
Messages from Heaven- Divine Interventions

The Catholic Cemeteries Association

This week, we are diving into stories that'll make you pause and reflect- the kind of stories that stick with you long after you've heard them. Each story we share is a gem from someone just like you, and together, we'll explore the meaningful impact these experiences have on our lives. 

Ready yourself for a journey of faith and inspiration!

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Speaker 1:

This has been issue once defined as nonvivors. How do you process actions? How do you process Yeax? Life has been restart to evolve as a robot. Hello everyone and welcome to CC Airwaves. My name is Paige Mantillo and I am here with my co-host, joel Hansel.

Speaker 2:

Hello Paige, how are you today?

Speaker 1:

I'm doing good, Joel. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I am not bad.

Speaker 1:

That's wonderful to hear. So today we're going to be sharing accounts that might make skeptics pause and believers nod. Stories of signs that seem to arrive in the most mysterious ways at moments when we need them the most. So, wherever you are, take a moment to pause, listen and reflect as we delve into these divine interventions, because sometimes the messages we need come from a place beyond our understanding, and it arrives just in time to steer us back to hope, to safety, to love and to life. So this first story was submitted by Jamie H.

Speaker 1:

After my mother passed away, I was consumed by grief. I wanted to be alone, so I isolated myself from my family and friends. One night I started to have dark thoughts. Suddenly, I heard my mother's jewelry box playing music. This shocked me, because the jewelry box had been broken for years. My mother only kept it because it was a family heirloom. When I tried to wind the key on the bottom to hear the song again, it wouldn't replay. It was still broken. Confused, I visited the church and shared my experience with the priest. He told me that it was a sign from my mother, signaling her presence and reminding me of my worth. This experience reignited my hope. The following week I joined a grief support group and began healing. That sign was the turning point that I desperately needed.

Speaker 2:

The classic tale of an individual at a crossroads One path leads to healing and the other path leads to a lot more problems than where you're currently standing.

Speaker 1:

It also brings up the importance of grief support groups and how they can be helpful. We at the Catholic Cemetery actually have grief support groups that meet monthly on the third Sunday. So if you're interested in that, I will leave more information in the description of this episode. But since Joel said crossroads, it reminded me of an earlier podcast episode that we did, and it was about a son who had lost his father. And nope, it was not. It was about a father who had lost his son and he went down a very dark path of alcoholism and he separated himself from his family as well. And he was at that crossroads when he found a note from his son, and it was a note from a long time ago, but it gave him that the hope that he needed to get back on track.

Speaker 2:

Just that little here's that, saying again divine intervention that steered you to a path of healing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, steered you towards the best route.

Speaker 2:

Story number two was submitted by Amy S. Working in a hospital for an extended period can challenge your faith. Witnessing good people endure terrible suffering often leads to questioning why God allows such events to occur. This happened 10 years ago while I was working in the emergency room In the ambulance brought in a survivor of a horrific crash. Paramedics found him lying outside the vehicle, which was on fire. The likelihood of someone walking away from such wreckage seemed next to impossible. As they wheeled him into the trauma bay, I embraced myself for the worst. However, the man seemed to be in good shape. All he had were a few minor cuts and bruises scattered across his face.

Speaker 2:

As I began his examination, he became agitated. He asked where his father was. I tried to calm him down and asked if his father was with him in the car. He told me that his father had pulled him out of the car before it burst into flames. I called the paramedics over and quietly asked if his father had been declared DOA. They looked at me confused and said no one else was at the scene. Upon his discharge, he approached me. My father passed away when I was a child, but I was sure he was the one who saved me. I told him that his father must have been watching out for him and was there when he needed him most. He left and I never saw him again, but his story renewed my faith in Christ.

Speaker 1:

What a wonderful story, Amy.

Speaker 2:

I think we all need renewal in our faith at times in our lives.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes God sends us those signs when we need it most and in the most mysterious ways. So even though that may have been a sign for the man as well, it was also a sign for Amy. So this next story was submitted by Brandy L. My grandmother loved to throw pennies at us. It was her unique way of getting our attention. She even chucked one at the back of my neck once while I was playing on the computer. Before she died, she told us to look out for pennies. If we got hit by one, it was her trying to communicate with us. A couple of years later, I was walking through the mall when a penny fell on the top of my head. It fell to the floor and I looked up trying to figure out where it had come from. The man behind me tapped my shoulder and handed me the penny. He said it seemed to have fallen out of nowhere. We laughed at the strange occurrence, started talking and exchanged numbers. We're now engaged and I thank my mother or my grandmother for bringing us together.

Speaker 1:

That is what we would call a meat cute I was just about to say I love a good meat cute. And maybe her grandmother saw potential in the man and was like look behind you.

Speaker 2:

And it's typical too. It's cliche how the grandmother always tends to be the matchmaker.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm glad that you found your other half and I'm glad that your grandmother brought you guys together.

Speaker 2:

Our final story was submitted by Dominic C. My brother was hospitalized after suffering a heart attack. After spending the day with my family, I had to leave to pick up my son from school. As I was trying to exit the hospital parking garage, the barrier would not open, despite accepting my ticket. With no attendant in sight to assist, I was stuck. Suddenly, loud honks and the sound of a crash filled the air. I stepped out of the car and saw a terrible multi-car accident just outside. My phone rang at that moment and my mother, through tears, informed me my brother just passed away. Strangely, receiving the news, the barrier lifted.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we've received many of those stories, specifically about how someone is in a situation that is about to become dangerous and they receive a sign from a loved one. It seems like maybe the brother had passed away and gave his brother a sign immediately.

Speaker 2:

Right off the bat, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Well, now he knows that he has someone watching out for him and taking care of him. Well, that is all that we have today. Thank you so much for listening to the latest episode of CC Airwaves. If you have received a message from Heaven and would like to share it, you can email us at podcast at c-l-e-c-e-m dot org, or you can send us a message on our social media, which is at CC Airwaves.

Speaker 2:

Until the next time, take care everyone.