Habit Masters

#111: Survival to Freedom: The Life Flip Method Part 1 - Approach & Avoid

June 29, 2023 Jeff Corrigan & Sheldon Mills Season 4 Episode 111
#111: Survival to Freedom: The Life Flip Method Part 1 - Approach & Avoid
Habit Masters
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Habit Masters
#111: Survival to Freedom: The Life Flip Method Part 1 - Approach & Avoid
Jun 29, 2023 Season 4 Episode 111
Jeff Corrigan & Sheldon Mills

With this simple three step model, you can flip from a life of survival to one of freedom.

In this episode of Habit Masters you'll learn the first step  to flip your life from mere survival to true freedom. Discover the secrets of shifting your mindset, setting 10X goals, and unleashing your full potential. By adopting the approach mindset, you can fuel and energize the rest of your life. Get ready to break free from the limitations of the status quo, unlock new possibilities, and embark on a journey towards a life of abundance, purpose, and freedom.

Think of something you have been avoiding or something you do because you feel like you have to in order to avoid something you don't want. Now consider what you want and what yo want to do instead. Put your energy into creating the thing you want and hire yourself to do the thing you want. Hire yourself to learn who, how and/or what has to happen to make it possible.


  • PROMO: Be one of the first three to email hello@habitmasters.com with subject line "Life Flip"  and get 4 weeks of 1to1 Life Flip Coaching with Jeff for just $399 (normally $1,800). A free 30 minute consultation call will be scheduled before you pay.
  • Download your Free Habit Tracker to build habits around your 10X goals

Master the fundamentals of habit building and start living your best life now!

Subscribe to the Magic Monday newsletter and Launch your week with this micro-dose of inspiration. Share it with a friend for extra magic.

We're on a mission to guide 1 million people in taking daily steps toward their biggest dreams through mastering the art of habit building.

P.S. We have a goal to get to 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts—send us an email with a picture of your review to hello@habitmasters.com and we'll send you a 50% off coupon code to our 7 Day Habit Mastery Course!

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Show Notes Transcript

With this simple three step model, you can flip from a life of survival to one of freedom.

In this episode of Habit Masters you'll learn the first step  to flip your life from mere survival to true freedom. Discover the secrets of shifting your mindset, setting 10X goals, and unleashing your full potential. By adopting the approach mindset, you can fuel and energize the rest of your life. Get ready to break free from the limitations of the status quo, unlock new possibilities, and embark on a journey towards a life of abundance, purpose, and freedom.

Think of something you have been avoiding or something you do because you feel like you have to in order to avoid something you don't want. Now consider what you want and what yo want to do instead. Put your energy into creating the thing you want and hire yourself to do the thing you want. Hire yourself to learn who, how and/or what has to happen to make it possible.


  • PROMO: Be one of the first three to email hello@habitmasters.com with subject line "Life Flip"  and get 4 weeks of 1to1 Life Flip Coaching with Jeff for just $399 (normally $1,800). A free 30 minute consultation call will be scheduled before you pay.
  • Download your Free Habit Tracker to build habits around your 10X goals

Master the fundamentals of habit building and start living your best life now!

Subscribe to the Magic Monday newsletter and Launch your week with this micro-dose of inspiration. Share it with a friend for extra magic.

We're on a mission to guide 1 million people in taking daily steps toward their biggest dreams through mastering the art of habit building.

P.S. We have a goal to get to 100 reviews on Apple Podcasts—send us an email with a picture of your review to hello@habitmasters.com and we'll send you a 50% off coupon code to our 7 Day Habit Mastery Course!

Support the Show.


Jeff Corrigan:

