Healside Podcast

Lessons from Hannah: Women's International Day Special

Healside Season 1 Episode 5

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Healside Wishes You a Belated Happy International Women's Day celebrated on the 8th of March 2020.

Its often said women are their own worst enemy and that there's nothing out there worse for women than themselves.  Join me and Emily as we talk about lessons for each woman and of course every man from the life of Hannah in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 1 and 2. Look out for the 6 lessons drawn from the discourse, you are sure to learn one or two lessons you never knew about this woman of prayer.

The Spirit says come....

spk_1:   0:18
Welcome to the hillside podcast. I am your host, Tina Kampala. Well, I'm very excited to have each and every one of you listening. Tow us this evening. I'm cognisant off the fact that you didn't have to join this podcast. But you have chosen to join this podcast to hear what we have for you today. I want to say thank you so much for taking your time to come up with us to the hillside. I want to reiterate again that here of the hillside we're here to experience the refreshing power of Christ in our lives To experience healing, to experience, rejuvenation, to experience peace, to experience, joy, to experience, revival, to be enlightened by the word of God that we may find treasure true treasure in the words we will be sharing on the podcast. And just like the parable of the hidden treasure and the pile in the book off Matthew, Chapter 13 was 44. We may say everything we have that we may take the Kingdom of God that has this price. Lee, find pals and so one more time I call you out off whichever circumstances you may be in today it doesn't matter where you are, it doesn't matter. What you're going through is always a jewel that will be dropped toe in lighting you today. And so I welcome you with the Book of Revelation, Chapter 22 Verse 17 in The Spirit and the Bride. See, come and let him that here it say Come and let him That is a fast come and whosoever will let him take off the water off life freely. Come listen to the podcast. Come share the broadcast. On the eighth of March, we celebrated the Women's International Day. Now this is a global day celebrating social, cultural and political achievements off women, and the day marks a call for accelerating gender disparity. So this promotion of gender equality for many of the churches, it's a moment for we meant to learn about each other and pre for each other. We realize that we men are in different circumstances, depending on where it is, they are. So, whatever your circumstances, whatever your challenges, we seek to learn from each other. We seek to pray and lift each other up, and so, in our episode today we'll be focusing on the story off Hannah in the book Off Us Somewhere, Chapter one and Chapter two. But even as we want to delve into the Bible, I was Googling, and as I went into Google, I found a very interesting study that was done in the year 2010. I already called Kelly Mullen, which bore the book The Twisted Sisterhood. Now Kelly interviewed almost over 3000 women, and the statistics off this study are quite interesting. She revealed that almost 90% off these 3000 women that took part in the survey fared the current off meanness in the activity emanating from other females. And almost 85% of those who took part in the survey admitted suffering serious life altering knocks at the hands off other women. Now the report was a wake up call for women, but she also experienced serious backlash from other women on the same, we often hear it said that women are their own worst enemy, that there's nothing out there waas for women than themselves. So I don't know whether you're in agreement with this statement and today joining me on call, he's a friend called Emily Variable. Now we will be focusing on the story off Hannah. We would like to start unpacking the story off Hannah, especially with reference to the women's international moody in Where's best to Start It done from Who was kind of over to you, Emily.

spk_0:   5:07
Otherwise, it is a tool. Then least give up Children and hallway Okay e for one of your beautiful that they cannot love because every time she low over he had the whole that she have However, she was two more pay that she felt I don't have to every time Kana in Applewhite George Brett i e

spk_1:   6:12
I do with a 1,000,000 I know that many times men don't quite get it there definitely agenda differences in emotion, perception and men are less accurate, you know, in sporting um deep sadness or the failed to recognize the emotional together. So I think this was the circumstances for Elkana.

spk_0:   6:38
Have fun with you know why? Why why I'm here for you Probably not a notable uses then that that they were playing in Hama she needed to feel that

spk_1:   6:57
you know when it comes to infertility on the this case it of the boat Baroness are statistics tell us that one in every 10 women is bearing that paint a picture off quite a number of women who are going through this challenge now by nature. Women are fruitful. You know, each one of us is looking forward to having Children. And never do anyone of us ever think that. Then it will be an able to produce Children or their infarct. So for Hana No. 20 does she find out that she's barren on and able to produce Children? There comes in a co wife who is in court, supposedly there to help you, um, bear Children, you know, to close the gap, so to speak, on the challenges of the problems off child bearing in the home

spk_0:   7:50
way. How the law more Because she way

spk_1:   8:17
sometimes very intestine is every minute. I know there so many circumstances and stories in the bible of women who got shot, their rooms And one thing I have learned to observe very kingly is their husbands love them so much. And then good shots, their rooms.

