Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Epi. 196 - Case Report: Salvia reflexa-contaminated Hay Poisoning in Cattle

May 06, 2024 AABP

AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by Dr. Clint Stonecipher, a rangeland management specialist with the US Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service - Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory. Stonecipher was the first author of the paper published in Volume 58 Number 1 in the Bovine Practitioner. Salvia reflexa  is a plant in the mint family sometimes known as lance leaf sage and often is seen on dry range pastures. Stonecipher reviews this case report which affected two herds with mortalities due to the hepatotoxic effects of this plant. We walk through the clinical presentation and the diagnostic investigation. Stonecipher also discusses a survey as part of this publication where plant specimens were analyzed in 12 different states and submitted to the poisonous plant research laboratory. He also provides some tips for veterinarians who are investigating suspected intoxications and how to work with the laboratory for diagnostic submissions. 


Stonecipher, C. A., Gardner, D. R., Webb, B. T., Laegreid, W., Welch, K. D., Stegelmeier, B. >, & Cook, D. (2024). Case Report: Salvia reflexa-contaminated hay poisoning in cattle. The Bovine Practitioner, 58(1), 63–68. https://doi.org/10.21423/bovine-vol58no1p63-68

Bryan L. Stegelmeier, T. Zane Davis, Michael J. Clayton, Dale R. Gardner, Identifying Plant Poisoning in Livestock in North America, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, Volume 36, Issue 3, 2020, Pages 661-671,

Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory webpage