Welcome to Habit Master's. I'm Jeff and today, I'm actually flying solo. My friend and co-host Sheldon Mills is outta town for summer trips. And honestly, I just wanted to make sure that you guys still got a message this week because I've actually had a really cool topic that's been. Gnawing at me. So this week I wanna share with you how to, flip your life from survival to freedom. And actually over the next three weeks, we're going to be covering topics to help you flip your life. First we wanna start with approach and avoid, because if you really wanna flip your life, the first thing is you gotta know how. To get your mindset in the right space because I have no doubt right now you are living in survival mode. And I say that because I know that all of us to some extent, are living in survival mode. We have a focus and we've been trained our whole lives to be focused on security and avoiding the things we don't want. And to an extent, that can be helpful. But what it does is it actually holds you captive. It keeps you in the rut. I was talking to a friend a couple of days ago, and one of the things I told her was, when you're walking the well-known path, it, it becomes a rut, right? That that path becomes a rut, and it's actually holding you back from the possibilities and the freedom for what you really want. We oftentimes, we take the secure path because it's the known path, because lots of people have walked that path, and in doing so, we essentially get what they got. If we want something different in our life, if we want something better in our life, if we want an exceptional life, we have to walk a new path. We have to forge a new path. To, to illustrate this point, I wanna share an example. And this really starts in 1961. With President Kennedy's inaugural address. In his address, he says, and I love this quote, he says, . We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they're easy, but because they are hard. Because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills in laying out that goal. In his inaugural address, in 1961, he essentially was a setting a 10 x impossible goal for the country. Cuz at the time the technology didn't exist, the science didn't exist. And it put everybody on the same path together. It gave us a united goal and he put us in an approach mindset as a country. Because there could have been lots of things. He, he could have said the opposite. He could have gone like, oh, you know, we wanna make sure we're not in debt. And he could have said all kinds of things that are kinda negative and more secure and this and that. And you would think that, oh, that's good. Like, of course we wanna avoid debt. We wanna, make sure our crime rates are low and we dah, dah, da da, and all the things we don't want. But when we focus on what we don't want, it actually holds us captive to the status quo. It keeps us in a two x mindset. And really, if we want freedom of time, of money, of of our passion and of focus and of relationships, we need to be in a 10 x mindset. So taking this as an example, what ended up happening, right? We all know the rest of the story by 1969, so it only took them eight years. They landed on the moon. The first man landed on the moon, and whether you're a believer or not, right, let's assume they landed on the moon. They set an impossible goal. They worked together and it really took the best of what science had to offer at the time, and not just what they had to offer at the time. They had to go beyond what they already knew. And that is the beauty of a 10 x goal, is it puts us in a space where we have to use the best of our abilities. It energizes us to be more collaborative because we don't know what to do. So in 1969, the Apollo 11 landed on the moon and Neal Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the moon. I didn't live at that time, but I watched it over and over and over again, they brought us together. It was a rallying cry. It inspired a whole generation of scientists, engineers, astronauts, to push the boundaries of what they knew, of what they thought was possible in space exploration to just fulfill this audacious goal that President Kennedy set. And in your own life, you can do the same thing. And that's what it takes to shift to an approach mindset. You're going to need a 10 x goal. What's something that energizes you? What's a goal that if you achieved it would change your whole life? Set your sights on that goal and start using whatever your unique ability is to make progress in that direction, and then you're gonna have to tie in a lot of other people. What partnerships, relationships can you make? Can you leverage, can you serve people to make progress on this goal? And this is what President Kennedy's says later. And you're gonna have this questions like, well, why go to the moon? Like, what's the point of going to the moon? He says, but why? Some say the moon. Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why 35 years ago fly over the Atlantic? But why has anyone done anything that's seemingly impossible to push ourselves, to make ourselves better? I actually love a Jim Rohn quote where he was meeting with his mentor when he was first getting started on his business career, and he said, make set your sights on becoming a millionaire., not for the money, but because of what it will make of you. To become a millionaire. And I think that's a really great example. It's like, we're not going to the moon to get to the moon. We're going to the moon because of what it will make of us in the process of getting to the moon. It will make us stronger. It will make us smarter. And, and as you guys know, the, from that point, science took leaps and bounds. Technology jumped leaps and bounds from that endeavor. And so what is the impossible goal? That it will energize you enough to improve every other part of your life, to create abundance, , to share, and, and bring value to others in a way that you never have to contribute at your highest level and live your most fulfilling life. All right, so today I wanted to keep this one short, but I wanted to share with you this topic to