Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Epi. 188 - Methods of Processing Recycled Manure Solids Bedding on Midwest Dairy Farms II: Relationships between Bedding Characteristics and Bedding Bacterial Count

February 26, 2024 AABP

AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by Dr. Felipe Peña Mosca and Dr. Sandra Godden for this episode to discuss a paper that is available in the online first edition of The Bovine Practitioner,  “Methods of processing recycled manure solids bedding on Midwest dairy farms II: Relationships between bedding characteristics and bedding bacterial count.” This is a companion paper that we previously discussed on Episode 165 of Have You Herd? which evaluated recycled manure solids processing methods and its impacts on bedding bacteria counts, udder health, milk quality and milk production.  

The first objective of this study was to identify bedding characteristics associated with bedding bacterial count (BBC) in ready-to-use (RTU) recycled manure solids (RMS). The second objective was to explore the association between processing method and bedding characteristics in RTU solids. A third objective was to investigate factors associated with BBC in used solids (after placed in stalls). The study found that increased dry matter, decreased organic matter and processing method were all associated with reduced BBC in RTU RMS. Veterinarians should evaluate bedding as part of a total milk quality program to promote good udder health practices on their client’s farms. 

Peña Mosca, F., Godden, S., Royster, E., Crooker, B. A., & Timmerman, J. (2024). Methods of processing recycled manure solids bedding on Midwest dairy farms II: Relationships between bedding characteristics and bedding bacterial count. The Bovine Practitioner, 58(1), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol58no1p8-18