spk_0:   8:32
I yes, yes, way I a man,

spk_1:   8:53
I agree with you.

spk_0:   8:54
Yes, because everyone in the locker room and yes, we see Rachel. Oh, well, people along everything for big week made to push that the way you know lies today. I'm sure that the end of the day

spk_1:   9:23
and I agree. I agree that and that's very interesting when you say that that which the Lord is preparing their rooms to carry with change destinies for generations. I think that's odd. That's quite ideal and quite true in many of the circumstances of the Riemann, whose wounds were closed

spk_0:   9:39
way that she she news went to take about the money

spk_1:   10:05
I get to Sorry, I sorry. I just also as you talked about the bitterness of household both Elkana and Hannah one divides many there were in the priesthood in the line age of the priesthood, brought up toe, understand the rule of the priests and understand the work off God. Either in the temple were among the community, the people, the people whom they sap. Andi indeed, in the bitterness off her soul and that goes out to all the women who are going through all the different circumstances, they she prayed to the Lord and Web. So she didn't spend her time responding to Penina, who spent her time always time crying and mourning to the husband, though I know there were times when he would ask her a my not better than normally, Sands, you know. But how many times do we as women waste so much time, you know, attacking the wrong person? Exactly. We're talking back wear like venting. We are hammering, you know, angry at other people who come a task because of our physical. You know, imperfections, you know, and we talk and we talk instead of talking to God. We're talking to men or talking at men or responding to men. You know, when we should have been confronting board about the issues that we have?

spk_0:   11:30
Sure. And it is very difficult, as you have forgiven because because again, half witness, you don't have a clear channel between yourself in court, you can get able Eagle low way. Yes, like I like that. The media. And

spk_1:   12:15
in the introduction, I gave a statement that women are their own worst enemies. Polina was going to stew Sheila with Elcom and Hannah. She was going to worship. She took part in the sacrifices. She took part in the annual you know festival where they went to pray and, you know, live their prayers up Too good. That means by all means she was a woman of God. But in that home, understanding the circumstances off Hannah, who was a wife. I know that Hannah was the fast wife, and Penina can mean to help her. I want to put that in courts because that's what perhaps what? What? The idea wasn't bringing in Penina toe give part of Children that Hannah was not able to deliver them are going to go into the story of how can and why he went into that. That's a totally different story. So in I can imagine the woman fighting the woman. Bolena had no right to fight Hannah because Hannah had no had no ability to change her circumstances. As you have rightly said, the Lord shot home. So when Polina was taunting how from within understanding that she was also a woman, you begin to think that perhaps we are indeed our own worst enemy

spk_0:   13:28
way when we forget that we actually yes, because of the team, enough information. Wait, wait a moment. But I like, um Mohammad is falling into the She went straight to the law and cry and we're told she prayed a prayer. That's not No, no, no idea what it is here waiting. But the Lord heart help. Where is Yes, but he's one hell parade even when using a three D supplements. 16. But they probably will. Beautiful company made about?

spk_1:   14:28

spk_0:   14:28

spk_1:   14:33
would like to just make two very quicker observations here. Now on make foolish wells. The look of Exley s deceptive. Five of us foreign five say that when you vow about on to go define auto paid for He has no pleasure in fools Pay that you have vowed. Now Vast five says better is it that thou should not vow that thou should vow and not be now she made about and she was certainly going to pate. But what I like most about what Hannah did and I see a lot of intelligence in the gap she observed in the temple. Remember? Any sons were we get there were very wicked. So she looked And so what they did at the temple Get on the women they slept with in the street fires that they want And she looked and said, There is this one vote. I will make you go That will make good. Give me that which I am asking for and how many times as we may do. We look and see closely the gaps that are there in the temple of God, that we can meet by making vows that can change the course off God's church and change the course off administration among his people. Because definitely that changed the course of that church and the community as a whole. Yes.

spk_0:   15:56
And how do you say that? Even in a low k waylaid, it didn't work. Then we should know that way about use your free. I like the way. But from 11. Yes. It wasn't a great believe that didn't you have never created everything. Get anyone? Yes, way. Never. Eventually.