get you in an approach mindset. Cuz right now, I will guarantee that most of your time is spent in an avoid mindset. If you haven't seen a ton of progress in your life, if you're kind of just going along in the rat race, caught up in the day-to-day wondering, you know, what's the point? How am I gonna pay the bills? I'm gonna do this. If you're living in that place, it's more than likely you're spending the majority of your time in an avoid mindset. And avoid mindsets never go away. It's not something you can just overcome and be like, I'm always gonna work in an approach mindset. No, you can actually leverage the avoid mindset to inspire the approach mindset. What I'm encouraging you today to do today is just make a simple shift and put yourself the majority of the time in the approach mindset. And one of the ways to do that is to actually use the avoid mindset to set a spark and say, okay, I know what I don't want cause if I go out on the street right now and I ask a hundred people what they do want, they might mo ho and be like, uh, well I kind of want this and maybe this and that. And, but if I ask them what they don't want, they can all rattle off five to 10 things they don't want. You, you know it too, right? You're thinking of it right now. Exactly. So from this point on, I want you to get very clear on what you do want, but the way to inform that is to decide, okay, hey, what do I, what don't I want? And what's the opposite of that? So use what you don't want as a spark, but then focus all your attention and energy and your drive on what you do want. How can I create what I do want? And by creating what you do want, you will inevitably eliminate what you don't. You're actually better served to approach what you do want and it will in the process, eliminate what you don't want. And so, to give you kind of the final note here, , here's a bunch of false beliefs that we have. One is, That you can stop avoiding entirely, you're not right. All you wanna do is flip the script and say, okay, instead of spending 90% of my time in an avoid mindset, I'm gonna spend 90% of my time in an approach mindset and use that 10% of avoid just to inform what I want to approach. And then false belief number two, you don't know what you want. I don't think that's true. I think you've been afraid to say what you want because it feels greedy, or you feel guilty, like, oh, I'm taking away from something else. Look. When you move into a want and an approach and a creative mindset, you are actually going to be adding value. You're going to be adding value. Wanting is not taking away from something else or someone else. And then false Number three is that you're not qualified. Guess what? You can hire yourself. I'm gonna give you a little tip that I do with my coaching clients, is hire yourself to do the thing you wanna do. Hire yourself even if you have to put some money and say like, okay, I just paid myself. Have your husband or your significant other or friend or a buddy Venmo you $5, whatever that amount wants to be, to hire you to do the thing you want to do, because I know one thing. When I am hired to do something, I go to work at it hard, whether I like it or not, right? So why not hire yourself to do the thing you actually like to do and dedicate time and energy and focus to making that thing real, to adding value in your unique ability? Because each of us, especially you, has a unique ability, has a gift that when nurtured can become a superpower. Right now, it might just be a little seedling. It might just be an idea. It might just be a passion for learning a certain thing. When you invest in that, when you nurture that, it will grow into something powerful and become a superpower for you. And the more time and attention you focus, you give that the more value it will add in the world. And guess what? You get paid by bringing value to the marketplace. Money is a result of bringing value, not the other way around. A lot of times we get that backwards. So just remember, money is the result of bringing value. So add value first and the money will come. All right guys. I've talked enough. You're amazing. Thank you so much for listening. If you liked this episode, please share it with a friend. That is the best way to get this message out there to those who need it. I also have two golden nuggets for you. Number one, if you haven't joined our Magic Monday newsletter yet, it is free. You go to the show notes, go to our website. You can sign up . It's two to three minutes of inspiration every Monday to help you kick off your week on a good note finally, and this is the real golden nugget of today. We are launching a life flip coaching program. This is a four week personalized, one-on-one coaching program. Why I like that? Well, I've done a lot of coaching programs in the past, and maybe you guys have too. Most of them are group coaching, and I've also done a lot of courses. One thing that they don't deliver is that personalized strategy for your specific goals, and that is the biggest benefit I've ever gotten from a personal coach, is someone who can actually dig into my goals. And help me achieve my dreams, and that is exactly what I wanna do for you. So as part of this program, you get four weeks of personalized coaching with me. Normally $1,800 for the first three people who email hello@habitmasters.com. I will do it for $399 as part of our initial launch promo. With that, you not only get the four weeks of personalized coaching, but you get it. Our seven day Habit masters course for free. You get six months of group coaching, that's launching in September. On our website, you also get lifetime access to our alumni Mastermind community. Launching in September cuz I always love to deliver more value than you pay for. So if you email hello@habitmasters.com, we'll set up a free 30 minute consultation so there's no risk to you. We'll jump on a 30 minute call just to make sure that the program is a right fit for you and achieving your goals. And if it is, then I'll send you a payment link and we can get started. Because really I want to help you start living your best life now.