sometimes rose? We are suspicious off God's intentions. Do we think that God cannot give us the right pass on and we want to think that probably be a better than him in choosing what is good for us e

spk_1:   28:47
Wait, wait.

spk_0:   29:00
Yes, He did You fire? Yeah, he had a big problem with temperance rules. Or he's action. Yes. Yeah. He had a big problem with Temperance as one of the values. As I said earlier, the Miriam Webster Dictionary defines temperance as a moderation in action in thought or feeling as having restraint on when you look at some sort, he doesn't seem to have restraint. And to accounts I can remember off my head he fast is get up for me as a wife now depicting his impatient He doesn't he can't wait. And the 12 times is the time when he is revenging what the Phillies signs have done for him. And, of course, the first time about the freedom when they get the answer and he goes out so angrily and takes the 30 changes of government and the second time again when he finds out that his bride has been killed and then he now revenge is by no killing such a big number of them. And this shows us that he's he's not in control of his emotions. His not able to keep himself in, check his actions, his thoughts, his feelings are not moderated. He wanted they wanted things quickly. He wanted everything. He was using his senses. He he didn't know when to stop themselves. And so that really didn't work well for him. Yeah. Yeah, for Young Tipperary, you're plunges from here. People value issues as a young couple,

spk_1:   30:43
because, buddy, that's going told everything what they've been doing, including with a Yeah, but you actually that your family has she did it in the budget that, uh, thank you for your future. I want to get out of that.

spk_0:   31:14
Remember, Alexandra, how many? Don't say that. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Certainly not for love. That is way correct.

spk_1:   32:06
Oh, that one.

spk_0:   32:19
Yes. So, people look. Thanks. Role. So I know we're coming to the end of the podcast, and it just wanted to give us a parting shot. What do you want to tell the young people concerning the life off some song to the time when he's standing on top of this? Rocco is sitting on top of this rock and his betrayed. He's heartbroken and he feels like, you know, he has lost everything. Everything he never desired tohave Yeah. Okay. One people before you go and they will go down for good. I didn't really go back, you know? Try and hurry on. You know, You okay? A lot of marquee didn't practice. Uh, wait on the book. I think I have a Would you like to go down One on one way. We'll pick up what you did there. Okay, Because of course, are you? Thank you, people. You are you. Thank you, Rose, for joining us. We have had a lovely time together. Thank you. For the listeners who have taken their time to be with us in this podcast, as Rose has rightly POTUS If you have any questions on the podcast, this one of the previous podcasts kindly communicate with us through our blawg are different social media handles, and we will be able to get back to you. Also of great importance to us would be any topics that you want us to cover in any of the future podcasts. We pray that you have been blessed by this podcast and we wish you God's blessings in the days to come. Thank you once more. And God bless you.