spk_1:   16:50
And I think I like that because you're bringing in the elemental faith. Remember the rebel say is that without faith, it is impossible to please court because anyone who comes to it must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seeking that his Hebrews 11 6 But even as we look back to Hebrews 11 watts one, it says that faith is the substance of things hopeful and the evidence of things not seen on Hannah grabbed hold off the promise of a child even before she saw it. Because immediately any told her that going peace, The Lord will grant your petition. She can't happen. Question? She didn't even doubt it. You know, the Bible says that Jiro Czar Barley? No, they worship. And then she where he went, She went home, you know, and at exactly the same time, she gave birth to a Sam. So she was a woman of faith. She believed that God was going to fulfill the vow in the petition she had made to him. Yes,

spk_0:   17:49
you're being you know, she told it's always about the people. How many would be initially? Lord takes with how to keep us on. Um, listen, Address years to wear shoulder bto. I think the way you think, Really? I don't know. Say everything that has been giving us a lesson has allowed it to happen to hold. This came for that in a world after China. And given you the baby?

spk_1:   18:55
Yes, together with, of course, her husband and her co wife. So I'm imagining that is very true. How many times we were ruin or we, you know, a boat Words that the Lord speaks of our lives by carelessly you know, speaking them out before their time. You know, we do not give them time to grow on time to, you know, to be of age, you know, so that they can come toe person when women way have that problem. Don't way. Just keep talking. We talk without guarding our lips. Indeed, we should pray that the Lord God our lives could have God of our lips. That what we say we'll be guided by the spirit off court. Yes.

spk_0:   19:42
How they tweeted this baby up I e

spk_1:   19:52
yes. He was three years old by the time he was taken to the temple. Yes, yes, yes.

spk_0:   20:08
But even then you about because she loves to watch the baby turn to get as much as she news. But the way that he had to prepare for the future.

spk_1:   20:27
I want that, Emilie. I want that image. When your child was three years old, I know you've had Children When your child was three. Where they equipped to leave with our father away from home, you know, to to be able to survive to be able to carry himself in the temple away from home, you know, away from you away from the father, away from the other. You know, siblings where he was brought up in those three years, would they be able to survive? And they look at hand and a I'm a mother at the work she put on this child in the three years to prepare him to go himself with daily in the Temple

spk_0:   21:11

spk_1:   21:21
Three years That's 36 months, three years that it's at 36 months, meaning after the baby is normally stops breastfeeding after six months, by the time they're nine months and begin toe walk She was talking over his life continuously as he woke up As he went to sleep, she prayed. She taught him the one of God, you know, putting him in the in the tablet off his heart. He knocks putting the seeds off the word of God teaching him on. But she must have also taught him the evil things that when the temple that she wanted him toe be careful off, You know, best on what she's so Ellie sounds doing. You know, at the time I said she made the wow. She's so big up. So every day, she must have told some. Well, what got? Expectations were for his life as he went to the temple Who do listen to How do you see God? You know how Dupree study the word memorized Respect, obedience. You know, so many matches that sometimes as parents on those mothers, mostly we we don't take the time to equip our Children

spk_0:   22:35
and I never

spk_1:   22:48
use. Yes, In fact, it was one of the first ones after the last job. That was something

spk_0:   23:01
that you shot up on three.

spk_1:   23:04
Yes. So that's really What about the journey of one? Because I can see in the life off Hannah. This was hard, Johnny. It was her problem, and it faced her alone. How many times do we have to also face our own battles, our own journeys

spk_0:   23:29
and very difficult. And I think for Hannah, if you did not know the law in a big trouble really happy. A difficult Jennifer, huh? Yes. Easily a told you're playing Huma is an even, um at the temple. Afraid he never opened. Nobody had a what? No one I know is that she had a relationship with and you tell her problem. Send for we can lost a Lord. Have a problem. Let that's too if we don't know how. Please, no religion. You know that every time. You know what? Because so we can tell the truth how or how deeply we've seen a photo finish. It would be our family would be our Children for pl a job. It would even be our church on the planet that around. People think that the climate change that we're talking about, the way you have a personal relationship with court. I believe he's a poor, changes every he is all knowing, you know, before we even asked and he will. I

spk_1:   24:51
agree. I agree. And down like what you have brought in. Yes, it's possible. It's a hassle, not walk with between me and God, and no one else can come into this circle. God is looking for me in the situation, and he's looking to change my situation that I may grow in my spiritual experience, but like also what you have brought up about other areas of Marinus which are not necessarily about infertility. Oh, where were unfruitful? Where were unproductive, but it's about you know, the spiritual aspect of it. You know where your unproductive, you know things in your life are not growing. They're not bearing any fruit. There's a lot off a dry spell in your life. And yet everyone around you seems to be flourishing in life. Penina. They seem to be bearing Children every year. And yours, your circumstances and your season. He's so dead that nothing seems to be coming for.

