Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Epi. 194 - Review of Two Bovine Practitioner Papers on the Use of Internal Teat Sealants in Dairy Cows

April 22, 2024 AABP

AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by Dr. Pat Gorden and Dr. Michelle Buckley from Iowa State University to discuss two publications from the Bovine Practitioner Volume 57 Number 2, 2023. Links to the published papers are at the end of the podcast show notes. 

Our guests review the use of internal teat sealants and some of the challenges with producer use of internal teat sealants. We also review the importance of equivalence studies for practicing veterinarians, who are the target audience for papers in the Bovine Practitioner. The first study discussed was an equivalence study comparing two different internal teat sealants. The take-home message from this study for practicing veterinarians is that both products studies demonstrated equivalent results when comparing the outcome variables studied. 

The second paper evaluated the persistence of the internal teat sealant in the mammary gland during the dry period. This paper was from one herd and looked at migration of the teat sealant from the teat into the cistern of the mammary gland using radiographs as well as strip yields after freshening. The authors also investigated if location of the internal teat sealant impacted risk for new intramammary infection during the first 120 days in milk.  

Both of these studies are relevant to the practicing dairy veterinarian as they work with clients to implement dry-off protocols to decrease the risk of mastitis and improvements in milk quality. 


Links to publications: 

Buckley, M. P., Bayne, J., Tomazi, T., Miller, B. E., Godden, S. M., Silva, G. S., & Gorden, P. J. (2023). A randomized equivalence study evaluating the efficacy of two commercially available teat sealants in dairy cows. The Bovine Practitioner, 57(2), 36–50. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol27no2p36-50

Buckley, M. P., Bayne, J., Tomazi, T., Miller, B. E., Silva, G. S., & Gorden, P. J. (2023). Evaluation of internal teat sealant persistence in the mammary gland during the dry period. The Bovine Practitioner, 57(2), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol27no2p51-59