Healside Podcast

The Bent Back. Healside's Story

April 16, 2020 Healside's Story Season 1 Episode 7

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Every Journey has a story, this is Healside's story. 

Change does not roll-in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man cannot ride on you unless your back is bent. Martin Luther King Jnr

The Spirit says come....

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Welcome to the hillside podcast. This is the Christian podcast. I want to invite you to come up with me to the hillside, come up and experience the hand off the savior. Come up, be refreshed, be enlightened, be healed and receive life. Now one more time. I invite you up to the hillside with a book of Revelation, Chapter 22 vast 17 and it stays, and the spirit and the bride say, Come and let him who hears, say, Come and let him who tests come, Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. The hillside. What is the hillside all about? Come with me today as I take you to the source and the origin off the hillside. Why was the hillside created and what is the hillside all about? This podcast is anti told that bent back the bent back will take us with its origin. The benchmark will take us to the source off the creation off the hillside. Before we dig into what we want to discuss today, allow me to quote from Martin Luther King Jr. Who said change does not role in on the wheels off in inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle, and so we must treat in our box and work for our freedom. A man can tried you unless you're back, is bent in How much more could the statement bring home? What I want to discuss or to open up and tell you now? I know many times when we want to open up and tell our story to people who perhaps we don't know too well. We feel vulnerable. And today I'm willing to be vulnerable that you may understand what the hillside podcast is all about. Um, so when we talk about change, we talk about aan act or a process through which something becomes different. Now, several times in our lives, we have gone through changes because change is inevitable and change is a constant, always remembering that changes a process. Now, there many things that have created opportunities for change or that have pushed us into changing toe, adapt to those new circumstances or situations. Either they could have bean circumstances that changed or shifted for us, either for good or for bad or sometimes certain events that occurred in our lives kind of pushed us to change. And once again the change could ever be negative or positive. But whatever changes you have been able to go through, I hope that by the time we're done with our podcast today, you will begin to understand why Hillside podcast is here with you. Now, when I look at my own life, that has driven me to create the hillside podcast. I see a woman who has gone through struggles in her life and the woman who has had to straighten her back and walk toe come out those struggles and so I can put my finger on five major life events that have pushed me to change. The 1st 1 was the death of my father. If you have not lost your father, you may perhaps not understand what it means to lose boccia off the home back then and event today, the father forms of a place, a very integral part in a family. And, well, we lost our father at that young age created a lot of challenges and a lot of difficulties for us. We had financial difficulties because he was bringing home the the big part off what formed the financial paid the financial obligations off the family, and when he slept, we were left with higher bills than income on these costs. A lot off financial difficulties for us, the Western instances where we were very lonely because many off the friends that my father had when he slept, they left on. We were left in darkness in a with a vacuum. The daily traffic that came and went died down on. Sometimes I think it comes in a lot of stigma or many people don't know how to deal with believed families. And so, in our own way, we struggled on our own to come out off where we were and before what some simple itude of normal six settled. We had to grapple with a lot off difficulties that sometimes looking back, I can't quite imagine how we got out of it. But in that time, in the circumstances that we were in, I was forced to change. I was forced to change the way I perceived the life. I got to change my values and my priorities, and the change helped me to become more responsible. It helped me to open up and understand the realities off this life that not everything is rosy as it seems, and that change helped move me into the next level of my life. Now, a few years later experience my second change and it was a positive change because I became a mother off Tweens. Now motherhood is was very new to me. Then on having twins as the fast Children that I was having. It was very challenging for me, and I was not coping very well. What brought me great joy as I celebrated the bath off my two Children soon became for me very difficult experience, as I learned to stretch, to be able to take care of my Children as I asked, they needed and give, giving them that maternal care, taking care of them when they're waas sick, helping them grow up into the young people that they waas stretched. Lee. I remember it got toe a time that I couldn't cope so well and I cried endlessly