Have You Herd? AABP PodCasts

Epi. 206 - AABP Guidelines for Practicing Veterinarians Providing Milk Quality and Mastitis Control Program Services to Dairy Cattle

August 12, 2024 AABP

AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by the chair of the AABP Milk Quality and Udder Health Committee, Dr. Pam Ruegg, to discuss a new resource available to AABP members that was developed by the committee.  

This episode is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and their 360 mastitis portfolio. Find out more information at this link. Join us in Columbus, Ohio at the 57th AABP Annual Conference and visit the BI booth in the trade show and attend the opening reception on Wednesday, September 11 sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim.  

The resource document we discuss provides guidelines for both the novice and experienced veterinarian. Find all committee resources on this page. These guidelines will assist veterinarians in a total milk quality program and include resources for monitoring udder health, mastitis detection and diagnosis, treatment of mastitis, and prevention of mastitis. Each topic discusses the body of knowledge needed by the practitioner and the capabilities needed to provide this service. 

If you are interested in assisting the Milk Quality and Udder Health Committee, or any AABP committee, please go to the committee menu on the AABP website and select a committee to contact.