Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Ep. 198 - Water-based Medium-expansion Foam Depopulation of Adult Cattle

May 20, 2024 AABP

AABP Executive Director is joined by Dr. Justin Kieffer, a Clinical Veterinarian Associate Professor at The Ohio State University to discuss a paper published in June 2023 in Translational Animal Science. The paper evaluated a water-based medium-expansion foam as a method for depopulation of adult cattle. Kieffer defines depopulation and euthanasia as well as describing the differences between the two terms. Euthanasia methods can be used for depopulation, however limitations can make them difficult to implement in cattle should a large scale depopulation event be required. Kieffer discusses currently approved depopulation methods for cattle described in the AVMA Guidelines for Depopulation of Animals and the limitations of currently available methods. 

This study evaluated if a water-based foam could be used to depopulate cattle in a specially designed trailer. Kieffer mentions that a small pilot study was first performed with the animals under general anesthesia to validate their methods before moving to the large study in un-anesthetized animals. This study was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at Ohio State. Biologgers were used to track activity and electrocardiograms. Average time to fill the trailer with foam was 90 seconds, cessation of movement was 2.5 minutes and time to cardiac death was 8.5 minutes which is similar to euthanasia methods such as gunshot or penetrating captive bolt. 

Kieffer reviews some of the advantages identified with this method as well as considerations for what method of depopulation may be employed on a farm. Consideration should be given to the effect on human mental health during these events. He also mentions some the importance of research in this area to ensure that in the event a mass depopulation event occurs, we have the tools needed to perform the procedure. 

Vittoria M Capria, Andréia G Arruda, Ting-Yu Cheng, Magnus R Campler, Brad L Youngblood, Steven J Moeller, Andrew S Bowman, Justin D Kieffer, Water-based medium-expansion foam depopulation of adult cattle, Translational Animal Science, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2023, txad065, https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txad065 

AVMA Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals (2019) 

AABP Humane Euthanasia of Cattle Guideline