many days. But I stretched and I was ableto bounce back toe myself, not off my own strength. Note off my own making. I had a strong support system, but above all ins I had a rock and I had an uncle that was slowly forming a to the base off where I stood. Now that moved me into the next challenge, where I lost the youngest sister whom I dearly loved, and I remember how that that shook the very foundation on which I stood. It made me ask so many questions about why and help, and I remember many times well, I looked at life and I couldn't understand what was like all about, and I allowed life toe pass by and I never moved. Many days I just lay on my bed and never cared whether it was morning or evening. And I couldn't remember the many days I went through morning and reaching points that I could not even accept her there. But many months later, I bounced back. I bounced Mark to the reality off the uncle that had started to grow before I lost my sister, and that is when I got a hold off my Christianity. I learnt who the Rocco's. I understood the need often. Uncle I understood the need off a rock, and I took hold the rock and I grew in the rock. In this change, I began to change emotionally, change spiritually and the spiritually change brought emotional chain. And with that I grew stronger in my faith in God and on his son, Jesus Christ. Now, as the days advanced, I began to open up great insights as I read the word of God and I grew in my I grew in my experience with God and I became so strong. I remember instances when I really loved to spend hours in prayer and I loved to read the word of God and I loved to share little did I know that the years had spent building that road building that are holding on to that strong hand? Would we worked our need for the latest shake off my life? Barely a year ago, I lost another sister. How this was a very different loss because not only lost a sibling, I lost a prayer partner. A spiritual mother, a confident and a prayer partner can remember that at the point at which I lost her, I was overwhelmed with pain, overwhelmed with distress, and the great loss became such a deep reality for me. I remember instances through this last challenge that I didn't think I was going to pull through. But I did Taro unca, the unseen hand. They held me strong. They held Schwab that I remain standing in that challenge. So here I am still standing. Friends have come and friends have gone. I have gone through different faces off change in my life, and I know that surely it's not have not reached the end off my Tom, at least not for now. But I still embrace with a lot off respect the different lessons I have learned in these faces. As I have gone through these high faces, I have five lessons that I want to pass over to you that I have learned that will continue to go with me into the different seasons off the storms that I'm will may continue to go through. Number one, Find the ankle. Whatever your circumstances, remember that indeed, you have not in position yourself. Whatever your circumstances, you could be just diagnosed with a terminal illness. You may have lost a loved one. You may be terminally ear in hospital or you may have lost your job. As I'm in John Dahlia, the anchor is Christ. The uncle is Christ. He is The rock is the unseen hand. Find that unca and position yourself for sure this Tom's will be back and they will continue to beat straight in your back on stand Number two remained real to who you are. Many times when we go through the challenges, we tend to lose the core off who we are to the situations and the circumstances that are around us, irrespective off whatever circumstances you have or you go through remain true to who you really are. Don't lose that important element of who you are. Number three. Never give up. Keep moving forward. No matter how hard this Tommy's keep moving forward, no matter how slow you are, movements are or how long it takes even to make a single step. Keep moving forward. Number four Remain positive. The world is still a beautiful place. Remember that when the storm is over, the sun will shine, remain positive. And finally, when the storm is over from whichever season, give a bent back for someone else to write on. Now I know that many times when you have gone through the different seasons off your life, you really think about bending your back to give someone else all right, but it's an important thing to do toe help someone else to give someone else a helping her to go through their own challenges with a little bit more help that they much need in this season. Now, I just want to say that it doesn't matter where you are in your life. The always three seasons. Either you're going into the storm, you're coming out of us, Tom, or you're right in the stone. In these seasons of your life, whichever season you may have always remember these five lessons. Now, finally, the hillside podcast is here to team up with those who have been box Those who have gone through challenges and struggles in this life and are willing to bend their box for others to ride on. Number two Hillside podcast is here. Took Ornette with those who need a ride on bent backs. So whichever your situation with cheaper your circumstance and whatever you can know for welcome to the hillside and partner with us thank you for taking the time to be with us again today. God bless you and have a lovely we. Thank you