spk_0:   25:54
Yes, it is a dry yes. However, we're told, even though careful planning, you saw the Lord be fasting and afraid.

spk_1:   26:04

spk_0:   26:04
signal before Remember my hotel. But this one doesn't go away, but by talking. And Trey Yes, yeah, yes. They wounding a block that is holding us down. Yes, that requires that we dealing with and three and really

spk_1:   26:31
But it's

spk_0:   26:32
evident. Yes,

spk_1:   26:35

spk_0:   26:36
What happened off preparation? Definitely First in pre sent way of preparing to head over. Whatever. Yes, yes. We bless ourselves and prepare. I want told our so that we can go to the Lord

spk_1:   27:05
like you, bringing out the imagery of them being giants. The drive spares that definitely Janse because they seem so big. You know they seem They seem so insurmountable that we cannot be able to fight them. They look like the makers feel like grass opus. Yeah. And And I was like, the aspect off the fasting and prayer. And I know in there there's also commitment and persistence. You know, where you wait. We don't give up. You remain there, trusting in God that he will come through for you.

spk_0:   27:36
Yeah. So in one, remember, we have two people here. Want to have a tired meme? Yes. We realized that it holds. Has warned that broke? Yes. Give an example. So that way they took anything happen to you? Have any religion? Well, yes, I had another wife. Mm was not the case. I don't know what Yes, he went to assume Yes. And

spk_1:   28:18
he was not

spk_0:   28:23
How many? A world full Because the load one there gazing up way. We take time to find out why we're having this picture. And the head of a movie that needed to cry to the Lord Open is because he wants to say something. Tell me again. It goes back.

spk_1:   28:51
I like it. I like what you have brought in because indeed, when you look at the lives off the women who, in one season or another in their lives they they they were not able to bear Children. It was like, just get for Goto. Open the womb toe bear. A child that changes the generations to come. Look at John the Baptist. His mother, Elizabeth Simple. We look at Sarah, we look at Rachel. We look at Rebecca is the same thing that go just waited, made this wounds weight, toe curry. You know that the anointed child that would come and change the course off the community's enough for the glory of God. So now, Emily, we're closing. You are talking to both the men and the women in this is, um what We have just come to the end off the women in a moment. International Day. Now, what would you want to live with them? What is your parting shot for them

spk_0:   29:50
now? Only go back to being the word of God and mending the quick man and women off the viable. Then how they overcame whatever it was that was in front of them. They're gonna Yes. Look at Hannah really inspired me. Also. Dania. Yes. Open we are told. And the priest to the Lord. There they made their confession and then being made a request known to the look. It's for Daniel, we're told. Even before he finished, I had cup. Yes, Toe for us is not a off man, for a

spk_1:   30:42
change is not

spk_0:   30:46
that they have to go before the Lord called. One of the many believe that we received that. Thank

spk_1:   30:59
you so much, Emily. For being with us in this episode, we pray that you will join us again another time when we call you to come. So God bless you and thank you. So what is the completion off the matter? The Women's International Day has come and gone. And as the statement was shared at the beginning off this podcast we asked you women their own worst enemy. Now, I will not answer that. I will leave you to, you know, think about it Chewy telecyl and get back to us when What you think? Well, we've come to the end of our episode on bond. Before we wind up. We just want to give you a summary of what we have discussed. No custody. We have six lessons that we want to leave you today. Lesson number one When faced with Barron Seasons in your life, Terry with God in prayer and fasting, let's a number two do not pull each other down. Instead, build each other up in the Lord. Remember, each one of us is troubling with one imperfection or another lesson. Number three. Whenever you are counted, remember, it's an opportunity to Steptoe a higher spiritual experience. Number four. Look for opportunities to partner with God to move his work forward. It always being spread blessings to your life, and you never know what does. It may open for you. Number five. The responsibility off parenting is a noble one that can bring up men and women who can change the course off generations. And finally, lesson number six. Land toe God, God's promises and wait patiently for them to be a fruit. Now one more time. He had hair side. Want to say thank you so much for taking your time to be with us. God bless you. And remember, wait upon the Lord in order. Circumstances no